[SteemGC] Metal Gear Solid V - Mission Ground Zeroes ( Billingual ) #10

in #gaming7 years ago


Hello  steemians all of them, back again with me @thespecialone which is where  my post is about the "Snowboard Party world tour / party 2" games and  this time I will discuss about the games on computer or laptop that  berspesifikasi high and graphics very  high in which this game is very - very special according to me  personally, because the games in not less far with games that open world  genre is like call of duty, GTA V and other games that open world genre  and games are "Metal Gear Solid  V - Mission Ground Zeroes "where this game tells about the life of  someone who is here as a big boss who will help our long-time member in  the prison of our enemy troops and we will help him and will free our  members who in prison by them, and to see what features and menus there are in the games can see below !!!

And  after you download the games and if you are confused to download the  games where you can download the application "STEAM" which is where the  price is quite expensive around 300,000 thousand rupiah to download the  games and after you download the games and have in open games in we are directly directed to select "mission select"  which in "mission select" there are some mission in this game and its  mission that is:

1. Mission Ground Zeroes, mission information: "Normal and Hard | Rescue  mother base member chico and hight - value target paz from a U.S naval  prison facility and escape the mission area by chopper. [target] Chico & Paz "which is where we will look for the named" chica & paz for our first mission.

And  the mission that is in the menu that's just that, and there are many  other mission but it can not be seen and we can not open because in this  mission we should be able to complete the mission and if we have  successfully completed the mission and directly open to mission next.

And  immediately we press the mission and when we press the mission we are  directly in the direction and get the notification "Do you want to  continue? "Which is where we will press the mission and immediately complete the  mission and I immediately press" OK "to enter into the mission and I  will complete the mission.

And  after I hit "OK" and go straight into the game and before we start the  game we will be shown the story story in the game that is "A Hideo  Kojima Game | Camp Omega Maximum Security | she told me do not worry, I earned it how to feel it to play the traitor? No more war games you're a real man, now soldier | Ricardo "chico" valenciano libre, young volunteer in snake's private army | Give my regards to your boss, when you get home. "

And the next story is "Here's to you (sacco e Vanzetti)" by ennio morricone and joan baez | ten  days ago, we got reports that paz was still alive she was rescued by a  Belizean fisherman who found her drifting in the carribean what's the  plan? Silence her before we're compromised? No,  I've got something else in mind our "friends" at cipher suspect paz can  be double agent, she is being held for interrogation at a camp on the  souther tip of cuba black site - nice, a slice of American pie on  communist soil and out of US legal jurisdiction the upcoming inspection of mother base, has to be connected somehow "

And  and after that we listen to the second story that is "The timing's to  perfect my guess is they're trying to corroborate paz's leak, we're an  army without a nation, we'll have the whole world out to shut us down, having an American private intelligence agency involved in the first place she knows the truth is true. side, the Trojan horse's in "

And after we listen to the story in the game and our first mission is "Skull face | Commander of the XOF (identity unknown) | this pirate crackdown's a go move !! "

And  after that the skull face went straight to death where their prisoners  where the place is hidden in a remote island area and in guard by their  troops and have seen their prisoners who want them to make the strongest  troops and the skull face directly up to the helicopter and their helicopters are immediately replaced so they will not be detected by other enemies.

And  after that skull face went straight into the helicopter and when it was  inside the helicopter skull face talked to his troops and he said "So  who's the other target? that  would be chico, he's being held in the same area as paz, last radio  contact was forty hrs ago find them both, bring 'em back alive enter the  compound from the south cliff, secure chico and paz then report back  from the rendezvous point . "

And  after that new game and the adventure is started and after skull face  troops throw their lebel into the mainland and, just the troops of "FOX"  come and here is our new start to save our troops and here we  immediately climb the cliff which  is very high from the coast and climbed to the top of the cliff and  when climbing to the top of the cliff we immediately talked to say  "We'll send a chopper from across the Cuban border, you should be back  at mother base in time for lunch you may probably just miss our guests the only catch is you go in solo, the politically  sensitive nature of the mission means backup is not an option fine i  like some alone time now and then "

And  after we talk and the end we get up above and after that when it's  over, we instantly communicate with our team and we immediately talk to  say "I'm in front of the prison camp excellent, snake age has not slowed  you down one bit "

And once it is over and new is the real adventure in the start and who climbed the cliff was named "snake | a former hero once known by the code name (big boss) "and in saying" kept you waiting, huh? "And  we immediately walked and looked toward the town that the skull face  stopped and after seeing the city and we immediately took out the GPS to  see the map on the city and when we look at the map and its GPS  immediately say" chicp and paz are being held in the old part of the compound, get inside and head northeast "and  once the GPS is talking and gives us the direction we want to go, and we  go directly to the GPS.

