Five Bad Steemit Habits to Give Up Now

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

So you want to succeed on Steemit? Success on Steemit takes the exact same mindset as success anything else: perseverance, patience, consistency, quality, and a positive attitude.

If it's worth it, you have to work it! Nothing great was built overnight. Well, besides @lucylin wargames- before he reminds me not so subtly!

I see many bad habits every day, especially from newbies, that threaten their Steemit future. And just like entangled atoms- what one does effects others.

Here is a quick list of bad habits to break right now to ensure your success!

  • Follow 4 follow and upvote 4 upvote.

Asking for follows and upvotes is not only tacky, it can get you flagged which will lower your reputation. If you post original and compelling articles that bring something to the community
of course you will be upvoted! The community rewards quality! And if you're consistent at it, people will want to follow you :) Stop asking. Good things come to those who provide good work :)

  • Poor Comments.

Great post!

Thanks I like your blog!

Good info

Those are examples of cheap comments. Do you really want to be thought of as the user with nothing to say?

When you read a post, find something in there to talk about. Ask a question for clarification on something that was said. Start a conversation! Comments are upvoted, too! Take the time to type something meaningful and you'll probably gain a new follower :)

  • Plagiarizing.

Plagiarizing is taking someone else's work and posting it as your own.

You will be caught. STEEM cleaners and Cheetah work very hard, and some people who are just regular appearing users here also catch you. You may have one following you right now.

Write your own stuff. Plagiarizing is not only cheap and lazy- it's against the law. And not only that- you will be banned from Steemit when caught.

  • Playing the short game.

Play the long game, folks! Steemit is not set up for a short game. You gotta build and have forthougt because the greatest rewards come after you have put in the time.

If you build it they will come.

  • NMA

Negative Mental Attitude.

There are no guarantees on Steemit. That's why your rewards says "potential payout" for seven days.

Just like there's no guarantees anywhere in life.

Like attracts like. If you have a negative attitude, you will attract negatives into your reality. If you focus on the positives you'll have fun, and be open to receiving the good things!

Enjoy Steemit! You will learn to write better, get a little coding knowledge, maybe make a few bucks, and definitely meet some awesome people from all over the world! Keep going and you'll be invited into cool groups with like-minded people. And you'll gain the unequalled feeling of belonging to an encouraging and supportive community of excellent people :)

Steemit is number one a community. Enjoy your community and you've already won.

Enter the $30 + SBD Giveaway!!! Hurry, todays the last day to enter!


I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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Scream. A Five Minute Horror.


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The follow 4 follow / upvote you -- upvote me thing is so common I've wondered if it isn't a cultural norm in some parts of the world ... the way you get things done there. Granted, Steemit isn't the place to use this tactic ... but it is so prevalent it's made me wonder why!

The "poor comments" examples are the kind of thing that has made me wish there were a "delete feature" on Steemit -- not that I get many of them, but I do get my share. And I've ground my teeth in frustration seeing them and knowing that they got the same amount of "count" in the number of posts at the top of the user's blog as my "novellas" do. (That's what my husband calls my comments. I've told him for years somebody needs to take this keyboard away from me!)

As for plagiarizing ... let me tell you, having been numerous times in the situation of seeing my content stolen, posted on someone else's website with their name and copyright claim on it -- there is nothing that sends my temper / blood pressure straight through the roof faster. I have had entire articles stolen -- word for word. (Click / paste / done!!)

Someone stole the entire front page of my shop site complete with formatting -- and we never were able to get his ISP to pay one speck of attention to our complaints. (I consoled myself with the fact that he was going to have to deliver actual content if he got any business from it ... and if he couldn't write his own sales / promo page, his chances of delivering anything of quality were virtually nil.)

I had someone steal text from one of my feng shui articles to use promoting his own xeroxed and stapled together "book" on ebay. I could find you half a dozen examples tonight if I tried, I'm sure. I run across them by accident all time time, which means they really must be out there. And if you think you can steal stuff and no one will ever notice ... think again. And if you think you can steal my stuff and I won't recognize it when I find it ... you're wrong.

Plagiarism is theft, plain and simple. In the real world (of print publishing and journalism) plagiarizing content ruins careers -- and it deserves a lot stronger reaction than it gets on the internet. (Maybe you can tell I feel strongly about this.) Every once in a while I see someone who has just discovered his or her own stolen article posted under someone else's name -- and the rage is real and immediate -- even slightly amusing. But I know exactly how they feel. (And, in my experience, people actually are not banned from Steemit for plagiarizing. I've reported a number of people. Their article gets "hidden" by steemcleaners and their pending reward wiped out, but they keep right on going -- like the Energizer Bunny.)

