[ Game Review with Playstation 4 ] Monster Hunter World - The first introduction to this game ( Billingual ) #1

in #gaming6 years ago


Hello  steemians all of them, back again with me @thespecialone where my  previous post is about "Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3" games with prior  discussion of  "Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The end has been completed on the first mission " and this time I have not forward the article to naruto  shippuden but I am this time discussing  the recent games that hits the playstation 4 of "Monster Hunter World"  games where the games tell about our journey in a forest to kill the  monsters in the forest. And  I played it on playstation 4 where I bought this game for a bit  expensive, and I want to play this game on my laptop because it is more  fun and cool to play on my laptop and I just know the games for the  laptop has not been released and will be released this year in September.

And  immediately we get into these games and before we play this game we are  directly directed to hear the story in this game and the first story in  this game is "Sisters and brothers of the fifth fleet, it's time I'll  keep my farewell brief -  never was much to say there is no turning back the next ground i will  lose your nerve, then steep away now and let no one judge you very well. Then sail safe and strong .... And may the sapphire star light your way .. "

And  the first time we play this game we are directly in a place to eat  where there is very crowded people eat and drink while chatting with his  friends and his very good at this game I really like the waiter on the  spot these meals are very funny animals and they become maids at the eating place. And after we come to the eating place we immediately look and find a seat for us to sit in the eating place.

And  finally we get an empty seat and it happens to the empty bench there is  only one woman who is sitting alone and she while reading a book and  the woman is very relaxed while reading the book, his book was very much  that he brought to the place eat it. And  after we sat at the woman's table and suddenly a young man came with a  drink and sat down next to the woman and the young man immediately spoke  to us he said "Yo !! Did ya hear? We're almost there !! Yes ready to grab this new world by the horns? Do not khow about you .. but it feels like ages since I left home to join the commission .. so nervous? Believe you me, I get it. Anything could happen to us but hey, that's half the. "

And  after the young man spoke at length, suddenly came again a very  beautiful woman and gracefully he immediately hit the boy's shoulder and  the woman said "yup .. hey are not you one of the hunters? "And the young man was shocked and shocked when the woman said earlier and the young man immediately said" what? No way !! So are we! Hey, tell us your name. "

And  after we talk at a place to eat it we are directly in the direction of  it by choosing the characters in this game and notices the game is  "Start the game with this character?" And on the screen we only see 2  different characters that is " and the human hunters character "and in the notification there are two  choices" Yes and NO "and I immediately choose" Yes "and when we select"  Yes "and we are directly directed to Save data in the games.

And  after we are directed to select the character and we immediately press  the notification "Yes" and we immediately back again toward the story  earlier at the place of eating the young man immediately said "To the a -  list !! And the commission !! So tell me, what's your theory? The  elder dragon must migrate to the new world for some reason the research  commission for forty - odd years, the guild's itching for an answer  they say the fifth fleet got the best shot at cracking this case and I  agree !!! "And  after the young man finished speaking the woman immediately spoke again  he said" Hey, speaking of a - listen usually operate in teams of two  have you sat down with your partner yet? "And suddenly while chatting  there is a person sitting in the next table suddenly he stood up and ran to the window and looked out.

And  we immediately stood up too and followed a man who ran towards the  window and the man spoke to himself saying "Getting rough out there ..  the waves are picking up .. and that's gotta mean landfall !! And after he looked out and he immediately turned towards us and he immediately said "You're on the a - list, right? I'm not psychic. But I do have pretty good ears, put er there !! I happen to be an - lister myself "and after the person spoke suddenly  the dining room they sway and it turns out when we go upstairs and look  out and it turns out our ship arrival a sea monster who wants to  destroy our ship.

And  our ship is lifted up and almost broke and drowned because there are  sea monsters attacking our ship and we are thrown out of the ship and  upon seeing it is not a monster but a volcano that suddenly appears to  the surface over the sea and when we are slammed out from the ship we are directly above the volcano.

