Ain't it Lovely When Your Work Pays Off? [My stolen vehicle was returned this morning with the important things remaining]

in #life7 years ago

After having My Car Stolen the other day, I decided to put my magick to work.

So I sat down and Created & Cast a sigil, and assigned it to retrieve my vehicle and possessions safely. Normally after casting a spell I have a very distinct feeling of whether or not it worked or was sufficient, but this time it was very unclear. I decided to add it up as a loss and started thinking about getting my items replaced the next day.

I finished my Dabbing with a Mage episode for the morning today and made myself a breakfast smoothie. I stepped outside to greet the day and bask in the sunlight as I enjoyed my breakfast. I watered my garden and finished up some other tasks outside and headed back up to my apartment. My phone was blinking showing that I had a missed message of some sort, and my first thought was, "Oh no, I missed the call from the police and I'm going to have to pay a tow yard fee," but it turned out to be my mother.

The phone began to ring just as I unlocked the screen to reply to my mother's text message, the number was local and not in my contacts.

I answered the phone and it was an officer telling me they had found my car about a mile and a half away from my house and asked if I could come pick it up. Ecstatic, I asked my neighbor to give me a ride up the street to pick my vehicle up.

There were two cops overlooking as two houseless individuals cleaned their belongings out of my vehicle. The jacket my mother bought me when she came to visit me from the East Coast to the West Coast for the first time was sitting on the hood of one of the cop cars. "Is this jacket yours?" was the first that was said.

I was told I could go through their things to see if any of it was mine, but just glancing at their stuff I could see they did not have my school backpack, fire staff & fuel, nor my box of dye materials, anything else they could keep.

On the back seat was my friend's book they lent me, "Carter Beats the Devil", a book about magicians, and in the back window was my "Illuminatus!" trilogy, a book about magicians.


The only damage done to the vehicle was they had broken the window, but the window was broken and wouldn't go down already so it only gave me incentive to get it replaced [I was trying to do that just now, but the pick n pull marked the car wrong that I got the window out of and it doesn't fit].

Now to give thanks for a successful casting.


PALPABLE POPE Ypyskypo Skwyrl, the Y'sas
Loser of Found Souls, Temple of Appled Thought
Erisian Ataxia Troupe

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Dude, manifesting your car has to be the best alternative to parking I have ever heard of!

Especially in an apartment setting!

Ayyyyyyy we were just talking about how everything happens for a reason and how the universe ALWAYS looks out. So freakin happy for you my friend :)

Thank you very much. Everything always works out in the end...if it doesn't work out, its not the end. ;)

wow never heard that before heck yeah buddy keep doing great things

congrats man. well done. you stayed calm and did your thing.

Getting better and better at having my will tested. ;) Thank you, @arqetype.

I am very happy for you man thanks god your vehicle was find. best regard.

Thank you kindly, I appreciate you very much.

awesome news, thats some fast magic :)

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