[ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The end has been completed on the first mission ( Billingual ) #3

in #gaming6 years ago


Hello  steemians it all, back again with me @thespecialone which is where my  previous post is about "Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - Battle against  monsters" Nine Tail's ". Which  is where the discussion yesterday against Nine tails using Third Hokage  characters and in this discussion is the connection from yesterday that  is the battle against Masked Man which where the moment of minato  against masked man he immediately disappeared and in the discussion this  time the minato chase and the end he can chase the masked man and will continue the fight. And  to download its games this can be downloaded in paid apps that is in  the application "Steam" and for the specifications in this game is your  laptop or PC must have minimum RAM memory 4GB and must have a VGA Memory  must be at least 2GB and here I use ASUS Laptop ROG to see the discussion on this game can see below do not forget follow my account ya guys !!!!

And  without my explanation at length and immediately we have met again with  masked man, and when already met masked man immediately threw us his  shuriken weapons and we also directly threw our shuriken towards masked  man and shuriken we collide and his shuriken thrown to the top of the air just to not be hit back toward us. And  at the same time we go straight ahead and instantly we hit him with our  hands when we hit the masked man right in the direction of his chest  and minato says "Now ... !!! "And  we immediately hit his chest and when we hit his chest suddenly chest  masked man glow and instantly it also minato say" what it this .. !!! ??  A contract seal !!? "And masked man also spoke he said" The nine tails is your no longers !! "

And when after the masked talk we immediately get his 2 more notice from the game is "About Secret Facrors | Unlocking Secret Factors | Congratulations  since you got lots of * s in IA, you've unlocked a secret factor! "And  the last notice is" What are secret factors? | Secret Factors Are hidden videos that will play if you collect * s. "And  after we see the light on the body of the masked man we immediately  directed to the story on the old with his story" I have to win .. I can not lose this battle ... !! "

And immediately we fight again with masked man and we get another notification that is "Secret Action Found! | when the mark is left hidden, a secret action is hidden somewhere. Use  the icon of the game to get a special action a hidden scene will play,  which includes a button entry challenge, press all the buttons to clear  the scene. "And we immediately run to the right while throwing shuriken  in the direction masked  man when we throw shuriken in the direction of masked man we get notice  again that is "It seems your tittle is not just for show, fourth  hokage."

And  after that we go forward quickly to the front of masked man, and  immediately we get the information to be able to withstand the blows of  the masked man and we are also equally forward to the front with equally  hit him and the information when we hit him that is to suppress button (Y) + (Y) + (B) we have to press it quickly so we must win it and its results I very quickly pressed the button.

And  after we win the hit with his face we immediately backtrack and we fill  our chakra again by throwing the shuriken into his presence, after our  full chakra is full we throw the big shuriken again to reduce his little  blood the masked man . And  after we've tossed our big shuriken we immediately accelerate the  movement run to be able to accelerate forward dealing with the masked  man. And  after that when we throw the shuriken in the masked man the masked man  disappears and avoids us and suddenly he is behind us and he immediately  pulls out his paper fire and we get hit by the fire paper and our blood  is a bit diminished by fire attack from masked man.

And  after being hit by a fire pitch from masked man and we immediately  stood up again and immediately we took the minato stance by hitting in a  row and pull out a rasengan that we will wear to the body of the masked  man and the end he immediately died and we won the game is  against masked man and after masked man loses against us he immediately  says "You're worthy of your title, fourth hokage, inflicting injury  upon me and separating me from the nine tails ... but he will be mine  for good one day, I shall "and masked man immediately left us and immediately ran away from us.