And  we immediately run towards our ship which is stuck on top of the  volcano and we have to climb the cliff first to get to the top and as we  climb the cliff we have to press the analog button on our joystick to  go up with its command that is "Climb Wall "and after we've climbed the cliff and have reached the top we immediately met the handler he said" Oh !! Hey, it's you ... look what happened to the ship! We have to do something! "And he told me to see our ship because our ship was already caught on the sidelines of the mountain. And we immediately approached with the handler and he spoke again and said "it's not safe her. This way !! "And we are directly invited by the handler to follow him.

And  we just walked a little and suddenly the mountain swayed again and we  fell a little because of a very fast rocking, and when we look toward  our ship and our ship fell downward and almost hit us and fortunately we  can avoid and not exposed parts of the vessel. And  when we see the ship it turns our ship goes itself down the mountain,  and suddenly the handler talks "we need get outta here. I've got an idea, this way !! "And we immediately run following the handler we run down the mountain.

And  we also have to climb or climb the mountain cliff again to get down and  when we climb the cliff we have to be careful and while we are climbing  the mountain the handler says "You've got this !! C'mon  !! "and we climb up again and as we climb up we look up and there is a  big rock falling from the top and we immediately shy away from the fall  of that big rock because if we do not avoid the big rock we will fall  down again and chances are we'll get hurt by the big rock and the handler encourages us by saying "up there! Let's head for higher ground !! ".

And after we try to climb the surface of the volcano the handler talks again "Oh wow, wyverns !! Ugh ... !! I did not thinks my first encounter would be filled with so much pecking !! Shoo !!! Shoo !! "And  once we're on the surface of the volcano we immediately run again  following the handler, and when it's at the surface end of the volcano  and again the handler says" timeto hitch a ride and get off this thing! C'mon, let's go !! "And we immediately run to the handler and he talks" get a good running start, then jump! "And we are told to jump down and the handler holds our hand so we can  jump down and when we want to jump down we are told to press (L3 or R1  dash) on our joystick.

And  the end we jump and after the jump and the handler immediately took out  the weapon that the contents of his weapon is the rope and shot his  rope weapon at the foot of the birds and they went and flew his dead a  volcano gunu and they were stopped and fell into in the forest. And when it's in the forest the handler says "what this? Somebody  must've set up this camp ... hey there, parther, come look at this .. i  found this the tent it has a map in it .. well part of one at least ..  "and after we are in the forest and the the handler found a camp inside the forest.

And  after he sees a camp in the forest and after arriving near the camp the  handler gives us a book that contains a map, and we open the map book  and when we open the map book the handler says "looks like we're right here, the research commission's base of operations is here. This is where our ship was supposed to dock. For  now, I think it would be best if we make our way to base ... and after  we see the map book we immediately run and follow the map.

And when we run following the map guides and follow the handler, and  we pause to open the settings menu and press the start button in the  joystick to set the settings on our screen briefly and on the settings  menu there are some other menus are:

1. Crafting List

2. Item pouch

3. Customize Radial Menu

4. Equipment Info

5. Quest info

6. Wishlist

7. Play guide

8. Gestures

9. Shoutouts

10. Stickers

11. Chat

12. Signal

13. Options

14. Save

15. Quit game

And after I set up the screen on the games and we connect again run by following the handler.

And  when it comes to the handler we see a beautiful scene in the forest,  and there are animals dinausaurus very large and not wild and it was  called "Ancient Forest" which I think it is a collection of animals  dinausaurus, when want to take a closer look and again - the handler said to us "Look !! The research commission's headquarters !! C'mon let's get going !! "And we go down and run down to where the dinausaurus is. And that is where our mission is "walk over to the handler and head for the research commission's HQ".

And  when we have come down and run towards the place of dinausaurus and the  handler these aptonoths seem every bit as docile as the ones back home  .. I have the scoutflies memorize my scent earlier .. if you lose sight  of me, just follow the scoutflies and they'll lead you right to me !! We  can run again and follow the directions on the map and we have to  complete the mission and while in the middle of the road in the forest  we are stuck in a forest where we can not pass because the road is  closed by very long tree roots and to get through we get the command to push the button on the joystick (analog L "Push Through vines").

