Day 39/40: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: swimming with the dolphins/pasta

in #freewrite7 years ago

Hi Everyone!

This is my Day 39/40: 5 Minute Freewrite. Day 39 found here and Day 40 found here.


Tomorrow I have to get up at 4 am to be ready to take my husband to the hospital for hip replacement surgery.

We have spent the last weeks getting our house ready for him to recover in.

My 80-year-old mom came last month to help clear up some of the mess. She is the most organized person I know and when on a mission she will not stop even if it kills her.

I see a lot of pasta in my future! It's easy to make for dinners and filling.

My energy levels go up and down, mostly down, so pasta casseroles are the easiest thing I can make that is healthy, warm and good to eat when your not feeling well.

My husband will be confined to the 2nd floor for at least a week because we only have one bathroom in our house and it's on the 2nd floor.

He is a doer, so by the time a week is up, he will be going insane which in turn will mean........... you guessed it!! I will be on a plane to go swimming with dolphins!

Happy Writing!

***and no, I will not be swimming with dolphins.........I will be here complaining about my Hubby going insane upstairs :D
Oh! the joys of getting older!

Here are a few of my other freewrite if you care to read more:
Day 38: Prompt: Fresh Floor Wax X 2
Weekend Freewrite 4
Day 34: Prompt: Big Wave
Day 33: Prompt: Hair
Day 32: Prompt: scream
Weekend Freewrite 3 - The First Sentence
Day 27: 5 Minute Freewrite
Day 26: Prompt: a shoe
Freewrite Day 24, 21 and 19
Day 17: The Weekend Freewrite
Day 16: Prompt: Dirty Dishes
Day 15: Prompt: White Cat
Day 14: Prompt: Apricot
Day 13: Prompt: crazy
Day 12: Prompt: Some Change
Day 11: Prompt: Sleep
Day 10:Prompt: Splinter
Day 9:Prompt: After Midnight
Day 8Prompt: Started
Day 7:Prompt: I Saw a Wild Pig Running Down the Street


The main reason I make one story houses in my Sims game! Such a pain. I feel for you. Great picture of ya'll. I want pasta now!!!

I want so too but don't want to make it loll

I wish your husband a speedy recovery. At least you have your Steemit family to keep you sane...maybe. 😁

You keep showing me spiders and I'll have to come find you and throw you in with the sharks...........I mean dolphins........ :D

And Thank You very much! I'm sure he will do fine, it's just the stress before a surgery we are going through now.

Such a sweet photo! He's lucky to have someone like you to be there with him! I wish your husband a swift recovery. As for sanity, it is really overrated. I say have fun with the dolphins!

Hehehehehehe if I lived anywhere near a dolphin I probably would!

I'm used to my time during the day so it will get interesting over the next month! loll

and THANK YOU for the sweet words!

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