And  minato also speaks for himself he says "Given his tone .. he's not  joking around .. but for now .." and our mission has been completed  against masked man and get the information "Battle Conditions | 1. Win battle, bonus requirements, keep healtg gauge at 40% or more ..  "and immediately we also get a description of Results because it has  completed the mission against masked man are:

1. Health 43 x 70 ryo = 3010 ryo

2. Rank Bonus x 1,2

3. Money obtained 3612 ryo

4. Total ryo = 8922 ryo

5. 1st battle C

6. Final Battle B

7. IA achievement rate 12/12 1000 ryo

8.Secret Secret 1000 ryo

9. Secret action achievement rate 1/1 1000 ryo

10. Rank bonus x 1,2

11. Monet obtained 3600 ryo

After we have seen the results of the match we click next to see the next story. And  it turns out minato in the direction to see the nine tails because nine  tails are dead after it turns out third hokage says "we've driven hit  out of the village !! Now  when the team from the third hokage want to attack and want to kill the  nine tails directly he issued a deadly blast of fire and the burst of  fire is very large and difficult to inhibited except minato that could  hinder and at that moment a minato with a big toad named "gamabunta" Kodak belonging to jiraiya and minato came with the frog.

And  the third hokage was shocked and surprised he said "Minato !!?" And  gamabunta also spoke he said "lord fourth !!" and minato also spoke "I  know !!" and minato went down from the top of the head of gamabunta and  immediately fell right in the head nine  tails and minato took out her disappearing stance and took the missing  nine tails from the village and took her to a forest away from her  village. And  the third hokage is confused and he says "minato ... you teleported the  nine tails with you !! ??" and after minato brings nine tails away  toward the forest away from the village the minato directly says "huh  huh, are you okay ..? "

And  after that we are immediately brought to the story of this game again  and nine tails speak "he ever hesitated despite the approaching threat  .. he fought to the end .. to protect what was presious to him ..."  after nine tails talk minato speak directly also  "but .. I do not have much chakra left .. I'll stop him .. one way or  another ... there are things .. I must protect ... and as long as I have  that .. I swear ..." And after that we immediately get a story from "This ... is the story of a hero .." and minato says "I'll never give up ... !!! "And" the story of a hero I love "and the end we have completed our  first mission in this game is" Prologue Nine Tails Attacks ".

And after the mission is complete we get a notification back "Guide to victory: 21 | Difficult distance attacks | You can deflect general shuriken and other such weapons with ninja dashes or chakra dashes !! You can also fight back with shuriken or ninjutsu of you own !! "And also we get a new gift that is" new items have been added to the shop ". And get again a description of his other info is "Guide to victory: 9 | Master quick movements !! | the chakra dash lets you close in on your opponent very quickly. It does expend chakra, but it's a really handy action to have in a pinch !! The chakra back dash, which you can use to get some distance, is also good in emergencies !!.

And  at the end of this mission before we move on to the next mission we  listen and read a minato story that is "A hero bears longing brings hope  even if you walk into the jaws of death, even if you're faced crisis  let your will burn ever brighter fight for  those who believe in you that is what a hero is even a day pass and the  past is replaced by the future that name will remain, as solid as the  rock is leaving its traces in the new age a name is once more inherited,  in this world of chaos that's what a hero is a new wind carved into history it's name is ... "

And  after we finish on the first mission in this game which is on the first  mission as the beginning of the story and the beginning of completing  the next mission and after that we immediately met with kakashi, and  sakura which is where naruto sang with his singing that he called the  food " ramen,  ramen and kakashi sensei 's buying could not be better than that "after  naruto sang kakashi directly said" well, you and sakura are both  working hard to help rebuild the leaf, A superior should reward his  subordinates every once in a while, he had an errand to run that he could not put off. We'll bring him next time "and naruto looks happy he immediately says" hey, no worries !! It's fine! I'll eat enough ramen for sai .. too !!.

And  so of the third story on this mission that I have not all been  discussing here in writing, and why should I cut and not continue the  story? For  steemians friends all and for those who like to read game articles so  curious and for you who want to know the continuation of the story of  this game and what the next mission after we complete the first mission  in this game and if you like it and still menuggu next story do not  forget follow my steemit account @thespecialone. so  much from writing my article here about this game and keep in my  steemit account follow, if there is mistake write or mistake word in my  article apologize for all human being have mistake and all human being  no perfect ... Warmest regards from me and Salam Gamers all its !!!!


