Mexican Magical City Tour: Adventures in Hitchhiking and New Friends in Tamasopo

in #travel7 years ago

Leaving Real de Catorce and on our way to
Xilitla to see Edward James Castillo,
the next magical city on the list.

Good-bye Real de Catorce

After walking through the village with our backpacks we arrived at the tunnel entrance.

After only a few minutes we got a sweet ride all the way to the main highway, a good hour long.

The Mexican Magical City Tour is moving on down the route.

To get to Real de Catorce you must go through this old tunnel dug through the mountain.

Here we are exiting the tunnel, the only way back out.

Gazing out over the desert as we dream about
the greener terrain about to come.

I guess Ovat is tired of looking at the desert.

I'm enjoying looking at all this because it was after dark when originally traveled into the area.

A lot of the terrain reminds me of Arizona

We've been dropped off on the side of the highway.

Until now, getting rides has been relatively quick.

I think it took about three hours to get the next ride.

Today is super hot a with no clouds to shade us.

What does a bored hitchhiker do to keep her mind off
the sun, the heat and the aching body?

SeLfIe TiMe!!

We got so desperate to get a ride we actually put together
a little hitchhiking dance routine,
ready to try something else.

Out of seemingly nowhere, with no effort, this man pulls up in his rig.

He gets us down the road for another good distance.

Comfy and cozy in our hard earned second ride.

After a couple more rides we arrive in Tamasopo well past dark.

It took some work but we found a little hostel on the edge of town.

There was no kitchen to use so, in my book, it wasn't really a hostel.

By the time we arrived I felt more tired than I can remember being in
a very, very long time.

I told the boys I want to stay two nights so I can rest some more before moving on.

Ovat has some good friends who live here.

One thing I have learned about Latin people that
you don't see much of in the United States

is when you make friends with Latinos

you make you're about to see.

My exhausted body wasn't feeling very sociable

but the invitation for homemade food was the only inspiration I needed.

Quickly, I became contaminated with

the spirit of the happy, light and loving energy of these friends.

Look at how beautiful Diana and Santiago are.

These two sisters, basically, accosted me with their smiles and waves
and overflowing jolly behaviors.

Before I knew it they had me in their house,...

...feeding me.

Black beans, one of my favorite foods,
heaps of Mexican cheese,
fresh homemade salsa and
hot, non GMO corn tortillas.

I even indulged in some Mexican Coca-Cola.

The yellow cup has an ice cold Lemon Cucumber drink.

I only understood about half of what this woman said

but her actions made everything clear.

She made me laugh so hard!

Very quickly I forget about how tired and sore I am.

This sixty sumthin older sister said she wants to backpack with me and the guys.

She agrees to be ready to go early in the morning.

This sister tells me she is 51 years old, only a year younger than me.<.h4>

I ReAlLy liked this woman.

Such beautiful vibrations.

After I ate all the food I could and laughed until my ribs hurt
I went to go find my guys.

They were all just sitting down to eat the meal Diana and the other girls prepared.

They made me a place to sit but I was already stuffed full.

I am sure that if I ever return to Tamasopo these people I barely know
would treat me like a dearly loved family member.

In my next post we have an interesting butterfly encounter
then I have to say goodbye to Ezequiel and Ovat.


Wow, you look extra good, have made wonderful friends, and enjoying yourself every day! Congratulations!

Life is really great! Having a blast!
Keep Following as I have many more good ones coming up.
I appreciate your loyal support. You've a great friend for many years now.

Great post, keep these coming!

I love to see you Following but everytime I see your name I crave something good to eat.

I got many more. Very grateful for your support, as always.

Thanks @loveon. Keep them coming

Such a joy to see images of people really enjoying themselves.

I wish I had the words to describe how these people felt being around. These photos come very close. Just happy and beautiful.

I really appreciate your support. I hope to see you around more.

Well, I'm attracted to beautiful people, so you don't have to worry one bit...I'll be around :)

That post gave of some really good vibes! Following you now I need more of that please! ;-)
The pictures captured the cheerful atmosphere pretty good. Funny that the older sister spontaneously decided to come backpacking with you guys :-D
And it always amazes me too how open hearted and hospitable other cultures can be. Made similar experiences that really shattered my prejudices..

Sending you much love from Hamburg!

I love your feedback. Thank you for your support on my epic journey. The older sister just really felt inspired and supportive. She is like 65 years old. It would be impossible for her to truly come along.

I look forward to reading more comments from you along my journey.

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