As for "playing the long game" and "negative mental attitude" -- Steemit is an interesting place, but it is not for the faint of heart and it is certainly not for the lazy. I'm surprised it has as many people as it does (and I am not surprised it loses many writers who can turn out decent content.) Not everyone is willing to work so long and so hard for so little. It needs a far better strategy to attract and keep quality people ... but I haven't the foggiest idea what that would be. (Evidently, almost everyone else is in the same fix.)

Rewards are slow to build and the culture is constantly changing ... but that's part of the attraction, strangely. The people here are pioneers in a way ... and that requires a special mentality from the start. I don't regret my presence here one bit -- but I will also say, it's sure not for everyone. And if you arrive with inflated expectations about its prospects, the reality-shock can be stunning. I see that happen lots ... and the developers seem to be way behind the curve in addressing genuine concerns. Then again, I know that until you've stood in someone else's shoes, you don't know their problems -- so I'll leave my thoughts at that.

I enjoyed this one a lot @arbitrarykitten. You always make the time spent here worthwhile.

from #theunmentionables

I side with the hubby, great "novel" comment my dear :)

I had someone plagiarize most of my books. One person. I would say they do not have a family or life as they have an exorbitant amount of time for marketing and advertising, and after changing the titles and blurbs they make a decent living from my countless hours of creation.

Needless to say it's a sore spot. That's me being super nice :)

I have a copyright attorney. It can take ten to twelve years to get everything back under my control...

I think both follow 4 follow and plagiarism are cultural norms. I've spoken to a few people who actually (seemed, although they could have been playing me) felt bad for using someone else's work and genuinely seemed to not understand that is was wrong- not to mention illegal.

Well, in this instance, at least I had the time needed to write a complete comment. I don't seem to have much of a "mid-range" button. Either I have nothing to add ... or I have so much to say in response that I don't even dare get started. In that case -- and I can't begin to count the number of time this has happened, I reluctantly move on without saying a word, because something in me would rather not start a project than do a half-assed job of it. (I don't know what to do with me either!! [sigh] )

I would argue that plagiarism is not theft. Copying is not theft under any circumstances, and "intellectual property" is not property. Copying is, however, fraud against those who read the unattributed material when it is presented as original content.

And I would say we disagree. If I create something and someone else takes it and says it belongs to him, I label that theft. If I built something tangible -- and someone else took it, used it, appropriated it, or sold it as his own without my permission ... society calls that theft. Intellectual property is indeed property. When plagiarism occurs "in the real world" or copyright infringement suits are brought and won, damages are paid to the writer / musician / artist who created the original work, not to the readers, listeners or audience who saw the copy. REAL MONETARY DAMAGES ... and, as I said, careers are ruined over such things. So, evidently the law disagrees with you, too.


Blessings upon you, my child. Continue to preach, and condemn these sins against Blog! Redemption can be found by those who repent and reform!

Yes! Well played, Sir ;)

One little incident where someone tried to steal my work:

I used to advertise my services in a local paper. Not every week, but when I could afford to. I put a lot of thought into that little ad. One week someone contacted the paper and asked if they would print my ad with his phone number. The lady he spoke to was disgusted, and actually phoned me to tell me what happened. Sadly there is not a lot of this response on the internet.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Wow, terribly brazen!

Good for that lady! It is shameful, I can't even imagine how disgusted and low of feel if I was so desperate or whatever to have to resort to such a low act.

Good work on this article @arbitrarykitten, i dont know how many times i have mentioned some of these points to others im bringing into Steemit.

Its not about chasing the dollars by posting clickbait etc. its about self expression and presenting yourself as authentically as possible. The community will gravitate to what they like about your expression and you can focus on that niche.

Dont get me wrong , people are entitled to post what they see fit, but if they want to find success and happiness on Steemit authenticity is the best way to get there im my humble opinion :)

Very well said!

I do try to take into consideration that sometimes due to cultural differences some may do things... differently. Gentle reminders are helpful :)

I will up voteyou because I'm in your thoughts.. lol

lol, well, that is a pretty good reason ;)

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I've actually noticed a small drop in the lame comments on my posts lately. I think people have been more aggressively flagging comment spam

Me too, I think you're right

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Preach it sista!

It's actually pretty obvious to when the bad habit surfaces is when the steemians here are money driven not relationship driven.

Unfortunately, one cannot serve two masters.

Noone can serve two Masters. Well said!

well, I think one can serve two masters but will require a lot of effort.... The problem is that most people don't want the effort and that's why they choose the easiest master and serve them half-heartedly

Good points, all!

A lot of these habits also tend to reveal those who are purely "here for the money" and don't actually care about social connection, on any level. For all I know, we could be selling virtual tacos, and they'd still be here...

Exactly. And I've noticed that the ones here for the money never immerse themselves into the community, so they never quite get that feeling of belonging that makes Steemit so special, and they move on pretty quickly- to the next get rich quick scheme I suppose.

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