Hello steemians semua nya , kembali lagi dengan saya @thespecialone yang di mana postingan saya sebelum nya yaitu tentang “Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - Battle against monsters " Nine Tail's ". Yang di mana pada pembahasan yang kemarin melawan Nine tails dengan menggunakan karakter Third Hokage dan di pembahasan kali ini adalah sambungan dari yang kemarin yaitu pertempuran melawan Masked Man yang dimana saat minato melawan masked man dia langsung menghilang melarikan diri dan di pembahasan kali ini yaitu minato mengejar dan akhir nya dapat dia kejar si masked man dan akan melanjutkan pertarungan tersebut. Dan untuk mendownload games nya ini bisa di download di aplikasi berbayar yaitu di aplikasi “ Steam “ dan untuk spesifikasi pada games ini yaitu laptop atau PC anda harus memiliki memory RAM minimum 4GB dan harus memiliki Memory VGA harus minimum 2GB dan di sini saya menggunakan Laptop ASUS ROG untuk melihat pembahasan pada games ini bisa lihat di bawah ini jangan lupa follow akun saya ya guys!!!!

Dan tanpa saya menjelaskan panjang lebar dan langsung saja kita sudah berjumpa lagi dengan masked man , dan saat sudah berjumpa masked man langsung melemparkan kita senjata shuriken nya tersebut dan kita juga langsung melemparkan juga shuriken kita ke arah masked man dan shuriken kita bertabrakan dan shuriken nya terlempar ke atas udara untuk saja tidak terkena balik ke arah kita. Dan saat bersamaan kita langsung menuju ke depan dan langsung kita pukul dia dengan tangan kita saat kita memukul masked man tepat di arah dada nya dan minato mengatakan “ Now…!!! “ dan langsung kita pukul ke arah dada nya tersebut dan saat sudah kita pukul ke arah dada nya tiba – tiba dada masked man bercahaya dan seketika itu pula minato mengatakan “ what it this..!!!?? A contract seal!!?” dan masked man juga berbicara dia mengatakan “ The nine tails is no longers yours!!? “

Dan saat setelah masked berbicara kita langsung mendapatkan nya lagi 2 pemberitahuan dari pada games ini yaitu “ About Secret Facrors | Unlocking Secret Factors | Congratulations since you got lots of * s in IA , you’ve unlocked a secret factor!” dan pemberitahuan terakhir yaitu “ What are secret factors? | Secret Factors Are hidden videos that will play if you collect *s . they are hidden in the various battles that appear in ultimate adventure , so do your best to win them all.” Dan setelah kita melihat cahaya pada badan si masked man kita langsung di arahkan ke cerita pada yang dulu dengan cerita nya  “ I have to win.. I can’t lose this battle…!!”

Dan langsung kita bertarung lagi dengan masked man dan kita mendapatkan lagi pemberitahuan lagi yaitu “ Secret Action Found! | when the mark to the left is displayed , a secret action is hidden somewhere. Use the icon near the energy gauge as a hint to perform a special action a hidden scene will play, which includes a button entry challenge, press all the buttons to clear the scene.” Dan kita langsung berlari ke arah kanan sambil melemparkan shuriken ke arah masked man saat kita melemparkan shuriken ke arah masked man kita mendapatkan pemberitahuan lagi yaitu “ It seems your tittle isn’t just for show , fourth hokage.”

Dan setelah itu kita langsung maju dengan cepat ke depan masked man , dan langsung saja kita mendapatkan keterangan untuk bisa menahan pukulan dari masked man dan kita juga sama – sama maju ke depan dengan sama – sama memukul nya dan keterangan saat kita memukul nya yaitu harus menekan tombol ( Y ) + ( Y ) + ( B ) kita harus menekan nya dengan cepat supaya kita yang harus memenangkan nya dan hasil nya saya sangat cepat menekan tombol tersebut.

