26 day Detox: Day 18 - coconuts! this ain't your momma's bra

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

Coconut bras are amazing!

They give incredible support and make you feel like you're continually on a vacation.  In this detox post, I will be showing you how to make a...

of course I won't. hahahaha  I just was having some fun with @insideoutlet this morning. (Read her incredible journey if you want to laugh, cry, and laugh again!)

She was saying that she had expected my detox posts to be more ... well.... detoxy. hahahaha She was pleasantly surprised that it made her laugh, and we discussed changing up the titles so I could draw more people in!   LOL

Interstingly enough - what would have FOR SURE drawn in more readers would have been ANY of the giphy selections that came up when I searched for "coconut bra". sigh.  LOL So... I will be without a comical giphy today. Well - at least not one that is associated with coconut bras.

Regular readers... please feel free to skip past the daily announcement.

New readers,  don't you dare skip it.

don't. you. dare.

For those who haven't had a chance to read the intro (you can read it HERE if you choose), the following 26 days will be snippets of conversations -either REAL... or based on REAL conversations- that actually happened during my 26-day detox. Spoiler alert: I've already done this 26-day detox.I conquered it. I feel amazing and though it was SO WORTH IT... the comics will express my very real attitudeDURING the detox. (aka. not always so very cheerful) The lion avatar always represents me. Yes, i am a lioness -but my avatar is a lion. Just roll with it.  

So - it's not a tutorial about how to make a coconut bra, dreemsteem???   then why am I even here???  

DON'T GO!!! COCONUTS WILL GIVE YOU SUPERPOWERS!!!!  Really!!!!  Like Batman - only better.

But dreemsteem, Batman doesn't have any...

shhhhhh. shh.  just keep reading. Coconuts are beautiful.  You can eat them fresh, dehydrated, in a butter, whip the cream, as the oil, as a flour, drink the water, make a milk, use its sugar.... its just sooooo yummmm.

Not to mention - benefits galore!  Here are the top 10 benefits listed from SunWarrior's health hub:

 Top 10 Health Benefits of Coconuts (Source)

  1. Supports immune system health: it is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-parasite
  2. Provides a natural source of quick energy and enhances physical and athletic performance
  3. Improves digestion and absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals
  4. Improves insulin secretion and symptoms associated with diabetes
  5. Helps protect the body from cancers due to insulin reduction, removal of free radicals that cause premature aging and degenerative disease
  6. Reduces risk of heart health and improves good cholesterol (HDL)
  7. Restores and supports thyroid function
  8. Helps protect against kidney disease and bladder infection
  9. Promotes weight loss
  10. Helps keep hair and skin healthy and youthful looking, prevents wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots, and provides sun protection

Didn't I tell you?   Like Batman-  only better, baby.

Oh - I forgot to tell you the best use of all. Since I "bashed" on men yesterday.... ladies - it's our turn. (we can take it) See below for my husband's number one benefit of coconut oil.   hmmmmmmm.

(for those that don't know.... oil pulling is an incredible technique that can reduce cavities, clear bad breath, whiten teeth, assist in detoxification of your body - and SO MUCH MORE! highly recommend!!!   but there is a learning curve - so take it slow :)   if you have a really sensitive gag reflex.... less is more in the beginning hehehehe)

(Disclaimer: These posts are NOT the detox program, and in no way, is this meant to replace the actual detox program! It is also not medical advice!! Please do not treat it as such.  Only do a detox after researching which one is best for you and consult your physician before proceeding with any detox program!!!) It's only meant to be funny and hopefully entertaining observations about my OWN experience on the 26- day detox program. I tried my best to balance humor (and whining) with encouragement (and cracking the whip). If you don't get some of the jokes … or if you just have questions... I love comments! Ask away!

26-day Journey


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7-10

Days 11-12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15

Day 16

Day 17


Haha oh so funny! At first I thought there was a new coconut bra out there, and then I realized you click baited me! LCL! Loved the text with your hubby...I found oil pulling does have a bit of a calming effect in our household as well haha Also you were my 1000 post!

how did i miss this reply all day long?!?!?!?!?!?

oh i know why.... cuz i've been pulling my hair out getting ready for my Treasure Hunt on Thursday hahahaha

i'm so excited- but starting to freak out a little LCL

and yayyyyyyyyyyy for #1000. that HAS to mean something! hahahaha I dont' know why - but surely... something???? LCL

hehehehe and click-bait.... it was my second one today bwa ha ha..... but i don't feel bad because even though i tricked ya into reading - you still had fun!!!! :)

I did have fun! Haha

I do hope it means something! It really feels special! LCL!

