26 day Detox: Day 7-10 - One does not simply eliminate salt

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

Detox Days 7-10...One does not simply eliminate salt.

Why lump them all together? Well, I initially wrote this for my detox tribe. They have all laughed and cried at the truth of each of these comics, day by blessed day.

With the exception of a few of my readers, you have no idea what this really feels like. So if I spaced these posts out, you would probably think I was exaggerating, and give a token chuckle here and there, losing interest rapidly. Please note the chart of rapidly losing interest.

I would rather maximize the chance of chuckles while minimizing the risk of losing your interest.

Before I go any further...

For those who haven't had a chance to read the intro (you can read it HERE if you choose), the following 26 days will be snippets of conversations -either REAL... or based on REAL conversations- that actually happened during my 26-day detox. Spoiler alert: I've already done this 26-day detox. I conquered it. I feel amazing and though it was SO WORTH IT... the comics will express my very real attitude DURING the detox. (aka. not always so very cheerful) The lion avatar always represents me. Yes, i am a lioness -but my avatar is a lion. Just roll with it.

And back to salt deprivation...

But dreemsteem, is salt really that big of an issue? I don't even use a lot of salt on my food.

Well, you might not shake extra salt onto your food, but if you're used to eating a lot of processed food, you're getting way more than you should be. Don't believe me? Look at the sodium content of this bag of snacks!

That's 18% of your recommended daily average (RDA) in ONE serving!!! If you ate the whole bag, you'd be nearly at your FULL RDA for sodium. I don't know what kind of glutton would eat an entire bag of chips just because she skipped breakfast, (cough cough) but that's beside the point. I'm just saying - check the labels.. of EVERYTHING. You're getting a lot of salt.

But dreemsteem, I don't think I really am addicted to salt!

Ok! Let's do an experiment.

  • Step 1. Stop eating salt.
  • Step 2. Cry.
  • Conclusion: You're probably addicted to salt.

Now, here is the good news! For most people, the salt cravings go away pretty quickly! After the first week, they're not even missing salt anymore! Oh-so-lucky-for-me, this was not the case. I don't know why, and I'd actually love to find out. (Dr. Menzies, paging @robmenzies.... any insight into this?)

The author of this wonderful program gave valid reasons why you eliminate salt from your diet during this detox. One of the main reasons is that it shifts the balance in your cells (lower sodium, higher potassium) and that helps to detoxify your cells. One of the main misconceptions that people have is that when you're retaining extra water, it's pure, mountain fresh water inside your cells. Incorrect. If you're retaining water, it's because you're not balanced and this “water” is actually yucky. (I'm pretty sure yucky is an actual medical term.)

You want to really FLUSH your system. Stop eating poison, flush out the dirties with exercise, sauna, and coffeeeeeee times (hehehe!), increase the amount of fresh water that you're drinking and rebalance!

When I finished the detox, I did NOT remain completely off of salt. However, I am very careful with continuing to check labels. I also stay away from processed foods as much as possible (including my precious hot fries.)

we needs it, precious.


So... Salt. yep. I found it incredibly difficult to stop obsessing about salt. But, hey -maybe you won't!

“Please don't make me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry” – the Hulk.

You lost me at salt.

Recycled salt? My puppy is a genius.

Salt licks are not for human consumption. Already checked.

(Disclaimer: These posts are NOT the detox program, and in no way, is this meant to replace the actual detox program! It is also not medical advice!! Please do not treat it as such. Only do a detox after researching which one is best for you and consult your physician before proceeding with any detox program!!!) It's only meant to be funny and hopefully entertaining observations about my OWN experience on the 26- day detox program. I tried my best to balance humor (and whining) with encouragement (and cracking the whip). If you don't get some of the jokes … or if you just have questions... I love comments! Ask away!

26-day Journey


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6


I'm not Dr Menzies, but I'm going to answer anyway with "hello, because we need salt!"

Refined sugar = bad
BUT sugar in whole fruits & veg, in the right quantity for your particular needs = good

Canola oil, margarine, trans fats = Bad, naughty fats
BUT stable animal fats, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, whole nuts and avocado = good, healthy come-to-mama fats

Refined salt in processed foods = probably bad
BUT real salt is VITAL for a lot of the ways our bodies work
So cutting out the salt in processed foods is a good thing, but not eating salt at all isn't

Now that I start blathering on, I remember I wrote a post about salt, once upon a time


yes!!!! she praises the necessity of sodium.... but table salt... (NaCl) she doesn't like very much hehehe

so @robmenzies did have some insight!!! and perhaps he will share it here (he messaged me on discord hehehe) but there is something to do with the balance between sodium and potassium in flushing the dirties out! Rob.... care to share??? hehehe

and i'm totally going to go ready your sorry salt story :)

i choose it everyday. now i know!!!! SALT IS MY NUMBER ONE OBSESSION!!!! hahahahahahahahaha

Its the same with sugar its in everything! What a great experiment

Very true. Salt and sugar is added in such massive quantities. Eliminating them is so hard for the detox - but it's so beneficial :)

Great following your page. It might give me the motivation to give up sugar as i eat way t much!!

That's awesome!!! i'm glad that i was able to motivate you :) but even if you can't give up sugar completely - you can always make modifications to what you're eating now! maybe just shoot for cutting it in half for a week - and see how you feel! :) let me know how you're doing! i'll be cheering for you! hehehehe

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