26 day Detox: Day 4 -Do I really want to hurt you?

in #life6 years ago

For those who haven't had a chance to read the intro (you can read it HERE if you choose), the following 26 days will be snippets of conversations -either REAL... or based on REAL conversations- that actually happened during my 26-day detox.   Spoiler alert:  I've already done this 26-day detox.  I conquered it.  I feel amazing and though it was SO WORTH IT... the comics will express my very real attitude DURING the detox.   (aka. not always so very cheerful)   The lion avatar always represents me.  Yes, i am a lioness -but my avatar is a lion. Just roll with it.

Day 4 - Do I really want to hurt you?

Well that's the $64,000 question, right there, isn't it?  Why, indeed? (and now I'll be singing Culture Club all day)

Why so combative? Where does the fury, animosity, irritation and rage come from? Are they always there, silently lurking, but so easily soothed by the ingestion of nachos and cream puffs? Or does it mysteriously spring anew from the depths of my bowels - a demon ready to attack anyone who speaks my name one too many times. (or breathes a little too loudly) Why did I have the patience of a saint 5 days ago, and the frayed neurons of an escaped mental patient today?  

You might be thinking, "oh dreemsteem.  I know this feeling.  It's no big deal!  I get hangry all the time."

Now, let me stop you right there.  Hangry is when you've missed a meal - possibly two.

The emotional state at this stage is so far beyond hangry, you need a map to find your way back to hangry.  

This is one of the surprise visitors of detox that shows up unannounced and demanding your full attention.  It's so difficult that a lot of people throw in the towel at this point.  Not because they're deprived of certain tastes and flavors, but because they're deprived of the instant suppression that arrives when they desperately devour delicacies to numb the pains of life. People have no idea how often they succumb to self-medicating their anxieties with those delicious poisons until they're no longer available to them.

If you're considering a serious detox, you should probably prepare yourself for a myriad of repressed detritus to float right on up to the surface of your emotional sea.

But.... it DOES get better. Somewhere between days 3-7 (depending on your level of toxicity before the detox began), you should be over the hardest part. The mind will start to clear and the physical withdrawals will fade significantly. Both the body and mind are more than capable of re-routing those old, destructive pathways and creating newer, healthier ways to deal with stress, emotions, dilemmas and the like.  It takes time and a willingness to tackle those issues, one by one.  Instead of sweeping them under the carpet, you can use a dustpan and get RID of that junk.  It won't happen all at once.  Each time I come to this place, I deal with deeper layers that were hidden from me during the last detox (or fast, cleanse, or even diet).  Give yourself time and be patient.  Breathe.  (When is the last time you really filled your lungs?) Be willing to TRY to solve a problem without clouding your clarity.  You don't always have to numb the pain.  Sometimes, pain is part of an alert system to tell you to that extra care and healing is needed. 

Today's post was definitely more on the serious side.  Balance.

With hindsight being 20/20, I can see these things clearly now.  Unfortunately for my husband, I was not as reasonable on day 4. (This was a tamer conversation, but I can assure you that the lunatic ran free for several days.)

 (Disclaimer: These posts are NOT the detox program, and in no way, is this meant to replace the actual detox program! It is also not medical advice!!  Please do not treat it as such.  Only do a detox after researching which one is best for you and consult your physician before proceeding with any detox program!!!)  It's only meant to be funny and hopefully entertaining observations about my OWN experience on the 26- day detox program.   I tried my best to balance humor (and whining) with encouragement (and cracking the whip).  If you don't get some of the jokes … or if you just have questions... I love comments!  Ask away!    

26-day Journey


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3


Many years ago (more than 20), before I did my first elimination diet, I decided to treat myself on the last night (addiction, anyone?) to a Cadbury's cream egg. I was going to a show with friends and took one along with me. Peel a little foil off, have a little nibble, more foil, another nibble, hands getting warmer, chocolate getting more melty, filling starting to ooze into my hand. What the hell was I thinking? And what the hell am I going to do with a hand covered with goo? How long to the intermission? Me, addicted to chocolate? Nooooo...

I'm laughing so hard!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL oh my gosh - i'm dying. i can just imagine you trying to hold your hand in a weird position the whole time, trying to contain the goo!!!

well... i'm not a one-upper... but... i like to share equally crazy stories.

as i was coming OFF my 20 day juice fast (hmmm this was my first real attempt at a major fast -oh gosh... 13 years ago LOL)

how many times do they warn you.... EAAAASE back into your solid foods.

well... it just so happened that I had a conference the next day with free lunch. and they served Chic-fil-a chicken sandwiches. ohhhhh myyyy goodness.



i can't even tell you what happened because this is a public comment..... but let me just say, for a week. nothing.
can you read between the lines??? LOLOLOL

Hahaha. Oh, why oh why, do we do these crazy things to ourselves? I suppose because at that time, those things still seemed like desirable and normal foods. (can we spell addicted?)

"Addicted? Can you use it in a sentence?"

"You are addicted when you act a fool coming off a detox."

"Addicted.... Origin please?"

"The inability to control yourself, giving in to pleasures like the hedonistic wretch you are."

"Addicted... Hmm. Alternate pronunciations?"

"There's a million ways to pronounce it. Stop stalling and just win the spelling bee!!!"

"Sorry!!!! Addicted: C..H..I..C..F..I..L..A, Addicted."

"And the 2018 International Spelling Bee champion is dreemsteem"

Crowd goes wild

Raging bull comes to mind.
Oh the joys of withdrawal.
Unfortunately we are all junkies to food and thats why disease is so rampant nowadays particularly things like diabetes. You just have to goce into that urge to eat only 1,2,3 omg stop it i hate donuts!!!
The damage done takes years to happen and Rome wasn’t built in a day. I can sympathise with your husband 🙉🙈🐵

hahahaha those three emojis are in a later comic ;) (when i'm trying to hide from my tribe hehehe)
and i agree with you on all accounts. i had replied to the other comment before reading yours and we are on the same wavelength! LOL

it takes time. time and patience and consistency. I have to tell myself that often.

but slowly making the right choices brings the lasting change that's needed to reverse disease.

and sympathize with my husband???? sympathize with me. he was also a beast. and longer than me!!! because he had to kick his coffee habit too! (using it the other way wasn't appeasing his caffeine addiction hahahaha)

This is the line I love

If you're considering a serious detox, you should probably prepare yourself for a myriad of repressed detritus to float right on up to the surface of your emotional sea.

it's so true.... there are so many issues that have been bottled up and hidden away - and we don't really take the time to bring those toxic thoughts to the surface voluntarily! hahaha It usually happens when we're forced to finally look at at them for what they are - a giant tangled knot of fears, anxieties and resistance to change.

but if we take it slowly, we can untangle them one at a time! :)

it's definitely a slow process hahahaha but... it's worthwhile. peace is a priceless reward to pursue!

Ohh its too much angry.
Nice post..
Keep on steem.

yes!!! but thankfully it goes away! :)

it's all part of the withdrawal symptoms whenever someone battles their addictions. (yes - people can be addicted to foods! sugar.. salt..bread.. cheese! not just drugs and alcohol! hahaha)

but the good news is... this goes away! :)

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