26 day detox: Day 2 - coffee, anyone ;)

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

For those who haven't had a chance to read the intro (you can read it HERE if you choose), the following 26 days will be snippets of conversations -either REAL... or based on REAL conversations- that actually happened during my 26-day detox.   Spoiler alert:  I've already done this 26-day detox.  I conquered it.  I feel amazing and though it was SO WORTH IT... the comics will express my very real attitude DURING the detox.   (aka. not always so very cheerful)   The lion avatar always represents me.  Yes, i am a lioness -but my avatar is a lion.  Just roll with it.

Day 2 - coffee, anyone?  ;)

My husband is a coffee snob.  

The man used to chug Folger's out of a Styrofoam cup, for crying out loud! But now he scours the world for the latest, greatest beans... locations...gadgets... techniques... you name it!  If it's out there - we must have it.

You know Kopi luwak ? (nope. not even gonna explain that one. I left a link if you want to know... but blechhhhhhhhhhhh. If you do look - please confirm to me that the stage 6 picture also gave you the heebie-jeebies.)   

While he has NOT YET purchased this magical brew, he HAS destroyed our children's popcorn machine by roasting his precious, raw, Ethiopian yirgacheffe beans to the "third-crack" stage.   sighhhhhhhhh

All I can say is.... REALLY?  

For me, I rarely drink coffee.  I am perfectly fine with the 99-cent swill that comes out of a machine at 7/11.

eh...  comme ci, comme ça.  

So imagine his surprise when I turned the tables on him during the detox.   I mean... can he blame me??  Drinking it down the hatch is one thing.  But where this coffee is going??? 

"Garçon, I shall have the choicest beans from the shadiest hillside in Guatemala!"

Needless to say... 

The hubs was was surprised that his wife had become quite the coffee connoisseur.  If for some reason, you weren't able to pick up what I was throwin' down in yesterday's post (here), all shall become clear as to WHERE this particular regimen was to take place.  I'll give you a hint.  These coffee implants aren't placed on Mars, nor are they placed on Neptune.   They're placed in..... 

 (Disclaimer: These posts are NOT the detox program, and in no way, is this meant to replace the actual detox program! It is also not medical advice!!  Please do not treat it as such.  Only do a detox after researching which one is best for you and consult your physician before proceeding with any detox program!!!)  It's only meant to be funny and hopefully entertaining observations about my OWN experience on the 26- day detox program.   I tried my best to balance humor (and whining) with encouragement (and cracking the whip).  If you don't get some of the jokes … or if you just have questions... I love comments!  Ask away!   

26-day journey


Day 1


OMG! I don't know you yet, but I love you already! You're hilarious. I'm also kinda-sorta on a detox program myself. And the coffee has been involved. But, I've fallen off the wagon for the last 5 weeks, but your posts are helping light the fire again. Thank you! Question: even though I was told to get organic coffee and grind them as needed, I went with the cheapest possible... have you compared the good stuff with the cheap stuff? If so, notice any difference?

Oh my gosh!!!! I love funny comments cuz I will laugh all day long at my own expense lol

But this is my first REAL question for detox help!!!! Woo hoooooo!!!

So first off... I'm not a detox expert but I play one on TV!

Secondly... Really, take my advice with a grain of salt.

Thirdly... My husband is the research king! He found this coffee especially formulated for enemas! (But dreemsteem? They have such a thing??? Well, they also have coffee from cats' butts, too, so........)

I will send you the link. (In the next comment ... Gotta grab the link!) We got a kit with the "Uranus" salve 😉, some essential oils (sometimes I used, sometimes I didn't), a special soap(used sometimes... I wanted to see the difference. I was my own guinea pig), Celtic salt, (Only hubby did this cuz it required 3 separate enemas and who has time for that!?!?!?) and the special coffee for the process.

Let's keep chatting!!! And I'm so excited that my blog lit a fire under you... Just keep the flame away from your tenders! 😂😂😂😂

That was easy!!! Here ya go @coachjj


But please only do what you have researched yourself and feel comfortable with! Lol really... Even between me and my hubby... I'm like.... "Um no. I'm not doing that."

Also I didn't use chlorophyll capsules cuz if you saw my other post... 2 gallons of green juice? I have enough chlorophyll, thanks! I'm practically a tree! 😂

I think I did feel more of that lymph drainage using this particular coffee?? But who knows. Maybe it's just placebo effect?? Lol

The more I did the coffee, the less I felt the drainage too... So??? I like to try lots of things. And then go with the least expensive option of the highest quality stuff! :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll check out the link. It's great to connect with people who have common interests. I learned quickly that people form interesting opinions about you when you mention the use of coffee enemas. Lol. How great to have your husband on board!

