Should I Marry the Kuna? Follow Up on Buying Back My Kuna

in #travel7 years ago

Recently I submitted a travel story to a contest sponsored by @papa-pepper where I won first place.

The true story, Buying Back My Kuna, was an exciting and wild ride. Much to my surprise, the day I published the story, later that evening, the Kuna asked me to marry him.

I need your help. What should I do?

After living with the amazing and beautiful people of The Garden of Eden for three years it's actually difficult to leave, to go live forever in Paradise, the San Blas Islands.

Fabio took me to his island, Playon Chico, off the caribbean coast of Panama in February 2013.

It lies in the middle of the Gunayala reservation inhabited by the Kuna indigenous people. He has 12 hectares or about 33 acres.

This land is at the coast, behind the small craft airport on the mainland adjacent to the community island.

There is a walking bridge that joins the island to the mainland. Directly at the end of the bridge sits the airport which is about the size of a large walk-in closet, only utilized by small craft. Fabio's land pops up directly behind the airport landing strip.

When I was at Playon Chico, three years ago, he walked me through his property.

It was obvious that there used to be a garden of many fruit and coconut trees and other perennials but was overgrown from neglect. As he toured me through his inherited property he explained to me his dreams for the future.

It was at this point he revealed to me a side of him I had never seen before, a very sexy side of him.

Here is a list of his dreams:

  • a home on top of highest elevation of his property overlooking the airport, the islands and facing the coast
  • A hostel with dorms and private rooms
  • a restaurant serving Kuna inspired, organic local harvested cuisine
  • gardens full of fruits and vegetables to teach his people how to make food for independence from the outside world
  • teaching center for the Kuna children to learn the culture and self-preservation as well as information for tourists.

    These are no longer just dreams. These are realities in the present. He tells me he has been working hard over the last three years cleaning up his gardens, building a home and raising funds.

Now, he is ready to seriously consider a business partner, a confidant, a wife to share it all with.

At this time he has asked me twice to marry him. I have been divorced from a 22 year long marriage since 2011. Why I am hesitating I don't know, other than this a huge change in my world.

Fabio is a beautiful man on many levels. We have much to offer one another and we already know we trust each other and work very well together. We love, honor and respect one another very much.

But then, there's Quinn @quinneaker and the
Garden of Eden @gardenofeden
with all the great reasons to stay here:

  • my three adult, unmarried, childless daughters and son living nearby.
  • the free life
  • people whom love and support me
  • I direct my own day
  • everything I need is right here
  • organic high vibe food is always available
  • trustworthy and honorable friends/family
  • evolutionary projects in the making
  • I get to be a part the lives of the children who reside here
  • I get to be a part of the grass roots evolution of the New Paradigm

    Sharing my life with Fabio,
    being a part of his life will give me access to:

  • lots of great material for my blog
  • spending my days with artists
  • being a part of the sustainable evolution of Fabio's people
  • eating fresh caught lobster and freshly harvested coconuts everyday
  • a beach in my front yard
  • postcard beautiful islands in my front yard
  • the free life
  • a man who loves and adores me
  • an entire community of indigenous who respects and supports me
  • a paradise life for my adult children to come visit me
  • a beautiful paradise for my Garden of Eden family to come for an extended visit
  • step-mommying two adorable little Kuna girls who are 7 and 10 years old (we can teach one another our languages)
  • opportunities to build commerce, eco-tourism and provoke sustainable realities which restore aspects of the Kuna's past, lost culture

Whether I stay or go from the Garden of Eden each possibility offers me opportunity for self growth and personal upgrades. So, what is my decision about Fabio's proposal?

I not decide.

So, with that in mind, here's the plan...

In a few days I, alone, will catch a bus heading south with:
my backpack
my djembe drum
jewelry making supplies
professional culinary knives
divination decks
laptop computer
Iphone with a great camera

My journey to Panama will take as long as it needs to, crossing through:
Costa Rica
then finally Panama!


When I arrive in Panama and meet with Fabio we will talk and see how we feel.

At this time, I feel confident enough, after much negotiation and conversation over the last few weeks, that I am inclined to travel to him and investigate the situation more deeply.

So far, we have agreed that I will have my own private space and my Garden of Eden family is invited to visit for as long as they want.

What I need to consider before I decide to marry Fabio:

  • Can we work together for an extended period of time?
  • Is it realistic to believe I can be happy living with a hugely different culture?
  • Will Fabio be loyal and honest?
  • Are we indeed compatible over time?
  • What is the role of Kuna women and am I expected to comply?
  • What are Fabio's expectations of the relationship?
  • How are the Kuna Reservation and Panama marriage/divorce laws the same/different?
  • Can I be happy living in a jungle/island over a long period of time?
  • What are my rights as a Kuna resident and a Kuna wife?

    In addition, I am emptying out my little house that I live in at the Garden of Eden, packing my things and saying goodbye to my loved ones.

    In a few days I will be on the road, traveling to my Kuna, blogging, making music, jewelry, meeting beautiful people, learning new cooking techniques, sharing food, practicing my Spanish and so on and so on.

    So, what do you think? Should I marry the Kuna. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

    Come along with me! I invite you to follow my journey through this blog and share my adventures.


When will you be there?

I think about four months. There's not really any schedule I am following. It looks like 2 months in Mexico then a couple months passing through all the countries in between. Costa Rica for no less than 2 weeks. so...maybe not until September. You will be long gone by then. If you're interested I can give you the info on how to take an amazing journey through the Kuna reservation and then easily slide into Columbia. Playon Chico is halfway through the reservation/San Blas Islands. You can stay there overnight. They have a couple hotels.

Yeah I don´t think I will be too long in Panama because I have to be in Santiago on Christmas ;) but sure pass me the dates! let me know if you need any recommendations in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize or Costa Rica :) I ve been there already. Would be still nice to meet you though.

We go in a couple weeks. I'm looking for an assistant and we have room for volunteers. Check out my update story I'm posting today or tomorrow.

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