Steemit, We’ve Got Word to Do!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

It's almost 2018, can you believe it? I don't know about you, but this year has flown by faster than a hawk on crack for me!

And we have word to do.

You heard me, we have word to do! Steemit is not work- if it is you’re doing it wrong.

We have some writing and curating of words to do. We have community building to do. 2018 is almost here, and we are going to see phenomenal Steem growth- IF we all work together, collectively, for the greater good.

We must work for the community.

I came here on that big wave mid-June. Of course I was enticed into registering by the tantalizing trending page payouts, but I soon realized there is so much more to it. And yes, Steem has paid a couple bills, for that I am especially thankful for you because without you none of this would be possible. You are what makes Steemit what it is!

I repeat- you make Steemit what it is.

It can be a circle jerk or a community share. It can be a platform where you showcase and hone your talents and become a better writer, or it can be the gossip corner to bitch and throw fits. You can meet and form everlasting bonds with excellent people, join niche communities, and get involved in building something. Or you can complain and get nowhere.

It’s your choice!

We each are parts of the whole. Steemit is what it is because of each and every one of us, no matter what anyone says. Yes, of course the invested whales hold the most power, but the whales need the minnows just as much as the minnows need the whales. It takes each and every one of us to propel this spectacular platform with almost unlimited potentials into greatness.

How do you want Steemit to look going into the new year?

How do you want Steemit to look as it nears the end of 2018?

How are you going to make it happen?

The choice is ours. We hold the power.

Lets work together for our common goals.

STEEM on my friends, ever onward and upward!

Images via Giphy and Pixabay

5 Minute Freewrite via @mariannewest

I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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Nice rallying call babe.
Whales may hold the most power individually but I would suggest it's those of us that are Dolphins hold the most collective power.

The thing is we need to band together to utilize our power...

@arbitrarykitten And you thought I did not know that was David Bowie doing the Magic Dance...........Oh My Kitten the excitement grows.

You remind me of the babe
What babe?
The babe with the power

You are my Favorite Late Night Toy. You always bring Joy my Kitten.

I am @stokjockeys's catnip :)

Yes you are Sweet Lady.....

Posts are always good read...thanks for sharing some of that motivation...

I am so happy my words are inspiring :)

And appreciate you reading them <3

Thank you!

Very well said. I am a new member and I see a wide range of content level, but this seems an amazing platform for sharing whatever your passionate about.. I am enjoying is thus far. Thank you for the post, will check back again.

Welcome to the community @spinx23! Its great to have you!

Yes, Steemit is a wonderfully supportive and encouraging community, and I know how overwhelming it can be at first so please, if you have any questions leave a comment for me. I know what it feels like to be the new kid so I will sit with you at lunch :)

I love how you added Dance magic dance gif in the end from labyrinth.. it brought back some memories..

But you are right.. steemit is more than paying bills. Its a wonderful place to be and i have my birthday next month.. so end of the year always brings me happiness 😌

It is truly a village of like-minds :)

What day?

27th december. Right after christmas and just before new year day...

A wonderful sandwich i have. Dont i? Hehehe

Oh man! Wow, your poor mom! Lol!

Hahaha it gets better.

My brother's birthday is 20th November, and my sister's is 17th October.. so the last 3 months of every year, my mom is pretty much tired.. 😅

I hope you all give her a well needed break in January!

Yesss.. we dont let her do anything for rest of the year

Purrfect <3

Thanks for the inspiring morning read on my way to work.
Together we're strong and the words we use are spells! Use them wisely and be well!

Thank you for reading!

Love the spell :)

Love it! I am falling in love with this community. I keep coming across different and exciting communities and meet new people almost daily. This platform is gratifying in so many ways.

I knew you would <3 It's easy to fall in love with Steemit, isn't it? And so fast ;)



Sweet Buddha on a cracker! Was REALLY jonesin' for your uplifting words.

I think my last post has met an early demise - and it's only 2 days old. (Heavy Sigh)

Thanks a bunch. Feeling a whole lot better now.

Back to the drawing board, I shall go...

Warmest regards to you and yours.

Namaste, my friends.


Hey hun! I'm very happy you found some inspiration in that :)

I think that is the amazing thing with prompt writing - you never know where it takes us!

I don't know about you, but this year has flown by faster than a hawk on crack for me!

Love the anology, but have my doubts on the veracity of the statement...

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