After almost 1 year: 657 followers, 605 posts, 37 interviews and a handful of amazing 'Steemian' friends... Thank You!

in #anniversary7 years ago

Today I reflect on my first year as a Steemit blogger.

wade speaking.png

It truly has been a whirlwind adventure. I've gone from cryptocurrency virgin to active Steemit blogger who has his home page set to

Looking back, I think the only appropriate thing I can say is, "Thank You!"

Over the past year, I gained 657 followers, posted 605 times and completed 37 "20 questions" interviews. I traveled to Amsterdam to attend the inaugural SteemFest. And I gained amazing friendships through Steemit.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me on this journey. Whether it be an upvote, a re-steem, an encouraging comment or helpful advice, you've all inspired me to work hard in helping to grow this amazing network.

I am humbled as I reflect on the past year; I am excited as I look forward to the next.



The "20 questions" list:

20 questions with @heiditravels
20 questions with @katecloud
20 questions with @manthostsakirid
20 questions with @blockchaingirl
20 questions with @piedpiper
20 questions with @stellabelle
20 questions with @budgetbucketlist
20 questions with @rogerkver
20 questions with @allasyummyfood
20 questions with @the-alien
20 questions with Janina Storace
20 questions with @mrs.steemit
20 questions with @andrarchy
20 questions with Scott Young
20 questions with Jesse Heiman
20 questions with @dragosroua
20 questions with Chelsea Dinsmore
20 questions with @sirwinchester
20 questions with Ludvig Sunström
20 questions with Kyle Eschenroeder
20 questions with @roelandp
20 questions with Tim Brownson
20 questions with Sean Ogle
20 questions with Henri Junttila
20 questions with Hal Johnson
20 questions with Farnoosh Brock
20 questions with Manny Kess
20 questions with John Goehrke
20 questions with Sunny Lenarduzzi
20 questions with The Cranky Flier - Brett Snyder
20 questions with Shawn Murphy
20 questions with Leo Babauta
20 questions with Jacob Staudenmaier
20 questions with Steve Scott
20 questions with Stefan Hyttfors
20 questions with Zachery (Ty) Bryan
20 questions with Ryan Lancaster


Congratulations, @wadepaterson! You played a huge role in me being here and I'm grateful for that. Wishing you all the best, mate!

I'm so happy you joined, Dragos! You've done a lot for this platform, and your engagement is inspiring.

I'm not sure if you're planning on attending SteemFest in November, but it'd be great to meet up for a chat.

Thanks for the nice words, appreciate it :) Being a witness here is sometimes difficult.

As for Steemfest, I took a position as a full stack programmer for a very nice startup, but I work remote and that gives me a bit of flexibility. I'd love to catch up, but still not sure if I can make it. I may be able to find out if there's a possibility to take an entire week off during November (as I'd love to be at the hackathon too) next week, when I'm in London for another sprint of work.

Let's keep this thread open.

steem up.png

(That's my Steem version of a thumbs-up)

Congratulations Wade! I'm approaching 500 myself and am impressed with the engagement of this community. It may not be like other platforms in terms of size and reach, but the amount of activity here surpasses everything else (and of course the rewards for time spent). I love my other pages, but I feel Steemit followers are worth like 20x more than any platform out there. It's fantastic, and I wish you all the best towards hitting 1,000+ :)

500 followers is a huge milestone! Congrats :)

I've found I'm spending more and more time on Steemit than other social media channels as well. I think the size and reach will grow once more people get a taste of what it's all about.

(Now you're one follower closer to 500)


I am trying to get where you are. Ive been a member since Dec 16, but havent been involved until I was laid-off recently.

Any good tips?



Hey Domi,

First off, sorry to hear you were recently laid off. That sucks.

My best advice is to listen/read as much as you talk/post on Steemit. There's a lot of noise on this platform... a lot of people posting, trying to get upvotes. I did the same when I joined... but it wasn't until I took step back and observed what kind of content people were interested in that I had success on here. Think about what value you can bring to the platform. It might seem like everything has already been done, but trust me... it hasn't. Steemit is still in beta. These are still early days. There are so many good ideas still out there. Come up with your own unique concept.

A lot of people ask for upvotes or follows as well. I think that's a bad idea. Most people who have been on Steemit for a while absolutely hate being asked for upvotes... so asking won't get you anywhere.

Final advice: Don't compare your blog to others (in terms of how much money you're making). It's difficult, and early on I was very guilty of it. But there are a lot of factors that go into why upvotes are given. There are a lot of bloggers on here who make way more than I do, but that doesn't matter. When you ignore what others are making and focus on how you can bring the most value to the table yourself, I believe that is when you will start to find success.


Great advise. Ive never asked for either - although I do upvote almost every post I read. I also place it below my name so they know.

Is this a bad idea?


It's your call... but, personally, it comes across that you're asking for an upvote or to be followed, so I'd suggest just signing your posts with "Domi."

Steemit users are smart. They know how to upvote and follow, and they will do it when they want to. They don't need to be told.

Up to you, but those are my thoughts :)

Understood. I agree.



Great to hear!

Thanks, @steemitqa - and thank you for all you do for this platform, including your work on

Thanks @wadepaterson ! I'm doing what I can. We'll do this together!

Congratulations for you, maybe a lot of experience you've passed .. we hope you want to petrify us as beginner .. :)

Everyone starts as a beginner on here. The best thing any new Steemian can do is become engaged on the platform and be authentic. There are some really good people behind the usernames.

I love the series. I found you via the interview with @dragosroua. Congratulations on the natural growth!

Thanks so much, Alex! That means a lot.

I can't wait to see what the next year brings for all of us!

If all are keeping their standards high from waht we deliver, only great things I can tell

A lot of achievements in a year, this is amazing. there is nothing like turning back and see how far you have gone.

I don't like to look back too often, but every now and then I think it's important to reflect and be thankful for where we're at :)

congratulation. following u & upvoted it. looking forward to ur next post. hope u will upvote my top 3 posts

Great job. This shows what hard work and consistency can do! Some people might jealous of how you've done. But I hope more take it as an inspiration and try to use that motivation further themselves!

Thanks for the comment and the compliment.

I hope so too :)

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