You're so welcome! You saw the link right? 😊 It was in a separate comment.

And my hubby... Oh my gosh. Talk about laughter with our first attempts. I'm surprised we were successful at all!!! He's a funny guy!!

hmmmm.....I love coffee.....the end. :)

curiosity killed the cat. hehehehe

want a really good laugh??? go here. Read the story first, then read the replies!!! lol

and we know how that ended ...... 🙀

Country girl sorry i had to go read your post and must admit it’s hilarious you got yourself another follower. @dreemsteem I have a feeling for the next 26 days its just going to be the three of us on your post lol so i dont think we have to worry about offending anyone with our comments. I am sure your more discernd followers would have changed the channel by the time they get to here 😂😉

Oh.... They're here @robmenzies. They just don't want to comment lolololol

But that's ok... We will have our own fun in the comment section hehehee

Oh yes we will lol we will just need to monitor your following!! It may exponentially go up or down. I guess it depends on how many voyeurs are on the platform 🤐

Well I just checked. It's gone up. But we have 23 more days of detox to discuss. SOOOOO.
Today we will discuss the "Goldilocks" method.
Ahhhhh sigh. I fear this may be the end of the journey for some of my followers. 😎

He he he hurry up and sleep so i can read your post tomorrow or tonight lol.
You need to save your energy for another epic post.

Yes I am in the same time zone as Moscow. But a bit further south than that. I am based in Qatar in the Middle East.

well good thing he had 8 more lives left!!!!

Okay, so let's make a pact.....when we get famous and people make funny remarks on our posts like that....we will have a party.

I didn't want to continue this conversation on his post in case it offended anyone.

I don't like to offend with my humor....it can get uncomfortable :)

hahahaha i'm the same way - i like to joke, but i try to always do it in a way where everyone is laughing. hehee

and yessssss. what shall we call this party??? :) i await your suggestions!

and maybe we can give the special comments this secret award that you speak of. we can call it the Golden O award. I'll hide what that means in another unrelated "future" post! hehehehe

"Thank you for your comment! You've been awarded the Golden O award today!" it will be our secret ;)

Thats a good name for a bot!! Imagine getting upvoted by the Golden- O-bot

Lololololol yes!!!!!!! The Golden O bot!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂


So now, we really must come for a visit soon so that I can have some of your hubby's latest and greatest coffee preparations... ;)



He HAND GRINDS the coffee. FOR THE LOVE!!!!!!!

Nice post...
May you have more success in life..
Keep it up

Thank you 😊
I hope my post made you laugh! Hehe

Good Morning!!
It’s officially the weekend here so i managed an rxtra hour or so in bed and as i write about to go get my morning coffee I think i will have some Juan Valdez straight from Columbia....

has your hunby got one of these babies

Now how did i know as soon as i read

coffee snob

Where this was going and the first thing that popped into my mind before even seeing it was Kopi Luwak. There certainly seems to be a pattern developing here but i just can’t put my finger on it yet lol.

We actually had a cofee festival here a few montha ago of coffees from around the world and I actually got to see the lovely Civet that helps produce the wonderful cofee, played around with some of the pre-processed coffee as well as drank the final product. Now i must be a coffee heathen as it was nothing special to be honest.
So based on what you’re sayinf in your discussion we should be charging 10 steem a pop for our “Starbacks” or “DreemSteem Coffee” you have to choose a name for the sake of continuity lol.

  1. Comments bring me joy
  2. YOUR comments bring me joy and giggles 😆
  3. I found a poster that has made me weak from laughing... Especially his comments! but he's also brilliant. You need to check him out.. you'll follow for sure @ilt-yodith . Please read the comments! At one point, I saw stars from lack of oxygen.... No joke!!! I had to go back and read all his posts!!!!!
  4. I give you the honor of naming our coffee shop!!! But I will choose the color scheme. I think I'm gonna go with brown. no particular reason. 😏
  5. Hubs doesn't drink espresso so please don't give him any ideas... Lol

Thank you i am glad i give you the giggles, just make sure your not having any cafe a la gravity or you might loose ot all if you clench too much.

You have confised me with 3 a little i’m not sure which poster you’re referring to on @ilt-yodith’s page.

I agree with the colour scheme means you dont have to clean up so much if someone does loose control.
I dont drink espresso either but its useful for making the base for my americano, but typically i use a 6 cup espresso maker and thats enough to fill my morning cup topped of with a good dash of cream!!

You need to give me your discord username or add me on discord my username is rob menzies. We can plot to take over the world on it lol

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