Playing the Sims: Joy is NOT Always a Joyful Teen

in #gaming7 years ago

Hello, and welcome to my blog- How to Play the Sims. If you are new, you can visit my blog and catch up by reading my previous posts. Follow me @simgirl to receive my newest posts in your Steemit feed.

Legacy Challenge

Victoria, and Jack Steem are my Sim Girl legacy challenge Sims. If you are not familiar with the challenge you can find it at Sims Legacy Challenge. This challenge is to basically start your Sim out on a huge lot, with little to no money, and then play the household for 10 generations on this land. There are many stipulations, and rules for the challenge. You can find these rules by following the link.


Jack Steem continued pursuing his life goal, by growing a cow plant. Here, he is playing with it early in the morning. When you grow a cowplant, you will be able to interact with the plant. You can feed them, play with them, and pet them.

Cowplants take a lot of tending. They eat often, and if no one pays attention to them, they die. This is the forth cowplant Jack has grown, and I’m sorry to say it didn’t make it. They are lots of fun though. Cowplants can also be discovered by splicing the plants. The splicing of plants option, is only open with very high gardening skills.

Jack did not reach his life goal of becoming a botanist, because he did not evolve 10 excellent plants. He did get very far in his pursuit.


Franny turned into a toddler. She was given the silly toddler trait. The silly trait makes Franny playful, and she will love to tell jokes. She will also earn the imagination skill slightly faster.

She was given a full head of curly hair!

I felt bad that I almost forgot about little Franny being in the house. I had her bassinet hidden behind the bathroom mirror, and didn’t think about her, because I had the idea that there were no more babies in the house.

What was I thinking, making all these Sims??

When you overload your Sims 4 game with lots of Sims, or even lots of items, your game will not run as smoothly as it would if there was less stuff. The more Sims I add to the game, the more lag, and difficulties I have playing. The game also takes longer to load between scenarios, and when saving.


I have also been dealing with a bed bug since we got the full house achievement. It only seems to affect Jackie. What happens is that Jackie will stand on the bed, and then she is stuck. If I try to give her an action, she will wave her hands, and explain there is no pathway to where I am sending her.


Here she is on top of the bed. The first time this happened, I thought it was because maybe I sent the girls to the same bed. But, if that were the case, the Sim should have ignored the action, and then went to do something else.

Instead, Jackie stands on the bed, and cannot move.

The only way I have been able to get around this bed bug, is to go into the store and sell the bed. If I try to move the bed, Jackie will move with it.


When I sell the bed, Jackie is automatically ported to the next bed in the room. Then, she become stuck on top of that bed, and will not be able to move.

I must sell all the beds in the room; waking up anyone who is sleeping in the bed, to fix the bug. Once the bug is fixed, Jackie will then go back to acting normal again.


Joy grew up to be a teenager. She will encounter romantic travails, sweaty gym shorts, and hormonal upheavals. The Steem family will have three, count them, three teenage girls in the house now.

Joy was given the knowledge aspiration with the nerd brain goal. This means she will want to be both book smart, and handy. She was also given the genius trait, which will help her focus, and come up with new ideas.

On a side note, I think Joy is cool looking. The hair-do she was given, fits her perfectly, and she just looks smart. As you get to know these Steem daughters, keep in mind that one of them will need to take over the home, and remain there to produce the next generation.

It is going to be hard to pick one. I’m glad I left it up to my readers!!!


Joy couldn’t wait to play with the cowplant when she needed to raise her fun level. Right after her transformation, she went outside to hang out with it. I was glad to know the cowplant brought some happiness into their lives, before it died. I keep telling myself, it is better to take care of the Sims, than it is to take care of the plants…


Today we got the notification that Jack’s time is running short. It says, make the most of these final days…


One of the moods of a hormonal teenage girl in the Sims 4 game, is being enraged. This buff comes from nowhere.

While Joy was in this mood, I looked around to find something for her to do. I found the option on the easel, for Joy to paint an angry painting. If I let her go about the house, doing what comes naturally, she will cause trouble.

I wasn’t paying attention when she first got the buff, and she destroyed Carolyn’s class project. Carolyn was then sad, because her project was destroyed.


Here is the result of Joy’s angry painting. It says that it is poor quality, but that’s a fine painting in my opinion. It seemed to quench the anger inside of her teenage soul, and Joy was happy before she finished it.

I hope you have learned a little more about playing the Sims 4, and what it is like to play teenaged girls in the game.

Now that Jack’s clock is ticking, I will try my hardest to get a few more pictures, and allow him to devote more time with his family.

Until next time,

Happy Gaming- Sim Girl

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For More Posts @simgirl, follow these links:
Creation of A Sim: Creating a Sim From Scratch
Creation of A Sim: An Outfit For Every Occasion
Creation of A Home: Buying the Land
Creation of A Home: Rough Framing
Creation of A Home: The Details
Creation of A Home: Final Touches for Functionality
Picking Sally Steemit’s Life Goal
Playing the Sims: The Great Start- Choosing a Career
Playing the Sims: Skills, Needs, and Other Things
Playing the Sims: Are you Controlling?
Playing the Sims: This Everyday Task Called Work
Playing the Sims: Living the City Life
Playing the Sims: Planning Your Sim’s Day
Playing the Sims: Glitches, and Technical Difficulties
Playing the Sims: Social Affairs, and Household Repairs
Playing the Sims: Moving on Up in the City
Playing the Sims: The Sims 4 Patch Notes
Playing the Sims: Laughing at Your Own Jokes!
Playing the Sims: What do Sims Do on Their Day Off?
Playing the Sims: Vampires, Resets, Promotions, and Setbacks
Playing the Sims- Change of Plans
Sim Girl Legacy Challenge
Sunday- Sim Girl Legacy Challenge Update I
Sunday Sim Girl Legacy Challenge Update II
Sunday Sim Girl Legacy Challenge Update III
Playing the Sims: All About Fishing
Playing the Sims: Living Off the Land, Cowplant Edition
Playing the Sims: On Pause
Playing the Sims: Introducing the Sim Girl Dark Shadows Challenge
Playing the Sims: Labor Day!!!
Playing the Sims: Toddler Years Whomp whomp whomp
Playing the Sims: An Embarrassing Incident and Cake
Playing the Sims: Growing Children and Mushrooms
Playing the Sims: Little Steem Divas and Cake
Playing the Sims: Birthday Edition!
Playing the Sims: Parenthood Game Pack
Playing the Sims: This Game Revolves Around Cake
Playing the Sims: Yet more Birthdays… Oh, and Fish!!
Playing the Sims: Cowplant Take Two
Playing the Sims: Download the Steem Family From the Gallery
Playing the Sims: Renovating the Steem House


You ARE crazy to have that many children!!! lolll but wait until they are all grown........that house will be very, very quiet..........and you will have more children :D

The mourning of 7 Sims was too much. They are all falling apart. I saved the game because it will take another two hours to get them back to green again :(

yeah, if you go into build mode it helps. time, I think still goes but you don't have to deal with all the crying for 2 days.........

That part is very hard. I'm so sorry he died too. hugs

Nyc Post!! I lyk your Post!! Keep Sharing!!

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