So is pulling your hair out part of the process once you've completed the detox? For new growth? 😂 Do they tell you to create something super fun, but slightly complicated that requires a lot of careful planning? Hahaha

they didn't. but they should!!!! LCLCLCL cuz its been a great (and horrible) process ... i'm pretty sure its focusing on detoxing my brain cells now (they're leaking out of my head. that's the same thing as detox, right? or should i be worried? hahahah)

and - i think my hair is just gone. never to return. hahahaha

Yes I have a variety of coconut products in my kitchen yes @freedomtowrite she is getting good at click bait lol

I have many things I could mention about coconuts, but I am going to refrain and keep it PG. it seems @dreemsteem as us on a journey through the human body.

I know if I stay quite it will annoy @dreemsteem more rather than saying anything ت

well @freedomtowrite and @robmenzies.... LCLCL

i think i am going to coin a new phrase. i don't like "clickbait" hahahahaha
I think "trickybait" is more accurate!!! hahahahahaha

yessssss you might think you're coming for one thing - but you get another. but it's for your happinessssssssss. seeeeeee??? hahahaha its just tricksy! like those nasty little hobbitses!

and what can i say Rob? me loves the comments!!!! LCL

And what about those oversized wookies!! What about those??

I know nothing about wookies. NOTHING. I only know about OTHER characters in Star Wars. youre just obsessed with wookies LOLOLOL

Not even wookies with coconut bras

hahahaha its just tricksy! like those nasty little hobbitses!

This made my day!! Side note, @dreemsteem, where are you from? If you don't mind me asking, of course!

I would MUCH MUCH rather play a guessing game for my location - cuz that's so fun. hehehehe but i think it's impossible to do that over comments without annoying every single person in steemit.

or... the 17 people that read my blog. sometimes.


i'll just tell you! I used to be in PA - and now I'm in CA :)

Well, I would've played, so it would have only annoyed 16 people! LCL! Haha I'm kidding!

So the reason I asked is because as I've met amazing women on Steemit, I've lovingly nicknamed them "besties" + their location. Like Aimee from @canadianrenegade is my Canadian Bestie....and @thefarmerswife is my Kentucky Bestie...so because you are fantastic and just quoted the Hobbit, I had to name you my California Bestie!

Yessssss!!!!!!!! And since you only have three including me.... I'm in your top three besties!!!!

(Let's not tell anyone that you only have three!) Hehehehe 😂😂😂

Oh my gosh... And with that last upvote... I am about to lose the ability to have a penny vote. Hahahaha

Why does it take so long to recharge my voting power!?!? Ughhhh.

I have to just stay away from steemit to stop upvoting.

HAHAHHAHAHAA that was a good joke dreemsteem! Stay away!!! Hahaha- ohhh she kills me!!

Oh my goodness, good luck! I'm an upvoting machine, and I lose my power so fast...but I can't help it! Haha

SOOOOO. Yep!!! I am definitely loving @tipu
(I just don't like it when it suggests that people follow me hahaha I like to give tips without strings attached lol)

You should check it out... It's still let's you leave a meaningful.comment.... but also let's you send a financial bump that's more(or equally as) significant than your 100% vote at full power!!!!!! Mine is 9 cents... But my tip is 0.1 SBD
that's like 45 cents!?!! Right!?!! Lolol
Sorry but when I get any upvote that's worth more than 5 cents I freak out hahahaha

And it's not a replacement for upvoting....it just gives you something to send people while you're waiting for your voting power to recharge!

Cuz I'm like you. Yesterday I was down to 13%

Ridiculous lololol

Hmm maybe I should drop my tip to 0.05 hahaha that's still over 20cents but I won't run out of my tip money so fast!!!! Lololol but for now....

tip! simple for you!!! :)

Hi @freedomtowrite! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dreemsteem!

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