The ecoTrain Magazine Saturday October 6th: Topics Include Fermenting, Parenting, Vegan Recipes & MUCH more!

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

Hello my luvlies! It's the first ecotrain magazine since the hard-fork, and we have been busy writing to make up for the 5 day break! Thankfully everything is working great again, and the @ecotrain is steeming along nicely as always. Our passengers never cease to be inspired and motivated to write wonderful, meaningful and useful posts, and once you have finished scrolling this page I’m sure you will know what I mean.


Things that help to make the world a better place".

That can mean many things, and so the ecoTrain are interested in anything on that theme. Therefore we have a great diversity of posts from our passengers. We cover things like Spirituality, ecoBuilding, Healthy Vegan Eating & Recipes, cosmic knowledge, philosophy, psychology, esoteric writing, story writing, and more! This highlights post is another way that I try to bring more support and engagement for our passengers.

The ecoTrain birthed with the founding principle of Service To Mankind and the world around us. The full name of this ecoTrain is "ecoTrain Seva"

"Selfless service or Seva in Sanskrit (Punjabi: ਸੇਵਾ) is a service which is performed without any expectation of result or award for performing it. Such services can be performed to benefit other human beings or society."

This name is used to highlight the idea of working without any expectation of reward since it's easy to forget when we are getting upvotes and money from Steemit. Our primary goal is to give service to the world and the people in the form our our posts and up votes. What financial rewards we get are just a bonus! We may make money, but that is not the main goal!


Persimmon Beer Wild Ferment & A Wild & Local Chutney

So the other day you saw our post on PERSIMMONS! What are we going to do with all of those?

Well, I'll tell you! We had in mind a beer, a chutney, and frozen pulp.

Last night I pureed away (manually) using a colander, a bowl and a spoon. It was a little work on the wrist, but it went pretty quickly.

Off Grid Homesteading Autumn Update! Firewood, Fall Seed Starting & Food Forest Planting

Hey everyone! It's been a second since we've done a seasonal update from our off grid homestead.

Seasonal shifts are more than just cold weather coming in and the retreat of the sun, they entail the necessity of putting away firewood, food and relating to the land in a different way.


Perfection on Reflection (Original Photo and Poem)

I have waited so long
To get this perfect view
The angle was always wrong
Until the day I met you.

The sight is always good
Even with a water ripple
Surrounded by nature and wood
Watching, with a little tipple

We're Going on an Iguana Hunt.... (A Funny Moment from our Hols)

When we were away in France, we fell in love with the critters that climbed the walls and we hunted them like human hawks, this is a little footage that I managed to capture that shows the fun we had hunting "iguanas". :)


Our Children Reminding Us How To Listen to Ourselves

I have written many times, about how our children are here to guide us, to help us remember, that in order for us to really thrive and be happy we need to listen to and trust ourselves. To Listen to our bodies, when they are trying to communicate with us, it seems such a simple thing really, I mean how can we expect to really listen to and hear others if we don't do it for ourselves.


I have been tagged by @indigoocean to take part in the Get to Know Me Challenge which was created by @anomadsoul. The aim of the challenge is that each person who is nominated, picks between 5 -10 posts that they have written or created that really represent s who they are. Posts that do no include, politics, religion or crypto. Which I must say is pretty easy for me.


Question Of the Week Almanac: July 2017 - October 2018

We sure have been asking a lot of questions since July 2017! So far I make it 33, and what better number to create my very first Question Of The Week Almanac! This series is one of our favourites, and we have sure dug deep every week and brought some amazing insights and answers to some very interesting questions. It would probably take you about a year to read every post in every tie up post, but its fun to even just scroll this page and peek at the the list of thumbnails and questions we have asked!


I have been tagged by @trucklife-family to take part in the Get to Know Me Challenge which was created by @anomadsoul. The aim of the challenge is that each person who is nominated, picks between 5 -10 posts that they have written or created that really represent s who they are. Posts that do no include, politics, religion or crypto. Which I must say is pretty easy for me.

You can see @anomadsoul's post here and here are the rules,


Getting back into the Groove - So much work to do!

Back to work!

I'm not always sure which is the most important project I am working on, there are several things that require my attention, and after a long weekend of adventure I needed some rest!

I definitely want to get a post out now, since I don't even have an active post out right now! Its been many months since that has happened. So before I head off to bed, I will let you all in on some updates from life.

