[SteemGC] Asphalt Racing Storm - Games Android With " NOX application " ( Billingual ) #7

in #gaming6 years ago


Hello  steemians all of them, back again with me @thespecialone which is where  my previous post is about "Hockey Nations 18" games and now I will  discuss racing games where the games are very good at play on your  smartphone, and games this  first it was only in the computer and laptop only and now it is on your  smartphone that you can download yourself on your smartphone that is  the game "asphalt street storm racing" and it was not felt already  monday where the activity is back as usual and I will discuss the games below!

Asphalt street storm racing

Games  one is very popular at that time where we can drive a race car and  setting up its own car that has been provided first and the more cool in  this game control games it is very good and not too difficult to  control his racing, and who where here we race with others or if completing our mission is already  in the mission that we will complete later and to see what features are  in this game and I will discuss it below!

And  when you have downloaded the games and already installed on your  smartphone just open the games and when it is open the games I will be  directly directed into the game which is on my direction to complete the  tutorial first to find out this game and immediately get the "Hold to get into drive release to start  moving" command in which to run the car I was directed to press the  start button on the left side of the screen to start it first.

And  after I hit the start button and when the car has been running for a  while I get the command again "Hold the breaks to stop moving" which is  where the directive is to let me know when the car is running and if  want to stop again must press the stop button so the car is stopped and if you want to run again you have to press the start button again to run again.

And  after the tutorial turn on the car and stop the car I will continue the  next tutorial where we get a new notice "Get the car closer to the  start line" and I just turn on the car and the car will run itself to  the front and when it is new to the front I  get another new notice that is "Move near the start" and when looking  forward we can see there is a white box that is compiled rapidly when I  have seen my and it turns out those white boxes are the ones where we  will be in navigate to start the race.

And  I immediately stopped and waited for directions from this game that  will count down the numbers and I immediately get ready to start the  race and before that I get another command from this game is "while  holding the breake icon, tap to rev the engine" where to press the car gas is on the right screen where there is a gas pedal image and we just test the gas and I press it.

And  if I hit the gas pedal and I get the command again "release the brakes  when the countdown ends" and I just hit the gas car and in this game the  numbers for us to start the race has been counted back and I  immediately get ready to start it and straight out the "go" and I immediately pressed my gas  pedal and did not let me off the gas pedal to instantly increase the  speed of my racing car.

And  when it's a little bit away from the starting line and I get a  notification on the "good start" screen and to change the gear set we  get the "tap to change gears" command to enter the next gear and this is  what I've told you where the control is nice  and not hard and here we no longer need to press the gas and direct  automatic for its gas and we just enter the gear set its course, and I  when enter the gear set it and get notification on the screen that is  "Perfect Shift! "And  it means I'm very right to enter the gear set and to reduce the gear  set you can press on the left of the screen and to add it to the right  of the screen and to be" perfect "when entering the gear set we can see green marks on the car's speedometer.

Immediately  I enter the gear set again because here is automatic and the road car  itself and my car became very fast and its speed also has started fast  and the first tutorial here only on long trajectory like I drag race.

And after we finish the race we can get "Race Results" which where I will tell below:

1. 1st

2. Race time "30,080"

3. Reaction time "15160"

4. Nos

The rewards I get are:

1. Win +300 bonus

2. Perfect shifts x3 +90

3. Total Race "+390"

4. 35 diamonds

Something to get you started to get you started "You'll need this to buy your first car

And  after that I went back to the main menu again and when it's in the main  menu I get a notice again "first, you will need some wheels of your  own, when you have decided, buy it. Take your time "

And on the main menu in this game I will give some menus in the main menu are:

1. Profile menu

2. Choose category

3. Sort

4. Car Character

5. Menu settings

6. The dollar menu

7. Diamond

And  after I give you some menus that are in this main menu and I go  straight to the next mission and before I go on to the next mission I  will buy a new car first where I will buy a car "dart GT from  manufacturer DODGE" with for "32,000" and after I bought the car I immediately followed the next mission.

And after I bought the car and I will give another menu again on the main menu are:

1. Shop menu

2. Inventory menu

3. Collection

4. Upgrade

5. Customize

6. Repair

7. Race

And  when I bought the car I got a new command "This is your garage, most of  the car tuning happens here, swipe the screen to rotate the view" and I  immediately start the race again to complete the next mission and when I  press the menu "Race"  and when it presses the menu I get another "tap the this area to  challenge opponents in new York" and my next mission is "new York | feeling confident racing in NY never felt so fresh! ".