And  we went straight down to the warehouse downstairs and it was raining  again and down from the top of the mountain is very slippery, and we  went downstairs by walking slowly and then we get a notice from our team  and they say  "this is an infiltration mission, you've got to stay out of sight,  before you go any further use your binoculars to recon the area" where  we are directed to wear glasses "binoculars" to see enemies remotely and can know the enemy from a distance, and after we put it in the eye and when our team talks he says "What do you see? Press the call button to get more intel, and after that we talk and  tell our team and I talk "it's a guard, do not let him see you avoid  comba when ever possible"

And  after we see all the troops in the building and we go down near the  building and we walk slowly do not let the troops know we are walking  near them and when just walking for a while we get a message from their  team saying "you can check  the controls on the pause screen "and when we want to walk, the troops  above the tower turn the light on us and we have to be careful not to  let the light lead to us.

And  we immediately go down again by rotating the road so that the rays are  not towards us and when it is almost to the enemy we get notice again  from the team that is "if you ready your weapon while crawling, you can  move horizontally left or right if you do that holding the dash button. You'll move faster "and after we  listen to the notice of the team directly we hide near the big rocks so  as not to be seen by them.

And after that we immediately open our inventory and see what weapons we  use later and my second weapon that is "secondary weapon | wu silent pistol | a  single - shot suppressed tranquilizer handgun, though quiet, chambering  each round manually renders it slow "and" Primary weapon | AM MRS - 4 Rifle | A 5.56mm caliber light carbine equipped with a suppressor and  flashlight "and we immediately use the weapon" AM MRS - Rifle "to shoot  them from long distance and close range.

And  just go straight forward and just direct my weapon to the troops who  are on top of the building and the target of my bullet directly fit to  the troop and 1 troop die and we immediately find again the next troops  and 2 troops on the building 1 in the building outside and 1 again in the building in the direct  and I just directed again to the troops who are on top of the building  and the target of my bullet directly right again and 2 troops are dead.

And  when I fired the troops that were above the building and I shot him  right in his head target and I turned headshot and when my headshot got a  notice of "New Record [85.197m] Longest range headshot" where I get a  new record where with a very long distance I can headshot.

And  I went straight back to the entrance of the building and when I wanted  to enter the entrance to the building I got another notification "to  climb an obstacle press the action button" and it turns out we are not  allowed to enter from the main door of the building but directed to  climb the cliff only and I immediately climbed the cliff and when it is  on the cliff we have to be careful because when on the cliff we listen  to the sound of cars that pass under and when a car passes, we get more  notice from their team says  "now head east to the old prison area you can bring up the targerts  location on your iDroid take a good lookat the enemy through you  binoculars and you can mark him, marked enemies can be sensed when there  is a wall between you and them but it only works if you stop and take the time to focus attention "

And  so from my article on "Metal Gear Solid V - Mission Ground Zeroes"  games and I will continue this mission in the next article and I will  not discuss it too long because if I discuss this mission to finish the  first mission and I'm sure it will not fit me discuss  it here and I will make it as part article so umpteen of my article  about this game and do not forget to follow my account @thespecialone  and do not forget comment and resteem this article if you think good and  good, and see you back, SALAM GAMERS !!!