We drove all around the state of Florida and did all sorts of fun things! This includes cheering on 15k runners and helping an octogenarian award them with medals! What interesting lives we lead!


That October Feeling..

As I see the trees losing their lush color and leaves as they slowly step forwards into October, I can only think of one thing. They are going to be naked and exposed to the world for some time. Of course, they will have their thick bark to protect them, but their seemingly outward beauty, that won't be there. They will stand strong amidst the chilly winters, take one storm after another, maybe even a blizzard, but they will be there. You know why? Because that's how life is. They know this too shall pass and they still have to live so they hang on and just live..


Repetitive Beats, Dancing in Unity and Being Freeeeeeeeeee: #freedomfriday free free free free!

Last week #freedomfriday was delayed due to the Hard fork, but the week before was about the right to bear arms, which was quite a tough one for those that didn't grow up in a gun culture. It was so fascinating to read about those who did, however, and it's to @eaglespirit's and @freedomtribe's credit that they are making this a thing - every Friday, we'll be writing about an aspect of freedom, and everyone is welcome to join in the fun. There's SBI on offer too for an extra tempter, but freedom is such a worthy topic to talk about that that's by the by for me.

This week's topic is MUSIC FREEDOM. You can write a protest song, create some lyrics, or share your favourite freedom song. This is right up my alley because I love my tunes, and I've been thinking all week about what I'd write about.

Tribe Dreaming: What Have I Done to Support Community on Steemit? A Response to @elamental's Writing Contest

I find it soo hard to talk about the things that I have achieved here on Steemit because we're raised to be a little more humble than that and I'm not really good with "I' as in "I'm so great because...'. I also find I have to step outside of myself and look at what I've achieved as if I'm not looking at me, but another person. However this is a great exercise for any of us to do because it helps muffle that darn inner critic that is never "good enough'.

Yet I firmly believe each one of us in both the Steemworld and the bigger world has the ability to radiate out into the world, and I think that in my small ways, I try to do just that.


All About Digestive Bitters Tonics and How To Make Your Own!

Digestive bitters are ancient medicinal herbal extracts, used through the ages to treat digestive ailments and flavour alcohol.

Bitters are made from a combination of bitter & aromatic, barks, roots, seeds, fruits & flowers. These herbs are infused in alcohol (essentially making a tincture). Not only are they good for digestion but they also assist with detoxifying the liver and keeping the whole digestive system in good working order.

Chicory: A Medicinal & Culinary Perennial (And How To Make Roasted Chicory Root)

Chicory (Cichorium intybus) is a fascinating nutritional and medicinal plant.

Part of the aster family if is native to the northern Middle East to southern Balkan Peninsula. It has naturalized to North America, Europe and Australia. It is a plant with many names including wild endive, cheveux de Paysans,Succory, just to name a few.

This is a versatile plant, providing an important bitter element to your diet. You can use all parts of the plant from roots, shoots, leaves and flowers.


Community: Finding it, Building it, and Creating it

I moved here to Hopkins at least in part because of the community. People here are friendly. You know, minus the kid who said, "death to all americans!" For the most part, everyone here is really kind. Everyone says hello, even the teenagers. People are happy to help you find something or fix something. I can't tell you how many people have stopped to help me fix my car. People care for and help one another here in a way that you almost never see in the US. That said, it will never be my community. The people from here are very close knit with a rich cultural history and many beautiful traditions. It will never be my history or my traditions. I will always be an outsider, and that is how it should be. As white people we often think we are entitled to own a piece of everything. Colonialism hangover.

Rising from the Ashes

Well, it's been quite the shit show in the US this week. I have the distinct feeling next week will not be much better. They will do a fluffy, cursory investigation, and whether they uncover anything or not, they will confirm the rapist. And all the rape apologists will cheer. After all, the US has a president who's had 19 rape allegations and multiple infidelities and instances of domestic abuse. People just don't care.

I think that has been the most traumatizing part of all of this. There has been a confirmation of our suspicion that most people, men especially, but many women also, just do not think violating a woman's body is wrong. I am silenced. I am wrong. I am shamed. That has been the devastatingly sad part.


How to navigate these challenging times of Multidimensional awakening ?

How to navigate these challenging times of Multidimensional awakening ?

The world is changing. We are changing. This obvious statement is emphasized by the cosmic alignment taking place these days.
The old ways are being upgraded, and the possibilities are endless.

