Blood on the Moon - serialised EXCLUSIVE for Steemit! - 25

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Blood On The Moon Cover

Amazon link

My third novel was finished and published in time for Halloween and I had a launch at Waterstone's at Sheffield.

The full book cover, done by the wonderful, talented, brilliant Paul Mudie

Other Images from Pixabay or Google (Free Usage)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Ch1 Jessica (Rabbit) has entered the Lion’s Den – Wolf’s Den – of her own accord and is neck-deep in her greatest desire (Be careful what you wish for).

Ch2 Red is speaking to a Wolf she knew from long ago and has been astonished once by his revelation.

Ch3 Jessica is in over her head, no other human in sight and is bouncing from one encounter to the next - including in the dream-state.

Ch4 Jessica has an interview with the 'Big Boss', finds out she has a mentor - not Paul, and is the cause for disquiet among the Werewolves. All fun and games - at least she knows that if anyone goes against the orders and takes her as prey, they will be seriously reprimanded...

“But I was promised!” Jessica’s whine was beginning to grate on Selene’s limited patience and suddenly she snapped. She morphed to full Wolf in an instant and had hold of Jessica’s throat in a firm and no-nonsense grip. Jessica’s eyes were wide but grew yet wider as Selene spoke.

“A promise? You were given a promise that you would not die on the night that Paul brought you to us. That promise was kept. You were promised that you would be protected from all other predators. That promise has also been kept. You in turn promised to do as you are told and to learn your lessons. You’ve kept that promise so far but you also promised to not piss me off and that is a promise that you have just broken. This isn’t a game, this is a matter of life or death – yours. Stop behaving like such a child and start acting like someone that deserves to be revered and feared, someone that is about to become a fully-fledged Wolf, you brat!”

Jessica could make no other sound than a strangled gurgle as the Wolf’s teeth increased pressure on her throat. Jessica was beginning to see sparkles of bright flashes in her vision and she was close to blacking out. She dared not struggle though and her hands were still at her sides when Selene let go of her throat and dropped her.

Jessica sat on the floor and rubbed her neck. Then she checked her fingers to see if there was blood on them but Selene was far too experienced and skilful to break the skin. The look on Jessica’s face was sly and nasty and Selene knew what she was thinking just by the set of her jaw, the furrow on her brow and the sidelong glare she was getting from her protégé.

“If you think that telling Lord Grey how I mistreat you will get you any apology from me, you can take another guess, Rabbit. The only thing he would do would be to remove me as your mentor and believe me; that would be no great hardship. You have proven to be the whiniest brat that I’ve ever encountered and to be relieved of this duty to you would be a reward not a punishment.”

“You bit me!”

“I didn’t bite you. If I had bitten you, then I would be in trouble, for as I told you, Lord Grey doesn’t want you to change before he says so.”

Under her breath, Jessica muttered, “Bitch!” Selene was not meant to hear but Jessica had forgotten about her superior hearing.

“Yes, I’m a bitch and you’re a rabbit, Rabbit and a whiny, spoiled one at that. Now get on with your studies.”

Selene left the room and almost immediately encountered Lord Grey and Entwistle. They could see that Selene was ruffled but neither showed concern.

“Is she giving you problems, Selene?” Entwistle said in a very fake sympathetic tone.

Selene blanked him as usual and faced Lord Grey, keeping her back to Entwistle. “My Lord, she is demanding answers and I don’t have them to give. I would ask if I can take leave for a while until she has calmed down for I fear for her safety if she winds me up any more. She is worse than a spoiled child.”

From behind her, Entwistle sniggered; he chuckled into his hand, pretending to mute the sound. “I told you, my Lord, she can’t handle the Rabbit. Selene isn’t up to this task. You should have given her to me.”

Selene turned around and glared at Entwistle and that was usually enough to set him on his back foot, apologising and grovelling but he seemed different somehow. He may have stood a little straighter as she turned around but he didn’t step back or appear cowed and he certainly didn’t stop the infuriating sniggering. He had a mad and perhaps wild-eyed look about him and Selene wondered yet again what Lord Grey was keeping him around for.

Instead of backing off, he said: “If she isn’t up to the task at hand, my Lord, I think that maybe I am.”

Selene cringed inwardly as he said the words ‘my Lord’ because he seemed to roll them around in his mouth as though savouring them and in Selene’s point of view, to be a Wolf was to be subservient to no-one.

“That’s enough Entwistle. Selene has been given the task and I’m certain that you would not question my ability to make that decision?” Lord Grey said.

A horrified expression crossed Entwistle’s face and he very nearly put his hands to his mouth in shock. Selene saw the effort it took not to and that gave her more reason than ever to feel disgust for the Wolf. She rolled her eyes in despair at his fawning and shook her head at him but he ignored her.


You have really written Entwhistle to be a character hated and despised by the readers. I honestly can not stand his smirking, his pandering, and his I am better than you attitude. Every time he comes in a scene, it is like, I hope someone rips his throat out scene. But Lord Grey has a use for him, he must be setting the twit up for something big, or have a really important use for him, because I do not see how any of them can stand him. Going to be interesting when he gets his.

Yes! Exactly what I was thinking.

I am glad that I will never have to vote for who has the better characters,, or @dreemit. They are some fantastic character builders, ones you love and ones you hate.

Oh no, never make me choose between my two favourite Steemit authors!

We're lucky that you don't have to choose, you can have both ;)

Haha! Great insight, thank you.

When we loathe characters in a film or tv show, it's proof of the actor's talent in playing the character and deciphering him/her. For example, David Tennant as Barty Crouch in Harry Potter (Loathed!) Doctor Who (LOVED) and Fright Night (Impressed).

The fact that you loathe this character as I've written him is a massive compliment to me as you can see him as I hoped you'd see him. Thank you for that.

This review has also shown me that my intent of making my series stand-alone reads too has been successful. You don't know Lord Grey's history and you're seeing him as a character for the first time. I'm watching this with great interest. Thanks again.

The title and the content between them are more consistent in arousing the story

great, one should not be afraid stand tall, but then know your place not to end up as Jessica lol, Selene might act tough but i belive she cares about the rabbit than she thinks but Entwistle looks all too suspicious to me

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