LIQUIDITY RANT & SOLUTION...GLOBAL LIQUIDITY POOL...WAIT WHAT?! "Is That Like some kind of Equal Money System?"

in #blog7 years ago


Liquidity - A measure of the extent to which a person or organization has cash to meet immediate and short-term obligations, or assets that can be quickly converted to do this.

Obligation - A form of Responsibility.

There's much talk around the world of business for the need for Liquidity. It's integral to business growth and development. Liquidity is also a word play out of Liquid - which is having a consistent flow like water or oil.

There's a direct analogy here of Money and Water. Your plants need to make sure that they have sufficient liquidity. You got to water your plants.

I bring up the Liquidity as a word and point in our world that is very important. It's the relationships we create with one another on the micro level that creates the macro scale of the world here. It's interesting because we are in the days of playing out the various game theory strategies of competing against one another for access to liquidity/water...when the very design of the planet is an abunndance of liquidity/water.

I think we've been circle jerking within a sort of devolution and stagnation as a species.

The reasoning is simple: Lack of Trust. Lack of regard for your fellow mates.

Think about it. By separating into all these little groups....and from little got people breaking off into even smaller of isolation - where we have a world today where pretty much there's a complete disconnect within your immediate environment. Everyone is mostly a "stranger" and thus "strange"...and not really to be "Trusted" because they are this "stranger that is strange".

It's like a rather tragically consequential thing that we have such a strange world here. Where there's more emphasis on controlling and securing resources...from this like schizophrenic paranoid perspective of making sense of complete and utter non-sense - orchestrating confusion to pit people against one another - so that there's a slight of hand distraction and more and more resources can be accumulated for hoarding purposes at the expense of the majority of the planet/Life here.


Who doesn't need Liquidity.

I mean fuck - you can't live with out access to water or money.

Why have it be this fighting to get access to the terrain which is abundant here. It's like there's been such propaganda that has been parroted about scarcity of resources that it has most people living in some sort of perpetual state of fear...and to a certain extent it's quite valid - because you're living in fear for survival - fear of not having resources to care for yourself and or family.

I mean, isn't it fucked that it's a well known fact that many people live on less than a few dollars a day with less than stellar accommodations and amenities? Wouldn't it make more sense to make earth a place that's all inclusive?

Who's the greatest human you know? Ok it's kind of a weird question. Point is that greatness you see and or believe in one - is the potential of each one. And that the greatness extends and stretches far and wide. By not including or caring for all of ourselves here - we do a real disservice to the best development of the world and playground here. It's like never giving Michael Jordan a chance to be Michael many lives have been wasted?

The utopia and Heaven on Earth mentality often rubs people the wrong way when I bring it up. It usually happens a few different ways.

1st group of people is like: Absolutely no trust and or regard within humanity. These people believe themselves here as superiors and are nazi workers - who say things like, people won't work and will just take it easy and have a real good time....and who will do all the work that nobody wants to do? There's some validity here for sure - but the point that is glossed over - is the dismissive close minded attitude that, no - this can't work - I don't have the trust in people.....I know people too well - and people basically just suck and we can never really work together to create any sort of legendary greatness. It's a real fuck you attitude covered up with intelligence to argue yourself and the world into a corner.

2nd group of people: Yes this would be nice and sounds amazing - but I'm not going to do anything about it. My life is already pretty sweet and I'm relatively content with the way things are. Sorry. If it happens I'll be grateful, but there's nothing more I can really say. These people are just comfortable enough with their status and positions in the world as they are....that "speaking and questioning" could put their little bubble world into peril. This is just how things are...copied from the previous generations and that's real capacity for questions and self-investigation.

3rd group of people: Fuck yes. This is the way things are suppose to be. Interested and engaged. Change starts with ourselves and outflowing from here. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Would the solution to liquidity problems be an "Equal Money System"?

