26 day Detox: Day 16 - P3R5P3C71V3

in #funny6 years ago

You've seen those tests before, right?  If you're trying to read numbers, then you're just going to end up being really confused.  But if you stop forcing yourself to see what you've been trained to see - and just try to make sense of it based on what you know and perceive..... voila!  

P3R5P3C71V3 becomes PERSPECTIVE.

We've been taught to look at life with very limited tunnel vision.  Strain your eyes to the left or the right too much and you might get a crack to the side of the temple with a yardstick.

....or was that just with my grade school teacher???? 

One day you'll pay, Mrs. Brewster!!!!


The comic for today was based on talking about the cost of the detox.  How expensive is too expensive?

Well I guess it depends on what you're buying.  Let me give you a rundown of what the 26 day detox posts are all about.

For those who haven't had a chance to read the intro (you can read it HERE if you choose), the following 26 days will be snippets of conversations -either REAL... or based on REAL conversations- that actually happened during my 26-day detox. Spoiler alert: I've already done this 26-day detox.I conquered it. I feel amazing and though it was SO WORTH IT... the comics will express my very real attitudeDURING the detox. (aka. not always so very cheerful) The lion avatar always represents me. Yes, i am a lioness -but my avatar is a lion. Just roll with it.    

So, would you pay $200 for a stick of gum?

Well, what if that stick of gum reversed dental decay to the point where it restored a tooth ready for a root canal?   What you're buying determines the perceived value of the object.

When I watched a certain movie a few years ago that challenged the viewers to stand up to what was happening in our food industry, they rallied us all to "vote with our dollar."  I was expecting a little bit more of a plan.  This was how we were going to change the food industry?  with a dollar?  hmmmmm.

And then... as I watched the gluten free shelves get picked clean, and more varied varieties of gluten free products replaced them, it hit me.   I just helped to change the food industry.   I withheld my dollar from one company and gave it to another - and THAT made a REAL difference!

I started doing this everywhere!  I mostly stopped giving my money to junk, and started funding the companies that were feeding me nutrient-dense, balanced, whole, body-strengthening foods.  

You might not agree with my grocery list.  Perhaps you think $6 is too much for a dozen eggs from pastured chickens.   That's your decision.  Some people truly can't afford that option.  Others choose to spend their money on "treats" that are just as expensive.  In their case, it's not a matter of not being able to afford those eggs.  In their case, it's a matter of CHOOSING to spend their money in a different way.

Some days, you do need a treat!

But most days, I choose to put my money towards my health.  That is worth the expense.  I would rather pay for good quality food now, than medical bills later.  For some.... this just does not compute.

(Disclaimer: These posts are NOT the detox program, and in no way, is this meant to replace the actual detox program! It is also not medical advice!! Please do not treat it as such.  Only do a detox after researching which one is best for you and consult your physician before proceeding with any detox program!!!) It's only meant to be funny and hopefully entertaining observations about my OWN experience on the 26- day detox program. I tried my best to balance humor (and whining) with encouragement (and cracking the whip). If you don't get some of the jokes … or if you just have questions... I love comments! Ask away!

26-day Journey


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7-10

Days 11-12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15


Very good and valid points today @dreemsteem. I must concur junk in junk out quality in quality out. Would you want to scrimp and save and buy low quality produce for a house you were building...... i dont think so but often people neglect the very basics of optimal health then when disease strikes end up paying double.

Absolutely... I joke a lot about the junk that I crave... But that's only my weak moments lol
Most often I really do make good choices.

I've seen what eating healthy actually does to restore a a body! Not just physically but mentally and emotionally... It's amazing.
Having said that, I also believe moderation in everything.... And if you're taking care of your body 90-95% of the time, I believe you can afford to splurge a little :)

When you equip the body to deal with toxins.. (and don't overload it work toxins on a normal day to day basis...) It CAN actually do a great job processing and getting rid of small amounts of junk properly and efficiently!