And  after we have passed a path covered by the roots of the tree and after  passing the path we are directly in the presence of a dinausaur animal  who wants to hurt us and they surround us and we can not run anymore and  dinausaur is getting closer and with us and when it also the handler said "do not pick a fight you do not have a weapon !! We need to hide! C'mon this way! Hurry up! This way! "And when the dinausaurus looks to the side we run and run away. And when we run they keep chasing us and we hide in the short palate  still leaves so much so that the dinausaurus can not see us anymore.
And after the dinausaurus is confused and can not see us anymore, we  immediately get out of the petition to continue our journey again.

And  so many of my articles in this game, if you are still curious about  this gamaes and I will continue my mission again in the next article and  if you still menuggu next story do not forget to follow my account  @thespecialone steemit. so  much from writing my article here about this game and keep in my  steemit account follow, if there is mistake write or mistake word in my  article apologize for all human being have mistake and all human being  no perfect ... Warmest regards from me and Salam Gamers all its !!!!


Hello steemians semua nya , kembali lagi dengan saya @thespecialone yang di mana postingan saya sebelum nya yaitu tentang games “ Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 “ dengan pembahasan sebelum nya yaitu “Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The end has been completed on the first mission ” dan kali ini saya belum meneruskan pembahasan artikel ke naruto shippuden tetapi saya kali ini membahasan tentang games yang baru – baru ini yang lagi hits di playstation 4 yaitu games “ Monster Hunter World “ yang di mana games ini menceritakan tentang perjalanan kita di sebuah hutan untuk membunuh monster yang ada di dalam hutan tersebut. Dan saya memainkan nya di playstation 4 yang di mana saya membeli games ini dengan harga sedikit mahal , dan saya padahal ingin bermain games ini pada laptop karena lebih seru dan lebih asik untuk main di laptop dan yang saya baru tau games untuk di laptop belum di rilis dan akan di rilis pada tahun ini pada bulan September ini.

Dan langsung saja kita masuk ke dalam games tersebut dan sebelum kita memainkan games ini kita langsung di arahkan untuk mendengar cerita pada games ini dan cerita awal pada games ini yaitu “ Sisters and brothers of the fifth fleet, it’s time I’ll keep my farewell brief – never was much with words once you board this ship, there is no turning back the next ground feet will touch will be that of the new world and if any of you have lost your nerve , then steep away now and let no one judge you very well. Then sail safe and strong…. And may the sapphire star light your way.. “

Dan saat pertama kali kita memainkan games ini kita langsung berada di dalam sebuah tempat makan yang di mana di situ sangat lah ramai orang makan dan minum sambil ngobrol dengan teman – teman nya dan yang sangat bagus nya pada games ini saya sangat suka pada pelayan pada tempat makan tersebut adalah hewan – hewan yang sangat lucu dan mereka menjadi pelayan di tempat makan tersebut. Dan setelah kita datang di tempat makan tersebut kita langsung melihat dan mencari tempat duduk untuk kita duduk di tempat makan tersebut.

Dan akhir nya kita mendapatkan sebuah tempat duduk yang kosong dan kebetulan pada bangku kosong tersebut hanya lah ada satu wanita yang sedang duduk sendirian dan dia sambil membaca sebuah buku dan wanita tersebut sangat santai sambil membaca buku , buku nya pun sangat banyak yang dia bawa ke tempat makan itu. Dan setelah kita duduk di meja si wanita tersebut dan tiba – tiba ada seorang pemuda datang sambil membawa sebuah minuman dan langsung duduk di sebelah wanita tersebut dan pemuda itu langsung berbicara dengan kita dia mengatakan “ Yo!! Did ya hear? We’re almost there!! Ya ready to grab this new world by the horns? Don’t khow about you.. but it feels like ages since I left home to join the commission.. so nervous? Believe you me , I get it. Anything could happen to us but hey , that’s half the.” 

