26 day Detox: Day 11-12 Howdy, neighbor

in #funny6 years ago

26 day Detox : Howdy, neighbor.

Could you be mine, would you be mine, won't you be my neighbor?  - Fred Rogers, Mister Roger's Neighborhood 

Did anyone else love this man as much as I did??


It's providential that these two comics below are scheduled for today's post. Why, you ask? I'll be happy to tell you!

If you saw my (R)evolution post – you know that I happen to think pretty highly of being neighborly to one another! Recently, I've connected with a lot of people who have sorta gravitated towards the same "mission" in Steemit. Isn't it cool how life is pretty balanced? There are usually outliers are both sides of the coin. It's easy to get pulled into the negativity - because it's easier to believe that people want to take advantage of you, and that there is a boogeyman behind every corner.  But you know what?  If you speak encouragement and love, and stand out as light in the darkness, like-minded people will start to cluster around you. Not everyone does!  So watch out.  

One of the people that has crossed my path is @calumam.  He has a similar passion for Steemit as I do, and I'm hopeful that we can put our heads together and come up with some joint plans for the Steemit community!  He's got a brand new BuddyUp server on discord.  (If you are a minnow, or you know a minnow that's tired of trying to go it alone on Steemit – definitely BuddyUp!)  It's not exclusive to minnows!  Dolphins and whales are invited, too! 

Side note – can you imagine if you were a minnow and you got buddied up with a whale in your first week?  Ha!   How incredible would that be??    

This chatter really does have to do with my detox!   I promise!  But let's go through the preliminary spiel first!

For those who haven't had a chance to read the intro (you can read it HERE if you choose), the following 26 days will be snippets of conversations -either REAL... or based on REAL conversations- that actually happened during my 26-day detox. Spoiler alert: I've already done this 26-day detox.I conquered it. I feel amazing and though it was SO WORTH IT... the comics will express my very real attitude DURING the detox. (aka. not always so very cheerful) The lion avatar always represents me. Yes, i am a lioness -but my avatar is a lion. Just roll with it. 

OK.  Back to buddies!  

How does this relate to a detox, dreemsteem??

Very simply,  buddies are important – not just in Steemit, but in everyday life.  They calm your crazy. They quiet the chatter. They make you laugh.  They mourn with you in times of sorrow.... and Herxheimer reactions.
Having someone else to go through this journey with you is not only beneficial, but I would claim that it's one of the most important factors for success on your detox. Detoxes are an extended period of time to beat your body into submission.  Having a cheerleader rooting for you is a priceless treasure. 


I had two buddies on my last detox.  The following comics will show you one on a good day, and one on a bad day.  I'll let you guess which is which ;) 


(Disclaimer: These posts are NOT the detox program, and in no way, is this meant to replace the actual detox program! It is also not medical advice!! Please do not treat it as such.  Only do a detox after researching which one is best for you and consult your physician before proceeding with any detox program!!!) It's only meant to be funny and hopefully entertaining observations about my OWN experience on the 26- day detox program. I tried my best to balance humor (and whining) with encouragement (and cracking the whip). If you don't get some of the jokes … or if you just have questions... I love comments! Ask away!

26-day Journey


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7-10


OK so i must admit i thought you were off to a very good start, having a 4 year old who is engrossed with cartoons on a variety of mediums I have become well acquainted with song lyircs, however i would not attribute

Could you be mine, would you be mine, won't you be my neighbor? -

in the way you did.

I would however attribute it to Daniel Tiger. So believe my horror when I was disappointed by your comics today :P

I was expecting some excerpts from Daniel Tiger and Prince Wednesday having some mutual bonding over some dreemsteem coffee. But alas how wrong was I
Stay tuned for the next instalment.

listen. Daniel Tiger is nice. but he is no comparison to the real thing!!!!! go back and watch dear sweet Fred! hehehe hey - did you hear that Tom Hanks is going to play him in a new movie :) i can't wait

Who is he going to play ??? Daniel the Tiger!! I will need to take my son to see that one!!

nyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeet! blasphemy!!!!!

and was there anything scarier than the Lady Elaine puppet??? seriously. why was her nose so jacked up? Was she drunk? She sounded drunk. I'm so confused.

You’re obsessed with sock puppets. That’s probably why her nose was messed up

I think that Mr. Rogers was so unbelievably nice, that they needed to have a dark and twisted character on the show as his nemesis. Maybe she was his alter ego.

Oh yes, I'm familiar with contestant number 2. Of course, I've never been #2 myself. Noooo, no sirree...

BAHAHAHAHA! I ALSO plead the fifth on that one ;)

but #1 is real - and amazing - and i love her so much I want to squeeze her gutsies out. :)

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