And  when I pressed the area of

the mission that I want to run and I first  wait for "connecting to online services" so I wait for his race to find  enemies who want to race with us online and after waiting for enemies  who are online and not waiting long and  I went straight into the match and I got the command again that "before  you select opponent, you should watch the replays it'll give you a hint  about what a rookie a neat target tap to  select him "which is where we are directed to select a racer in which  to select a racer can see on the bottom screen and I just pressed on the  driver selection.

And after I select the racer I want, I get more notice "feeling confident, racing in NY never felt so fresh! Here you can check his torque and BHP "which is where the driver name is" eagerB | club challenger ".

And he thinks I'm a very good racer and has the soul of the champion. And  right away I started the race and the one where here we race with the  enemy and his enemy is only 1 and so we race alone and should be up to  the first with a fast time and immediately just press the peda; gas is very fast.

And when my car started fast and fast and on the speedometer the car  was already showing to the green line I immediately pressed the gear set  enhancer button and my car increased fast again and the end I first  touched the finish line and I won the game.

And  so many of my articles about games on android and I use NOX application  on my laptop and this game about "Asphat Racing Storm" which in my  personal opinion this game is very good for you try and you play and I  guarantee you will like it, and  many of my articles about playing racing games and if you like my  articles can you upvote, comment and resteem my article if you think  this article is very good and interesting to share with others and do  not forget to follow my account @thespecialone and up come back in the next article !! SALAM GAMERS !!!


Hello steemians semua nya , kembali lagi dengan saya @thespecialone yang di mana postingan saya sebelum nya yaitu tentang games “Hockey Nations 18 “ dan sekarang saya akan membahas games yang bergenre balap yang di mana games ini sangat bagus di mainkan di smartphone kalian , dan games ini dulu nya hanya ada di computer dan laptop saja dan sekarang sudah ada di smartphone anda yang bisa anda download sendiri di smartphone anda yaitu games “asphalt street storm racing “ dan sudah tidak terasa sudah hari senin yang di mana sudah beraktifitas kembali seperti biasa dan saya akan membahas games tersebut di bawah ini!!!

Asphalt street storm racing

Games satu ini sangat terpopuler pada saat itu yang di mana kita bisa mengendarai mobil balap dan mensetting sendiri mobil yang sudah di sediakan pertama dan yang lebih asik nya di games ini control games nya tersebut sangat bagus dan tidak terlalu susah untuk control balap nya , dan yang di mana di sini kita membalap dengan orang lain atau jika menyelesaikan misi kita sudah di sediakan misi yang akan kita selesaikan nanti dan untuk melihat fitur – fitur apa yang ada di games ini dan saya akan membahas nya di bawah ini!!!

Dan saat sudah kalian mendownload games nya dan sudah terinstal pada smartphone kalian langsung saja buka games tersebut dan saat sudah terbuka games tersebut saya akan langsung di arahkan masuk  ke dalam permainan tersebut yang di mana pada arahan tersebut saya untuk menyelesaikan tutorial terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui games ini dan langsung mendapatkan perintah “ Hold to get into drive release to start moving “ yang di mana untuk menjalankan mobil tersebut saya di arahkan untuk menekan tombol start yang ada di bawah sebelah kiri layar untuk memulai nya terlebih dahulu.

Dan setelah saya menekan tombol start dan saat mobil sudah berjalan sebentar saya mendapatkan perintah lagi “ Hold the breakes to stop moving “ yang di mana arahan tersebut untuk supaya saya mengetahui saat mobil sudah berjalan dan jika ingin berhenti lagi harus menekan tombol stop supaya mobil tersebut berhenti dan jika ingin berjalan lagi harus menekan tombol start lagi untuk berjalan lagi.

Dan setelah tutorial menghidupkan mobil dan berhentikan mobil saya akan melanjutkan tutorial selanjutnya yang di mana kita mendapatkan pemberitahuan baru “ Get the car closer to the start line “ dan langsung saja saya menghidupkan mobil tersebut dan mobil akan berjalan sendiri ke depan dan saat baru berjalan ke depan saya mendapatkan lagi pemberitahuan baru yaitu “ Move near the start “ dan saat melihat ke depan kita bisa melihat ada sebuah kotak – kotak putih yang tersusun rapid an saat sudah saya melihat nya saya dan ternyata kotak – kotak putih tersebut adalah yang di mana kita akan di arahkan untuk memulai balapan.