Just my opinion! :)

I agree! It is all about perception. I thought we made really good choices, my hubs and I, we eat nutritionally dense, because that is what fuels us. We get it. Then one day I was at the store, and I realized...as I was holding a box of 52 cookies for $5, as a treat, that I had just decided the $5 organic eggs were too expensive. 😐 I was in the trap too! So I bought chickens...and now I can have both. Ha! I'm kidding...kind of, but I'm not so confident I always choose the best anymore, it knocked me off my "I always eat right" pedastool lol...it made me more aware!

And again, I love the text!

Exactly the east option nowadays thanks to big food is processed junk, and not well raised healthy foods

Right, it is the "normal" now to help feed the masses. But it's actually killing us. My conspiracy bone tingling haha

Ha ha your conspiracy bone should be reverborating.

You just have to look at the rates of “Diabesity” to tell you it is killing us, albeit slowly the way they want it..... means more money being spent feeding bad habits and healthcare associated costs. Why do you think your insurance premiums are so high in the USA!!

oh WE know it! it's sad that more people can't see it. thankfully there are pioneers in the profession who are willing to keep preaching the merits of NUTRITION!!! (like @kiwideb and you @robmenzies!!!) and people like @countrygirl, @freedomtowrite ,@coachjj and so many others who do see the light! lol ... (even chicks like me who try to sneak a "spoonful of sugar into the medicine by infusing humor)

if we can help our families and be examples... and let that slowly spread by influencing those around us.... maybe??? just maybe we can affect some change.

like my friend Rusi said... "start with one, and let God do the rest!"

also... I'm so grateful that there ARE good doctors in America that are seeing the light and making the change... i happen to have one!!!!! I am currently 7 hours away from her (after our move) and i REFUSE to give her up! Functional medicine is on the rise, but there are still a lot of doctors that prescribe to the "pill to the ill" mentality! Sad - but as long as there is money to be made off of people's illness.... we know the end to that story.


That made me laugh...but not in a good way, I wish it wasn't true! I would love for more people to care for their health outside of doctors, take real personal responsibility.

Lady, I have the same bone! And it tingles constantly...hehehehe

Haha...we just look around at everything with shifty eyes!

you saw the GIF up there right??? hehehe the guy with the eyes at the computer?? THAT'S US!!!! hahahahahaha

I was totally LCL when i saw it the first time.

But we DO really have the power to sway that!!! We just need to resist the packaged, processed junk... and commit to preparing GOOD foods. Not only that... But when we prepare foods for our family from scratch, we tend to enjoy the meals as a family around the dinner table too! (Not just grabbing something quick in a package and running!!) So it's really good for health AND good for strengthening family time too!😊

Hahahhaah I need chickens too!!!!!!!! :)

But all kidding aside, you're soooo right! There is always a cost!!!!! Cost to pockets? Cost to doctor? Cost to health??? Which one do you choose today!

And you know what? I think occasionally, you grab the cookies!
Not often! In moderation... But let's even have some moderation in our moderation!!

I love your interaction!!! 😊

Haha yes, moderation inside of the moderation! And thank you! I love that your comments are always super long and multi-paragraphed! Not sure if paragraphed is a word haha

I know hahahahaha I tend to ramble... But if you like to "mine", you might occasionally dig up some shiny pieces of decent info 😂😂😂😂

Hahaha...keep going! I'll mine for them!

hahahaha you got it!!! :)

Lucky are those who can plant what they eat.For they are 100% aware of what kinds of foods they feed their mouths.Buying organic doesn't mean that they are 100% free from pesticides sometimes.

It was my understanding that buying organic meant that they used natural forms of "pesticides". I don't have a problem with deterring bugs and critters naturally! But have you seen some evidence of dangerous pesticides creeping into the organic market? Please share! We all love knowledge here! 😊

And yes I so agree.... Homegrown veggies are not only better for you but better TASTING!!!!

@dreemsteem, in the Philippines, there is supermarket owner who would pay my father who is a farmer to be one of their suppliers of organic vegetables.They gave my dad a pack of pesticides to shoo the pests away from his crops.It was actually not a natural form of pesticides.

