in #ecotrain6 years ago

I have been tagged by @trucklife-family to take part in the Get to Know Me Challenge which was created by @anomadsoul. The aim of the challenge is that each person who is nominated, picks between 5 -10 posts that they have written or created that really represent s who they are. Posts that do no include, politics, religion or crypto. Which I must say is pretty easy for me.

You can see @anomadsoul's post here and here are the rules,

  • Only Steemians with more than 6 months in the platform or more than 100 posts made can join this challenge.
  • You can only include posts of your authorship.
  • Avoid crypto, politics and religious posts.
  • Think of this challenge as your Steem blogging "resume or CV"
  • The moment you are able to post, make this compilation and#nominate 3 other Steemians.
  • Use the tag #gettoknowme

Without further ado, here are what are for me my most special posts!

A Compilation of All my eco-building and workshop posts on Steemit

As many of you will know, I am an eco-building enthusiast and have written SO many posts documenting and sharing my stories and experiences. Since 2006, I have built 4 earthships and held workshops during each build. We learn so much about building every time we do anything, and I have shared many of my lessons and given my best advice within these posts. If you are thinking about one day starting on the path to living off-grid and becoming self sufficient, then this post will be one to read and bookmark!

This post is a compilation of all my eco building post that I have written on Steemit. It can be so hard to piece them together from my blog page, that I think it is very worthwhile putting them all in this one post, for you and everyone who may find this page now and in the future.

It is our choice what our futures look like, and the decisions we make today will shape our tomorrow. So if you are reading this, a post can change your life!

Now that we have a better understanding of patriarchy and matriarchy, what is your ideal societal structure? - ecoTrain Question of the Week

This three part question on Patriarchy and Matriarchy has been enlightening! I had no problem answering the first question:

What is Patriarchy: a society led by men or a society led by fear and a feeling of scarcity which happens to be an environment in which the masculine takes charge?

We live, and have lived under a patriarchal regime as far our recorded history goes back. The ideas and values of a patriarchal system are SO ingrained in our being, that most people cannot even comprehend anything else! Because of this, I also had it all wrong in my mind when I started to ponder on the second question of the week:

The ecoVillage Coin: A New Approach For Off-Grid and Sustainable Communities. My Vision For Blockchain Based Communities Worldwide.

There is a global crisis in affordable and functional housing, as well as a cultural and community breakdown happening in most of the world. People are sucked into a lifetime of overwhelming debt so that they can own a home and try to find security. The problem is that when you can't repay the loan, you have lost your security and just about everything you had. The knock on effects of having to live and work just to pay the bills stretches far into our culture and the zeitgeist. The stress and competitiveness of our current free markets have stretched the elastic band to breaking point, and people desperately need a way out. With the demise of the family unit, people are more vulnerable than ever as they get older.
Coders please comment & advise! My Vision to build and sustain ecovillages using the Steemit Codebase!?

How do you define Ascension? The Path To Enlightenment part 9 of 9 - FINALE!

Why are we here, in this physical body? What is our purpose? If we are reborn time and time again then what is the meaning and goal of this great game of life? Are we all destined to reach the same place.. eventually.. or are there many destinations along our epic cosmic journey? We all have one thing in common, free will and the freedom to choose not only how we act, feel, and live, but also how we re-act to the many challenges and tests that life brings.

It is fair to say that we are all tested in each and every moment, and we all make hundreds if not thousands of choices every day. For some people these are conscious choices that we give thought to with great mindfulness. For others they are simply the same actions and learned responses that we are used to making. What do you do when you wake up? Is life just a routine, or is every day and every moment an opportunity for change and self improvement? We are all blessed with our lives, and life itself is a great gift that is all too easy to take for granted. It is a miracle that each and every day we wake up, and we breathe, our hearts beat, and our body gives us the opportunity to be here in this physical world.

"What does it mean to 'Be Spiritual' and do you have to act a certain way to be a spiritual person?-EcoTrain question of the week"

I fart, I burp, I pick my nose, I swear at people (when I'm really upset), I smoke, sometimes eat meat, and I don't do yoga .. but AM I A SPIRITUAL PERSON?!

To be a spiritual person means to come from a place of unity with all life, whilst also serving our own selfish needs. Being selfish is important and not always a bad thing! Compassion and connectedness are a natural state when your heart is open and you are aware of your existence as a small part of a greater whole. If we feel angry, and have righteous anger toward someone, then that feeling is connected and grounded in truth and honor; in this case for ourselves. If on the other hand we are acting out from our wounding and simply being toxic and very angry, then we are coming from a place of disconnectedness, and with a closed heart.

"What is the most important thing a parent needs to teach their child so s/he will live a happy life?" - ecoTrain Question Of The Week

As I ponder this deep question, I am struck by the realisation that whatever answer I have to this weeks' Question Of The Week, it is advice that I had better take myself! Sometimes the best advice we give to others, is also the best advice we can give ourselves, and today that is certainly the case!