Dan setelah si pemuda itu berbicara panjang lebar , tiba – tiba datang lagi wanita yang sangat cantik dan anggun dia langsung memukul pundak si pemuda tersebut dan wanita itu mengatakan “ yup.. hey aren’t you one of  the a – list hunters? “ dan pemuda tersebut kaget dan terkejut saat wanita itu mengatakan tadi dan si pemuda itu langsung mengatakan “ what? No way!! So are we! Hey, tell us your name.”

Dan setelah kita berbicara di sebuah tempat makan tersebut kita langsung di arah kan dengan memilih karakter pada games ini dan pemberitahuan pada games tersebut yaitu “ Start the game with this character?” dan di layar tersebut kita hanya melihat 2 karakter yang berbeda yaitu “ karakter kelinci dan karakter manusia hunters “ dan di pemberitahuan tersebut terdapat 2 pilihan “ Yes dan NO “ dan saya langsung memilih “ Yes “ dan saat kita memilih “ Yes “ dan kita langsung di arahkan untuk Save data pada games tersebut.

Dan setelah kita di arahkan untuk memilih karakter dan kita langsung menekan pemberitahuan “ Yes “ dan kita langsung balik lagi ke arah cerita tadi di tempat makan tersebut si pemuda tersebut langsung mengatakan “ To the a – list!! And the commission!!  So tell me, what’s your theory? The elder dragon must migrate to the new world for some reason after the research commission for forty – odd years , the guild’s itching for an answer they say the fifth fleet’s got the best shot at cracking this case and I agree!!! “ dan setelah pemuda tersebut selesai berbicara wanita tadi langsung berbicara lagi dia mengatakan “ Hey, speaking of a – listen usually operate in teams of two have you sat down with your partner yet?” Dan tiba – tiba saat sedang ngobrol ada seorang yang duduk di meja sebelah tiba – tiba dia berdiri dan berlari ke arah jendela dan melihat keluar.

Dan kita langsung berdiri juga dan mengikuti seorang yang berlari ke arah jendela dan orang tersebut berbicara sendiri dia mengatakan “ Getting rough out there.. the waves are picking up.. and that’s gotta mean landfall!! Dan setelah dia melihat keluar dan dia langsung berpaling ke arah kita dan dia langsung mengatakan “ You’re on the a – list , right? I’m not psychic. But I do have pretty good ears , put er there!! I happen to be an a – lister myself “dan setelah orang tersebut berbicara tiba – tiba ruangan tempat makan mereka bergoyang dan ternyata saat kita naik ke atas dan melihat keluar dan ternyata kapal kita kedatangan sebuah monster laut yang ingin menghancurkan kapal kita.

Dan kapal kita terangkat ke atas dan hampir pecah dan tenggelam karena terdapat monster laut yang menyerang kapal kita dan kita terhempas keluar dari kapal dan saat melihat ternyata bukan lah monster tetapi sebuah gunung berapi yang tiba – tiba muncul ke permukaan atas laut dan saat kita terhempas keluar dari kapal tersebut kita langsung berada di atas gunung berapi tersebut.

Dan kita langsung berlari ke arah kapal kita yang tersangkut di atas gunung berapi tersebut dan kita harus memanjat tebing terlebih dahulu untuk sampai ke atas dan saat kita memanjat tebing tersebut kita harus menekan tombol analog di joystick kita untuk naik ke atas dengan perintah nya yaitu “ Climb Wall “ dan setelah kita sudah memanjat tebing tersebut dan sudah sampai di atas kita langsung berjumpa dengan the handler dia mengatakan “ Oh!! Hey, it’s you… look what happened to the ship! We have to do something!  “ dan dia suruh melihat kapal kita karena kapal kita sudah tersangkut di atas sela – sela gunung tersebut. Dan kita langsung mendekat dengan the handler dan dia berbicara lagi dan mengatakan “ it’s not safe her. This way!! “ dan kita langsung di ajak oleh the handler untuk mengikuti nya.