Hello steemians semua nya , kembali lagi dengan saya @thespecialone yang di mana postingan saya sebelum nya yaitu tentang games “ Snowboard Party world tour / party 2 “ dan kali ini saya akan membahas tentang games yang ada di computer atau laptop yang berspesifikasi tinggi dan grafis yang sangat tinggi yang di mana games ini sangat – sangat istimewa menurut saya pribadi , karena games in tidak kalah jauh dengan games yang bergenre open world ini seperti call of duty , GTA V dan games lain nya yang bergenre open world dan games tersebut adalah “ Metal Gear Solid V - Mission Ground Zeroes  “ yang di mana games ini menceritakan tentang kehidupan seseorang yang di mana di sini kita sebagai big boss yang akan menolong anggota kita yang sudah lama di penjara orang pasukan musuh kita dan kita akan menolong nya dan akan membebaskan anggota kita yang di penjara oleh mereka , dan untuk melihat fitur  dan menu apa saja yang ada di games tersebut bisa lihat di bawah ini!!! 

Dan setelah kalian mendownload games tersebut dan jika kalian bingung ingin mendownload games tersebut di mana bisa kalian download di aplikasi “ STEAM “ yang di mana dengan harga yang cukup lumayan mahal sekitaran 300.000 ribu rupiah untuk bisa mendownload games tersebut dan sesudah kalian mendownload games nya dan sudah di buka games in kita langsung di arahkan untuk memilih “ mission select “ yang di mana pada “ mission select “ terdapat beberapa mission di games ini dan mission nya yaitu :

1.Mission Ground Zeroes , info keterangan mission : “ Normal dan Hard | Rescue mother base member chico and hight – value target paz from a U.S naval prison facility and escape the mission area by chopper. [target] Chico & Paz “ yang di mana kita akan mencari yang bernama “ chica & paz untuk mission pertama kita.

Dan mission yang ada di menu itu hanya itu saja , dan masih banyak mission yang lain nya tetapi belum bisa terlihat dan belum bisa kita buka karena pada mission ini kita harus bisa menyelesaikan misi tersebut dan jika kita telah berhasil menyelesaikan misi tersebut dan langsung terbuka ke mission selanjutnya.

Dan langsung saja kita menekan mission tersebut dan saat sudah menekan mission tersebut kita langsung di arahkan dan mendapatkan pemberitahuan “ Do you want to continue? “ yang di mana kita akan menekan mission tersebut dan langsung menyelesaikan mission tersebut dan saya langsung menekan “ OK “ untuk masuk ke dalam mission tersebut dan saya akan menyelesaikan mission tersebut.

Dan setelah saya menekan “ OK “ dan langsung masuk ke dalam permainan tersebut dan sebelum kita memulai permainan tersebut kita akan di perlihatkan kisah cerita pada games in yaitu “ A Hideo Kojima Game | Camp Omega Maximum Security | she told us everything don’t worry , I kept my word she didn’t suffer long here , you earned it how’s it feel to play the traitor? No more war games you’re a real man , now soldier | Ricardo “ chico “ valenciano libre , young volunteer in snake’s private army | Give my regards to your boss, when you get home.”

Dan cerita selanjutnya yaitu “  Here’s to you ( sacco e Vanzetti ) written  by ennio morricone and joan baez | ten days ago , we got reports that paz was still alive she was rescued by a Belizean fisherman who found her drifting in the carribean so what’s the plan? Silence her before we’re compromised? No , I’ve got something else in mind our “ friends “ at cipher suspect paz could be double agent , she’s being held for interrogation at a camp on the souther tip of cuba black site – nice , a slice of American pie on communist soil and out of U.S legal jurisdiction the upcoming inspection of mother base , has to be connected somehow “ 

Dan dan setelah itu kita mendengarkan cerita yang kedua yaitu “ The timing’s to perfect my guess is they’re trying to corroborate paz’s leak , we’re an army without a nation word of our capabilities gets out , and we’ll have the whole world out to shut us down , having an American private intelligence agency involved’s bad news , cipher’s the ones who sent paz to us in the first place she knows their true nature right paz is our only links to cipher if she’s still alive we need her on our side , the Trojan horse’s in “

Dan setelah kita mendengarkan cerita dalam games tersebut dan mission pertama kita yaitu “ Skull face | Commander of the XOF ( identity unknown ) | this pirate crackdown’s a go move!! “

Dan setelah itu si skull face langsung pergi meninggal kan tempat tahanan mereka yang di mana tempat tersebut tersembunyi di daerah pulau yang terpencil dan di jaga oleh pasukan mereka dan telah melihat tahanan mereka yang ingin mereka jadikan sebagai pasukan terkuat dan si skull face langsung naik ke helicopter dan helicopter mereka langsung di ganti nama supaya tidak terdeteks oleh musuh lain nya.

