Injury Rehab Update + PushUps

in #health6 years ago (edited)

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The road to recovery from ACL knee surgery continues. The surgeon and my physiotherapist have informed me that I am progressing well. The physiotherapist says I'm about a month or so ahead of what is typical rate of progression.

On day 17 of my 100 pushUps a day my left shoulder was getting really sore. I happened to see the physiotherapist on day 18 and got her to feel around and give me some suggestions. She gave me some back and shoulder exercises to do in addition to the pushUps's - basically a point of making sure to equally stretch myself out the opposite way of doing pushups. I had gotten pretty tight in my chest.

Physiotherapist suggested I take a couple of days off of the pushups as I had basically overworked a balance and I need some time for rest on the shoulders/chest.

I'm at a point where I can do daily walks. There's some tightness in my ITB band (The iliotibial band is a thick band of fascia on the lateral aspect of the knee, extending from the outside of the pelvis, over the hip and knee, and inserting just below the knee.) Basically I am just becoming aware of my ITB band and it's been a point that has been overloaded for years as I went a little over 2 years of active activity with lots of skiing/snowboarding without an ACL in place. So - i'm facing that tightness and strain now and it's cool from the perspective I am becoming more aware of the finer details that make up my body parts.

I can't walk the doggy yet - because doggy can be a bit volatile and unpredictable in terms of all of a sudden wanting to bolt after the smaller animals and at this point I got to avoid lateral movements on the knee as the ligaments are still solidifying and strengthening it's hold to the ACL graft that was created for me.

I got to walk extra slow (extra slow for me) and really feel all the movements at play/work. By slowing down the movements and keeping a tempo/pace/rhythm I get a really good full range stretch of all my muscles from the feet to the top of my body.

The walking is a point that I love. I am more in tune with my core and overall posture while walking which I also contribute the expansion in awareness to the daily push-ups. Walking is a really simple exercise with immense physical body support. I look forward to continuing on with my walking. Today I made a point of going for a morning walk before I did anything else. Making a priority of starting my day with taking time to warm up - wake up my body with some gentle exercise ( granted the walking is mildly more intense for me at the moment with deliberately slowing my pace of movement down and focusing on the awareness of the mechanics involved.

I was initially very resistant to even taking a day off of doing the pushups.

For me this is a point of "rush & intensity" where it's like I considered stopping to rest/recover/repair to be like a "loss" because I was breaking my streak of 17 days. Really for me it was a bullshit ego point of not wanting to tarnish my "winning streak". So there was a point there with me slowing down and letting go and not fighting my best development but actually give myself the best without compromise. I really exposed my tendency to put pressure on myself and kind of feed this self-inflicted pressure and intensity within my living. I realize I can be way more gentle with my practical care taking for the body. And in fact my movements are best when I am moving without holding onto a pressure I am inflicting upon myself. Moving without pumping myself up into a "rush experience".

There's something really nice about the morning air and the morning sun.

With regards to the walking - bare foot is the best. I have a pair of toe shoes ( I think that's what you call them)'s basically like walking barefoot but you have a little bit of protection from debris/rocks/sharp things. I wore running shoes the last few days on my walks/hikes but I will be switching mostly exclusively to my toe shoes as I find it to be a superior point of support - ironically it's more supportive in my opinion because it's more closely in tune with the natural shape of your foot - and it's like the fancy the running shoe the less in tune you are with the ground - so for me the toe shoes will support me in grounding myself in my body movements better and it just feels like a 1000 times better.

Thanks for tuning in - the physical body care taking continues indefinitely

It's like my body is a "living ball of clay" and I've decided I would like to take responsibility for my sculpture - my life.

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Good stuff, we are all proud the process and enjoy the journey...before you know it, you will be walking the doggy.

cheers and thanks :)

Exercise, rest and diet all go hand in hand. We all pretty much know this but I remember doing something even after knowing all this, that I regret till this day.
I first injured my elbow doing too many pushups and then not going to a doctor after that. The pain persisted for several weeks before I went to the doctor. It took 3 years for the injury to heal completely and it still worries me that if I put too much strain, than it might come back.
I am really glad that you went to see somebody that can give you sound advice on your pain and soreness.

The elbow represents the capacity for radical change in direction in what we do in our lives regarding our own path, our goals. It represents a professional change or one that concerns our objectives.
The elbow is the knee of the arm, only more flexible on all sides except backwards. Here, flexibility is measured in what concerns the will for action.
Once more, in this case, given that it is a joint, the key words are inflexibility and undervaluing.

Maybe this can assist you with introspection and eradicating your worry :)

Excelante post hear

Get plenty of rest at night as well as during the day @worldclassplayer

We NOT getting any younger!


the slow and steadily you are recovering really great :)

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