Cannabis is the only reason that I am alive today - Self reflection at McMenamins amphitheater headlining Ziggy Marley in Portland, Oregon

in #marijuana7 years ago

My friend, a woman named Lindsey that I met in college, purchased her mother and I tickets to see Ziggy Marley with her yesterday at Edgefield amphitheater. We arrived an hour or so before the show began, so we bought some lemonade and vodka (bleck!) and toked on a very delicious OG Kush CO2 concentrate dab pen.

The entire amphitheater was packed and hardly was there room to find any space on the grass to set up our two small blankets, but we ended up finding a little area in the back near the handicapable section. Everybody around us was deep in conversation, some philosophical, some environmental, others just laughing and joking.

Ziggy Marley was over an hour late starting the show, but one would not have noticed with the way the crowd's energy was buzzing with joy and relaxation.

The DJ never announced that Ziggy would begin playing, he simply packed his equipment up and the band took to the stage, beginning with "Personal Revolution." I had laid down after about halfway through the song and began allowing the music to carry me where it may flow as I picked apart the Fibonacci sequence from the white birch tree as it played against a brilliant sapphire blue sky.

ziggy marley - 62317.jpg

The second song Ziggy played was "Wild & Free":

I was still laying down meditating when this song came on. A powerful emotion came across me and my whole body was swept from head to toe with excitement. I titled my head off to the right and caught notice of a man in a wheelchair who seemed as though he could move his head and hands slightly. I saw this beautiful soul smiling from ear to ear bobbing his head to the music, and immediately though to myself, "Wow, I bet that guy uses cannabis to help with whatever his experience has been."

I turned my head back to the sky and instantly realized that cannabis is the only reason I am alive and enjoying this beautiful moment at Edgefield amphitheater with two incredible people.

Just over a year ago when the Fibromyalgia symptoms came to a climax, life had become a literal living Hell. My pain had become so severe in many different ways that when I was not thinking about how much I hurt, I was planning how to kill myself. I am a naturalist and only use pharmaceuticals in severe cases and had turned to Western medicine for help to still find no relief.

The only thing that helped me relax, helped me manage my pain in some fashion, allowed me to eat some things, and kept me from killing myself was cannabis.

My realizing this power that cannabis has had in my life shook me to the core, in a good way, and I began to break down in tears. At this very same moment, the lyric "sold us the kiss of death, deny us the tree of life" was sung by Ziggy and it hit me so deep that this powerful medicine is denied its capacity to heal the world for the greed of a few wishing to capitalize on the health of others.

Moving to a medicinal cannabis state has changed my life for the better in so many ways that I cannot even put them in words. I may not be in the best of health, but I am alive. I am learning to heal my self, my body, and my soul & cannabis is at the heart of it all.

Thank you for taking the time to read this short anecdote of my life.

May this medicine reach all the beings who may benefit from this herb.


PALPABLE POPE Ypyskypo Skwyrl, the Y'sas
Loser of Found Souls, Temple of Appled Thought
Erisian Ataxia Troupe

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Cool, I'm in this weird little country that made actual Royal Raymond Rife beam ray devices. We call them plasma and it kills anything that lives inside you through their mortal oscillatory rate aka through resonance. Bacteria just burst and then you get sick (for a while) because their metabolism might be toxic. But the immune system should step in and get rid of it.
Why am I telling you this? Well I have chronic fatigue and I noticed I'm sometimes very sensitive to heat, cold like when you get a shower when you are having the flu? Your whole body aches.
Has cannabis actually cured anything yet with you?

I do not have anything that is curable, cannabis has simply allowed me to have a life that I can live rather than a life that has no end to suffering in sight. I'm aware of the rife machines, they're very interesting and I think more research should be done - but big pharma won't allow that. I am sensitive to cold, but not to heat.

Btw someone close to me has MS and he is doing very well on the Wahls diet, it's a paleo diet (I tried at least 7 diets) and it works really well also for other patients. I stick to it too but I also eat raw meat because I have problems digesting meat when it is cooked or whatever.
We have the coolest shit here, bioresonance which can see everything. It's nuts and I couldn't believe it at first, had to debunk it but couldn't. I mean I thought how can this level of accuracy exist. I mean the Theranos idea was a joke compared to this!

I was on the GAPS diet for a good while and that was the most effective of anything, but that doesn't cure the fibromyalgia it only helps manage it.

Well Terry Wahls is a medical doctor and she wrote a book the Wahls protocol, she has MS herself, was in a wheelchair, couldn't even sit anymore and there she stood at TEDx...

I will have to check out the bioresonance you're referring to.

It is weird I'll tell you. Like magic and you go: "wait a second, if this is so good why don't everybody have it?"
I mean I studied math on the faculty of nuclear physics and I thought I knew something. The fake news you see now has been going on for hundreds of years. But people seem just now to wake up with the internet and social networks I guess.

LOL I'm sorry but how do you know? :) You were healthy once right? So if you got it you must be able to get rid of it. Somehow

You were once alive, then you die - you must be able to reverse it somehow - right?

Not everything is reversible. Even within psychology it is shown that you cannot remove a memory, but you can alter how it affects you. (Science is working on physically removing memories through removing neurons, but that's a whole different argument).

Good one. OK so what about that guy who was struck by lightening, regrew his teeth, hair etc. Could be BS but I have also read the Body Electric where Salamanders are researched on how they regrow limbs. Stem cells are created by tiny currents and voltages.
But good argument! I like it!

I've done a lot of research and have tried many many things to help reverse the effects of fibromyalgia. The only effective treatment has been controlling my diet and what I put into my body. Even ayurvedic medicine states that there is only treatment of fibromyalgia, which is conducted through a moderated diet.

Hmm I'd say there must be something which creates it but mainstream medicine cannot see it. I knew I had a candida infection but mainstream medicine told me I had not. Yeah right. Those lab tests are so inaccurate.
My friend with MS has gone to the same person with the bioresonance and I could see he had all kinds of parasites and shit like toxoplasma in his brain. That's why mainstream medicine will say "MS".

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