[SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Mission Fight team Clone Krillin ( Billingual ) #30


After finishing off against the team from clone trunks where my mysterious mission that I completed yesterday and our final wins against the clones trunks and I returned to the main menu again to find a mission to get piccolo and I re-edit the team player to see and make my team goku to level 4 all and the end of his team goku now level 4 and have started to improve and have started strong and i immediately chose a new mission where this is a team combined that their team consists of "clone trunks, clon krillin and clone captain ginyu "and they are reaped by clone trunks again and cloned trunks are still grudging to fight and destroy the team from goku.
And after that we will first see the troops to be in the fight here which where I will tell the troops of the enemy team are:
1. Clone trunks Level 6
2. Clone Krillin Level 6
3. Clone Captain Ginyu Level 6
And the troops that will fight from goku team are:
1. Goku (Super Saiyan) Level 4
2. Yamcha Level 4
3. Krillin Level 4

And go straight into the battle here which is where the first battle here is the goku fight (super saiyan) vs clone trunks in which clone trunks blood is very much "7000" and the blood goku is only "6200" and this is because of the difference between their level both of which are slightly different and when the fight starts we get a notice that is "Show me how strong you are! | Perform a special move! | land a hit with a special move! "And Goku still talks to the clone trunks where clone trunks says" he hates it and he wants to kill it and will destroy their team and take them to hell "and without hearing the words of clone trunks and goku directly hit him and get first attack the first part of his hand and get 12 hits on the first hit.
And goku straight forward again and when want to get a second punch clone trunks directly hold the punch from goku and return the punch back from goku and clone trunks get 7 hits from his poke that leads to the right side of the goku and at that time goku directly fly up to can fill the blood a bit to be able to exert power in very strong goku and hence from that goku must fly up to slightly away from clone trunks and after above goku fill little blood and if it is goku directly kamekameha out from above and kamekameha very big and the hits and damage that resulted in very large and his hits are "120 hits" and the resulting damage is "8300 damage" and clone trunks die instantly.
After the battle is over, and the result on this battle we can see and we can read and the resulting result is:
1. Earned Zeni: 128
2. Fight EXP: 4321
3. Victory EXP: 2227
4. Total EXP: 6676

And after the battle that had been completed and the final goku won the battle and when the krillin clone wants mengajarg goku quickly krillin instantly appear and hold the punch of the krillin clone and this is a battle between krillin and clon krillin and krillin very excited krillin strong and now strong and able to defeat the krillin clone and without seeing the level of krillin clone level 6 and krillin still level 4 and yesterday when the first battle they meet clon krillin still level 1 and krillin also still level 1 and at that time still in winning by krillin and now not yet known who wins in the krillin clone level 6 already.
And the krillin who is eager to defeat the krillin and krillin clones instantly throws his kamekameha round the small round and his kamekameha can follow where the enemy goes and disappears and krillin first hit first gets 12 hits where the damage is kicked out when hit by the krillin produce "7000 damage" which hit the blow when the cloned blood of krillin stayed a little and then krillin instantly took out his super saiyan and put out a super big kamekameha and the end of his krillin clone crushed and could not defeat the original krillin and krillin won the battle.
After krillin win the battle and krillin get result games where the result games are produced after the battle is over we get the result games are:
1. Zeni Earned: 467
2. Fight EXP: 4398
3. Victory EXP: 5311
4. Total EXP: 10176

