[ Game Review with Playstation 4 ] Monster Hunter World - Has completed the first mission ( Billingual ) #2

in #gaming6 years ago


Hello  steemians all of them, back again with me @thespecialone where my  previous post is about the game "Monster Hunter World" with the  discussion before it is "- The first introduction to this game" and the  discussion this time is a connection from the previous article unfinished  I discussed yesterday and in this article I will continue the  discussion where yesterday's discussion is still lost in the forest full  of wild animals and dinausaurus in the forest and there is a mission  that I have not completed in the article yesterday and this is a mission  connection in previous articles. And for those of you who want to try these games you can play these  games on the Playstation 4 console because I play these games on the  console, and please be patient to the users on the computer and in this  laptops games have not been released for computer and laptop consoles.

And  after we walk and can escape from a collection of wild dinausaurs and  after the dinausaurs go and not chase us anymore because they do not  know we are hiding in the bushes of trees whose leaves are thick so we  are covered by the leaves, we see the situation is safe and  no more dinausaurs anymore we just come out of our hideout, and we run  again following the handler and while running we are always faced by a  very large tree and its roots are also so large that the path is covered  by the root of our must find the root that is already soft to we can shift the root for us to pass.

If  we have crossed the root, we run again following a map and follow the  handler because it is in the forest so the road we passed is terrible  and there is a path uphill there is a descent down so it can look  beautiful scenery while walking. And  we pause to see if the map is correct the way, when we finish looking  at the map the handler talks he says "Let's climb down here" and we are  told to decrease by climbing still climbing its downhill, and because I  see not too high to go downstairs so I just jump down.

And  after jumping down the handler also jumped and when already under the  handler a little laughing saw us jump straight down and he also talk  "we're getting really close" and just as usual we run again in the  direction that already  we see in the map earlier and do not get the wrong way because if we go  wrong we spend the time we have because the wrong way and the the  handler spoke again he said "What is this .. track? "And  the handler stops and shows us something and he tells us to pick it up  on the ground and after we pick it up by pressing the box button or the  plot in our joystick after we've taken it the handler says" there's more  over there. Let's check it out !!! ".

And  after we take something that is on the ground we immediately run again  and follow the directions map and follow the the handler. And  when the handler at the front because he ran very fast and suddenly he  stopped and saw something shining on the ground like a long grass neatly  arranged on the ground and glowing and the handler immediately see and  hold the grass and when the the handler holding the grass suddenly there are animals dinausaur who  came and immediately hit the handler, the handler was shocked and fell  to the side and we immediately ran hard and saved the handler.

And  we keep running and we see the handler in jeopardy because he is  directly in the clasp by the dinausaurus and the handler trying to be  able to release it from the clasp of the dinausaurus. And  when we got there and wanted to hit the dinausaurus suddenly there was a  young man coming who called "field team leader" and he said "ha! Do not mind me !! This way! Hurry! Get to the gate !! Go go go !! "And  he can immediately release the handler from the dinausaur's clasp and  he immediately tells us to run and leave the place. And when he tells us  to run out of the place and the dinausaur immediately chases them again  and we also run away and chasing them from behind.

And  after we also get behind them and they are trapped because the wooden  door is closed and it does not take long to come a very large daurusus  and jump directly to the chase dinausaur who was chasing us earlier and  like his great dinausaurus is good and wants to save us and the  large dinausaurus immediately bite and gore the small dinausaur earlier  and field team leader also said "what are waiting for !? Get over here! ". And while the dinausaur was fighting and we immediately approached our friend earlier.

And  and the end after we get away from the pursuit of the little dinausaur  and they fight there our friend immediately opened the wooden door and  we as we ran and approached the door to be more secure and not affected  by the fight between the dinausaurus and when we have arrived temen we the field team leader immediately closed his door by cutting the  root of the tree because to close the door must cut the root of the  tree.

And once we're inside and it's safer the field team leader says "hey" and the handler also talks he says "you all right? "And field team leader immediately invites us to run again so that further away from the dinausaurs.

And  at the end we arrive at our destination which where in astera our  transit place and our resting place later to continue our mission  selanjutnta and its beautiful ship that has been damaged in the rest  place and his ship was on the mountain and the scenery of the ship is  very beautiful and our ship also still looks beautiful, after getting  there field team leader talk with us he said "amazing, is not it? Just look at this gate it's like nature meant for us to build astera right here. "And the handler also responded to him saying" astera! I like it! and field team leader spoke again he said "the rest of the fifth are already here. You're the last to arrive ".

