in #language6 years ago (edited)

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The word, Culpability came up the other day in my immediate environment and I had to stop and ask the question...

Hold on a second here, Can I get a definition on culpability here? I know it sounds a lot like capability....but what is the exact dictionary definition on culpability?

Whenever I recognize a new word it's like a whole part of me that was suppressed/dormant in some way begins to sprout and spring into a new seed that begins to germinate, making connection and taking root.

Culpability (noun)

  • Responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame

  • A level more moral culpability

  • Synonyms: guilt, blame, fault, responsibility, accountability, liability, answerability, guiltiness, blameworthiness.

  • Antonym: innocence

Culpable (adjective)

  • Deserving blame

  • sometimes you're just as culpable when you watch something as when you actually participate.

  • Synonyms: to blame · guilty · at fault · in the wrong · blameworthy · blameable · censurable · reproachable · reprovable · found wanting · responsible · answerable · liable · accountable

  • Antonyms: blameless · innocent


  • This has been a point of offense and defense for me.

  • Looking to Blame. Addicted to Blame even. Like finger pointing addiction the has so subtly been justified due to the extent of culpability within me where it's like ya there's total blameworthiness here.

  • I never realized my external fixation with blame. There's been a point of coping within blame and it coming out kind of self-righteously where I feel good and justified in calling you out on your inadequacies and or faults.

  • I realize I haven't been calling myself out enough for my faults and mistakes.

  • I've had an aversion to taking 100% responsibility for my own inadequacies and inferiorities.

  • I've been in my own denial to a certain extent as a created a sort of culpability filter which kept me engaged within my offense and defense - never really seeing the truth...the not so pleasant deeper parts of myself which are less than commendable.


  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding my own culpability.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing nor understanding how my 'feeling the need' to speak my mind as a point of identifying another with culpability and blameworthiness was a coping/compensation reaction as I wasn't brining the reflection bac to myself. I realize there's been a tendency to superimpose my mind projections as forms of my own self-judgements onto others.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abdicate my self-responsibility within and as the living of the word Culpability.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for superimposing my mind projections as forms of my own self-judgement onto others.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to speak my mind without awareness of the experience of myself in my body.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize the extent to which my mind filters the judgements I hold/carry within my body and that the words that pop up in mind as my external projections...are actually the deeper truth and reflection of my internal reality. I realize this is the not so pretty stuff.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be on edge within the realms of offense and defense. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding how extensive control has been a thing for me within my acting out the reactions that come to mind.

  • I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing and understanding my very own self-culpability.*


  • When and as I see myself going into a tendency to make fun and take jabs at another individual - I stop and breathe - I realize I am being deliberately rough within my thought and I'm superimposing a separation where I make myself out to be superior in my own mind. I realize this perpetuates inferiority at a deep level. I realize the external judgement reflection as an internal judgement and thus I am ultimately responsible for facing my self-judgement and actually stopping to bully myself within my own body/mind relationship. In this regards, I utilize my mind as a cross reference for my character weaknesses. I realize my mind has been conditioned in the way of external projection - and thus I can utilize my internal reflection in tandem as a deeper reflection of myself here. In this way I am able to catch the points of dissonance within my mind/body relationship here.

  • I commit myself to practically living self-culpability.

  • Self-Culpability means to me: to own your shit. To take responsibility for your shit. To have no problem with taking care of yourself.

  • Self-Culpability is the capacity to correct our mistakes.

  • I commit myself to sharing my mistakes and the lessons learned.

  • I am committed to my best life development and maturity as body, mind and being - here.


It's like my body is a "ball of clay" and I've decided I would like to take responsibility for my sculpture - my life.

The World is One Class of Players - Class is Always in Session

commitment 3.jpg



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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

"Yes - I accept a weekly payment for being a human being to cover my basic costs of Existing Here."





well I was in in double about the mistake but seems like the class was pretty nice though ;)

While yes there are tons of things that we are not aware of but we should learn them as much as possible :)

While I really appreciate the Self Forgiveness part !

you're both fun and funny as you are wise @rehan12

The part of the post were you wrote about self correction - it is the one that I am most susceptible to. Sometimes I superimpose a wrong previously acquired perception on a new person or a situation and then judge it. Can lead to major mental humiliation.

As I read your post the words you wrote in the beginning didn't leave me.
'Whenever I recognize a new word it's like a whole part of me that was suppressed/dormant in some way begins to sprout and spring into life'

Words do really have lot of power over us. Historically we have seen manipulation of this power by twisting words and language into a form more suited to a certain propaganda. For this reason I also tend to tolerate grammar Nazi's - they are part of a larger group of vigilantes, keeping an eye out for this manipulation.

Some Deep Reflections here @hashcash

Real cool stuff.

Words do really have lot of power over us.

I think this point is deep.

I think it's mostly due to forming emotionally impressions to words where we defined ourselves as inferiors as children....and it's just rippled out from there...

That's really one hell of a word, it takes maturity to accept your responsibility for what you did wrong, forgiving ourselves makes it easier to move on with our lives. Nice post @worldclassplayer

thanks @ogejoy

your words reflect your maturity - cool!

Best Regards

You welcome, your post was great.

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