Blood on the Moon - serialised EXCLUSIVE for Steemit! - 26

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Blood On The Moon Cover

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My third novel was finished and published in time for Halloween and I had a launch at Waterstone's at Sheffield.

The full book cover, done by the wonderful, talented, brilliant Paul Mudie

Other Images from Pixabay or Google (Free Usage)

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25,

Ch1 Jessica (Rabbit) has entered the Lion’s Den – Wolf’s Den – of her own accord and is neck-deep in her greatest desire (Be careful what you wish for).

Ch2 Red is speaking to a Wolf she knew from long ago and has been astonished once by his revelation.

Ch3 Jessica is in over her head, no other human in sight and is bouncing from one encounter to the next - including in the dream-state.

Ch4 Jessica has an interview with the 'Big Boss', finds out she has a mentor - not Paul, and is the cause for disquiet among the Werewolves. All fun and games - at least she knows that if anyone goes against the orders and takes her as prey, they will be seriously reprimanded...

“No my Lord, I would never question your orders or your decisions, no my Lord.”

“You snivelling cur! You thoroughly deserve your nickname of Renfield!” Selene said and she allowed her utter disdain for the Wolf to be seen unchecked for the first time.

Lord Grey didn’t care.

Selene was about to continue away from the room that she had left Jessica sulking in but Lord Grey enticed her back.

“Don’t you want to know why I don’t want the Rabbit turned to Wolf yet, Selene? I thought you would be at least curious. I also thought that you would not want Entwistle or ‘Renfield’ as you so fondly refer to him to know something about your project that you don’t know, because then you would either have to ask the Rabbit about my announcement or ask Renfield.”

When she paused, he began to laugh, and she would have continued on her way but she wanted to know what he was up to and she wouldn’t like to have to ask either of those two what it was.

Lord Grey was right, he had her by her curiosity and though he laughed, she could put up with that, far better than Renfield’s sniggering or Rabbit’s crowing. For now, at least until she had mastered her craft and could drop in and out of other people’s thoughts whenever she wanted to, rather than at random, she had to go along with his whims if she wanted knowledge.

Lord Grey waited for her to catch up and then allowed her to enter the room first. Jessica was still sitting on the floor, rubbing her neck, and to be honest, her throat looked far redder than it had when Selene left and she suspected that Jessica had done her best to make it worse.

Her eyes looked up to the ceiling and she gave a heavy sigh at the pitiful sight.

“What are you doing on the floor, Jessica?” Lord Grey asked in a sickeningly kind voice and Selene sighed again.

“My Lord, Selene has been quite nasty towards me. I only asked why I can’t be made Wolf and she almost bit my head off.” Jessica said and there were tears in her eyes as she spoke.

She really could put on a convincing act when she wanted to and Selene glowered at her from behind Lord Grey’s back. Entwistle looked at Jessica and then turned to look at Selene and a nasty sneer passed over his face as though he thought that Selene would be in serious trouble for damaging the Master’s brand new toy.

The joyful look disappeared from Entwistle’s face when Lord Grey began to speak.

“Jessica, darling,” he said and the words were dipped in distilled sarcasm it seemed. They hung in the air like a thundercloud.

“I have not asked much of you in the past few weeks and yet I have given you much. I gave you beautiful clothes and Selene has given you beautiful manners and the grace to carry off the manners and the clothes and yet, you insist on remaining this reprehensible brat! I’m afraid that it must be called off. If Selene will not tutor you then I have no-one else that has the patience.”

He held up a hand in view of Entwistle to prevent the objections that he knew were coming from that quarter.

Entwistle was more than desperate to take over where Selene left off but Lord Grey knew better and Selene smiled. Jessica didn’t smile. Jessica almost burst into real tears rather than the crocodile ones that she had been wearing.

“No! Please don’t call it off. I promise that I’ll work hard with Selene from now on and I’ll never complain. I don’t even want to know why you won’t turn me to Were...” She stopped herself before she said the whole word. “To Wolf I mean. I’m sorry I was a brat Selene, I promise that I won’t be again.”

Lord Grey nodded and smiled a benevolent smile. Selene knew what he had done but Jessica didn’t.


You write pretty good

Follow you Nice novel we need more of this in steemit world

I guess little Jessica Rabit just grew up alittle bit. Now will it hold. And after googling "Renfield" I know what the remark was about. You really do throw some very subtle history things in these stories.

Mind games...I like mind games.

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