Blood on the Moon - serialised EXCLUSIVE for Steemit! - 24

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Blood On The Moon Cover

Amazon link

My third novel was finished and published in time for Halloween and I had a launch at Waterstone's at Sheffield.

The full book cover, done by the wonderful, talented, brilliant Paul Mudie

Other Images from Pixabay or Google (Free Usage)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23

Ch1 Jessica (Rabbit) has entered the Lion’s Den – Wolf’s Den – of her own accord and is neck-deep in her greatest desire (Be careful what you wish for).

Ch2 Red is speaking to a Wolf she knew from long ago and has been astonished once by his revelation.

Ch3 Jessica is in over her head, no other human in sight and is bouncing from one encounter to the next - including in the dream-state.

Ch4 Jessica has an interview with the 'Big Boss', finds out she has a mentor - not Paul, and is the cause for disquiet among the Werewolves. All fun and games - at least she knows that if anyone goes against the orders and takes her as prey, they will be seriously reprimanded...

Red pushed the terrified girl into Phelan’s arms.

“There you go, enjoy,” she said with a callous nonchalance.

Phelan didn’t need to be told twice. He tore his new victim’s neck wide and her eyes opened wider than ever as she breathed a last gurgle. Her dying nerves twitched to signify the end of her life but she continued to fight even as her muscles gave up and her life ebbed away.

Red watched with great interest.

“I think that we shall dispose of this one, ourselves.” Red said when Phelan had finished.

She allowed Phelan to carry the body up onto the parapet of the railway viaduct where he had earlier been watching his victims.

Under instruction, he laid the girl’s mutilated corpse along the train lines. The early coal train would make the mutilations that he had wrought seem like skilled surgical procedure in comparison to the damage that thirty six carriages and two engines would do to the body.

If ever it were discovered, it would most likely never be identified. Red looked at her hands and smiled; there was not even a drop of blood on her gloves. Phelan on the other hand, stank of gore.

“Let’s get you cleaned up,” she said in a voice that had brightened considerably since they had tracked and taken care of the Throwback.

“That’s all right, I was off home anyway. I’ll need to soak these clothes in cold water as soon as possible if I’m to get this blood out.”

“Fair enough, I’ll inform The Crew about the abandoned car. I’ll settle your clean-up bill with them too, so whatever the car doesn’t cover, I will.”

“That is not necessary, Sentinel.”

Red ignored the fact that he had reverted back to her title. “I insist, it’s the least I can do to thank you for your help this evening, Phelan.”

“As you wish, but I am glad to be of service.” And with that, he bowed and left Red standing alone at the top of the world it seemed.

She clambered down from the railway and went back to the club. She hadn’t gone far before a rumble above her announced that the coal train had taken care of that one last job for her. Her journey back to the club was uneventful, she walked back to the alley which led to The Crew’s headquarters-cum-club and she contemplated what she had become – a conscience-free killer of innocents.

Killing to protect her society – a society that she had not been born into – was that enough of a reason to murder that girl?

But on the other hand, the girl was not Hume. She had been born a Throwback – part Wolf, part human.

That girl had sensed Phelan as a Wolf and therefore posed a threat to Red and to all Wolves. What would the Hume – human – society do if they discovered, or even suspected a society of non-humans who were immeasurably stronger than they were?

Red knew the answer. Wolfkind would be eradicated, slain mercilessly. Humes would wage war on Wolf and ultimately, Wolf would not, could not win. There were not enough Wolves to win a war against Humes.

Red had seen it before, many times. Humes kill everything they feared. Kings had ordered the destruction of every wolf in England in order to rid themselves of Wolfkind. At first they used the Wolf armies to gain power and then they used the Throwbacks to detect and hunt the Wolves into extinction, the decimation of the indigenous wolf population was a bonus in their eyes, as well as a damned good excuse.

Red mentally talked herself out of her melancholy – she was Sentinel Exemplar, Judge, Jury and Executioner of all things that posed a threat to Wolfkind, be it Wolf or not-Wolf. Be it Hume or Throwback.

Chapter 6

“But I thought I was going to be made a Werewolf this month!” Jessica was as close to a tantrum as one could get without the arms folding and foot stamping exercise.

Selene winced at the use of the word ‘Werewolf’ because after the weeks of training, Jessica should know better than to use it, the term was always ‘Wolf’ when referring to their species, ‘Werewolf’ was a derogatory term used only by Humes and perhaps Wolves that had not been mentored correctly.

Selene was also taken by surprise by Jessica’s outburst and she stood silent, watching and waiting for the pantomime to end which of course, eventually it did.

“There are always reasons behind Lord Grey’s decisions and when you come to realise it, you will be patient and know not to ask awkward questions. The whys and wherefores are not for me to know and so I can’t tell you why, when you thought that you would be a Wolf before March and now you have to wait.”


Still reading it to get the message properly. I must confess this is lovely and superb. Am drawing inspiration from you

It must be hard for her to wait, she was so patient and careful before approaching a Wolf (Paul), and now he is on the sidelines and she is sidelined with someone she is not sure of, and waiting on her turn. At least Lord Grey has not called Red into Jessica's situation yet. I love all the directions this story is taking, It is keeping the mind open for further viewing. Thank you.

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