Underlying Shit - Crypto Seeds

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What's the underlying shit?

The roots of the matters here.

It's in the roots, the very roots that holds our balance/imbalance.

A straight root and a J root.

Many kinds of roots.

When the planting of information isn't cared for in the best of ways,

There very well may be some quality faults in the planting of the roots of information...

As the very how in which we integrate information physically.

If there's a dysfunction in the very planting...like some real neglect...it's not giving the plant the best chance at survival.

Life on planet earth is a like survival of the plant.

Survival of the planet and well anything and everything on it is really in and as the understanding of plants.

How plants grow, develop and mature...

really does determine our very survival.

So - Make sure You Plant Your Crypto Seeds and make sure to plant new seeds as the first seeds take root and really start to develop.

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It is true, whatever is sown into the heart of man will grow and bear fruit of like kind. Crypto seeds produce crypto fruit bearing more crypto seed. Maybe that's why there are 1000's of different coin out there. @ironshield

Crypto seeds produce crypto fruit bearing more crypto seed. Maybe that's why there are 1000's of different coin out there.

Spot On. It's a permaculture.

Thanks for sharing. Too often, people just want to see results without waiting for any roots to grow. People just need to hodl and all will be fine. :) Good luck with everything, and keep posting!

I like this. It's a better way to state my build your foundation on stone instead of sand concept.

what's the,

build your foundation on stone instead of sand concept

Curious :)

“As a man sow, shall he reap.” Bob Marley

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7

Already seeded it now lets just nourish it

Interesting take on investing.

Your concentration on roots is very high thats where lot of people says just set our basics right.thanks for sharing.

without good roots - what is there?


Awesome content ,great to see in comparision with crypto.

"So - Make sure You Plant Your Crypto Seeds"

I pattern my approach to investing as outlined by The Tree of Life, actually. Approaching it like 'planting something' is quite in line with that philosophy.

Definitely have been organizing my crypto seeds lately.

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