Part TWENTYFIVE: Working For Yourself

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

Part 25 of 20.... and it may, or may not be the second to last!

To sum up, we've looked at some business bits and pieces, and we've delved into some shooting tips and techniques.
We've talked Photoshop, and we've covered more depth on Lightroom, too.

Today, I'd like to look at What's in my camera bag:

steem Logo.jpg

I lied to you...sorry.
... not really sorry.
I'm not really going to look at what's in my camera bag... more like what's in my camera bag, when I...

The real answer is, it depends.
It depends on what I am shooting for that day.

That said, here's what's in my camera bag, and BTW, if you have met me on Discord, and interacted, care to guess which is my hidden fave in the picture?

1 SBD to the first person COMMENTING and actually naming the correct hidden Favorite gem of mine, in the photo. Although an upvote isn't necessary, it sure would be a polite way to enter... Contest ends at Payout, or whenever the FIRST person commenting gets the correct answer... the judge (moi) gets final say so!


First off, I don't have one camera bag, I have 4. As any photographer will tell you, there is never enough, so, one tends to collect stuff. I know I do, as well as those around me, do too. I do not, however carry all this around with me, at the same time. Even I am not that nuts.

Missing from this shot is my Mountainsmith Camera Backpack. As most of you know, I travel for work. I am a production manager on special events. This coming week, I leave for Settle for 10 days, so I dropped off my big suitcase, and my Mountainsmith Backpack, with my main camera, my main Nikon d7000, and my Tamron SP 150-600mm G2 and Manfrotto tripod. I have a couple dark days (no show) and am planning on some birding out there. It's easier than carrying, to send it with the equipment truck.

A - is my main walking around camera bag.
B - is my new fave, slightly smaller than the Mountainsmith, it fits my laptop, accessories, my usual (see far below) my camera body, lenses, and more.
C - is a present, sometimes I use this one on the boat or beach.
D - fits only camera body
E - fits the Nikon 300mm

F - Small flash modifier, I use this one quite frequently, takes the harsh off, and produces softer light
G - SB 600 and SB 700 Flash. I can use these on Camera, TTL, off camera, remote trigger, control power, etc.
H - small flash hood
I - larger flash reflector
J - lens hoods
K - medium flash diffuser
L - clothes pins, very useful for attaching gels, diffusion, etc to lights, and flashes
M - remote stands for Flash

My second Nikon d7000, with Tamron 18-270mm, my walkaround lens.
N - Battery grip for Nikon d7000 with both a Nikon Battery slide, and a AA battery slide, as well as additional battery. I consider this part of the camera, although, I removed it for this shot, so it can be seen separately. Both Nikon d7000's always have this on. Always. More batteries, more power, more shots. The battery grips also duplicate a few of the knobs and buttons, so, when you turn the camera from portrait to landscape and back, there is a set of thumb wheels, and the shutter release, at the correct place.

O - My Tokina 11-17mm Superwide zoom. One of my Fave lenses.
d - OOOoops... just noticed the second "D" This is actually the Variable Neutral Density filter for the 18-270mm
The Variable ND filter for the Tokina Superwide is in bag A, front pocket, just forgot to take it out.
P - Nikon 70-300mm, rarely used anymore. Somewhat slow lens.

Q - LaCie rugged HD, plus a USB and Firewire cable.
R - Gitzo Ball head jr. for tripod (left), and Tripod Camera adapter plate (right)
S - Lens wipes
T - Small binocs, for birding. (Damn... forgot to ship these to Seattle. Wonder if I will forget to bring them, too?)
U - Remote triggers. I have the tiny wireless remote top, and a wired one bottom.
V - Quick disconnect plate for tripod.
W - Camera and lens caps
X - Flash modifiers. Plastic, and have color correction for flourescents, tungstens, and LED sources
Y - Bits of Diffusion for flashes. I use Lee Filters.
Z - Soft cloths, for wiping.

1 - First and foremost, it's important to stay hydrated.
2 - My lightning trigger. ingenious gadget, attaches to flash mount, and triggers camera when it detects lightning
3 - My Evolution of Photographer t-shirt.
4 - A Chip Chart. Useful when getting correct white balance, and colors in ABSOLUTELY critical. People, skin tones, product shots with specific colors, etc.
5 - Clean white cloths, for drying. I shoot a lot of waterfalls, and outdoors by the ocean, on my boat, etc. Always keep a few in gallon plastic bags to keep em dry.
6 - Mini Mag (longer), and a UV minimag (shorty). Notice the watch below? Another present. No numbers on the watch face, it has 1.2, 2.4 4, 5.6, 8, 11 on the face.
7 - Multi tool, NEVER leave home without one. I have them everywhere. AND probably have lost a dozen or more to TSA, by forgetting them in my bags, etc.
8 - In each bag I have an emergency kit. Bandages, wipes, aspirin, usually some other meds, etc.
9 - Lee Color Correction and Gels for Flashes, etc

All that said, I pack each bag differently based on what I shoot for the day.
But here are my standard pack in each bag I own:
• Extra Camera Batteries
• Extra SD Card
• Lens wipes
• Clean white cloth
• Bottle of water
• Tripod Camera adapter plate
• remote trigger
• first aid kit
• multi tool

If I shoot at night, I pack the second remote, and the lightning trigger
If I shoot long exposure, both triggers, and more batteries, as well as the ND Filters
If I shoot people, I always pack the chip chart
If I shoot indoors, flashes, and modifiers

All in all, packing before I go out to shoot forces me to think about what I will need, and what I don't want to carry.
I hope this helps, more than hurts, given the length of the post.

