Blood on the Moon - serialised EXCLUSIVE for Steemit! - 14

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Blood On The Moon Cover

Amazon link

My third novel was finished and published in time for Halloween and I had a launch at Waterstone's at Sheffield.

The full book cover, done by the wonderful, talented, brilliant Paul Mudie

Other Images from Pixabay or Google (Free Usage)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Ch1 Jessica (Rabbit) has entered the Lion’s Den – Wolf’s Den – of her own accord and is neck-deep in her greatest desire (Be careful what you wish for).

Ch2 Red is speaking to a Wolf she knew from long ago and has been astonished once by his revelation.

Ch3 Jessica is in over her head, no other human in sight and is bouncing from one encounter to the next - including in the dream-state.

She saw a woman when she had turned away and Jessica was no longer distressed, but as can sometimes happen in dreams, emotions flicked from one extreme to the next and she became curious.

The woman wore a floor length dress which reminded Jessica of Victorian costume. For some reason, she felt compelled to follow her.

The woman’s face was obscured by a lacy parasol held on one shoulder. She walked along in front of a high wall and turned to her right to disappear into the darkness of an alleyway.

Jessica found herself trying to run as fast as she could but making slower progress than she had ever done before, she ran as though she was wading in treacle through the darkness of the alley. Light appeared at the end of the tunnel as the woman exited and Jessica found herself in the same courtyard which she had followed Paul to earlier that night.

Jessica approached the door again and the woman turned to face her. Slowly she turned around and Jessica saw the familiar gleam in her eye and she recognised the woman as a Wolf.

With terrifying speed, the lovely face altered to Wolf as she snapped at Jessica’s face.

Jessica woke with a jerk. The woman was sitting opposite her! Still partly asleep, Jessica pushed herself away from the woman as she feared a similar assault to the one she had avoided by waking up and she fell backwards as her chair toppled over.

“Did something scare you, little Rabbit?” The woman’s silky voice was matched exactly to her beauty.

“No! No, I was dreaming that’s all.” Jessica answered as she put her chair to rights.

The woman waited until Jessica was seated at the table again. “You dreamed about me, didn’t you?”

“How did you know?”

“I have decided to accept Paul’s charge - you - as my pupil. You dreamed of your first tutor.”

Paul watched the exchange with interest.

“So you’ve decided to give up on me already, Paul?” she asked, trying to hide the hurt.

“Not at all, Rabbit. I think you’ll do well with me, but even better with her. Wait here whilst I go and give Falco my decision.”

“He said not to let me out of your sight, remember. I’m legitimate prey until he makes an announcement,” she said in desperation.

“Be quiet!” he snarled. “You’re safe here just as long as no one knows that. She’ll watch you.” Paul left them and went upstairs, the door again opened by the helpful young man from earlier.

The women sat in silence for a moment or two, each studying the other with interest. Jessica began to realise what she must look like with bedraggled hair, no makeup, tired and scared with clothes that were crumpled, baggy and damp.

Her companion, on the other hand, looked as though she had just stepped from a beauty salon after a facial and massage. She appeared relaxed and calm. Her hair was sleek and shiny, her clothes were straight from the tailor and her makeup was flawless.

Jessica had the notion that all of this came effortlessly to the woman and she envied her aplomb.

The Wolf broke the silence at last. “I can smell your fear. Are you frightened, Rabbit?”

“Of course I am. I’m very aware of the situation I’m in and I’m not stupid.”

“That’s good. You do very well to be frightened. You are certainly in grave danger.”

After a lengthy pause, Jessica said, “Well, are you going to explain? Exactly what kind of danger am I in?”

“Firstly, you are going to be infected. I don’t quite know how this procedure goes, I can’t remember. Then if you survive that…”

“What do you mean if I survive?” A hint of panic in Jessica’s tone brought forth a cruel smile from the woman.

“Not all infected Humes survive. I don’t think that this is an exact science, we don’t get many volunteers to practice on.”

After another long moment of silence between the two, Jessica regained enough composure to ask again for more details.

“What do I need to know?”

“For one, we are not ‘werewolf’. We are simply Wolf. The phraseology is important to us. ‘Werewolf' seems derogatory somehow. ‘Man wolf’ is less than we are.”

“Superhuman then, is that what you mean?”

“Oh no, not human at all, because if I teach you correctly and you learn well, then humanity will seem like a disease that you once suffered from and were miraculously cured of.”


Wow i love every bit of it @michelle keep up the good work.

Just amazing, you've left me speechless.

Thank you for sharing this story, I know you will be very successful with it.


I love...!!

good post, I like your post .. :)

Wow. Every lines here sounds so interesting

I actually still dont believe werewolfs are real....really captivating story i loved it

I was so lost reading every single line that i didn't know when i got to the end.. Very captivating indeed.

Thank you! :)

That's awesome praise!

You are welcome.

“Oh no, not human at all, because if I teach you correctly and you learn well, then humanity will seem like a disease that you once suffered from and were miraculously cured of.”

I really like that line. It certainly fits any time line, and many events.

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