Epic Journey Through Latin America: CATCH UP TIME! The Accumulated Links

in #travel7 years ago

Here's the whole unexpected and shockingly true story from my evil daddy to the Kuna to Punto DF.

So, you've started Following me and are pretty impressed with my easy writing style and photos.

But that's nothing!

I'm not just some girl backpacking around.

I have a mission of the heart.

~-~-~My name is LOVE and that is what I am here to do.~-~-~

Healing, evolution and raising the vibration of the planet

by simply following my heart is my only purpose for breathing.

Start Here with this story.

SCAR STORY CONTEST: How I Got the Big Scar That Lies Under My Dread Locks

@papa-pepper ran a Scar Story Contest last September(2016) and I won First Place.

I am certain you will be blown away by my true story.

This is a short little story that will give you some
shocking truths about my early beginnings.

Yes! I have been through some serious shit... but I will not give into anger, hatred and vengeance.


Earlier this year @papa-pepper ran a
Travel Story contest and
I won First Place in this contest, also.

You see, I've just got lots of stories from lots of incredible experiences.

Buying Back My Kuna A MUST READ!

Should I Marry the Kuna?

This a follow up to Buying Back My Kuna

At Breakfast With Qiqi and Noki

My bittersweet departure from the Garden of Eden @gardenofeden


Part 1 My Packing List Toiletries Bag

Part 2 My Packing List Small Easy Carry Backpack

Part 3 My Packing LIst Jewelry Making Supplies

Part 4 My Packing List Sleeping Supplies, Culinary and Tarot tools

Part 5 My Packing ListEverything else.

If you think you are not interested in my packing lists then, think again.

My story continues in every single blog.

If you miss ANY of my posts you will miss parts of my story.

Some posts focus on the actual travel story but others tell the story
around food or a Hostel Review or whatever else I come up with.


Want to know how I am doing this with so little money?
Anyone can support me.

Freedom Traveling: How I'm Doing it for Virtually Free

Finally, I am finished packing and am on the road

Leaving Texas and Crossing Into Mexico

I don't know why but I was soooo nervous about crossing into Mexico.
Even in the moment I knew my feelings were silly.

In Monterrey, Mexico my previous connections through Couchsurfing really pay off.

Through the networking everything changed and the Magical City tour began.

The Mexican Magical City Tour: Después de mi corazón

It was like starting again when my new travel companions joined me.


But, first let's stop for a bite to eat.

The Epic Food Journey Through Latin America

After 4 nights in Monterrey these young Mexicans aligned their mission with mine and...

The Mexican Magical City Tour: Real de Catorce y el éxodo dos

...here we go!

The first village on our Magical City list proved to be true to its reputation.

The Mexican Magical City Tour: Real de Catorce Photo Gallery and What Makes it Magical

A beginning look at things to eat in Mexico.

Mexican Magical City FOOD Tour: What we ate in Real de Catorce

The old classic construction of the buildings was like nothing I had ever seen.

The Mexican Magical City Tour: An A-Door-able tour of Real de Catorce

It was like going back in time.

This is actually a hostel with no name.

Hostel Review: The Hostel, Real de Catorce, Mexico

The Hostel has an unexpected charm.

Much to my surprise,
hitchhiking is turning me into a seriously tough woman.

Mexican Magical City Tour: Adventures in Hitchhiking and New Friends in Tamasopo

Even though my body was feeling stronger, parts of my body was not on the program.

Mexican Magical City Tour: Bathing in Rivers and Butterflies Then Saying Goodbye to the Guys

Every moment I am loving to the fullest but wishing my body felt better so I could enjoy it all even more.

More hitchhiking then I put my well being first.

Having pushed myself harder than I ever remember to keep up with the 20 something year old men I decided to listen to my body and departed from my travel companions.

Magical Mexican City Tour: Couchsurfing in Mexico City and Landing a Hostel Position

The hostel I am now working at has been under construction for many months.

Hostel Review: Punto DF, Distrito Federal, Mexico City, Mexico

The first floor is ready, beautiful and open. However, the banging on the second floor, during the day continues.

Hostel Review: Part 2 Punto DF, The Remodeling Process - YES, It's personal!

This is not just a hostel, though.
The revenue generated goes into a non profit that works with children and art.
This week I will write a blog on the details of that.

A recap of the plan.
The map of the South America tour.

The Mexican Magical City Tour

All plans are subject to change on a whim.

Next, FOOD!


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