Aghhhhhh. This is awful!!!! In the US we are supposed to have very strenuous restrictions on what can acquire the USDA organic label.
I would hope this didn't occur in America, but I'm sure we need to be cautious and not at all naive!
But I agree with you. When we grow our own... THEN we know for certain!!!! 😊

I agree with you sir, that's why we just can't trust the label.

I'm a m'am... not a sir... hehehehe :)

I don't speak logic!

LAMO, your antic's make me want to do a detox but then I think again, and maybe its not for me as funny as it is in hindsight lol. Thanks for the laugh.

Hahahhahahaa I have to say... It is SO WORTH IT. IN EVERY way. all joking and kidding aside, it makes your body sing with balance! It's like hugging every organ and saying "thank you for the beautiful way you serve me! How can I serve you?"

Truly.. I like to be funny... But as hard as it is... I will continue this practice for as long as I can! :)

If you do ever really want to try (and it doesn't have to be hard core!!! You can dip your toes in! Hehehe) I will honestly help you in any way I can :)


I withheld my dollar from one company and gave it to another - and THAT made a REAL difference!

I started doing this everywhere! I mostly stopped giving my money to junk, and started funding the companies that were feeding me nutrient-dense, balanced, whole, body-strengthening foods.

The power of the dollar (or whatever currency you're involved with) is so much more powerful than anyone gives it credit for. If only every individual saw that.

And that said, there are plenty of ways to still eat healthy without breaking the bank - it just requires a little more leg work up front to find those deals. But once you've found them, you know where they are and can keep up the trend :D

Excellent read, I have to go back and slog through the rest of your experiences...

Right???? i agree with your agreeing with me! hahahahaha

but it's SO true! we have MUCH more power than we realize! And it's because we've been duped into thinking that we HAVE NO POWER.

rise up with your vote people! hehehehe

and yes - you're so right - there are some things that just cost more (like my $20 raw milk hahaha) but there are SO many other things that are NOT expensive. just find and share - find and share!

I have a few TREASURES in my toolbelt that i'll be sharing for my fellow gluten freeks ;) i just need to get this contest finished up for Thursday and then i'll be able to focus on some other things hehehe

and PLEASE do go back and read. You don't have to read them all - but about 75% of them are pretty funny! (so i've been told) hehehehe and people get scared away by the "blah. detox. boring." title... and then they're pleasantly surprised that I feed a little sugar with my medicine ;)

i would recommend a few for you - for instant giggles... but i'm not sure how comfortable you are with general "poop" humor. hahahahahahaha just peruse, and let me know if anything strikes your funny bone ;)

and thank you - by the way - for your amazing comment. I LOVE comments. (and my upcoming contest will be trying to reward GREAT commenting from now and throughout all eternity!!!) ...or at least until I'm broke. hehehehe

LOL! Well I'll definitely stay tuned for that!

(also a follow up to people not using their power - honestly, I feel like a lot of people are just lazy too. So there's that. But for those humans who aren't, but complain that they have no power.. we'll they're just uninformed!)

Right! "Wait - I can use my power??? But - will using my power require ANY inconvenience on my part??? It will? ok forget it. Please just open my mouth and pour addictive substances in while I zone out. THANKS!"

yep - sounds familiar to meeeeeeee. hehehehe

but it's ok - we will just keep gently prodding with a little knowledge, a little sensitivity, a little perseverance.... and one day - they'll be ready! :)

As I was catching up on your detox posts that I somehow was way behind in, I was feeling like chocolate. But inside I chose some "fudge" I'd made with coconut butter, coconut oil, cacao butter, raw cacao and a little stevia. Probably more expensive, but more nutrient dense. (and some days I have the chocolate - dark, of course)

Occasionally there is something we balk at the price of, but in general, good quality food is the one thing we don't skimp on.

mmmmmm yes i even made some peppermint patties once.... adding some peppermint oil to the coconut butter. yummmmmo!! :)

it's so true. this is the fuel that we're putting into our bodies. why would we want to put junk into them??? we only get ONE BODY! LOL

I would do peppermint for me, and have done, but @sift666 doesn't like it, so compromise and all that...

Thanks so much! Do you see this issue in your life too? What kind of choices have you needed to sacrifice for better health? 🙂

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