We are waking the infinite corridor of all potentialities, of countless parallel realities. In fact, I believe we have always had access to this op-PORT-unity. To this PORTal.

I simply feel everyone is waking up now, and realizing step by step we are walking this Corridor of all possibilities.

The thing is that many of us don't know what we want. The main disease of the Collective Mind, not being clear about what we want. A blessing if you truly don't want anything, like the path of the Tantra or Advaita, but a curse if you have to choose one door among millions of doors. One reality among other.


Communities will help you thrive

Finally. After months and months of waiting for the post that would allow me to use the best photo I have seen in while, the day has finally come. There is so much power in this photo. It has that special something about it that makes me want to look at it and then look at it some more. That special something is the connection between people that makes us happy, healthy and thriving. It is collaboration, fun, help, guidance, assistance. It is community.

GRAVITY FIGHTERS - original science fiction story by @zen-art (Steemitbloggers Contest entry)

There were no sounds to disrupt his dreams. Trevor was sleeping but his mind was never standing still, not even while his body was relaxed. His thoughts, so vivid in color, were taking him to places he's been wanting to visit for years. Ever since the incident, dreams were his only way of escaping the nightmare or being awake. His fight was still going on strong even though his body was not so cooperative anymore. There were other ways. There were other means of influencing what was left of normal people on this planet. They all needed to be educated. They all needed to realize the truth. Gravity Fighters had to be exterminated before it was too late.


Cascadia to Aztlan - Through the Willamette Valley

After Portland what our next destination was Eugene, Oregon. We estimated it would take us three days of riding, stopping at the Willamette Mission State Park for one night... and somewhere around Corvallis for the second one. It would be an easy ride, mostly flat, on hopefully not too busy roads, as we were following the route recommended by the Oregon Scenic Bikeways map. Nevertheless, we decided to get an early start, and hopefully have a chance to go swimming in one of the rivers we'd cross.


Conventional Allopathic Treatment Vs. Alternative Holistic Healing which one is preferred

I have been waiting for my Voting Power to go up until I start posting again, but it seems like it's taking forever to get to 100% VP so I decided to go ahead with what I have as of now.

My today's toopic is Conventional Allopathic Treatment Vs. Alternative Holistic Healing which one is preferred.

People have different views on this, there are many who are in complete support only for the conventional Allopathic treatment because of it's quick results and do not have faith at all on Holistic Healing which is a lengthy and time consuming treatment. Each one has it's pros and cons, but my personal belief is that a Holistic or and Alternative healing is a much better option from long term perspective then the regular treatment.


We can teach our children to be custodians of the Environment

We can teach our children to be custodians of the Environment

Today, my 9 years old son (Frank-Kightley), my nephew (Marvelous-Miguel) and I had some quality time pruning flowers around our home.

I was amazed with how much skills my son had in pruning the flowers and all I did was to fine tune his skills so that he becomes a great guardian of plants. Together, we pruned one hedge from the south corner of our home and then he took his time to sweep and gather the leaves and branches from the pruning.


Mindful Indulgence of One Pure Taste - A Perfect Pomelo

t is the ultimate gift to totally explore and fully indulge in something to the exclusion of all else. We gift that focus to our lovers, our babies, great books, anticipated movies and peak experiences we deem "worthy". But it is more than a gift - it is the natural medicine of mindfulness, of allowing all our senses to be completely satiated by removing and blocking all the distraction and competing energies. In that space we are regenerated on more than just the physical level, by an esoteric special something that is somehow more than the sum of its sensory parts.

Ylang Ylang - Tropical Medicine and So Much More Than "Just" an Aphrodisiac

Once people find out you're great for the libido (and officially an aphrodisiac) they often stop trying to get to know your deeper, more serious sides. You get pigeon-holed into spa packages, Valentine's romance massages and the oil burners in relationship counselors' offices. Sigh And so it is with the gorgeous, exotic, tropical Ylang Ylang.

Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) has been one of our best selling Pure Essentials fragrances for nearly 12 years. Blended with Cold Pressed Sweet Orange. Sales start to rise before Christmas and definitely peak around Valentine's Day. People ask for "soft, sensual, romantic" and walk away happily with it in their hands. And they come back. Happy customers. And buy more. Clearly it is well received and grooves all that skin 'thing' along nicely. Let there be more of that! All good.