After the krillin finished fighting against the krillin clone and then the ginyu clone came and wanted to succumb the krillin and quickly goku which was rest to add the contents of energy and blood, when clone captain ginyu want to destroy the krillin and goku directly hold the punch from clone captain ginyu because if not holding back the punch krillin will die because his blood is living a little and goku directly hit a little clone captain ginyu and yamcha quickly instantly move the krillin from the battle arena in order to rest and now the fight will be replaced by goku against clone captain ginyu.
And goku directly hit clone captain ginyu and counter attack from goku very good and directly hit clone captain ginyu blood goku not too full and blood from clone captain ginyu very much and but spirit from goku already smold wants to directly win the fight and goku direct damage which is very strong in which the damage and hits at 13 hits and the damage that is issued is "2000 damage" and clone captain ginyu blood live a little and directly goku out super saiyan its the greatest and if it goku directly forward quickly and immediately issued his enormous kamekameha and his late clone captain ginyu instantly died and lost this very exciting battle and won again by goku.
After the battle and can result in the results of this game is produced by a combination of the battle that had been completed and his results will come out here and the result is:
1. Earned Zeni: 595
2. Fight EXP: 8719
3. Victory EXP: 7538
4. Total EXP: 16852


Setelah selesai bertarung melawan team dari clone trunks yang di mana mission misterius yang kemarin sudah saya selesaikan dan kami akhir nya menang bertarung melawan clone trunks tersebut dan saya kembali ke menu utama lagi untuk mencari mission untuk mendapatkan piccolo dan saya edit kembali player team untuk melihat dan membuat team goku ke level 4 semua dan akhir nya team goku sekarang sudah level 4 dan sudah mulai membaik dan sudah mulai kuat dan saya langsung memilih mission baru yang di mana ini adalah team gabungan yang team mereka terdiri “ clone trunks , clone krillin dan clone captain ginyu “ dan mereka di ketuai oleh clone trunks lagi dan clone trunks masih dendam untuk bisa melawan dan menghancurkan team dari goku.
Dan setelah itu kita akan melihat terlebih dahulu pasukan yang akan di pertarungkan di sini yang di mana yang akan saya beritahukan pasukan dari team enemy yaitu :
1.Clone trunks Level 6
2.Clone Krillin Level 6
3.Clone Captain Ginyu Level 6
Dan pasukan yang akan bertarung dari team goku yaitu :
1.Goku ( Super Saiyan ) Level 4
2.Yamcha Level 4
3.Krillin Level 4

Dan langsung masuk kedalam pertarungan di sini yang di mana pertarungan pertama di sini yaitu pertarungan goku ( super saiyan ) vs clone trunks yang di mana darah clone trunks sangat banyak yaitu “ 7000 “ dan darah goku hanya “ 6200 “ dan ini karena perbedaan antara level mereka berdua yang sedikit berbeda dan saat pertarungan di mulai kita mendapatkan sebuah pemberitahuan yaitu “ Show me how strong you are! | Perform a special move! | land a hit with a special move! “ dan goku masih berbicara dengan clone trunks yang di mana clone trunks mengatakan “ dia sangat membenci nya dan dia ingin membunuh nya dan akan menghancurkan team mereka dan membawa mereka ke neraka “ dan tanpa mendengar perkataan dari clone trunks dan goku langsung memukul nya dan mendapatkan first attack yang pertama mengenai bagian dari tangan nya dan mendapatkan 12 hits pada pukulan yang pertama.
Dan goku langsung maju lagi dan saat ingin mendapatkan pukulan yang kedua clone trunks langsung menahan pukulan dari goku dan kembali membalas pukulan dari goku dan clone trunks mendapatkan 7 hits dari pukulanya yang mengarahkan ke sisi badan kanan goku dan di saat itu goku langsung terbang ke atas untuk bisa mengisi darah sedikit untuk bisa mengeluarkan tenaga dalam goku yang sangat kuat dan maka dari itu goku harus terbang ke atas untuk sedikit menjauh dari clone trunks dan sesudah di atas goku mengisi darah sedikit dan jika sudah goku langsung mengeluarkan kamekameha dari atas dan kamekameha nya sangat besar dan hits dan damage yang di hasilkan sangat besar dan hits nya yaitu “ 120 hits “ dan damage yang di hasilkan yaitu “ 8300 damage “ dan clone trunks langsung mati.
Setelah selesai pertarungan , dan result pada pertarungan ini dapat kita lihat dan dapat kita baca dan result yang di hasilkan yaitu :
1.Zeni Earned : 128
2.Fight EXP : 4321
3.Victory EXP : 2227
4.Total EXP : 6676

