POSTPONEMENT, The Hidden Truths - What You May Not Realize...

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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Have you ever pushed off doing something that you really wanted to do? Have you ever just kind of didn't make that thing happen that you thought was as really good idea?

  • Many people have gone through this experience at one point or another.

For myself - it was the questioning:

If I exist within Postponement - Do I even really care and value myself?

This was a big question for myself.

Ask the Right Questions.

This showed me that my own self-regard was questionable at best.

  • This was momentarily discomforting to consider for myself. I mean to actually look at yourself and recognize - "well shit, I haven't exactly been honoring myself to the best of my abilities...and I haven't really cared about the consequences of compromising my follow through actions."

  • For me - I never really considered how extensively so I could change my mind in a moment and decide not to participate in instruction - Because in the moment I simply didn't feel like it....experienced a momentary discomfort and associated that with my follow through action.

It's OK to realize Harsh Truth's - In fact it's in facing the dark ugly bits of our character that creates and substantiates our Integrity and Dignity.


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to de-value myself and my life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize postponement as an indicator of self-disregard.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have created a hardship around Postponement.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize myself as the Post within Postponement and it's been a matter of how I am staking the claims within myself as my word regard. I realize that even the very subtle moments before action are important to be clear about. I realize it's this self-accountability from the very small to the very Big....and that effectively managing the very big is simply an outflow of effectively caring for the smallest of points within myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing the disservice I am accepting for myself and so all of existence when I make a decision to postpone action on my plans that I am capable and able to labor movement within.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for struggling with creating new habits and patterns at times - not realizing the effort required to labor the change. I realize it's been challenging here because I really require to move and just breath along the way and that there's many moments of discomfort and challenge which creates a body experience where it's like you want to just give up on everything and shut the whole operation down.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for having issues with my own self-trust.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for trusting in my reactions....the energy....more than me the Being here, grounded, calm - beyond the fluctuations of an energetic charge. I realize my best direction and instructions have been compromised at times as a result of allowing myself to fall victim to my own emotional rollercoaster.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for not realizing the extent to which it is the most subtle of moments where I have an energetic reaction - that it's here in these moments that are the most influencing and controlling to my best functioning.

When and as I see myself experiencing the subtleness of an energetic movement and reaction, I stop and breathe - I catch the point of contention here - I realize and understand and know the process I am walking of fine tuning my living here as thoughts, words and deeds. I simply direct the point - release the charge and settle the debt within myself with my forgiveness.

I commit myself to the process of self-refinement as I work and walk through every bit of myself no matter how uncomfortable and difficult it may be. I realize vulnerability to be a strength in creating clarity on the specifics of things.

I commit myself to sharing the process of my investigations.

I commit myself to sharing the results of my investigations as I continue on with asking and answering the question for myself,

What Does It mean to be a responsible human being?

I realize that the follow through commitment on my best instructions isn't going to have a positive high like energetic's going to have more often than not like this thick, negative more dark like energy - as my very wall of resistance I've been building throughout my life without any real awareness - the scope of my own self-compromise and mind knowing my bullshit better than anyone.

  • I commit myself on walking through all the ugly difficult bits - as I realize it's here that I really cultivate my best work and actually really give a shit about my best development and so also the best development of the world.

  • When and as I see myself going into a point of Postponement - I stop and breath - I check myself here - I ask, "Do I really care about myself here - What's the energy I am experiencing in this moment - Am I able to move past this energetic experience of stuck-ness? I realize this energy experience isn't really who I am and it's simply a "shock wave" of sorts...and that realizing this changes the narrative - no more is it a choice to disregard my own self-value.

  • I commit myself to continue developing my living principles as the protocols that support my best word and world development.

Important Point

It's not to now judge "Postponement" as this thing that is only postponement is the devil now. No - it's to recognize specifically when it's been a point of self-compromise and self-sabotage...a self-devaluation. With this level of self-regard you can in fact practically assess the utility of "Postponement" as a business strategy and tactic for example. For-Sure you're not going to devalue yourself anymore which is great. But maybe in doing your best business deal making strategies - there's a point of postponement that is practical in giving your best responses. A delayed response is a tactic that can yield favorable results when it is a careful and considerate play. Sometimes it's just a matter of fine tuning best adjustments.

  • I know for me this is a game changer point - because it's a point of make sure I am not rushing things in a rush experience - where it's like I just can't hold it in...contain myself - This has been a weakness in my character - where it's like with writing - sometimes it's best to just keep it to yourself for a moment before you lay everything out on the table. If you don't really slow down adequately - you won't even realize what you're putting on the table until it's on the table.

  • Slow down to avoid unnecessary mistakes. Dare I say - put a guard in front of your mouth. So often - Less is truly more.

Let Me Know What You Think - Let's keep the discussion going - It's important to communicate about the things that aren't being talked about all that much. When we make a point of addressing the problems - we can in fact get into viable solutions.

My Body is precious and I've decided to care for it. Creating responsibility for my sculpture - my life.

The World is One Class of Players - Class is Always in Session

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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

"Yes - I accept a weekly payment for being a human being to cover my basic costs of Existing Here."





Postponement comes from not writing down your goals and the steps to get to that goal...if it's not written, there is nothing to hold you accountable. I speak from experience because I deal with it everyday with my family. I can't operate like that, I'm personally more effective with the instructions written down.

Ultimately, like Nike..just do the dame thing (OK I modified their slogan a bit, I thing my is better).

well said - you nailed it

If it's not written there is nothin to hold you accountable.

Thanks for articulating the point so well

  • really appreciated!

At this age and I would say for our young generation now it comes very important to value time and work on our goals. leave procristinaton aside and judt go and do the shit.

It is absolutely fine to stop and look at what you have done and what are you up to and how this is alingned with your ultimate goal otherwise you know you would be wandering around.

You are right sir this is great stuff from you sir have a great day.

Sometimes those little mistakes can help us in a tough situation

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