Learn To Draw With Friends Is Back!!!.... Week Three ..... 35 SBD Prize Pool And Everyone Is Invited!! :{)

in #art7 years ago

Learn To Draw With Friends! is Back!!! :)

Image Credit - @w0olf - Winner - Week One!!

Have you ever wanted to learn how to draw or improve your already existing drawing skills? :) Do you fancy having the chance of winning some SBD prizes while you do?? Then this is definitely the contest for you. :)

Each week I pick a theme and post three images for entrants to choose from. The images have been chosen to reflect three different skill levels, beginner , intermediate and advanced!

All you have to do is choose the image that you feel best suits your skill level and have a go at drawing it.

It Couldn't Be Simpler! :)

As I mentioned, the whole point of the contest is to learn to draw or improve your existing skills and the way we do that is by giving each other encouragement and support. The contest is designed to be fun, with an emphasis on learning and improving skills....it is not just for talented artists. I am particularly keen to encourage those new to drawing to enter and if you have children I would suggest getting them involved as well. I will be happy to accept their entries on your behalf. :)

It is also designed to help make new friends and gain new followers so that we can support each other on the platform. I would encourage everyone who takes part to also take the time to check out the blogs of the other entrants and see if they have anything to offer you in terms of your own interests as well as voting for the entries you like yourself. :)

If you like the idea but still don't think it's for you then at least consider supporting the entrants by voting and if you think any of your followers would be interested I would also encourage you to make them aware of the contest by resteeming this post!

We all need a little help from our friends at times! :)

I would also suggest that anyone who takes part make their own posts for their own blog with their entries as others have done such as our winner from week two, @steempowerpics whose post can be seen by clicking the link below.

It could prove a very useful way of getting you support for the contest itself and introduce you to new users at the same time. Win, win! :)



Image Credit - @steempowerpics - Winner - Week 2!


So, to this weeks contest and the theme I have chosen is ........

Animals!! :)

And the images I have chosen are........

Beginner - Penguin!

Intermediate - Bird!

Advanced - Lion!


And now for the Rules!

Your entry must be one of the three images above!

You must resteem and upvote this post for your entry to be valid!

You must post your entry in the comments section of this post for it to be a valid entry! It must be visible for others to see and upvote! If you decide to make your own post that would be great but I will not accept a posted link only.

It must be visible!

You can enter up to three times. Once per category. Each entry must be posted individually!

The winners will be decided by the community with the highest number of upvotes claiming first prize, second highest claiming second prize and third highest claiming third prize! Runner up prizes will be decided by myself!


The contest will close after the seven day reward period!


1ST Prize will be 15 SBD!!

2ND Prize will be 10 SBD!!

3RD Prize will be 5 SBD!!

Plus 5 runner up prizes of 1 SBD!!


....AND HAVE FUN!!!!! :{)


This post will also constitute my first entry for the Community Engagement Challenge by @merej99 and part of that challenge requires me to accumulate 500 comments in the next ten days so I would encourage you to leave a comment below and I WILL respond.

Also, please check out the contest for yourself by clicking on the link below and see if it is something that might interest you. I am sure it will! :)


And if you are new here, why not check out my simple advice for new users post.....


Hope everyone is having an excellent day! :)


Image Credits.

Penguin - Pixaby.com

Bird - Wikimedia.org

Lion - Wikimedia.org

tonyr banner.gif


I like it very, very much @giraffeonskates.

You are a fantastic artist my friend. Thank you so much for entering my little contest.

Good luck to you!!

I hope you had lots of fun and are having a great day today! :)

Hi @giraffeonskates, I hope to see you in this week's drawing contest. Check out @tonyr new post.

Hi, my 3rd entry the penguin.
Hope you like it! 8D

By 12 year old giraffe on skates

Another excellent entry. You've definitely given yourself a great chance of winning a prize! :)

Another excellent entry @giraffeonskates and you have a great little blog. Lots of excellent drawings on there. :)

Will you be entering a third time with the penguin drawing? :)

Yes, defiantly, but surprisingly I'm having more trouble drawing the the penguin than I did with the other two.
I had loads of fun doing these and I think that its a great thing to have three different levels so everyone can have a go at it.

