Blood on the Moon - serialised EXCLUSIVE for Steemit! - 15

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Blood On The Moon Cover

Amazon link

My third novel was finished and published in time for Halloween and I had a launch at Waterstone's at Sheffield.

The full book cover, done by the wonderful, talented, brilliant Paul Mudie

Other Images from Pixabay or Google (Free Usage)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13


Ch1 Jessica (Rabbit) has entered the Lion’s Den – Wolf’s Den – of her own accord and is neck-deep in her greatest desire (Be careful what you wish for).

Ch2 Red is speaking to a Wolf she knew from long ago and has been astonished once by his revelation.

Ch3 Jessica is in over her head, no other human in sight and is bouncing from one encounter to the next - including in the dream-state.

“You look human.”

“When it suits us, we do. When we hunt we look Wolf. I personally prefer the Wolf form. Clothes can be so… restrictive. We use this - our original form - to enable us to mix with Humes so that we may get close to them, so that we can eat them!”

She flashed her fangs again as she snapped her teeth together uncomfortably close to Jessica’s face. Her eyes changed to a preternatural yellow which Jessica had seen when she had watched the other two Wolves kill. She had also seen the same eyes in her dream and she quickly moved backwards, away from the lethal jaws. The woman laughed quietly.

“Be very careful, Rabbit. You don’t want to draw attention to yourself, you are very much Daniel in the Lion’s Den at the moment.”

“Paul said that you would watch over me.”

The woman smiled and paused before she answered, which made Jessica think that she wouldn’t do a great deal to help if it meant that there was the possibility of breaking a nail or a into a sweat and ruining her perfect visage.

“And I shall, but be aware that I cannot possibly be expected to fight off all of these at once.”

She moved her hand to indicate the rest of the room’s occupants who were quietly regarding them with a keen interest.

“Anyway, what’s one Hume more or less in the great scheme of things?”

She stopped again and the condescending smile that had played on her lips was gone, replaced by a more genuine one.

“However, once you are Wolf, you will be safe. You shall learn about our way of life, what we are allowed to do and what we most certainly are not allowed to do.”

“So what you’re saying is that if they decided to make me lunch, then you would do nothing about it? OK, I know where I stand then, lady.” Jessica sat back in her chair, crossed her arms and glared at the woman as though daring her to try something.

“That’s my girl!” she said, delighted. “Oh I do apologise for scaring you, but it was becoming all too civilised and I was beginning to think that Falco was going soft in allowing you in. Now I see why you were given to Paul.”

Jessica was bemused; she was in the care of a mad woman. She did not know what else to say to her, and so she looked around the room at the others sitting there.

Curiosity soon overcame her discomfiture however and she leaned forward once more, to talk to her chaperon. “Why do some of them have that glint in their eye and others don’t?”

“What glint?”

“I see something in their eyes, that’s how I can tell they’re werew… what they are. Paul said that they’re all Wolf here, but some don’t look Wolf to me.”

“Do I have the glint?”

Jessica looked at the woman. “Yes.”

“But not all in this room do?”

“No, not everyone.”

The woman looked around as though trying to see the same gleam as Jessica had described. Just then, Riley, the young man who had opened the doors for Paul earlier approached and bent low to speak to Jessica’s companion. His eyes never left Jessica’s though and she clearly saw the gleam dancing in his eyes, and it made her wary.

“Are you going to play with that all night? I wouldn’t mind sharing,” he said it loud enough for Jessica to hear and he smiled as he watched her eyes grow large with the onset of fear.

“Go and find your own, or I’ll tell Paul that you were trying to poach from him!” The woman snapped.

He answered with a belligerent snarl but left them alone once more. Jessica was very aware that she was becoming the subject of conversation because when she glanced around, she found that she didn’t particularly enjoy the collective look in the eyes that scrutinised her.

To distract herself, she turned to speak to her new tutor. Jessica’s heart jolted in her chest anew as she realised that the woman shared the same expression of bloodlust that she had just read on every other face in the room.

Her demeanour altered instantly at Jessica’s reaction and she regained her composure. The wicked glint disappeared from her eyes and the teeth lost their points and suddenly she was, if not wholly kind, then she at least gave the semblance of civility.

“I bother you, don’t I? Just being here with me irritates you.” Jessica said.

“Yes you do. How very astute, Rabbit.”


Upvoted. I'm going to resteem this now :)

Very kind of you. Thank you <3

Beginning to sense that there may be more than one type or clan of Wolf. Maybe made wolves, and natural's, tough call, but a definite divergence for some of the wolves, and Jessica can see a difference, that perhaps some can not.

The answer to some of that is in the first book. If you have the time, you can still find the episodes, that's the beauty of the Blockchain :)

What? The first Book? You mean I did it again, jumped into the middle of a series, typical me. Oh well, when I finish this one I will find the first ones, and read them. The blockchain is beginning to look like the grocery store book self. Here buy book two, book one and three might be here in a month or two. Well at least I have been enjoying the story, and know there is a book one. Thank you.

Haha! Sorry!

I did deliberately write the stories so they are stand-alone and you can dip into the series without knowing everything that went before, so I think you're good on this :)

Yes, thankyou. After spending a long long time in Alaska, I got used to reading either the middle or last book before the first book in a lot of cases. Sometime it saved money, sometimes it gave way to anticipation of the first book coming in. The grocery stores would only carry so many copies of a book, and if you were lucky, you got to read them in order, most people were not lucky. That's all gone now with smartphones and kindles and other e-readers, the book selections in the grocery stores up here are now down to a couple of shelves.

Yeah, but I still like the feel of a book :)

The way you tell the story makes me so excited that i actually feel like i'm in it.. I hope they won't turn Jessica!!

Thank you. That's the most fascinating part of my writing, I think... some people do get immersed in the story :)

really nice. can you follow or upvote me?

Well, I took a look at your blog.

You have pictures you've taken with your phone and posted here.
One picture on each post.

Can you see what I've done with this blog post? I've posted almost 1000 words, I've found pictures to go with the words and I've posted links so people can read the rest of the story if they want to.

In this reply, I've posted more words than you have on your blogs.

No, I'm sorry. I'm not upvoting your blogs and I won't until you post something original and worth voting - maybe not even then.

Exceited new horor history. "Fantastic"

welcome, i follow you and i will waiting your next post.

Again, thank you :)

How do I get a novel shipped to me.

Its amazing your story, i want read more and more...

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