Dan setelah kita memenangkan memukul dengan berhadapan nya kita langsung mundur ke belakang dan kita mengisi chakra kita nya lagi dengan melemparkan shuriken ke hadapan nya , setelah chakra yang kita punya terisi penuh langsung kita lemparkan lagi shuriken yang besar untuk mengurangi sedikit darah nya si masked man tersebut. Dan setelah sudah kita melemparkan shuriken besar kita tadi kita langsung mempercepat gerakan lari untuk bisa mempercepat maju berhadapan dengan si masked man tersebut. Dan setelah itu saat kita melemparkan shuriken ke arah masked man si masked man langsung menghilang dan menghindar dari kita dan tiba – tiba dia sudah ada di belakang kita dan dia langsung mengeluarkan jurus kertas api nya dan ternyata kita terkena serang kertas api tersebut dan darah kita sedikit berkurang karena terkena serangan kertas api dari si masked man.

Dan setelah terkena lemparan dari kertas api dari masked man dan kita langsung berdiri lagi dan langsung kita mengeluarkan jurus dari si minato dengan memukul secara beruntun dan mengeluarkan rasengan yang akan kita kenakan ke arah badan si masked man dan akhir nya dia langsung mati dan kita memenangkan pertandingan tersebut melawan masked man dan setelah masked man kalah melawan kita dia langsung mengatakan “ You’re worthy of your title, fourth hokage , inflicting injury upon me and separating me from the nine tails… but he will be mine for good one day , I shall rule this world there are plenty of ways to go about it.“  dan masked man pun langsung meninggalkan kita dan langsung melari kan diri dari kita.

Dan minato juga berbicara sendiri dia mengatakan “ Given his tone.. he’s not joking around.. but for now.. “ dan misi kita telah selesai melawan masked man dan mendapatkan keterangan “ Battle Conditions | 1. Win battle , bonus requirements , keep healtg gauge at 40% or more.. “ dan langsung kita juga mendapatkan keterangan Results karena telah menyelesaikan misi melawan masked man tersebut yaitu :

1.Health 43 x 70 ryo = 3010 ryo

2.Rank Bonus x 1,2

3.Money obtained 3612 ryo

4.Total ryo = 8922 ryo

5.1st battle C

6.Final Battle B

7.IA achievement rate 12/12 1000 ryo

8.Secret factor 1000 ryo

9.Secret action achievement rate 1/1 1000 ryo

10.Rank bonus x 1,2

11.Monet obtained 3600 ryo

Setelah kita sudah melihat results dari pertandingan tersebut kita klik next saja untuk melihat cerita selanjutnya. Dan ternyata minato di arahkan untuk melihat nine tails karena nine tails sudah mati setelah itu ternyata third hokage mengatakan “ we’ve driven hit out of the village!! Now keep at him , one after another!!!”  dan saat team dari hokage ke tiga ingin menyerang dan ingin langsung membunuh nine tails tersebut dia mengeluarkan semburan api yang mematikan dan semburan api tersebut sangat besar dan susah untuk di halangi kecuali minato yang sanggup menghalangi nya dan saat itu juga minato dangan dengan kodok besar yang bernama “ gamabunta “ Kodak milik jiraiya dan minato datang dengan kodok tersebut.

Dan third hokage kaget dan heran dia mengatakan “ Minato!!?“  dan gamabunta juga berbicara dia mengatakan “ lord fourth!!”  dan minato juga berbicara “ I know!!” dan minato langsung turun dari atas kepala gamabunta dan langsung jatuh tepat di kepala nine tails dan minato mengeluarkan jurus menghilang nya dan membawa nine tails hilang dari desa tersebut dan membawa nya ke sebuah hutan yang jauh dari desa nya tersebut. Dan third hokage bingung dan dia mengatakan “ minato… you teleported the nine tails with you!!??” dan setelah minato membawa nine tails jauh ke arah hutan yang jauh dari desa tersebut minato langsung mengatakan “ huh huh , are you okay..? “

Dan setelah itu kita langsung di bawa ke arah cerita games ini lagi dan nine tails berbicara “ he ever hesitated despite the approaching threat.. he fought to the end.. to protect what was presious to him… “ setelah nine tails berbicara minato langsung berbicara juga “ but.. I don’t have much chakra left.. I’ll stop him.. one way or another… there are things .. I must protect… and as long as I have that.. I swear…“ Dan setelah itu kita langsung mendapatkan sebuah cerita dari “ This… is the story of a hero.. “ dan minato mengatakan “ I’ll never give up…!!! “ dan “ the story of a hero I love “ dan akhir nya kita telah menyelesaikan misi pertama kita di games ini yaitu “ Prologue Nine Tails Attacks “.