Tonka-Strawberry Icecream - Vegan recipe (no icecream machine needed!) - Sugar Free

Hi sweethearts! We are officially moving to Spain, I still can't believe it really, it feels like everything is falling on its place and that feeling is amazing.

It was a spontaneous decision, but I feel it is the right one. My intuition tells me we should stay here, get away from the city (Vienna), and live in nature. I have been longing for nature and I know I am not feeling in the balance as long as I stay in the city.

We are moving. Without any secure income, without any plans, we are just following our heart and finally do what feels right for us. My partner is as excited as I am, which is such a relief because he has always been the one that is relayed on security and wants to know everything before taking action.

Green Smoothie - RECIPE - Food Photography

Hi lovlies! It has been another beautiful day here in Spain, we are just soaking in the energy and the stillness, and making great decisions for the feature. The thing is, we have decided to move from Vienna to this area around Orgiva. We are so excited about taking this step, and it feels totally right for us to make this move. Its time for change and time to take action, we are tired of waiting!

I will write more about that later, but for now, I am just sharing this green smoothie recipe!


My road to Steemfest: Freetime! What Freetime?

If, for whatever miracle (and I still believe in miracles) I manage to get to Dublin this Monday to get my passport and my daughter's, then I have the following 'playlist' for you.
Long story...I might get into it at another time, but at this point I am too tired for it. But long story short:
ATM machine kept my money, the money I needed to get our passports done...(to be continued)

Tuesday 6th of November

Is when my family and I will be arriving in Krakow. Hopefully either followed by my friend from Holland or the crazy American lady and her daughter who will be taking care of my kids while I am at Steemfest.
(there will be a time when I bring them all, just not now...this time will be for me)

Introducing a New Steemian - Please welcome @redheaddemon!

Hello my dear Steemian friends!

I am back for yet another IANS (introduce a new Steemian) post.
This time it took me a whole 20 seconds to find the new Steemian I wanted to introduce to you.
I clicked on the intro post, read it and knew: this one is it!

She is a mother of three, veteran and carer of her husband, who is also a veteran.
Her husband was 18 and she was 15 when they met, and still going strong! I admire that and also the strength she clearly shows. Respect! The one thing that got to me was the sentence:
'As for myself who am I, that's a great question. I seem to get lost within the kids and my husbands struggles. Maybe with these postings I can actually find out more myself.'



Who is this Steemian? Want to Know? Read on...

I took up the "Get to Know Me" challenge
So here from my Steemit Blog I present:

My very first intro post told mostly of my life in the Boreal forest and my work with young kids in the "Play and Exploration" program with my love to pass on knowledge. I'll be expanding on those two aspects of my life further on in this post.

My Introductory post - Hello from the Boreal Forest of Canada!

My Role as a Pre-K EA in the "Play and Exploration" Program

@shai-hulud put a twist on #introduceyourself wanting to know more about people who have an interesting job. He modified It to#introduceyourjob. Perfect for me, for I have a very interesting job that I love! I work with young kids in the "Play and Exploration" program. We have lots of fun and I love playing an important part in these young kids lives. Knowing I can make a difference and get them off to a good start.
Find out more - When Work Is Play - What I Do...

Earth Deeds: From My Forest Home - Forest Friendly Family...

The question was asked by @forestfriendly "What does forest friendly mean to you and how forest friendly are you?"

I live in the boreal forest, making my home there for over 25 years. I chose to live in the forest because of it's beauty and abundance, something I wish to preserve.

Lane leading to our home in the forest

I love breathing in the fresh air, hearing the sound of the song birds, and dwelling amongst all the forest critters.
I admire the majesty of 100 year old pines and spruce and love the regeneration of the young popular in new growth forests. I love the successions of growth Mother Nature brings with changing conditions. knowing her to be rather resilient but I have also seen what devastation can occur when there is harvesting in the forest with complete disregard for the workings of the forest ecosystem.


Supporting People Who Help
Make The World A Better Place

Discover previous ecoTrain magazines at @ecoTrain




If you are new to Steemit, love to write, and would like to join the ecoTrain community as an official passenger please email me on [email protected]

** Click Here For More Information on the ecoTrain **





The stopping all stations version of the train is awesome! :) Thank you for the curation love. :)

oooh a comment! how exciting! ;=))) thanks for showin' up! xxx

It's always so nice to make someone's day!

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