Dan setelah pertarungan yang tadi sudah selesai dan goku akhir nya memenangkan pertarungan tersebut dan saat clone krillin ingin menghajarg goku dengan cepat krillin langsung muncul dan menahan pukulan dari clone krillin dan ini adalah pertarungan antara krillin dan clone krillin dan krillin sangat bersemangat krillin yang dulu nya belum kuat dan sekarang sudah kuat dan bisa mengalahkan clone krillin tersebut dan tanpa melihat level dari clone krillin yang level 6 dan krillin masih level 4 dan kemarin waktu pertarungan pertama kali mereka bertemu clone krillin masih level 1 dan krillin juga masih level 1 dan di saat itu masih di menangkan oleh krillin dan sekarang belum di ketahui siapakah yang menang di saat clone krillin yang sudah level 6.
Dan krillin yang sudah bersemangat ingin mengalahkan clone krillin dan krillin langsung melemparkan kamekameha nya bulat bulat kecil dan kamekameha nya bisa mengikuti kemana arah musuh pergi dan menghilang dan krillin langsung pukulan pertama mendapatkan 12 hits yang di mana damage yang di keluarkan saat di pukul oleh krillin yang hasilkan “ 7000 damage “ yang saat kena pukulan itu darah clone krillin tinggal sedikit dan saat itu krillin langsung mengeluarkan super saiyan nya dan mengeluarkan kamekameha super besar dan akhir nya clone krillin hancur dan tidak bisa mengalahkan krillin yang asli dan krillin memenangkan pertarungan tersebut.
Setelah krillin memenangkan pertarungan tersebut dan krillin mendapatkan result games yang di mana result games di hasilkan setelah pertarungan selesai kita dapatkan result games yaitu :
1.Zeni Earned : 467
2.Fight EXP : 4398
3.Victory EXP : 5311
4.Total EXP : 10176

Setelah krillin selesai bertarung melawan clone krillin dan saat itu clone ginyu datang dan ingin mengalah krillin dan dengan cepat goku yang tadi istirahat untuk menambahkan isi tenaga dan darah , di saat clone captain ginyu ingin menghancurkan krillin dan goku langsung menahan pukulan dari clone captain ginyu karena jika tidak menahan pukulan tersebut krillin akan mati karena darah nya tersebut tinggal sedikit dan goku langsung memukul sedikit clone captain ginyu dan yamcha dengan cepat langsung memindahkan krillin dari arena pertarungan tersebut supaya bisa beristirahat dan saat ini pertarungan akan di gantikan oleh goku saat melawan clone captain ginyu.
Dan goku langsung memukul clone captain ginyu dan counter attack dari goku sangat bagus dan langsung memukul clone captain ginyu darah goku tidak terlalu penuh dan darah dari clone captain ginyu sangat banyak dan tetapi semangat dari goku sudah membara ingin langsung memenangkan pertarungan tersebut dan goku langsung mengeluarkan damage yang sangat kuat yang di mana damage dan hits saat pukul 13 hits dan damage yang di keluarkan yaitu “ 2000 damage “ dan darah clone captain ginyu tinggal sedikit dan langsung goku mengeluarkan super saiyan nya yang terhebat dan jika sudah goku langsung maju dengan cepat dan langsung mengeluarkan kamekameha nya yang sangat besar dan akhir nya clone captain ginyu langsung mati dan kalah pertarungan yang sangat seru ini dan di menangkan lagi oleh goku.
Setelah pertarungan tersebut dan dapat di hasilkan result games ini di hasilkan oleh gabungan dari pertarungan yang sebelumnya sudah selesai dan hasil nya akan keluar di sini dan result nya yaitu :
1.Zeni Earned : 595
2.Fight EXP : 8719
3.Victory EXP : 7538
4.Total EXP : 16852

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