Day 38: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Fresh Floor Wax X 2steemCreated with Sketch.

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

This is? my Day 38: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: Fresh Floor Wax

Take Two because Take one really bothered me! loll


The fresh floor wax glistened in the sun that came through the front window.

It was a beautiful day to have the windows open and the fresh breeze wafting in, gently ruffling the drapes.

There was nothing better to Sandra then a clean house. She took pride in her house. It was her pride and joy.

She also loved having people stop by for any reason. She was a wonderful cook and always had some cookies or muffins ready to offer a friend if they stopped by............and lot's of friends did stop at her house.

The house was the most lovely and comfortable place to be. It was set in a valley with fields of wildflowers all around. Not close to the hubbub of the rest of the town.

But people were willing to walk there just to enjoy Sandra's good company and desserts.

She had a way of making people feel at home, so much so, that when you left her house you felt as if your spirit was renewed for another day.



This photo from Pexels about sums it up my thoughts on take One! LOL


Take One

fresh floor wax..............


floors, boards, cords, moreds? is moreds a word?

I don't think so........there is a red red line under it...........

okay back to waxing floors................mice do it in fairy tales..............

Grandma's do it in storybooks............

wax.......fresh wax...........

I have heard about it...........

I have heard it's a HELL of a job that I would never want to do...........

Isn't that why they made pre-waxed linoleum? so people didn't have to wax floors?

but then that brings up, what IS linoleum made out of? the plastic that never dies?

Where wax is, well,'s natural...............and naturally a pain to use, so many, many people don't.

Unless you have a maid, that, THAT poor woman needs to do it but you pay her/him so?? it makes up for having a horrible job?

But what if that woman NEEDS any job and the only one she can get is waxing floors, cuz no one in their right mind wants to do it, so they are willing to pay anyone else to do it?

Wax .....floors...........

hmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe I should have left this one alone loll


Happy Writing!

Here are a few of my other freewrite if you care to read more:

Weekend Freewrite 4
Day 34: Prompt: Big Wave
Day 33: Prompt: Hair
Day 32: Prompt: scream
Weekend Freewrite 3 - The First Sentence
Day 27: 5 Minute Freewrite
Day 26: Prompt: a shoe
Freewrite Day 24, 21 and 19
Day 17: The Weekend Freewrite
Day 16: Prompt: Dirty Dishes
Day 15: Prompt: White Cat
Day 14: Prompt: Apricot
Day 13: Prompt: crazy
Day 12: Prompt: Some Change
Day 11: Prompt: Sleep
Day 10:Prompt: Splinter
Day 9:Prompt: After Midnight
Day 8Prompt: Started
Day 7:Prompt: I Saw a Wild Pig Running Down the Street


I absolutely loved your take 1!!! That is what happens in a freewrite - thoughts flowing. And you know what, there are places where it is considered rude to do work you could give someone a job with. I do question the idea that some work is below anyone. Better than starvation. I hate to clean and if I had any xtra funds - I so would pay someone to do it. And there are people who love it and can earn a living.....

My Sister in Law LOVES to clean! and I mean LOVES. Her house is so clean you could eat off the floor loll so yes, I know people do love everything that there is to do in this is what makes this world work :D if everyone liked the same thing how boring would that be and wasn't that what the book 1984 was about? just guessing here it's been a long time since I read that....or was that the pig one?

Now i'm going to have to Google loll

it would be a very boring world!!

Ha ha. I liked them both!!! I liked the first one because it reminded me of your mom :D The second one reminded me of that floor wax for linoleum floors, Floor Bright or something. It smelled so good. The second one you should continue, someone needs to have an accident where there's blood on her clean floors!!!! Great job.

HA! after your reply about my Mom, I reread it and it does sound a lot like here lolll

Thank you for my morning laugh and smile!

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