Dan setelah itu skull face langsung naik ke dalam helicopter dan saat sudah di dalam helicopter skull face berbicara dengan pasukan nya dan dia berkata “ So who’s the other target ? that would be chico , he’s being held in the same area as paz , last radio contact was forty hours ago find them both , bring ‘em back alive enter the compound from the south cliff , secure chico and paz then report back from the rendezvous point.”

Dan setelah itu baru lah permainan dan pertualangan ini di mulai dan setelah pasukan skull face membuang lebel mereka ke daratan dan , baru lah pasukan dari “ FOX  “ datang dan di sini lah baru kita di mulai untuk menyelamatkan pasukan kita dan di sini kita langsung memanjat tebing yang sangat tinggi dari pesisir pantai dan naik ke atas tebing dan saat naik ke atas tebing kita langsung berbicara dengan mengatakan “ We’ll send a chopper from across the Cuban border  , you should be back at mother base in time for lunch you’ll probably just miss our guests the only catch is you go in solo , the politically sensitive nature of the mission means backup is not an option fine I like some alone time now and then “

Dan setelah kita berbicara dan akhir nya kita sampai juga di atas dan setelah itu saat sudah di atas , kita langsung berkomunikasi dengan team kita dan kita langsung berbicara dengan mengatakan “ I’m in front of the prison camp excellent , snake age hasn’t slowed you down one bit “

Dan setelah sudah di atas dan baru lah pertualangan sesungguh nya di mulai dan yang memanjat tebing tadi bernama “ snake | a former hero once known by the code name ( big boss ) “ dan di berkata “ kept you waiting, huh? “ dan kita langsung berjalan dan melihat ke arah kota yang tadi si skull face berhenti dan setelah melihat kota tersebut dan kita langsung mengeluarkan GPS untuk melihat peta pada kota tersebut dan saat kita melihat peta tersebut dan GPS nya langsung mengatakan “ chicp and paz are being held in an old unused part of the compound , get inside and head northeast “ dan setelah GPS nya berbicara dan memberikan arah yang ingin kita pergi , dan kita langsung pergi ke arah yang di berikan GPS tersebut.

Dan langsung kita turun ke bawah ke arah gudang yang ada di bawah dan saat itu cuaca lagi hujan deras dan turun dari atas gunung sangat licin , dan kita langsung turun ke bawah dengan berjalan pelan – pelan dan saat itu kita mendapatkan pemberitahuan dari team kita dan mereka mengatakan “ this is an infiltration mission , you’ve got to stay out of sight  , before you go any further use your binoculars to recon the area “ yang di mana kita di arahkan untuk memakai kaca mata “ binoculars “ untuk melihat musuh dari jarak jauh dan bisa mengetahui musuh dari jarak jauh , dan setelah kita memasang nya di mata dan saat itu team kita berbicara dia mengatakan “ What do you see? Press the call button to get more intel , dan setelah itu kita berbicara dan memberitahukan kepada team kita dan saya berbicara “ it’s a guard , don’t let him see you avoid comba when ever possible “ 

Dan setelah kita melihat semua pasukan yang ada di gedung tersebut dan kita langsung turun ke dekat gedung tersebut dan kita berjalan dengan pelan – pelan jangan sampai pasukan tersebut mengetahui kita berjalan dekat mereka dan saat baru berjalan sebentar kita mendapatkan pesan dari team mereka mengatakan “ you can check the controls on the pause screen “ dan saat ingin kita berjalan , pasukan yang ada di atas menara langsung menyalakan sinar ke arah kita dan kita harus berhati – hati jangan sampai sinar tersebut mengarah ke kita.

Dan kita langsung turun lagi ke bawah dengan berputar arah jalan supaya sinar tersebut tidak ke arah kita dan saat hampir sampai ke tempat musuh kita mendapatkan pemberitahuan lagi dari team yaitu “ if you ready your weapon while crawling , you can move horizontally left or right if you do that holding the dash button you’ll move faster “ dan setelah kita mendengarkan pemberitahuan dari team langsung kita bersembunyi di dekat batu yang besar supaya tidak terlihat oleh mereka.

