26 day Detox: Day 13 - TRUE STORY OF A JEDI MASTER

in #funny6 years ago

We made it!  Can you believe it? We're halfway there!   Let's start out with a quick announcement for those who are just tuning in... 

For those who haven't had a chance to read the intro (you can read it HERE if you choose), the following 26 days will be snippets of conversations -either REAL... or based on REAL conversations- that actually happened during my 26-day detox. Spoiler alert: I've already done this 26-day detox.I conquered it. I feel amazing and though it was SO WORTH IT... the comics will express my very real attitudeDURING the detox. (aka. not always so very cheerful) The lion avatar always represents me. Yes, i am a lioness -but my avatar is a lion. Just roll with it.  

"ummmmm. yeah. Hey, Yoda. I think you have me mistaken for someone else??"



I had the privilege of partnering with amazing people in my detox group.  Everyday, someone would amaze me with their latest achievement.  Their success pushed me to try to accomplish the most that I could in the time that lay before me. 

Whenever I would complain a little too much  (in my mind , or to my hubby hehehe), I would log onto our server and find that someone had reached a goal or even better – surpassed one!  

With every challenge that I faced, peristalsis was probably the greatest force of them all LOL  (no Star Wars pun intended – it really is no joke!!!) 

I kept thinking – FORGET IT.  I'll never be able to do this! 

And then came Nika.  (name changed to protect her privacy!)    She was joyful, always spreading encouragement and cheer, supportive, and she set out to conquer this detox.   I won't tell you why I think she's a Jedi Master.   You can read the comic for that!  It's 100% real, and I still don't know how she did it!  hahahaha 

Nika.... you're my hero and I can't wait to see you in another 6 months :) 

(Disclaimer: These posts are NOT the detox program, and in no way, is this meant to replace the actual detox program! It is also not medical advice!! Please do not treat it as such.  Only do a detox after researching which one is best for you and consult your physician before proceeding with any detox program!!!) It's only meant to be funny and hopefully entertaining observations about my OWN experience on the 26- day detox program. I tried my best to balance humor (and whining) with encouragement (and cracking the whip). If you don't get some of the jokes … or if you just have questions... I love comments! Ask away!

26-day Journey


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7-10

Days 11-12


I see a theme developing, however it may just be a coincidence lol my young padewan learner, much you have to learn about the force. Harness its energy and feel the peristalsis.

LOL i was gonna have a tshirt made up with "The Peristalsis is strong with this one" hahahahahahahahaha
i'll have you know... by the end - i held for 26 minutes. easily. so ... you know... i'm pretty much Obi Wan ;)

I find yoga poses hard enough without a gallon of coffee in my colon!

right??? but that girl was HARD CORE. she was so amazing!!! i loved her spirit :)

but the one with the bathroom 50 yards outside her house?!?!?!?! oh my gosh. Rockstar Jedi. LOL

how did she not explode while running to their outside bathroom hahahahaha love that lady ;)

if you're not too tired.... read my "scribbly" post today. hehehe that really happened today and was super therapeutic for me.

AND i made my first little 16 second dtube animation video hehehehe (but i forgot to add music) the post was my heart pouring out and getting aligned and new perspective

and then i made that 16 sec post in 3 hours (after so many issues) and i got scribbly again! hahahaha

thankfully - once i got it up, my scribbles calmed ;)
heading to bed Miss Deb ;) love to you!!!

Yep, going to bed too, Fri night here. Doing a one day water fast tomorrow, so no more food til sunday am. A one dayer should be "easy as", as we kiwis say. I;ll leave this tab open to remind me to look at your scribbles tomorrow.

Ok!!! I think you'll like the scribbly ;)

And I've decided I'm moving to NZ. My hubby just doesn't know it yet.

Hehehe actually we watched a show YEARS ago that made me fall in love with the country. Started to look up real estate there... And loved it even more!
The other day @creatr got to talking with someone from NZ and it sounded magical to me! Lol

So. Done! I wanna do it hehehe

Hurry up! If you can get here by the 7th April, you're invited to my 60th birthday ;-) Yes, I do mean 2018, lol.

I get back from the Caribbean on March 11 - then go to Florida for 4 days - then visiting So-Cal for 4.... then home. I can totally get back on a plane for another trip 2 weeks later!!!!! hhahahaha

i'm kidding but here's the thing.... someday when I have a little chunk of steem saved up - i'm TOTALLY gonna do fun things like that at the drop of a hat!!!! Please take a picture of your cake for me so that I can celebrate with you across the sea!!! :) and i'll sing happy bday to you in Russian and send you a dtube hehehehehe

2 weeks is plenty of time to sell your home and all your belongings and relocate to the other side of the world, totally doable!

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