  • Before you let me know which category of person you are - let's consider that nobody really knows what an Equal Money System is or what it would in fact look like and or how the fuck you put it together. Obviously there's a shit ton of moving parts to consider and take care of. It's easy to jump to conclusions and think of this as some sort of communist or socialist thing in a very negative and bad way. That's not what I am saying here. It will be difficult to use your imagination here - because I don't think in all fairness of what an Equal Money System could be - that it would be valid to compare and judge how it could work with the way current systems word. Actually you know - I take that back - it would be a great point of analysis to compare an equal Money System Model to the existing models we have in place today.

  • Important to note - Before you can compare an Equal Money System to the existing models here to day - to simulate how this could work and play out - an Equal Money System would required to be designed and built. This in and of itself is quite the task and responsibility.

  • Liquidity is what is opening up my regard for the Equal Money System Here. The Global Liquidity Pool Here. I really think access to resources and opportunities doesn't have to be this warped kind of thing of surpluses and shortages. I think we could have really cool creative developments.

  • This thinking and questioning here in The Global Liquidity Pool Equal Money System is an exercise worth pulling and pushing on as we're all here Man. Think about it.

Let Me Know What You Think - Let's keep the discussion going - It's important to communicate about the things that aren't being talked about all that much.

My Body is precious and I've decided to care for it. Creating responsibility for my sculpture - my life.

The World is One Class of Players - Class is Always in Session

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  • What I like about this social experiment, is the fact that it's success is directly dependent on ordinary people everywhere - where there's a willingness to say,

"Yes - I accept a weekly payment for being a human being to cover my basic costs of Existing Here."






I remember facing a dilemma in choosing subjects for high school. After choosing the regular math, sciences and literature there was a slot left and there were 20 different choices and about even more opinions about them.
I remember vaguely a discussion about starting my own business once I graduate and what would be needed for it in the future. At that time economics seemed the most reasonable choice and I went for it.
To say that studying economics was an eye opening experience would be a gross understatement. The truth was that up until that point I always thought that cash is money and what you convert cash into assets that multiply it.

Little did I know at that time that it is the hard assets and human element that are the true sources of wealth and liquid cash is a mere way to settle short term transactions.
When I look back at the whole situation I think how in the world can a boy come to such an unreasonable conclusion. Of course I feel embarrassed but I also feel that what is what the world sub consciously teaches us. To think that liquid cash is the real money is one thing because that is what child sees but to think that it is the source of wealth is too far gone a conclusion for an reasonably intelligent mind, even if it is an immature one. Until and unless there is a shadow force working to make sure that true knowledge of the wealth of the world remains in shadows from the younger generation.

I found your article quite compact and filled with important tid-bits that are so very important to get a grasp of cash flow cycles and where they emerge from. It kind of sent me down the memory lane..............

Hey - Cool Dude - thanks for your detailed comment here.

This line jumped out at me:

When I look back at the whole situation I think how in the world can a boy come to such an unreasonable conclusion.

Totally - there's this sort of block in the education and teaching...mostly I think an outflow of generation after generation...going through the motion of some self-suppression on the understanding of self and the world.

The Paradigm Change is valuing Life 100% here as the underlying measure of Value here.

Your shares are always awesome. Know that.

Thanks man!

To be honest i think i fall in this category

2nd group of people: Yes this would be nice and sounds amazing - but I'm not going to do anything about it. My life is already pretty sweet and I'm relatively content with the way things are. Sorry. If it happens I'll be grateful, but there's nothing more I can really say. These people are just comfortable enough with their status and positions in the world as they are....that "speaking and questioning" could put their little bubble world into peril. This is just how things are...copied from the previous generations and that's real capacity for questions and self-investigation.

But this is where i will rather be

3rd group of people: Fuck yes. This is the way things are suppose to be. Interested and engaged. Change starts with ourselves and outflowing from here. Be the change you want to see in the world.

I think these are world changers

I will gracefully support the equal money system as well

its really beautifull thinkl sir @worldclassplayer
nice too see u again sir

I will gracefully support the equal money system as well

its important to have fully liquidity otherwise only the big players have control over it

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