Dan baru saja kita berjalan sedikit dan tiba – tiba gunung tersebut bergoyang lagi dan kita sedikit terjatuh karena goyang yang sangat kencang , dan saat kita melihat ke arah kapal kita tersebut dan kapal kita terjatuh ke arah bawah dan hampir terkena ke arah kita dan untung saja kita bisa menghindar dan tidak terkena bagian kapal tersebut. Dan saat kita melihat kapal tersebut ternyata kapal kita berjalan sendiri ke arah bawah gunung , dan tiba – tiba  the handler berbicara “ we need get outta here. I’ve got an idea, this way!! “ dan kita langsung berlari mengikuti the handler kita berlari ke arah bawah gunung tersebut.

Dan kita juga harus menaiki atau memanjat tebing gunung itu lagi untuk bisa turun ke bawah dan saat kita memanjat tebing tersebut kita harus berhati – hati dan saat kita sedang menaiki gunung tersebut the handler mengatakan “ You’ve got this!! C’mon!!” dan kita memanjat lagi dan saat memanjat kita melihat ke atas dan ada batu besar yang jatuh dari atas dan kita langsung menghindar dari jatuh nya batu besar tersebut karena jika kita tidak menghindar dari batu besar tersebut kita akan terjatuh ke bawah lagi dan kemungkinan besar kita akan terluka terkena batu besar tersebut dan the handler menyemangati kita dengan mengatakan “ up there! Let’s head for higher ground!! “.

Dan setelah kita berusaha naik ke atas permukaan dari gunung berapi tersebut si the handler berbicara lagi “ Oh wow, wyverns!! Ugh…!! I didn’t thinks my first encounter would be filled with so much pecking!! Shoo!!! Shoo!! “ dan setelah kita sudah di atas permukaan dari gunung berapi tersebut kita langsung berlari lagi mengikuti si the handler tersebut , dan saat sudah di ujung permukaan dari gunung berapi tersebut dan lagi – lagi the handler mengatakan “ timeto hitch a ride and get off this thing! C’mon , let’s go!! “  dan kita langsung berlari ke arah the handler dan dia berbicara “ get a good running start , then jump! “ dan kita di suruh lompat ke bawah dan si the handler memegang tangan kita supaya kita bisa lompat ke bawah dan saat ingin berlompat ke bawah kita di perintahkan untuk menekan ( L3 or R1 dash ) pada joystick kita.

Dan akhir nya kita lompat dan setelah lompat dan the handler langsung mengeluarkan senjata yang isi senjata nya adalah tali dan di tembak kan senjata tali nya ke arah kaki  burung dan mereka pun pergi dan terbang meninggal nya sebuah gunu berapi tersebut dan mereka pun berhenti dan jatuh ke dalam hutan. Dan saat sudah di dalam hutan si the handler berkata “ what this? Somebody must’ve set up this camp… hey there , parther , come look at this.. I found this the tent it has a map in it.. well part of one at least..  “ dan setelah kita di dalam hutan dan si  the handler pun menemukan sebuah camp di dalam hutan tersebut.

Dan setelah dia melihat ada sebuah camp di dalam hutan tersebut dan setelah sampai di dekat camp si the handler memberikan kita sebuah buku yang berisi kan sebuah peta , dan kita membuka buku peta tersebut dan saat kita membuka buku peta tersebut si the handler berkata lagi “ looks like we’re right around here , the research commission’s base of operations is here. This is where our ship was supposed to dock. For now , I think it would be best if we make our way to base… the map should help us find our way “ dan setelah kita melihat buku peta tersebut kita langsung lari dan mengikuti peta tersebut.