Dan setelah misi tersebut selesai kita mendapatkans sebuah pemberitahuan kembali “ Guide to victory : 21 | Difficult distance attacks | You can deflect general shuriken and other such weapons with ninja dashes or chakra dashes!! You can also fight back with shuriken or ninjutsu of you own!! “ dan juga kita mendapatkan sebuah hadiah terbaru yaitu “ new items have been added to the shop “. Dan mendapatkan lagi sebuah keterangan info lain nya yaitu “ Guide to victory : 9 | Master quick movements!! | the chakra dash lets you close in on your opponent very quickly. It does expend chakra, but it’s a really handy action to have in a pinch!! The chakra back dash, which you can use to get some distance, is also good in emergencies!!.

Dan di akhir misi ini sebelum kita melanjutkan ke misi selanjutnya kita mendengarkan dan membaca sebuah kisah minato yaitu “ A hero bears longing brings hope even if you walk into the jaws of death , even if you’re faced crisis let your will burn ever brighter fight for those who believe in you that’s what a hero is even as days pass and the past is replaced by the future that name will remain, as solid as rock leaving its traces in the new age a name is once more inherited , in this world of chaos that’s what a hero is a new wind carved into history it’s name is… “

Dan setelah kita menyelesaikan pada misi pertama pada games ini yang di mana pada misi pertama tersebut sebagai awal cerita dan awal mula menyelesaikan misi selanjutnya dan setelah itu kita langsung berjumpa dengan kakashi , dan sakura yang di mana naruto bernyanyi dengan nyanyian nya itu dia memanggil makanan “ ramen , ramen and kakashi sensei’s buying couldn’t be better than that “ setelah naruto bernyanyi kakashi langsung ikut mengatakan “ well , you and sakura are both working hard to help rebuild the leaf , A superior should reward his subordinates every once in a while , he had an errand to run that he couldn’t put off. We’ll bring him next time“ dan naruto kelihatan gembira dia langsung  mengatakan “ hey, no worries!! It’s fine! I’ll eat enough ramen for sai.. too!!.

For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below :

  1. [ Game technology ] who wins between playstation 1 vs playstation 2? [ENG - IND ] #1
  2. [ Game technology ] You choose which one between playstation 3 and XBOX 360? #2 (Billingual)
  3. [ Game technology ] Choose which one of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One X are the champions? ( Billingual ) #3

And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 "

  1. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The fight against Masked Man ( Billingual ) #1
  2. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - Battle against monsters " Nine Tail's " ( Billingual ) #2

Dan sekian dari kisah ke tiga pada misi ini yang belum semua nya saya bahas di saya tulis di sini , dan kenapa saya harus memotong dan tidak melanjutkan nya cerita tersebut? Supaya teman steemians semua dan bagi yang suka membaca artikel games jadi penasaran dan untuk kalian yang ingin mengetahui kelanjutan nya kisah dari games ini dan apa misi selanjutnya setelah kita menyelesaikan misi pertama di games ini dan jika kalian menyukai nya dan masih menuggu kisah selanjutnya jangan lupa follow akun steemit saya @thespecialone . sekian dari penulisan artikel saya di sini tentang games ini dan tetap di follow akun steemit saya , jika ada kesalah menulis atau kesalahan perkataan di artikel saya mohon maaf karena semua manusia mempunyai kesalahan dan semua manusia tidak ada yang sempurna… Salam hangat dari saya dan Salam para Gamers semua nya!!!!

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