Blood on the Moon - serialised EXCLUSIVE for Steemit! - 33

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Blood On The Moon Cover

Amazon link

My third novel was finished and published in time for Halloween and I had a launch at Waterstone's at Sheffield.

The full book cover, done by the wonderful, talented, brilliant Paul Mudie

Other Images from Pixabay or Google (Free Usage)

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25, Part 26, Part 27, Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31

Entwistle took the hit in the abdomen with such force that it knocked him to the ground and he lay where he fell, his breath coming in painful gasps as his solar plexus recovered from the punch that Vladimir had thrown.

As Vladimir loomed over him, Entwistle struggled to get up but he could see people watching the scene from across the street. A few doormen from the pub across the road were becoming interested and a couple of drunken lads also found the fight fascinating.

Vladimir growled at Entwistle to get up but he was taking his time in the hope that someone, some Hume would intervene and he would get away without having to fight back.

“Get up, Lickspittle, you coward. Get up and do as you’re told, otherwise I’ll gut you where you lie and be damned to the consequences.”

Vladimir didn’t yell the words, he kept his voice low and it was all the more menacing and believable for that and Entwistle stood up. Vladimir didn’t have to tell him again, he just glared at the lackey and he took the hint and ran as best he could with his breathing apparatus momentarily disabled as it was.

He didn’t hear Vladimir’s oath as they watched him fleeing down the street to try to get Lord Grey to the offices before they got there and so save time and patience waiting for him.

“I’ll fucking gut him anyway if I get half a chance. I hate that toad. Red was right to call him Lickspittle, it suits him.”

Vladimir, Falco, Selene and Jessica made their way back to the offices and hoped that Lord Grey was there. He wasn’t, but Entwistle was.

“I hope you’ve given Lord Grey the message because if you haven’t, I’ll fucking kill you now.” Vladimir snarled.

Entwistle put up his hands in a placatory gesture in a feeble attempt at trying to ward off the large and angry Wolf.

“I have! He said to wait at the office for him! I promise I told him!” Entwistle screamed as he backed off from an advancing Vladimir. Falco held up his own hand in Vladimir’s path and that was enough to stop his advance, for the moment.

Vladimir looked at Falco to see just how serious he was in the way he was blocking him from going at Entwistle and they heard a door close on the lower floor and they knew that Lord Grey had arrived. He was on the corridor a moment later and they went into his office.

No one took much notice of Jessica, except that they knew she had followed them into the room. She waited by the door and huddled into herself as though she was cold. Her arms wrapped around her body and she seemed all hunkered down as she stood by the door.

“This had better be good, you have made Entwistle drag me away from an important discussion and I want this over with as soon as possible. Vladimir, what is it?”

“We encountered a Sentinel in the club earlier, sir.”

“Yes, so how is that of utmost importance?”

“The Sentinel Exemplar,” Vladimir said and he watched with a perverse amusement as the transformation of calm and collected self-assurance developed into pale fury on Lord Grey’s face as his colour drained.

“What the fuck is she doing here?” Lord Grey said in a voice so low that Jessica barely heard him. Lord Grey asked Entwistle to fetch him a drink from the coffee machine in the reception area and he scrambled to fetch it.

When he got close to the door and to Jessica, she jumped as though she had been scalded and screeched at him to get away from her.

Entwistle was at a loss as to what he had done and the others in the room had reacted to her screech in the same manner. They were all on high alert, wide-eyed and bristling with the unexpected alarm.

Entwistle tried to approach her and calm her down but she flapped her hands at him and panicked as she backed away. She fell over backwards as her legs encountered the armchair that Vladimir was sitting in and she toppled into his arms.

She became yet more distressed and tried to escape but he held her in his arms and spoke quietly to her to reassure her that Lickspittle wouldn’t be able to get close to her now that he held her. He stroked her hair and she finally relaxed enough for Lord Grey to take stock of what had happened.

“Get her out of here.” He said to Vladimir. “When she regains her composure, ask her what the hell that was all about, I’m curious.”


Hey Michelle.

Haven't dropped by in a while, great writing as usual, but I am not so much into wolves, haha.

Thank you for dropping by again.

I adore the Wolves ;)

sounds scray must be interesting episodes ☺

Hahahaha..... I could use that.....a lot! 😀

Sorry I am not comment on your post again thanks for reply...

Can I use this gif? Please. 😀 Amazing........
let me Resteem this post!!

Cool and inspriring as always)

Ooh yes, I'm curious too. What is she seeing in Entwhistle that she didn't see before?

It's been a while since I wrote it... I don't know! LOL

Having read the next chapter last night, I do know now! But it's more what she heard, in his sleazy little mind...

I'm SO glad you're enjoying this story :D

Thank you for your feedback.

The ending there, that was quite something. Jessica could see the wolves, she has been receiving training, and the moon thingy is going on, so did she see something deeper in Entwhistle? Going to be fun figuring it out.

It sure is! :)

Oooh what has Jessica sensed about Entwistle? Traitorous dog.

LOL Yep! He is at that!

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