Blood on the Moon - serialised EXCLUSIVE for Steemit! - 10

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Blood On The Moon Cover

Amazon link

My third novel was finished and published in time for Halloween and I had a launch at Waterstone's at Sheffield.

The full book cover, done by the wonderful, talented, brilliant Paul Mudie

Other Images from Pixabay or Google (Free Usage)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Ch1 Jessica (Rabbit) has entered the Lion’s Den – Wolf’s Den – of her own accord and is neck-deep in her greatest desire (Be careful what you wish for).

Ch2 Red is speaking to a Wolf she knew from long ago and has been astonished once by his revelation.

As she drove, Red thought of a similar circumstance and she felt a solitary tear run down her cheek as she again thought about Sebastian.

She remembered Melaine too, a very beautiful Wolf who was so obviously in love with her husband that it made Red’s heart ache to see them together. She was always envious of their closeness when she and her own husband seemed to have nothing but fights and make-ups.

Red also remembered their twin boys, Garrett and Gregor; the two names enveloped both sides of their families, the Scottish ancestry and the Irish.

If they had grown up in the way that she assumed Melaine and Ryan would bring them up, they would be fine and honourable Wolves indeed and she must be extremely careful that they didn’t try to take revenge on Darius because they would not survive.

Then she gave her head a shake and snapped herself out of the maudlin mood that she had sunk into.

She clicked the radio on and pushed a CD into the slot. The car was filled with music and it helped to clear away the memories that clamoured to haunt her as she drove through the darkness.

Red’s car crunched along the gravel driveway and she pulled the car around to the rear of the property.

In contrast to Victoria and Oscar’s large but in appearance, at least from the outside, slightly run-down house, Anton’s was palatial both inside and out. He hardly used it of course, because he spent most of his time in Rome but the small army of staff kept the building and gardens in Stately House condition.

The courtyard lights came on as the car entered the enclosed yard and the back door to the house opened. The staff would not be surprised at her arrival because she would have been observed as her car entered the driveway and she would have been stopped and prevented from getting further than the gate house if Security had not recognised her.

As a matter of fact, Red was surprised when she saw who had opened the door.

Anton himself came out to greet her.

He flung open his arms in order to embrace her and she allowed the familiarity, for it did not happen often, as they only ever seemed to meet at official functions or where others were present and where such unseemly displays of affection were frowned upon between two Wolves of such high standing in their society.

Anton assumed that she had come for a social visit and wanted her to come inside at once so that they could catch up but then he saw the expression on her face and he stopped trying to lead her into the house.

“What is it, my dear?”

“Do you remember Ryan Colwick?”

“Ryan...? Ah yes, his wife Melaine is beautiful.”

“Yes, trust you to remember the beautiful spouse better than the husband. Unfortunately, they are both dead. Melaine died a while ago and Ryan just this evening.” Red said as she unlocked the back of her car.

Anton peered inside. “Who is this?”

“That is Ryan Colwick.”

“Melaine’s son?”

“No, they have twin boys but this is not one of them; this is Ryan, her husband. I think we have a regression problem on our hands.”

“I think you may be right. Let’s get the body into the freezer room.”

Together they worked to get the body out of the car and into the extensive workrooms at one end of the stable block. Anton was disappointed that Red would not stay longer but he had work to do and so did she.

Victoria must be informed that Darius was back and David Rosscourt had a few questions to answer.

It was very late when Red got home but as she stepped from the car, she knew that someone else had been on her property – a Hume this time.

She looked across the street at the house not quite opposite and looked up to the upstairs window.

The house had vertical blinds rather than curtains and though they were slanted so that she could not see in with a clear line of sight, they were not closed and she saw the silhouette of a figure in the room behind the window because the light at the top of the stairs was on and it shone through the not quite closed bedroom door.

He had made a mistake in allowing a light to shine behind him and now Red knew that she had not been imagining the other times that she had sensed such an intrusion.


What a silly person, disrespecting and underestimating Red, and invading her space!

I know, right? :)

thanks 4 sharing

Upvoted and also resteemed :]

Thank you for publishing your books here for free.

I think s

Could this be the weasley guy who's key did not work? Things seem about to be ready to start exploding onto the pages, I am hooked no doubt about it. Throwbacks, weasley guys, degeneration, oh poor poor Jessica.

No. unfortunately I don't accept people advertising (spamming) on my posts. It's disrespectful to me and the hard work I've put in over the last year.

Why would you do such a thing and think it's ok?

You are the one being mean and disrespectful! If you don't like it, why didn't you say so in an introduceyourself post!? How was i supposed to know! I genuinely liked your post and thought you would enjoy reading mine. I was even thinking of getting your book, i love reading novels so this was perfect since it's almost Halloween. Next time be nicer to someone, instead of doing something that will make them feel bad.
Sorry for infringing on your personal space, i'll just stay away from now.

I'm not the only one to flag you for copy-pasting the same dreary comment over and over... and over...

You'll get found out soon enough and your rep will suffer for it when more people realise and flag you.

Proper interaction is what gets you followers, not the same trite comment begging for follows and upvotes.

I'm nice and helpful, especially to newbies, but jumping on my post to advertise yours is not the way to get good attention.

If you want advice, that's great, ask. If you want a fast-buck and shortcuts to followers and money, not so much.

Here's a little advice. I'm afraid I couldn't go back to my 'introduceme' post, it was posted more than a year ago.

Newbie advice 1

You say what you do not know child. Lay your vexations down. You'll know in due time why i called you that. With lots of love. :)

You are the one being mean and disrespectful!

What??? You are nuts. Did you read any other of michelle's post? Did you read the etiquette guide for steemit? I have seen quite a few other people try to school you about comment spamming, and you have the nerve to call her disrespectful? You sir or madam or what ever have totally lost it. I am sure this is how you respond to others when they call you out for spamming.

Oh, you poor poor child!

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