Dan saya langsung berhenti dan  menunggu arahan dari games ini yang akan menghitung mundur angka dan saya langsung bersiap – siap untuk memulai balapan dan sebelum itu saya mendapatkan lagi perintah dari games ini yaitu “ while holding the breake icon , tap to rev the engine “ yang di mana untuk menekan gas mobil tersebut ada pada layar sebelah kanan yang di mana terdapat gambar pedal gas dan langsung saja kita tes gas tersebut dan saya menekan nya.

Dan jika sudah saya menekan pedal gas mobil tersebut dan saya mendapatkan perintah lagi “ release the brakes when the countdown ends “ dan langsung saja saya menekan gas mobil tersebut dan pada games ini angka untuk kita memulai balapan sudah di hitung mundur dan saya langsung bersiap – siap untuk memulai nya dan langsung keluar tulisan  “ go “ dan saya langsung menekan pedal gas saya dan tidak saya lepas pedal gas tersebut untuk langsung menambah kecepatan mobil balap saya.

Dan saat sudah sedikit jauh dari garis start dan saya mendapatkan pemberitahuan pada layar “ good start “ dan untuk merubah gear set nya kita mendapatkan perintah “ tap to change gears “ untuk masuk gear selanjutnya dan ini lah yang saya sudah katakan yang di mana control nya sudah bagus dan tidak susah dan di sini kita tidak perlu lagi untuk menekan gas dan langsung automatic untuk gas nya dan kita hanya memasukan gear set nya saja, dan saya saat memasukan gear set nya dan mendapatkan pemberitahuan pada layar yaitu “ Perfect Shift! “ dan artinya saya sangat tepat untuk memasukan gear set nya dan untuk mengurangi gear set nya bisa kalian tekan di sebelah kiri layar dan untuk menambah kan nya ada di sebelah kanan layar  dan untuk bisa menjadi kan “ perfect “ saat memasukan gear set nya kita bisa melihat tanda warna hijau di speedometer mobil tersebut.

Langsung saja saya memasukan gear set lagi karena di sini automatic dan mobil jalan sendiri dan mobil saya menjadi sangat kencang dan kecepatan nya juga sudah mulai cepat dan tutorial pertama di sini hanya pada jalan lintasan panjang seperti saya drag race.

Dan setelah selesai kita balapan kita bisa mendapatlan “ Race Results “ yang di mana saya akan memberitahukan di bawah ini :


2.Race time “ 30.080 “

3.Reaction time “ 15.160 “


Reward yang saya dapatkan yaitu :

1.Win bonus +300

2.Perfect shifts x3 +90

3.Race total “ +390 “

4.35 diamond

Something to get you started to get you started “ You’ll need this to buy your first car.

Dan setelah itu saya langsung balik ke menu utama lagi dan saat sudah di menu utama saya mendapatkan pemberitahuan lagi “ first , you will need some wheels of your own , tap one of the cars below to view it , when you have decided  , buy it. Take your time “

Dan pada menu utama pada games ini saya akan memberikan beberapa menu yang ada di menu utama yaitu :

1.Menu profile

2.Choose category


4.Karakter mobil

5.Menu setting 

6.Menu dollar


Dan setelah saya memberikan beberapa menu yang ada di menu utama ini dan saya langsung melanjutkan ke misi selanjutnya dan saat sebelum saya melanjutkan ke misi selanjutnya saya akan membeli mobil baru terlebih dahulu yang di mana saya akan membeli sebuah mobil “ dart GT dari produsen DODGE “ dengan seharga “ 32.000 “ dan setelah saya membeli mobil tersebut saya langsung mengikuti misi selanjutnya.

Dan setelah saya membeli mobil tersebut dan saya akan memberikan menu lain nya lagi pada menu utama yaitu :

1.Menu Shop

2.Menu inventory






Dan saat setelah saya membeli mobil tersebut saya mendapatkan perintah baru yaitu “ This is your garage , most of the car tuning happens here , swipe the screen to rotate the view “ dan saya langsung memulai race lagi untuk menyelesaikan misi selanjutnya dan saat sudah saya menekan menu “ race “ dan saat sudah menekan  menu tersebut saya mendapatkan lagi perintah “ tap the this area to challenge opponents in new York “ dan misi saya selanjutnya yaitu “ new York | feeling confident racing in NY never felt so fresh! “.

