Did you see what GOD did to us MAN!? [What is God? - Dabbing with a Mage Episode 25]

in #marijuana7 years ago

Another beautiful Sunday here in the PNW!

Sit back, take a dab, and let's discuss God for a moment.


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You are hilarious @alchemage! I love listening to jazz, staring at your tie-dyes and watching you change dimensions as you "dab". I actually would like to hear from the "undabbed" @alchemage some day... How is free will an illusion? I am curious. I mean, at one time I believed that - when I was trying to get my way constantly - but once I backed off and started to walk behind God (that's what I call it) instead of trying to drag God along, and things became ordered in their proper way - for the highest good of all - then I found that I have free will. I have free will within Natural Law. But no, I can't walk off a building and fly.

Thank you for the kind words and compliments, I appreciate them greatly. :) You would be pressed to find an "undabbed" @alchemage lol with all of the pain I feel from the fibromyalgia I am constantly dabbing and smoking to help regulate and manage the pain.

I said that absolute free-will is an illusion. I said this because we are intrinsically reactionary systems in that we react to stimuli. We are almost entirely a product of our past and our environment. I think that the more we become aware of ourselves, our environment, our past, and how each of them causes us to react then at some point we gain what I've dubbed "fleeting moments of the idea of free-will." This too is not actual free-will. Free-will means that you have the choice to chose whatever of your own volition. Therefore, if you are given the choices then you do not have free-will, only an idea of it.

ex - You are given the candidates to vote for in an election; you do not have free will to choose who will be president.

I see your point of view, but we will have to agree to disagree on this one - taking your example - as an anarchist, I have the free will choice to non-participation - the lesser of 2 evils is still evil. Yes the "president" is still the "president" but as I used free will to not participate so I have the experience as a basis on the ethereal plane to create my own reality of non-participation in they system of the owners and thereby begin to create an "evolution" ... set the stage for evolvement of the species...there is always a "third" way, I find - which is the way of God - in every situation there is the seed of Life embedded...I pray for it - in whatever way - whispering - sigilizing, etc and then wait for the intuitive thought to express itself to me through my heart... and so I inch along in free will choices ...

Your choice of non-participation is one of the inherent options given to you, so that is not a strong counter argument, in my opinion. You then began to actually argue my point without realizing it..

"... and thereby begin to create an "evolution" ... set the stage for evolvement of the species."

In this way you are arguing that everything in the future is determined by your current actions. You create the stimuli to affect the future outcomes, thereby negating absolute free-will.

overmyhead @alchemage - as I said - we will have to agree to disagree... :)

I can do that. :) Thank you for the good discussion though. :)

in a way, I knew it would come to that when I commented - but I thought a good brain-bender would be a nice wakeup since I don't smoke... :) and yes a good discussion!

I definitely see what you mean about people being reactionary but I will say that it is not necessarily so. Most people do just react to stimuli and it takes a lot of practice to instill that split second of contemplation before you act to not just react. However, it can be done and then you are exercising your free will.

I definitely agree that people are capable of coming close to the idea of free-will, but it takes a lot of dedication and constant focus; it is not something easily achieved and many of the greatest masters work their entire lives to complete this task. However, it is still only the semblance of free-will as you cannot be free of your past and you have been given the choices of which to chose from, therefore you are not choosing completely of your own volition, ergo absolute free-will is an illusion and we have the capacity for fleeting moments of the idea of free-will while unconsciously convincing ourselves that we possess unadulterated free-will.

well i tend to agree with you.God is neutral, btw i love what you smoking,lol.

Thank you! :)

that is very close to my theory, i commented on jphendersons post saying this..
i like to think of it like a giant mind or body in meditation that gives birth to the universe, like one massive dream. i think the fractal nature of reality supports this idea. then at a deeper level, we are a giant mind for the 'universe' of cells in our body. protons, neutrons and electrons spin like planetary systems.
cool, very close i think

Yes, that is quite similar to my belief system. :) Reality is such a phenomenal thing!

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