And  there are also other ships and many other human beings in the forest  and some are still repairing damaged vessels and ships already stranded  in the forest. And  it turns out in that place all our friends who were then separated when  our ship happened destruction in an ocean and suddenly there was a  young man who called us he said "hey! You guys made it! Be right back !! "And it turns out that the young man was the one yesterday inside our  ship that he was carrying drinks and sitting next to the woman reading  the book.

And they immediately stood up and approached us and the handler said "you're alive! "And the young man also spoke he said" had it rought huh? When the young man finished speaking the young lady also spoke she said "you scared us. We're talking about going out to look for you, okay I'll give you the grand tour !! Let's start by looking for your palico, this our stockpile. They carry most of the basic necessities "and we are directly invited to get around the place.

After we chatted with them and the handler immediately spoke again he said "you should drop by later to see what they have! "And  we walk again following the field team leader, and while walking along  following him the field team leader talks" next is the smithy, it's this  way, the smithy is up on the second floor hope you find your palico  here with the commission's fifth fleet right? The old man charge my grandfather, was with the first but that was a looooong time ago, me? I'm not with any fleet, born and bred right here never been to the old world !! ".

And  after we follow the field team leader and we are already in a ship that  is on the mountain before, after already in the ship the field team  leader says "here's our smithy this is where you can craft weapons and  armor, you ' ll  be here a lot "and we were told to see the contents of the ship and the  handler immediately ran and saw him when he saw him saying" wow! Look at this place! Wanna check it out? Ooohhh !! It's toasty in here !! "And  when we have seen the contents of the ship the field team leader spoke  he said" next up is the canteen let's check it out !! OK let's head up to the canteen ".

And the handler immediately spoke "the canteen !!? I am so there! Hmm .. we still have not found your palico. I'm starting to get a little worried !! Hmm ... hey, over there !! Hey you !! I  knew you 'd pull through "and while walking around and we meet again  with the rabbit that yesterday when the ship was a maid in the ship, and  after we meet again with him and then the field team leader spoke again  "Right, they're calling for a council. "And after we have assembled again all of us immediately start the meeting and continue our next mission on the ship.

And  after all gathered the commander opened the meeting and immediately he  spoke "Now that you are all here, let us begin council after tracking a  migrating elder dragon across the sea, the fifth fleet have finally  arrived In astera give them a warm welcome they're fine group, worthy comrades who will help the research commission's long lasting rewarded would you like to say a few words? "And after the commander spoke a little and the handler spoke directly he said" thank you sir! We're ready to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty! ".

And  after the handler spoke, commander immediately replied to the talk of  the handler by saying "this here is the commission's core team. You  should all get to know each other down to business, the latest monster  to make the elder crossing is known as zorah magdaros. A  huge monster with a mountain of fire upon its back the research  commission's job is to discover exactly why the elder dragons are  migrating to the new world ".

And  after the commander spoke, and a grandfather named chief ecologist came  along to say he said "elder dragons have been with us sinee the dawn of  time ... altering the ecosystem, reshaping the land leaving disaster in  their wake ... once every decade or so, they flock to this continent but for what reason? "And after that the commander spoke again" with the fifth's help, we find the missing link! Hunter for the time being, I need you to focus on investigating our jagras problem, and securing astera !!! Start by investigating the jagras's habitat, find out what makes em tick then we'll go from there !!! Every one else you know the drill make sure these hunters have everything they need !!! You two make it a priority to learn how to do things around here. You'll find good teachers so do not be afraid to ask "and after that the handler says" right, we're on it sir !! And the field team leader also talks "you heard him. Stick with me and you'll have no problem ".

And  after the field team leader speaks, commander immediately speaks again  he says "the fitth's banner promises a change in the wind it's your job  to fulfill that promise" and after the meeting is over and we go down  below following the field team leader and our mission the  previous "follow the field team leader" has been design and we enter  the next mission is "enter your living quarters" and when it is out of  the door of the ship and into another space, say we open the door and  into a room we get a notice on this game is "Fundamentals | Sharpness | close - range weapons gradually lose sharpness with each attack, as a  weapon 's sharpness level falls it' s comments are more likely to be  deflected but you can restore its sharpness with whetstones.