Dan saat sudah saya menekan area misi yang ingin saya jalan kan dan saya terlebih dahulu menunggu “ connecting to online services “ jadi saya menunggu dulu race nya untuk mencari musuh yang ingin balap bersama kita secara online dan setelah menunggu musuh yang sedang online dan tidak menunggu lama dan saya langsung masuk ke dalam pertandingan tersebut dan saya mendapatkan perintah lagi yaitu “ before you select opponent , you should watch the replays it’ll give you a hint about what cars they’ve got , this one lookd like a rookie a neat target tap to select him “ yang di mana kita di arahkan untuk memilih pembalap yang di mana untuk memilih pembalap bisa melihat pada layar bawah dan langsung saja saya menekan pada pemilihan pembalap.

Dan setelah saya memilih pembalap yang saya inginkan , saya mendapatkan pemberitahuan lagi “ feeling confident , racing in NY never felt so fresh! Here you can check his torque and BHP “ yang di mana nama pembalap tersebut bermana “ eagerB | club challenger “ 

Dan dia menurut saya pembalap yang sangat bagus dan memiliki jiwa sang juara. Dan langsung saja saya memulai race tersebut dan yang di mana di sini kita membalap dengan musuh dan musuh nya hanya 1 dan jadi kita membalap berdua saja dan harus bisa sampai duluan dengan waktu yang cepat dan langsung saja ya menekan peda; gas sangat cepat.

Dan saat sudah  mobil saya mulai kencang dan cepat dan pada speedometer mobil tersebut sudah menunjukan ke garis warna hijau saya langsung menekan tombol penambah gear set dan mobil saya bertambah kencang lagi dan akhir nya saya terlebih dahulu menyentuh garis finish dan saya memenangkan pertandingan tersebut.

For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below :

  1. [ Game technology ] who wins between playstation 1 vs playstation 2? [ENG - IND ] #1
  2. [ Game technology ] You choose which one between playstation 3 and XBOX 360? #2 (Billingual)
  3. [ Game technology ] Choose which one of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One X are the champions? ( Billingual ) #3
  5. [SteemGC] TOP 10 GAMES FREE ON ANDROID ( Billingual )
  6. [ Game review with computer ] Crash Time II - introductions to these games and tutorial games ( Billingual )
  7. [SteemGC] Tank Force - Fight Tank 5 VS 5 On " STEAM " ( Billingual ) #1
  8. [SteemGC] Tactical Monster Rumble Arena - Tutorial First Game Fight On " STEAM " ( Billingual ) #2
  9. [SteemGC] TOP 4 GAMES MOBA ( Multiplayer Online Battle Arena ) For Android and IOS ( Billingual ) #3
  10. [SteemGC] Warface - Mission Training Soldier on " STEAM " ( Billingual ) #4
  11. [SteemGC] Hellrider 2 - Games Android With " NOX application " ( Billingual ) #5
  12. [SteemGC] Hockey Nations 18 - Games Android With " NOX application " ( Billingual ) #6

And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 " :

  1. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The fight against Masked Man ( Billingual ) #1
  2. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - Battle against monsters " Nine Tail's " ( Billingual ) #2
  3. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The end has been completed on the first mission ( Billingual ) #3

Articles about Games Monster Hunter World Playstation 4 :

  1. [ Game Review with Playstation 4 ] Monster Hunter World - The first introduction to this game ( Billingual ) #1
  2. [ Game Review with Playstation 4 ] Monster Hunter World - Has completed the first mission ( Billingual ) #2

Dan sekian dari artikel saya tentang games di android dan saya menggunakan aplikasi NOX pada laptop saya dan games ini tentang “ Asphat Racing Storm “ yang di mana menurut saya pribadi games ini sangat bagus untuk kalian coba dan kalian mainkan dan saya menjamin kalian akan menyukai nya , dan sekian dari artikel saya tentang bermain games balap ini dan jika kalian menyukai artikel saya bisa kalian upvote , comment dan resteem artikel saya jika menurut kalian artikel ini sangat bagus dan menarik untuk di bagikan kepada yang lain dan jangan lupa follow akun saya @thespecialone dan sampai jumpa kembali di artikel selanjutnya!! SALAM GAMERS!!!


It seems to me that it is best to watch real-life racing. I don't want to say that games are bad.. But.. It will never give as much excitement as a real race.

Everyone chooses a hobby that brings maximum pleasure. I will never get behind the wheel of a racing car, but I will be very happy when my predictions for the winner of the season come true. I've been working hard on my sports analysis skills. My weekly melbet friday bonus helps me. I use bonuses to try riskier bets. This is good training for the mind.

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