The Community Engagement Challenge - Day 1 Diary

in #challenge7 years ago

The amount of support and participation
in the Community Engagement Challenge has been...


and I am having the time of my life!

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What's the count?

At the time of this post we have 34 Steemians who have signed up for the challenge; 3 donors, and 23 qualifying posts.

There are 142 upvotes and 268 comments!


Each have donated 10 SBD to be used toward the prize pot!
Our total SBD for distribution is currently 180 SBD and growing





Answers to some frequent questions

The original post has very clear guidelines for the Community Engagement Challenge but there are a few things that need to be clarified.

Q: Do we need to respond to SPAM comments?

A: No. You don't have to engage with them or leave thoughtful comments. In fact, you will not be penalized if you respond directly to them in kind. In fact, it goes toward your post/comment count. It's up to you how to handle that.
The penalty is for challenge participants who use "Nice Post" or spammy crap as their ONLY comment on a lead post. That is unacceptable.

Q: Do we have to respond to every comment?

A: Yes and No. Obviously if someone is engaging you in conversation within the thread, it would be good practice to chat and increase your post/comments count. It's a great way to get to know someone. On the flip side of that, you don't need to have the long good-bye either. As most conversations go, it naturally wanes and nothing else is left to say. That's okay! Move on.

Q: 500 posts/comments is a lot. Aren't you encouraging SPAM?

A: Absolutely not. Anyone in the challenge caught spewing SPAM will automatically be disqualified as stated in the original post. Maybe I'm being old school, but when I started there were people who made it a daily goal to post 100 comments A DAY. I've halved that. You're welcome.


I'd like to make it very clear that this is NOT a follow for follow campaign. There is no obligation to follow me or any of the challenge participants. The point is to find your own people and a comfy niche. If this helps you find that audience then it's accomplished a major task.

Another thing to note is that this is not a contest to pit one against another. It's not a popularity contest either. ALL people who complete the challenge will have an equal distribution of the SBD reward pool. ALL successful participants will have their name in the randomizer for an equal chance at playing with 5,000 SP for one week. That being said, I don't really care how popular or unpopular you are. Do the work, finish the tasks, earn some dough.

Guess who you are competing against?



Trying something a little different here...

I'm sharing only the title of the post. Which one's have you selected to read and why?

What is it about a title that attracts you?

Please share your thoughts in comments so we can use this as a learning experience.

Many of our participants are new to Steemit. Some have been active members for a long time, and quite a few are new-to-me. What I've found so far is they are all amazing in their own right and I highly encourage you, my wonderful and loyal friends, to check them out.


List of participants' posts in no particular order:

Plagiarism is easy, but punishment is hard when you meet these 3 Steemit discipline officers

How I am evolving from a greedy profit focused STEEMIAN to a community member Pt. 1

A Simple Beginner’s Guide to Leading a Healthier Lifestyle

Color Challenge Saturday : Indigo Blueberries / Steemit / Batman !

Home Gardening with Hydroponics - Our Indoor Lettuce Wall Garden and How I Built It


Color Challenge- Friday Blue "Can't get enough of the lake" And A Promotion of New/New-ish Steemians You Must Check Out

Nifty or Thrifty: What Kind of a Mommy are you? - Part 3

A Perfect Day

Some Words About my Necessary New Voting Practices and Honoring a Veteran of this Site



Learn To Draw With Friends Is Back!!!.... Week Three ..... 35 SBD Prize Pool And Everyone Is Invited!!

Collect the Gems You Can Hold Forever

Flower In The Snow - A Suicide Story

Elder flower cider - recipe



Sikhism - MOOL MANTRA - Meaning of KARTA PURAKH


What DON'T you like about Steemit?

Sunday thoughts on a Saturday: Understanding Deception

Of Rights and Responsibilities


Sourdough Crostini Three Ways - Suggestions and Food Photos

60 years of my favourite music – from musicals I’ve been in

Exactly what color is Indigo? Painted Tiger Lily by SteemPowerPics - ColorChallenge IndigoSaturday


If you like their content, consider following them.

Also remember that part of their challenge is to have a minimum of 500 posts/comments by the challenge deadline of July 18th. Consider engaging them on their post.

Deadline for new participants is July 11th in order to meet the post requirement of the challenge. See original post for complete rules.

My question to you is:

Are you more likely to click a title or the author's name?


You have a duty as a new Steemian to learn about witnesses and their important role within the community. Read @pfunk's Complete User's Guide to Steem Witnesses. You have 30 votes. Use them wisely.

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@merej99 I sent you 10SBD to add to the payout pot for this challenge.

@sykochica sent me 25 the other day for the Steemit Business Cards I created for everyone. I promised her I would put it to good use and reinvest that back into the community.

I just noticed that! THANK YOU!

Updates with new donors will be in the Daily Diary. :)
Right now, I'm going to peel myself off my seat. I may need a shower before I got out in public...Must to buy FOOD. lol

You're welcome. I hear ya, today is family roller skating day, fresh air. Lol

My answer is cannot be sure. in my feed it's of course more likely it's the title. on trending, could be the author or the title. same goes for new and hot tabs.

Yup. I'm sitting here nodding my head in agreement. When I go through the HOME or NEW feeds I look at picture, title and then first 100 characters. It's a split-second decision. However, in a list like this where there are no pictures or authors, I have to go by title merit alone. It's something to consider when creating your next blog post :)

That's why i also think you need a pic in your post even if the pic is just some words.😎

Glancing through the titles; this got me my attention "Plagiarism is easy, but punishment is hard when you meet these 3 Steemit discipline officers"....
I believe a title plays an important role in whether a person decides to open your post...