And  after entering the room turned out to be in the room is our resting  place later, because what I see in the room there are beds, cabinets and  bathrooms. And  when we get around in the room the field team leader tells us that  "we've placed some basic gear for you in that equipment box, make sure  to choose a weapon that suits you."

And it turns out we are directed to open a large box that is red and  in the big red box there is menu - menu item box and menu item box that  is:

1. Manage items

2. Crafting list

3. Sell items

4. Change equipment

5. Sell equipment

6. Change appearance

And  right away I open to the menu change equipment and in this menu is  where to change all the items we have, and when yes choose and open the  menu item right box in the menu change equipment we get a notification  tutorial how to use change equipment and description its notice is "Tutorial | fourteen hunter weapons | different  weapons offer different combat experiences, great swords hit with  devastating force while the sword & shield allow for quick mobile  flurries the heavy bowgun, while unwieldy fires powerfull blasts and so  on, choose any one weapon and take to the field !! You can visit the training area after equipping a weapon by speaking  to the housekeeper in your room, there you can practice with your weapon  as much as you like. "

And  so from my article on this game on "Has completed the first mission"  mission, if you are still curious about this gamaes and what mission I  continue in the next article and if you still waiting for the next story  do not forget to follow my @thespecialone steemit account. so  much from writing my article here about this game and keep in my  steemit account follow, if there is mistake write or mistake word in my  article apologize for all human being have mistake and all human being  no perfect ... Warmest regards from me and Salam Gamers all its !!!!


Hello steemians semua nya , kembali lagi dengan saya @thespecialone yang di mana postingan saya sebelum nya yaitu tentang games “Monster Hunter World “ dengan pembahasan sebelum nya yaitu “- The first introduction to this game” dan pembahasan kali ini yaitu sambungan dari artikel sebelumnya yang belum selesai saya bahas kemarin dan di artikel ini saya akan melanjutkan pembahasan yang di mana pembahasan kemarin masih tersesat di dalam hutan yang penuh hewan liar dan dinausaurus di hutan tersebut dan ada 1 misi yang belum saya selesaikan di artikel kemarin dan ini adalah sambungan misi yang di artikel sebelumnya. Dan bagi kalian yang ingin mencoba games ini bisa kalian memainkan games ini di konsol Playstation 4 karena saya memainkan games ini di konsol tersebut , dan mohon bersabar kepada pengguna di computer dan di laptop games ini belum rilis untuk konsol computer dan laptop.

Dan setelah kita berjalan dan bisa melarikan diri dari kumpulan dinausaurus yang liar dan setelah dinausaurus tersebut pergi dan tidak mengejar kita lagi karena mereka tidak mengetahui kita bersembunyi di semak – semak pohon yang daun nya lebat jadi kita tertutupi oleh daun tersebut , kita melihat situasi sudah aman dan tidak ada lagi hewan dinausaurus lagi langsung saja kita keluar dari persembunyian kita tadi , dan kita berlari lagi mengikuti si the handler dan saat berlari kita selalu di hadapi oleh pohon yang sangat besar dan akar nya juga sangat besar sehingga jalan tersebut tertutup oleh akar tersebut kita harus mencari akar yang sudah lembek untuk bisa kita geser akar tersebut untuk kita bisa lewat.

Jika sudah kita lewati akar tersebut , kita berlari lagi mengikuti sebuah peta dan mengikuti si the handler karena ini di hutan jadi jalan yang kita lewati sangat mengerikan dan ada jalan yang menanjak ke atas ada yang turun kebawah sehingga bisa terlihat pemandangan yang indah sambil berjalan. Dan kita berhenti sebentar untuk melihat peta apakah sudah benar jalan tersebut , saat kita selesai melihat peta si the handler berbicara dia mengatakan “ Let’s climb down here “ dan kita di suruh menurun dengan cara memanjat tetap memanjat nya menurun , dank arena saya melihat tidak terlalu tinggi untuk turun kebawah jadi saya lompat saja ke bawah.