We aren't given a parenting Bible when we have children, and in the western world these days, most of us are pretty unprepared for the entirejourney! In times past, and still today in less developed areas, we had a very strong family unit and community support. Back in the day, it would be absolutely natural that the mother of the parent would be very present to support, advise, and help in any way needed. These days our family unit has been eroded to the extent that it is not easy for many mothers and daughters to share time and space without conflict and stress. Even if they do have a good relationship, people are very busy and ofter far apart from each other which makes daily support impossible.

My Steemit Vegan Cookbook #1: All My Steemit Recipes In One Place!

I have had so much fun making food recipes on Steemit. The highlight of course being that I get to eat the delicious creations that I create! Somehow they taste even better after photographing them and putting even more love and attention into my presentation. As anyone who knows me knows, I love to cook and feed people. It is one of those simple joys in life that brings us together around a table or campfire, and lets us enjoy the moment with strangers and family alike. I am sure that many of you will have missed many of my old recipes, and since my Steemit birth in June 2017 I have written a few!

Biology Made Simple For Steemit. 'The Cell' explained in non technical terms

I was lucky to have an extremely good Biology teacher at high school. Our teacher, Ms Lawson, taught us with such passion and commitment that were all transfixed on her and her stories during our Biology lessons. Sometimes understanding comes from hearing something explained in the right way. I hope to be able to do this for you, so that you can understand one of the great miracles of life, the cell; without which we would be just a pool of liquid on the ground! Many people don't understand how big a human cell is relative to something like a human hair, or a molecule. So I would like to start by giving you a sense of scale. On the smallest end of the (Biological) scale are atoms and molecules. They are so tiny that you could fit around 100,000 molecules such as a water molecule (1 nanometer wide apx.) into the width of a human hair. An average cell is about 25,000 times bigger than a molecule. You can fit around 10 cells into the thickness of a human hair. A cell is just a bit too small to see with the naked eye. We can see objects around 0.4m wide, or 400,000 nanometers. A cell is around 25,000 nanometers (25 micrometers) and so we need a microscope to view them.


I'm happy to be sharing some of my Biology knowledge with you, but delivered in a very non-technical way. I majored in Biology for 5 years and also had many months of hands on experience with genetic engineering during a work placement opportunity. One of the most fascinating topics that we covered in our classes was about DNA, the molecule of life. Whilst we spent MANY weeks learning about the theory of what DNA actually is and what it does, it was always clear to me that we were dealing with a miraculous molecule that was very poorly understood. When I was majoring, the scientific world still called 99% of the DNA in our bodies as junk, because they didn't understand what it did. What was clear was that whatever it did, nobody even really understood how it came to be!

The day I met a 'Super Psychic' child with Drunvalo Melchizedek ... and had my mind blown! A True Story with a movie as proof!

Super Psychic Kids, Are They Here To Change The World?

Maybe you've heard of Drunvalo Melchizedek? He's not your average character, and his stories will open your mind up to a whole new level of awareness! Drunvalo and his friends has a Conference way back in around the year 2000. It was called the Prophets Conference and was held in Palm Springs, USA. This conference was a gathering of around 15 presenters who lets face it, by any standards, are pretty out there! A very special lady called Doreen Virtue spoke about Angels and how to connect with them. This was the first time I had heard of Gregg Braden and he was telling us about the Lost Mode of Prayer, a powerful understanding of creative power coming from emotion and feeling. This was revolutionary stuff and I attended this conference with great excitement.

A Glimpse Back To The Future - A Short Story of hope and inevitability

(61,685 Days from Now)

There is a future, and seeing as I am from the future, I want to remember how it is. I want to reassure myself that it is going to be ok, that these times are the growing pains of a better world that is yet to be born. Sometimes I do lose hope that we can ever rise above this craziness. Then when that happens I have to remember that although right now, here in this impatient moment things are pretty terrible, we have actually come so far in so short a time, and that with a little more time we are really going somewhere much more wonderful. It is inevitable. It is going to happen. It has to happen because even if the whistleblowers don’t save us, something else will. Mother nature will save us if we don’t save ourselves.

It’s the year 2185. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and there are 25 billion people harmoniously inhabiting the planet. Earth is stable and sustainable with all aspects of growth, supply, demand, production and utilization of resources and energy production controlled by networks that are all connected and in tune with the planets biorhythms. There is no money and there is no central control of any one land mass by any single person or group of persons. Free and unlimited energy feeds everyone’s needs from tiny, silent, powerful P-Hubs that are built into every device and system that needs power. There is no power grid, there are no factories, there is no pollution.

How I discovered the Meaning of Life, The Universe & Everything Whilst Trading Cryptocurrency: A true story and it’s not 42!

It’s not every day you discover the meaning of life whilst staring at trading graphs on an exchange. I thought I had already figured it out over many long nights and years of deep and meaningful discussions with my school friends. Actually I didn’t really discover the meaning of life, It just sort of happened!


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Wow check you out captain Alex, what an amazing set of articles, that really do represent you in all your awesomeness xxxx got a few here I have not read, very exciting xx

Nice job! You have done a lot so far and steemit is truly lucky to have you honey 💚

aweee... REALLY nice to hear this today.. sunday blues in the monsoon <3 xx

Great to get to know you better! What a wonderful collection of articles - had me staying up into the wee hours of the evening reading. Thanks for sharing!

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