Dan saat kita berlari mengikuti petunjuk peta dan mengikuti si the handler , dan kita berhenti sebentar untuk membuka menu setting dan menekan tombol start di joystick untuk mengatur settingan pada layar kita sebentar dan pada menu setting terdapat beberapa menu lain nya yaitu :

1.Crafting List

2.Item pouch

3.Customize Radial Menu

4.Equipment Info

5.Quest info


7.Play guide








15.Quit game

Dan setelah saya mensetting layar pada games tersebut dan kita sambung lagi berlari dengan mengikuti si the handler tersebut.

Dan saat sudah sampai di samping si the handler kita melihat sebuah pemandangan yang indah di dalam hutan tersebut , dan terdapat binatang dinausaurus yang sangat besar dan tidak liar dan ternyata tempat tersebut bernama “ Ancient Forest “ yang menurut saya itu adalah tempat perkumpulan hewan dinausaurus , saat ingin melihat lebih dekat lagi dan lagi – lagi si the handler berkata kepada kita “ Look!! The research commission’s headquarters!! C’mon let’s get going!! “ dan kita langsung turun dan lari ke bawah ke arah tempat dinausaurus tersebut. Dan yang di mana misi kita adalah “ walk over to the handler dan head for the research commission’s HQ “.

Dan saat kita sudah turun ke bawah dan berlari ke arah tempat dinausaurus dan si the handler these aptonoths seem every bit as docile as the ones back home.. I had the scoutflies memorize my scent earlier.. if you lose sight of me, just follow the scoutflies and they’ll lead you right to me!! We can push our way through these vines  “ kita langsung lari lagi dan mengikuti petunjuk arah pada peta dan kita harus menyelesaikan misi tersebut dan saat di pertengahan jalan di dalam hutan tersebut kita terjebak di sebuah hutan yang di mana kita tidak bisa lewat karena jalan tersebut tertutup oleh akar pohon yang sangat panjang dan untuk supaya bisa lewat kita mendapatkan perintah untuk menekan tombol pada joystick ( analog L “ Push Through vines “ ) 

Dan setelah kita sudah melewati sebuah jalan yang tertutup oleh akar pohon dan setelah melewati jalan tersebut kita langsung di hadang oleh sebuah hewan dinausaurus yang ingin melukai kita dan mereka mengelilingi kita dan kita tidak bisa berlari lagi dan dinausaurus itu pun semakin mendekat dan dengan kita dan saat itu juga si the handler berkata “ don’t pick a fight you don’t have a weapon!! We need to hide! C’mon this way! Hurry up! This way! “ dan saat dinausaurus tersebut melihat ke samping kita langsung lari dan menjauh. Dan saat kita lari mereka tetap mengejar kita dan kita bersembunyi di dalam perpohon yang pendek tetap daun nya sangat banyak sehingga dinausaurus tadi tidak bisa lihat kita lagi.

Dan setelah dinausaurus tadi bingung dan tidak dapat melihat kita lagi , kita langsung keluar dari perpohonan tersebut untuk melanjutkan perjalanan kita lagi.

For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below :

  1. [ Game technology ] who wins between playstation 1 vs playstation 2? [ENG - IND ] #1
  2. [ Game technology ] You choose which one between playstation 3 and XBOX 360? #2 (Billingual)
  3. [ Game technology ] Choose which one of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One X are the champions? ( Billingual ) #3

And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 "

  1. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The fight against Masked Man ( Billingual ) #1
  2. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - Battle against monsters " Nine Tail's " ( Billingual ) #2
  3. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The end has been completed on the first mission ( Billingual ) #3

Dan sekian dari artikel saya pada games ini , jika kalian masih penasaran tentang gamaes ini dan saya akan melanjutkan misi saya lagi di artikel selanjutnya dan jika kalian masih menuggu kisah selanjutnya jangan lupa follow akun steemit saya @thespecialone . sekian dari penulisan artikel saya di sini tentang games ini dan tetap di follow akun steemit saya , jika ada kesalah menulis atau kesalahan perkataan di artikel saya mohon maaf karena semua manusia mempunyai kesalahan dan semua manusia tidak ada yang sempurna… Salam hangat dari saya dan Salam para Gamers semua nya!!!!

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