Dan setelah sudah lompat kebawah si the handler ikut juga melompat dan saat sudah di bawah si the handler sedikit ketawa melihat kita langsung lompat ke bawah dan dia juga berbicara “ we’re getting really close “ dan langsung saja seperti biasa kita lari lagi ke arah yang sudah kita liat di peta tadi dan jangan sampai salah jalan karena kalau sampai salah jalan kita menghabiskan waktu yang kita punya karena salah jalan dan si the handler berbicara lagi dia mengatakan “ What is this.. track? “ dan si the handler berhenti dan menunjukan sesuatu ke kita dan dia suruh kita mengambil nya di tanah tersebut dan setelah kita mengambil nya dengan menekan tombol kotak atau petak di joystick kita setelah kita sudah mengambil nya si the handler mengatakan “ there’s more over there. Let’s check it out!!! “.

Dan setelah kita mengambil sesuatu yang ada di tanah tersebut kita langsung berlari lagi dan mengikuti petunjuk peta dan mengikuti si the handler tersebut. Dan saat si the handler di paling depan karena dia berlari sangat kencang dan tiba – tiba dia berhenti dan melihat sesuatu yang bersinar di tanah tersebut seperti rumput yang panjang tersusun rapi di tanah dan bercahaya dan si the handler langsung melihat dan memegang rumput tersebut dan saat si the handler memegang rumput tersebut tiba – tiba ada hewan dinausaurus yang datang dan langsung memukul si the handler , the handler pun kaget dan terjatuh ke samping dan kita langsung berlari kencang dan menyelamatkan si the handler tersebut.

Dan kita tetap berlari dan kita melihat si the handler dalam bahaya karena dia di langsung di jepit oleh dinausaurus tersebut dan the handler berusaha untuk bisa melepaskan nya dari jepitan si dinausaurus tersebut. Dan saat kita sudah sampai dan ingin memukul dinausaurus tersebut tiba – tiba ada seorang pemuda datang yang bernama “ field team leader “ dan dia mengatakan “ ha! Don’t  mind me!! This way! Hurry! Get to the gate!! Go go go!!  “ dan dia langsung bisa melepaskan the handler dari jepitan si dinausaurus tersebut dan dia langsung mengatakan ke kita untuk langsung lari dan meninggalkan tempat itu.Dan saat dia menyuruh kita untuk berlari meninggalkan tempat tersebut dan dinausaurus itu langsung mengejar mereka lagi dan kita juga langsung lari dan mengejar mereka dari belakang.

Dan setelah kita juga sampai di belakang mereka dan mereka terjebak karena pintu kayu di situ tertutup dan tidak butuh waktu lama datang dinausaurus yang sangat besar dan lompat langsung ke arah dinausaurus yang mengejar kita tadi dan seperti nya dinausaurus yang besar itu baik dan ingin menyelamatkan kita dan dinausaurus besar tersebut langsung mengigit dan menanduk dinausaurus yang kecil tadi dan field team leader juga mengatakan “ what are waiting for!? Get over here! “. Dan selagi dinausaurus tersebut berkelahi dan kita langsung dekati teman kita tadi.

Dan dan akhir nya setelah kita lolos dari kejaran dinausaurus kecil itu dan mereka berkelahi di situ teman kita langsung membuka pintu kayu tadi dan kita sambil berlari dan mendekati pintu tersebut supaya lebih aman dan tidak terkena dampak dari perkelahian antara dinausaurus tersebut dan saat kita sudah sampai temen kita si field team leader langsung menutup pintu nya dengan memotong akar pohon karena untuk menutup pintu tersebut harus memotong akar pohon tersebut.

Dan setelah kita sudah berada di dalam dan sudah lebih aman si field team leader mengatakan “ hey “ dan si the handler juga berbicara dia mengatakan “ you all right? “ dan field team leader langsung mengajak kita berlari lagi supaya lebih jauh dari dinausaurs tersebut.

Dan akhir nya kita sampai di tempat tujuan kita yang di mana di astera tempat persinggah kita dan tempat istirahat kita nanti untuk  melanjutkan misi kita selanjutnta dan yang indah nya kapal yang sudah rusak di jadikan tempat istirahat dan kapal nya pun berada di atas gunung dan pemandangan kapal tersebut sangat indah dan kapal kita juga masih terlihat indah , setelah sampai di sana field team leader berbicara dengan kita dia mengatakan “ amazing , ain’t it? Just look at this gate it’s like nature meant for us to build astera right here. “ dan the handler juga ikut membalas bicara dia mengatakan “ astera! I like it ! dan field team leader berbicara lagi dia mengatakan “ the rest of the fifth are already here. You’re the last to arrive “