I believe am more inclined to click an eye grabbing headline

Exactly! This is why I only posted the title of our participating posts. Being aware of your headline is VITAL to grabbing someone's attention right away.

Thanks for this @merej99! I am really enjoying the experience so far, especially that my post is getting great exposure on your feed. I am now able to interact to more people who get to view my post and get meaningful insights from them too.

This is glad tidings @arrliinn - and exactly what I was hoping for. Not just the exposure part but the learning and growing part too. Hopefully this keeps everyone motivated to make it to the finish line. Keep up the great work!

I am lagging behind on my comments as expected since i have an 8-hr job I coudn't "yet" sacrifice for steemit. Hehe.
Hopefully I can keep up with the challenge!

Hello @merej99! Happy Sunday dear! Thank you for putting my 2 post up there! Feeling flattered!
Thanks a lot!

Most had 1 post, a few of you managed to get two in before I put the post together. Man alive, this is quite a bit of work...and I'm having the time of my life. LOL

For sure that must be a lot of work and efforts to put that together seeing how many participants you got! Great success anyway! Should you need any kind of help, just let us know!
Best of luck till then!

I really appreciate that :) I was a good girl and got organized on the first day so now it's catching the comments and new people who are joining up. It's more work than I anticipated but it's good fun. :)

You are awesome i will say for doing so much for the community! Respect!

What a great way to find new authors! I'm glad you started this challenge and I hope all involved learn as well as get rewarded. In answer to your question, . . . I am more likely to click on a title rather than an author's name. There is limited time to consume new content (I have so many tabs open in my browser, it's ridonculous!). So, a title that is catchy, an interesting concept, or solves a problem are the ones that tend to get my attention. I will try to to help those participating in this challenge by commenting on as many posts as I can (god help me - hahahaha)

Titles usually grab my attention first, like if I was scrolling the shelves at a bookstore. But in my HOME feed, it's the picture that gets my attention and then the title. It's feedback like this that's important to new writers/bloggers because they need to be aware that it's the first impression we get as readers.
You know what @jannell, I'm an accidental participant in my own challenge and I've logged 150 comments in less than 2 days. CRAZY!
Are you joining in the fun???

No, not joining on the posting aspect of this challenge (maybe there will be future challenges??). I am traveling a few times in the next week or so and can't commit to writing. BUT, I'm commenting like a wild woman :) 27 comments in 4 hours. LOTS of reading. BUT . . . learning a lot and getting introduced to new people. Both are fabulous.

I am definitely hoping to do more challenges in the future. I am pleasantly surprised by how well this one has started off and there will always be more new people coming onto the platform who need some encouragement. But it's also really fun for us veterans too. Lots of new-to-me people that we might have missed out on.

A quick question @merej99.... Seeing as I have signed up for different competition throughout the week and in your rules, you advised not to post more than once per day.... What do you think I should do????

@dean-mno - do them all if you think you can keep the pace and maintain your quality. @jlufer asked a very similar question and he posts in English and Spanish. The only thing I ask is to post only one link here for this challenge. Pic your best one of the day as I'll be posting the link in the daily diary :)

Point noted.... Mehn the comments stuff is really a lot

It helps if you broaden your search too. You don't have to stay within the posts that we're sharing. The benefit though, is that we're all trying to reach 500 posts so we're more likely to respond. LOL Don't worry about the big number. Do what you can. We'll get you over the finish line. ;)

Excellent initiative dear friend @ merej99 that good to know that many people have joined the challenge, congratulations to all and many success !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm waiting on your post links @jlufer! This challenge should be very easy for you :) July 11 midnight EST is the last day to officially enter.

Thank you @merej99 for the update. I think this is going very well so far. I was very happy when I checked back to add my second post to see how many people took you up on the challenge. Thoughtful interactions are the bedrock of Steemit.

I was pretty surprised as well -- and very happy about it. I'm curious how your numbers are doing? It might be too early to tell but have you seen an increase in new followers or traffic to your posts?

I am up to 151 followers (from 132), and 511 posts (from 417). I think that is slightly better than my normal rate of followers increase from day to day. So far so good. I am also actively posting new articles over on discord too as I post them and trying to help @tonyr promote his drawing contest I entered.

edit- i just posted my day 3 to your challenge.

Sweet! I love seeing progress! Discord is awesome. Don't forget there is also post promotion channel too.

I did hear of that, I need to make my way over there as well. Thank you.

The sheer volume of emails, chat rooms, social media... I gave up on any kind of control. I've decided I need more computers. LOL

I don't know how you manage with some many followers and people commenting to you in a day. I am only at 150 and it gets overwhelming at times.

Thanks @merej99! Your post is having me think long and hard about the titles I give to my posts. I typically try to stick with the facts when I'm writing my titles because I don't want to oversell my content, but I'm starting to realize that there's a way to avoid overselling your post while also intriguing viewers enough to actually read it!

There are 3 main things you should think about for your posts to give it "the best foot forward" - title, featured picture, and first 100 characters of your post. Take a look through the NEW or HOME feed and you will probably begin to spot the difference between new bloggers, veterans, and people who only post pictures/memes with no other content.

This is a simple list to keep in mind - thank you so much. I think it'll be easy to remember these 3 points and hopefully the quality of my posts improves!! Thanks :)

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