Part 24 WORK for yourself: Selling Your Art
Part 23 WORK for yourself: Develop and Library Module, Import Dialog
Part 22 WORK for yourself: White Balance
Part 21 WORK for yourself: Steemit Resources
Part 20 WORK for yourself: Marketing Online
Part 19 WORK for yourself: Are You Any Good?
Part 18 WORK for yourself: Geeky Camera Talk
Part 17 WORK for yourself: To Delete, Or Not To Delete
Part 16 WORK for yourself: Rules Are Made For Breakin'
Part 15 WORK for yourself: Long Exposure
Part 14 WORK for yourself: Creating A Panorama
Part 13 WORK for yourself: NIK’s Silver FX Pro Filter
Part 12 WORK for yourself: NIK’s Color Efex Pro Filter
Part 11 WORK for yourself: NIK’s Viveza Filter
Part 10 WORK for yourself: High Pass Filter
Part 9 WORK for yourself: Photoshopping’
Part 8 WORK for yourself: Go To The Light…room!
Part 7 WORK for yourself: From Here To There, My Workflow!
Part 6 WORK for yourself: RAW?JPG? Add Copyright Note
Part 5 WORK for yourself: My Machine, My Hardware!
Part 4 WORK for yourself: More Stuff? More Money!
Part 3 WORK for yourself: Camera? What Camera?
Part 2 WORK For Yourself: Wait? You Charge HOW Much?
Part 1 WORK for Yourself: How Much Can I Make?


thanks for sharing the contents of your case :) that was really curious to sneek in... I have a lower-pro full to the tops and I don't carry half of the things you do and struggle to fit things in. I still need to upgrade my gear, and I never forget to add "american tape" accidentaly broken tripods and things. Saving now for a small drone to improve the quality of our music videos though I wonder how I will carry with it all. I also bring with me always a fly-cam, it's unconveniently heavy but better than tripod for video shooting.

I never carry it all at once.
And no guess at my Fave Item? There's an SBD on the line?

You say you like your new bag but I'm going to go for your superzoom lens

I do like the superwide. And the new bag, but no... not them.

I got my chance, leaving it to others now :) and mine would be "american tape" believe me hahaha it´s saved my life so many times hahaha LOL

I assume you mean gaffers tape when you say, "american tape"?
I always have some. I probably go through a dozen of so rolls a month, of the good stuff, too. About $20 USD a roll, wholesale.

yes gaffer tape I checked, :) sorry I'm foreign we call it american tape here :)

Ok first off I have pictures of you in my head weighed down with all that camera equipment. 2nd I can't believe I had pictures of you in my head that sounded wrong. 3rd your insurance for all that must cost you a pretty hefty sum??

I struggle with it every day, but I know people always think of me. all the time.
And another "no guess at my Fave Item." There's an SBD on the line?

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)

that looks worse than a ladies handbag! lol. but thanks for sharing I too have tons of stuff for my camera half of which I never use. My guess at your favourite item may be your No2 lightning trigger, those are really nice.

You sure have a lot more to pack in your bags as I do ... My guess on your fave item is "the multitool".

As you state to NEVER leave your house without one with you.

No, not really even in my top few. But closest guess so far.

Hello @bluefinstudios , I think the content of your favorite item is the point of "U". remote trigger

No, but nice guess. thanks.

Omg... Haha

hehehehe and this is why I will never be a professional. because that just all makes me crazy!!!!! LOL

ok so i'm going for simplicity here... i'm thinking - what is something that you just NEED! NO MATTER WHAT. hahaha and if the lens is dirty... then it doesn't matter how many other things you have - the picture will be taken through a smudged lens.

so.... lens wipes :)

( i was also thinking white cloths... but if you have oil on the lens - doesn't matter if you have cloths - need lens wipes!) LOL that's my guess :)
P.S. i was walking around this beautiful little town today - and every shot I took - i LOVED!!!! It was a photographer's dream!!! the whole town (architecture included) posed for me ;) so fun!!!

I love when a town comes together, just for me!
I need lens wipes. I don't love them.

BTW, you don't need all this crap, to be a good photographer (Please, please, please, please, don't tell my wife!)

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sorrryyyyyyyyyyy!! i just texted her and was like - oh hey! so bluefin said he doesn't need all that stuff.

she said she's tossing it tomorrow. you should have warned me sooner! lol

and yes - i loved feeling like the star of the town today. they just wanted to show off for me! hahahaha but i'm serious - this town is the most pristine beautiful little town i've ever seen. it's like the whole thing is out of a magazine! I kept looking for SOMETHING that was run down. couldn't find it! gorgeous! it might be my new little place to walk :)

and I HATE WHEN I DON'T WIN!!!!!!!!!!

I was out shopping for Easter Dinner tomorrow, and bought some St. Germaine, and a few bottles of Proseco. I had to promise my wife she could have my portions of the cocktail on tap for tomorrow, in trade for not having to toss it all out.

ohhhhhhhhh so sorry hehehehehe.... you should have warned me so much sooner. LOLOLOL happy Easter!!! :)

Same to you: Happy Easter!!

Wow! That is a LOT of stuff! haha I think I have to save up more money...

Quick, take a selfie, so your husband can remember you by!

Now you know why I removed the "trainee" designation!

That is a lot I am happy I do not need to carry it

Oh, yes, no need to carry it all. A camera makes a photographer, all the rest is just stuff!

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