 Dan di sana juga terdapat kapal lain nya dan banyak juga manusia lain nya di dalam hutan tersebut dan ada yang masih memperbaiki kapal yang sudah rusak dan kapal yang sudah terdampar di hutan tersebut. Dan ternyata di tempat itu semua teman kita yang saat itu kita terpisah saat kapal kita terjadi kehancuran di sebuah lautan dan tiba – tiba ada seorang pemuda yang memanggil kita dia mengatakan “ hey! You guys made it! Be right back!! “ dan ternyata pemuda itu adalah seorang yang kemarin di dalam kapal kita yang dia sambil membawa minuman dan duduk di sebelah wanita yang sedang membaca buku.

Dan mereka langsung berdiri dan menghampiri kita dan si the handler mengatakan “ you’re alive! “ dan pemuda itu juga berbicara dia mengatakan “ had it rought huh? When we couldn’t find you two , we were starting to sweat bullets“ dan setelah pemuda tersebut selesai berbciara si wanita muda itu juga berbicara dia mengatakan “  you scared us. We were talking about going out to look for you , oke I’ll give you the grand tour!! Let’s start by looking for your palico , this our stockpile. They carry most of the basic necessities “ dan kita langsung di ajak berkeliling tempat itu.

Setelah kita ngobrol dengan mereka dan the handler langsung berbicara lagi dia mengatakan “ you should drop by later to see what they have! “ dan kita berjalan lagi mengikuti si field team leader , dan saat sambil berjalan mengikuti dia si field team leader berbicara “ next is the smithy, it’s this way, the smithy is up on the second floor hope we find your palico here , you’re with the commission’s fifth fleet right? The old man charge  my grandfather, was with the first but that was a looooong  time ago , me? I’m not with any fleet, born and bred right here never even been to the old world!! “ .

Dan setelah kita mengikuti si field team leader dan kita sudah berada di dalam sebuah kapal yang ada di atas gunung tadi , setelah sudah di dalam kapal tersebut si field team leader mengatakan “ here’s our smithy this is where you can craft weapons and armor, you’ll be here a lot “ dan kita di suruh liat isi dalam kapal tersebut dan si the handler langsung berlari  dan melihat nya saat dia melihat nya dia mengatakan “ wow! Look at this place! Wanna check it out? Ooohhh!! It’s toasty in here!! ”  dan saat sudah kita melihat isi dalam kapal tersebut si field team leader berbicara dia mengatakan “ next up is the canteen let’s check it out!! OK let’s head up to the canteen “.

Dan si the handler langsung berbicara “ the canteen!!? I am so there! Hmm.. we still haven’t found your palico. I’m starting to get a little worried!! Hmm… hey , over there!! Hey you!! I knew you’d pull through“ dan saat berkeliling di atas dan kita berjumpa lagi dengan hewan kelinci yang kemarin saat di kapal tersebut adalah pelayan di dalam kapal itu , dan setelah kita berjumpa lagi dengan nya dan saat itu pula si field team leader berbicara lagi “ right , they’re calling for a council. “ dan setelah kita sudah berkumpul lagi semua kita langsung memulai rapat dan melanjutkan misi kita selanjutnya di atas kapal tersebut.

Dan setelah semua berkumpul commander membuka rapat tersebut dan langsung dia berbicara “ now that you are all here, let us begin council after tracking a migrating elder dragon across the sea , the fifth fleet have finally arrived In astera give them a warm welcome they’re fine group, worthy comrades who will help see the research commission’s long efforts finally rewarded would you like to say a few words? “ dan setelah commander berbicara sedikit dan si the handler langsung berbicara dia mengatakan “ thank you sir! We’re ready to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty! “

Dan setelah the handler berbicara , commander langsung membalas pembicaran dari si the handler tersebut dengan mengatakan “ this here is the commission’s core team. You should all get to know each other now down to business , the latest monster to make the elder crossing is known as zorah magdaros. A huge monster with a mountain of fire upon its back the research commission’s job is to discover exactly why the elder dragons are migrating to the new world “

Dan setelah commander berbicara , dan seorang kakek yang bernama chief ecologist ikut berbicara dia mengatakan “ elder dragons have been with us sinee the dawn of time… altering the ecosystem , reshaping the land leaving disaster in their wake… once every decade or so , they flock to this continent but for what reason? “ dan setelah itu commander berbicara lagi “ with the fifth’s help , we find the missing link! Hunter for the time being , I need you to focus on investigating our jagras problem , and securing astera!!! Start by investigating the jagras’s habitat, find out what makes em tick then we’ll go from there!!! Every one else you know the drill make sure these hunters have everything they need!!! You two make it a priority to learn how we do things around here. You’ll find good teachers so don’t be afraid to ask“ dan setelah itu the handler mengatakan “ right , we’re on it sir!!  Dan si field team leader juga ikut berbicara “ you heard him. Stick with me and you’ll have no problem “.

