26 day Detox: Day 6 - If you can't stand the heat

in #health6 years ago

The part of the detox that I ABSOLUTELY LOVED:

Baking my body in an oven at 140 degrees F for 60 minutes.


Oh - if you've never tried it... you must!

I abhor the snow.  Everyone calls me the Snow Grinch.  However, I'm not really fond of humidity and hell-hot days either.  So I was shocked when I fell in love with the full spectrum, far-infrared (FIR)sauna.

Before I get into that....

For those who haven't had a chance to read the intro (you can read it HERE if you choose), the following 26 days will be snippets of conversations -either REAL... or based on REAL conversations- that actually happened during my 26-day detox.   Spoiler alert:  I've already done this 26-day detox.  I conquered it.  I feel amazing and though it was SO WORTH IT... the comics will express my very real attitude DURING the detox.   (aka. not always so very cheerful)   The lion avatar always represents me.  Yes, i am a lioness -but my avatar is a lion. Just roll with it. 

Back to the sauna

You don't have to use a sauna during the detox, but it's recommended. During a detox, the body can eliminate so many toxins through the sweat.  Normally, you can exercise to work up a sweat. However, when you're on a detox, you don't necessarily have the same amount of physical energy as you would any other non-detox day.  The passive sweating that you can do in a FIR sauna is a simple and effective way to support your detox. The cost of using one in a spa or gym (provided they do have a FIR sauna) is astronomical.

The drawbacks to going to a spa for your sauna (vs. your own):

  • Drive time  (no drive - it's in my home!)
  • Coordinating schedules (no coordination needed)
  • Expensive (the cost of the spa paid for itself in 6 months!)
  • Our package was 8 times/month for 30 min. each (I use it daily, up to an hour!)
  • Sense of relaxation wasted on hectic drive home (relaxxxxx all night!)

We found one HERE that suited our needs.  A lot of saunas are made cheaply - so please do diligent research!!! We found a review site, where this particular, younger company (I believe it's 8 years old) had extremely high ratings, incredible customer service and a product that had a low markup!  When we called up and told them about seeing the review - they took an additional 10% off of our cost!  (Then they sent us 2 additional expensive gifts!!)  I'm super pleased with this purchase - and if anyone has questions about our experience with our sauna, please do ask!!!  I'm happy to give you any info on ours that I can!

Our model


We absolutely are thrilled with this purchase and it made a huge difference in my detox experience.  I kept my body hydrated with lots of water throughout the day.  In the afternoons, I would sweat away toxins through the ample amounts of water being flushed through my system.

I can't believe how much I actually looked forward to time in a 140 degree wooden closet, but, I truly did!  I enjoyed spa music softly playing through the speakers and soothing LED lights that would slowly fade from one color to the other.  It was such a highlight of my day!  The heat didn't feel like 140 degrees since it lacked the heavy weight of suffocating steam surrounding every pore of my body, like a steam sauna.  When people asked me what it felt like -I usually said, "You know that sleepy feeling when you get into a toasty warm car on a nice, summer day. THAT!"

Aside from the wonderful feeling - the therapeutic benefits of a FIR sauna are astounding!

The far infrared wavelength is associated with many health and healing benefits. Some include: weight loss, detoxification, blood pressure reduction, relaxation, pain relief, cardiovascular health, skin purification/beautification, body flexibility, rejuvenation, blood circulation, Lyme disease and even cancer therapy.  With the RIGHT heaters, positioned correctly, far infrared is capable of penetrating deep into your skin, muscle tissue, and even your organs, giving your body a full-range of health, healing & wellness benefits. Because of this, you get better blood-flow, as it is not limited to the outer layer of your skin like a traditional sauna. Instead, your blood-flow is increased throughout your body and organs to give the best overall health advantages.

Our particular sauna - isn't just Far Infrared.... it's a full spectrum FIR sauna!   (If you're going to get a sauna, might as well go all out, right???)  The full spectrum is just like it sounds!  There are 8 heaters that are FIR, but then you have two additional heaters that have near, middle AND far infrared wavelengths.  Here are the benefits and distinctions between the different wavelengths!

Near Infrared Saunas:

The near infrared wavelength is most beneficial in cellular health, cellular immunity, wound healing, skin purification, and pain relief. As a typical rule, near infrared will not penetrate deep enough into your skin to be majorly beneficial past the surface. Because of this, it does allow for cellular health, wound healing, and blood flow, because it brings the blood to the surface.

Mid Infrared Saunas:

The mid infrared wavelength is most commonly associated with pain relief, improved circulation, and weight loss, since it penetrates a little deeper into the skin.

Far Infrared Saunas:

The far infrared wavelength is associated with weight loss, detoxification, blood pressure reduction, relaxation, pain relief and so much more. It is also considered to have many of the same benefits of near infrared as well as additional benefits such as cardiovascular health, skin purification/beautification, body flexibility, rejuvenation, blood circulation, and even cancer therapy.


In everyday life - I can't handle high temps....

When it comes to my sauna - CRANK UP THE HEAT!

(Disclaimer: These posts are NOT the detox program, and in no way, is this meant to replace the actual detox program! It is also not medical advice!! Please do not treat it as such.  Only do a detox after researching which one is best for you and consult your physician before proceeding with any detox program!!!) It's only meant to be funny and hopefully entertaining observations about my OWN experience on the 26- day detox program. I tried my best to balance humor (and whining) with encouragement (and cracking the whip). If you don't get some of the jokes … or if you just have questions... I love comments! Ask away!

26-day Journey


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5


Wow! Beautiful sauna. I want to own one of these someday. I especially loved the explanation of the near, mid and far--I hadn't heard them compared side-by-side. Thank you. I'm going to check out your other detox articles. Curious to see if I find a coffee enema post!

Why, yes.... Yes you will!!! Lololol
I think 47% of my detox experience had to do with COFFEE TIIIIME 😂😂😂
But.. it was invaluable!!!! (And hilarious)

that sounds like a normal day in the Middle East, but yes i would rather chill away in a sauna than outside in the sand pit!!
Nothing better than the smell of inside a sauna with some nice eucalyptus oil in the air.

mmmmm i love eucalyptus!!! : ) and yes... i bring lots of different oils in for different days!!!

and yes - sauna over desert please ;)

Wow!! I would love one of these. I think I would get used to it.

They are WONDERFUL!!!! I highly recommend it :)

I am from a tropical country where the idea of using sauna is not prevalent, because it is already hot.

That makes sense!!! You have the benefits of a sauna all day long!!!

But I'm not sure I would like that??? I might shrivel up into a raisin. Hehehe

The beauty of a full spectrum FIR sauna... is you get ALL the benefits of the sun without the sun damage..

Mmmmmm lovely, delicious wavelengths penetrating deep in to my toxic organs!!!! Hooray for health!!!!

It okay for you guys who experience cold winters, I need to rehydrate every two hours because of the hot temperature. No skin burns, maybe it is because I have adapted to it.
I will like to visit Europe one day so I can check the sauna technology out.

Most likely adapted! Yes!!! Melanin is a wonderful thing 😃 (I love my melanin hehehe)
Our summers have been up to 113 F 😫 but I don't like being in that kind of weather... The 140 F in the sauna feels less oppressive than even the 90 F outside!

Most likely because it's a controlled environment :)

I hope you get to experience it too!!! If you do... You'll have to come back and leave me a comment to tell me what you thought about it! ☺️

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