:) cheers @giraffeonskates. I'm always open to suggestions for improving the contest in any way if you have any. Glad you're having fun with it. :)

A great first entry @steempowerpics! Can't wait to see how you get on with the Lion. :)

I still don't have a plan on how to tackle the lion yet LOL

I have never drawn anything with fur like that. I might try it as a pencil sketch then go back and add color over it.

I'm sure you'll do a great job mate. :)

If I get time I'll be having a go at the lion myself. I'll definitely be drawing it myself at some point but have a portrait to finish this week and want to get my entry in for the artstyleart contest as well as having the Community Engagement Challenge now so it might be a stretch. :)

For sure. I just realize we have like 4 comment threads all intertwined on your post lol

Ithink the 500 comments is going to be tough. :(

I'm not sure whether she plans to or not but I might speak with @meerj99 and see if she could post another couple of update posts through the week to keep interest and engagement in the competition and our efforts.

Will your son be doing another drawing this week? :)

I think so, he might try the penguin too. He and I are discussing his own account here on Steemit for him to post his stuff on, but he would not have free reign - he is only 7. He would need to bring his stuff to me and I post it with him. So I might be setting that up later today.

:{) Please let me know when he does and I will happily be his second follower. :)

My own son is only 6 months old so slightly too young just now for drawing but I hope to be teaching him soon....if it is something he is interested in of course. :)

I think it's important to keep some of the traditional skills that are being lost with the rise of modern technology and hope to be making a post this week as one of my seven for the community engagement challenge with this in mind. :{)

Will do.

I agree. I am trying to keep him involved in drawing and now piano (keyboard). Anything to keep him off tablets and phones.

Great! This is a winner for sure!

Thank you. I always appreciate your support.

Likewise friend :)

That's a great drawing, really good work there.

Thank you Paul. I will attempt the lion tomorrow. Lot's of good entries this week.

Awesome drawing @steempowerpics. The detailing on the wings looks great. :)

Thank you Tony. This one was definitely a challenge. The lion is going to be tough :-) I will give that one a try tomorrow.

yes - I was over on her post this morning - I'm so happy that more people are joining in and now providing "how-to" posts to go with it. I have been hustling this contest page over on discord and steemit.chat too to get some attention for it.

You are a force of nature @steempowerpics! I think merej99 should end the contest now and award you the prize. You're definitely one of the most engaging people I've met here! :)

Thank you. Well I have met some many great people in just a few weeks, people who think of others just as much or sometimes even before themselves. It's been such a great experience so far. I didn't really know what to expect when I joined, I'm not on any other blog or social media site. The last time I had any kind of "page" was back in 2005ish with MySpace, but it was for my photography, not me personally. It was such a circus of people who just didn't care about anything but their own image and likes that I gave up on that and said never again. So as I saw how quickly other people came to me and supported me and my work, I was more than happy to give back.

Yeah, that's definitely the good side of steemit and it is great but there are a lot of negative aspects that I don't really know what to think about but I am the same as you regarding social media. Wasn't interested at all until steemit came along and the only rteason I joined was to post some drawings and that was it but have met so many great people here that I'm glad I did in the end. I even left steemit after about a month of being here and was convinced to return by some good friends I have made here, one in particular @dreemit.

I'm having fun and hope it lasts! :)

Your contest got Resteemed over on @kalemandra's feed.

She's going to take part as well I think which is really great!!! :)

Lion (3/3)
This was a really hard challenge for me as I haven't drawn fur in a while.

lion steps2b.jpg
Detailed process and other entries

looks like some kind of bomb blast took place in his hairs :D

All three of your entries are fantastic @kirstyglas as is your process post which everyone should definitely check out.

Just want to say thank you so much for your time and effort in entering the contest and hope you enjoyed yourself doing so.

If you haven't done so you should check out @steempowerpics process posts as well. They are also really good.

Hope your day is going well and best of luck to you! :)

Thank you, I definitely enjoyed this contest and will definitely try again. Color pencils are definitely my weak point, so I just need to find more free time :D
Also @steempowepics works are great, and followed ^ ^

He has a really good blog and very well presented posts like yourself. I am looking forward to learning what I can about gardening from him (among other things :)).