Dan setelah field team leader berbicara , commander langsung berbicara lagi dia mengatakan “ the fitth’s banner promises a change in the wind it’s your job to fulfill that promise “ dan setelah rapat itu selesai dan kita langsung turun kebawah mengikuti si field team leader dan misi kita yang sebelumnya yaitu “ follow the field team leader “ telah selesain dan kita masuk misi selanjutnya yaitu “ enter your living quarters “ dan saat sudah keluar dari pintu kapal tersebut dan masuk ke dalam ruang lain nya , say kita membuka pintu dan masuk ke sebuah ruangan kita mendapatkan sebuah pemberitahuan pada games ini yaitu “ Fundamentals | Sharpness | close – range weapons gradually lose sharpness with each attack , as a weapon’s sharpness level falls it’s attacks are more likely to be deflected but you can restore its sharpness with whetstones.” .

Dan setelah masuk ke dalam ruangan tersebut ternyata di dalam ruang tersebut adalah tempat istirahat kita nanti nya , karena yang saya liat di dalam ruangan tersebut terdapat tempat tidur , lemari dan kamar mandi. Dan saat kita berkeliling di dalam ruangan tersebut si field team leader mengatakan kepada kita yaitu “ we’ve placed some basic gear for you in that equipment box, make sure to choose a weapon that suits you.”

Dan ternyata kita di arahkan untuk membuka box besar yang berwarna merah tersebut dan di dalam box besar berwarna merah tersebut terdapat menu – menu item box dan menu item box yaitu :

1.Manage items

2.Crafting list

3.Sell items

4.Change equipment

5.Sell equipment

6.Change appearance

Dan langsung saja saya membuka ke menu change equipment dan di menu ini adalah tempat ingin mengubah semua item yang punya kita , dan saat ya memilih dan membuka pada menu item box tepat nya di menu change equipment kita mendapatkan sebuah pemberitahuan tutorial cara menggunakan change equipment dan keterangan pemberitahuan nya yaitu “ Tutorial | fourteen hunter weapons | different weapons offer different combat experiences , great swords hit with devastating force while the sword & shield allow for quick mobile flurries the heavy bowgun, while unwieldy fires powerfull blasts and so on, choose  any one weapon and take to the field!! You can visit the training area after equipping a weapon by speaking to the housekeeper in your room, there you can practice with your chosen weapon as much as you’d like.”

For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below :

  1. [ Game technology ] who wins between playstation 1 vs playstation 2? [ENG - IND ] #1
  2. [ Game technology ] You choose which one between playstation 3 and XBOX 360? #2 (Billingual)
  3. [ Game technology ] Choose which one of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One X are the champions? ( Billingual ) #3

And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 "

  1. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The fight against Masked Man ( Billingual ) #1
  2. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - Battle against monsters " Nine Tail's " ( Billingual ) #2
  3. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The end has been completed on the first mission ( Billingual ) #3

Articles about Games Monster Hunter World Playstation 4 :

  1. [ Game Review with Playstation 4 ] Monster Hunter World - The first introduction to this game ( Billingual ) #1

Dan sekian dari artikel saya pada games ini pada misi “Has completed the first mission ”, jika kalian masih penasaran tentang gamaes ini dan misi apa yang saya lanjutlkan pada artikel selanjutnya dan jika kalian masih menuggu kisah selanjutnya jangan lupa follow akun steemit saya @thespecialone . sekian dari penulisan artikel saya di sini tentang games ini dan tetap di follow akun steemit saya , jika ada kesalah menulis atau kesalahan perkataan di artikel saya mohon maaf karena semua manusia mempunyai kesalahan dan semua manusia tidak ada yang sempurna… Salam hangat dari saya dan Salam para Gamers semua nya!!!!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 59708.78
ETH 3185.76
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.45