Mexican Magical City Tour: Bathing in Rivers and Butterflies Then Saying Goodbye to the Guys

in #travel7 years ago

In Xilitla I said goodbye to Ezequiel and Ovat.

The morning before we separated we awoke in Tamasopo.

We felt rested for the day but my body was still sore.

However, I knew I needed to enjoy some nature.

A freshwater river sounded rejuvenating.

The plan is to walk to the river first thing in the morning.

My new local friends insisted I was not to leave Tamasopo until

I visited their beloved river.

The water was crystal clear and sparkling clean.

The guys wasted no time jumping in.

I love the recycled material diving board.

Diving boards like this in the United States pose
a potential lawsuit so insurance companies just won't allow this.

(Can you hear the overtones of sarcasm in that comment?)

The water was so transparent we watched
schools of fish on the way to their classes.

Cool, clean, fresh morning air.


A magical stroll.

We drank the water in cupped hands then filled our water bottle.

Fields of sugarcane lined one side of the path.

On the walk back to the hostel from the river we encountered...

something magical and beautiful,
a multi-colored swarm of butterflies.

They were dancing so quickly through the air
I was challenged to capture this
once in a lifetime
moment with my camera.

Once we returned to our hostel we gathered our belongings,
hiked with all our goods to the edge of town and waited for a ride.

Soon we were in the back of another truck heading south to Xilitla,
about a hundred miles south.

Many times we go through booths like these.

The Mexican highways are not free.

At some point a glass delivery guy picks up and takes on a tour of his delivery route.

One of his stops is right down the road from Edward James Castillo.

We hiked a good distance up a steep hill with all our packs,

past the entrance to Edward James Castillo.

When we arrived at the hostel

we were sent away

because we only had my cash from the United States.

I never saw Edward James Castillo except for the entrance area.

By the time we got there my body was so exhausted from hard travel

I just did not care anymore.

Again we loaded up our packs and proceeded down the hill,
past the entrance to the Castillo.

The guys convinced an owner of a camp site to take the gringo cash.

That night I decided I need to listen to my body.

I am traveling all the way to the end of South America and I have barely begun.

My body has been pushed to the limit.

In the morning I will take a bus to Mexico City and find

a Couchsurfer to stay with a few nights to rest and heal.

I loaned the guys my waterproof tent and took some other heavy stuff with me.

The hostel manager charged us 5 pesos to call us a taxi.

The taxi dropped the guys here to continue hitchhiking then
took me to the village bus station.


I can't believe we left each other.

We all agreed it felt weird saying goodbye.

I arrived in Mexico City at 5am.

My Couchsurfing situation was perfect.

My next post will be about my first days in the city and
how I got the awesome job I now have.


love this post and your bio @loveon, cheers to travel!

Thanks! I'm super grateful you took the time to look and post. I'm having a great time making these so it's even better that so many are enjoying them.

I hope you continue to Follow.

of course! im leaving in july to travel around the world for the next year so definitely love to check in with other travelers. hope all is well my friend!

Do you plan to blog on your trip? Where exactly will you be going?

yes i will be blogging the whole way! starting in asia and slowly working my back to the united states :)

Sounds like a grand adventure! I look forward to your blogs.

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