These are so good. I gave you my vote for all 3 as well. I also love the pen sketches over on your post page. You have some super skill with a pen.

Thank you very much!
Your color pencil skills are awesome, I definitely followed and voted :D
And I'm looking forward to your lion drawing. Also I like how bright and jolly your drawing photos are :)



This is my entry for the contest, hope you like it!
I had some trouble getting the right shape for the bird but once I got the hang of it it went really smoothly, although I ended up spending a lot of time on it.

Time well spent I'd say @justaboutart! :)

Another beautiful entry to compliment all of the other wonderful entries so far.

Thank you for taking the time to enter my friend. You have a really cool blog and I'll be following you from now on!

Good luck in the contest and hope you get a lot of votes! :)

Thank you so much!!! :)

Very nicely done @justaboutart, the colors came out great. I gave you a vote :-)

Thank you very much :)

I hereby enter this contest, Hopefully I'm doing it correctly:

Hi @therealpaul, you had a fantastic entry last week, I hope to see you in this week's drawing contest. Check out @tonyr new post.

Thanks @steempowerpics that was fun, I see this week's contest too, looks like more fun, I may enter again-- good practice!

WOW! That came out nice. I have been trying to think through how I will tackle the lion. i was thinking pencil first then color pencil over it, not sure. You just went straight at it with color pencils?

I started with the black pencil to lay out the eyes and nose/ mouth, then started drawing fur. None of my pencils were sharpened, so I was drawing 'suggested' locks of hair more than individual strands.

Thank you - I will probably attempt this one tomorrow. I did the bird last night and started with pencil, then color. It did come out nice in the end, but it was more difficult for me then the drawing last week of just pencil sketches with no color.

One reason that I skip the pencil underneath is that the graphite mixes with the color pencils when they try to cover it up, and it takes some of the intensity out of the colors. I do sometimes pencil in the outlines of things, but it's very light so that it will disappear later.

Yeah, that was the issue I ran into with the bird last night. It ended up looking good, but it took some effort in the end to get the details back in with the two pencil types smearing together.

The quality of your entry does suggest that you are in fact the real @therealpaul and I hereby accept your entrance into this fantastic contest!

Thank you so much for taking the time to enter my friend. You have made me very much less depressed than I usually am and have given me hope that there is indeed a reason to keep on keeping on! :)

I will get back to you in due course with my decision as to whether or not you have been selected by your peers to receive a prize but in the meantime it would very much please me if you could show your support for any of the other entries which you favour by giving them your patronage by way of a vote that is on an upward trajectory.

(Why do I speak like this when I'm talking with therealpaul??? Has he control over my thoughts and the way I formulate my sentences??)

Of course, now that I've deciphered this obscure linguistic adventure I will indeed seek other entries with which to expend my attention and my gratuitous monetary approval.

Good show!

Hello! This is my first post for the beginner entry! The new Kupcake King has been crowned and they're holding a celebration. However, the Patrol Penguins are on the lookout for a suspicious penguin who is trying to steal the crown... if you find him, please report it immediately to the Patrol HQ.

There are a lot of great entries in this contest, but this one is my favorite. I think it is the whimsical nature of the drawing that makes it stand out.

Now that's what I call getting creative with it @omega-not! :)

A brilliant entry and fantastic imagination you have my friend! I look forward to seeing what you come up with for the other two if in fact you decide to attempt them.

Thank you so much for your time in taking part in the contest and remember it's determined by the number of votes received so try to get some votes from your followers to stand the best chance of winning!

Hope you are enjoying a fantastic day in this amazing world! :)

This is too cute @omega-not!

Greay job. 😊

Thanks @arrliinn I'm glad you like it :)

Hi @omega-not, I hope to see you in this week's drawing contest.
Check out @tonyr new post.

Sounds good! I just came back from the middle of nowhere; just in time to check it out. ^-^

I love it! Thank you!!!
This is my first entry, I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!


A great entry @alberni! I especially like the detail on the breast feathers!

Glad you are enjoying the contest my friend!

Looking forward to seeing your next entry! :)

Thank you!! :)

Nice entry, I gave you a vote :-)

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