Dan setelah itu kita langsung membuka inventory kita dan melihat senjata apa yang kita gunakan nanti dan senjata kedua saya yaitu “ secondary weapon | wu silent pistol | a single – shot suppressed tranquilizer handgun, though quiet , chambering each round manually renders it slow “ dan “ Primary weapon | AM MRS – 4 Rifle | A 5.56mm caliber light carbine equipped with a suppressor and flashlight “ dan kita langsung menggunakan senjata “ AM MRS – Rifle “ untuk menembak mereka dari jarak jauh dan jarak dekat.

Dan langsung saja kita sedikit maju dan langsung saja arahkan senjata saya ke pasukan yang ada di atas gedung tersebut dan sasaran peluru saya langsung pas terkena ke pasukan tersebut dan 1 pasukan mati dan kita langsung cari lagi pasukan selanjutnya dan 2 pasukan yang ada di atas gedung yang 1 nya di gedung di luar dan 1 nya lagi di gedung dalam dan langsung saja saya arahkan lagi ke arah pasukan yang ada di atas gedung tersebut dan sasaran peluru saya langsung tepat lagi dan 2 pasukan sudah mati.

Dan saat saya tembak pasukan yang di atas gedung tadi dan saya menembak nya pas di sasaran kepala nya dan saya ternyata Headshot dan saat headshot saya mendapatkan pemberitahuan “ New Record [85.197m] Longest range headshot “ yang di mana saya mendapatkan record baru yang di mana dengan jarak yang sangat jauh saya bisa headshot.

Dan saya langsung maju lagi ke arah pintu masuk gedung tersebut dan saat ingin masuk dekat pintu masuk gedung tersebut saya mendapatkan lagi pemberitahuan “ to climb an obstacle press the action button “ dan ternyata kita tidak di perbolehkan masuk dari arah pintu utama gedung tersebut melainkan di arahkan untuk memanjat tebing saja dan saya langsung memanjat tebing tersebut dan saat sudah di atas tebing kita harus berhati – hati karena saat di atas tebing tersebut kita mendengarkan ada suara mobil yang melintas di bawah dan saat sebuah mobil melintas , kita mendapatkan lagi pemberitahuan dari team tersebut mereka mengatakan “ now head east to the old prison area you can bring up the targerts location on your iDroid take a good lookat the enemy through you binoculars and you can mark him  , marked enemies can be sensed when nearby even if there’s a wall between you and them but it only works if you stop and take the time to focus attention “

For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below :

  1. [ Game technology ] who wins between playstation 1 vs playstation 2? [ENG - IND ] #1
  2. [ Game technology ] You choose which one between playstation 3 and XBOX 360? #2 (Billingual)
  3. [ Game technology ] Choose which one of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One X are the champions? ( Billingual ) #3
  5. [SteemGC] TOP 10 GAMES FREE ON ANDROID ( Billingual )
  6. [ Game review with computer ] Crash Time II - introductions to these games and tutorial games ( Billingual )
  7. [SteemGC] Tank Force - Fight Tank 5 VS 5 On " STEAM " ( Billingual ) #1
  8. [SteemGC] Tactical Monster Rumble Arena - Tutorial First Game Fight On " STEAM " ( Billingual ) #2
  9. [SteemGC] TOP 4 GAMES MOBA ( Multiplayer Online Battle Arena ) For Android and IOS ( Billingual ) #3
  10. [SteemGC] Warface - Mission Training Soldier on " STEAM " ( Billingual ) #4
  11. [SteemGC] Hellrider 2 - Games Android With " NOX application " ( Billingual ) #5
  12. [SteemGC] Hockey Nations 18 - Games Android With " NOX application " ( Billingual ) #6
  13. [SteemGC] Asphalt Racing Storm - Games Android With " NOX application " ( Billingual ) #7
  14. [SteemGC] One Piece - Pirate Warriors " Computer or Laptops "( Billingual ) #8
  15. [SteemGC] Snowboard Party World Tour / Party 2 - First Tutorial " NOX Application " ( Billingual ) #9

And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 " :

  1. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The fight against Masked Man ( Billingual ) #1
  2. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - Battle against monsters " Nine Tail's " ( Billingual ) #2
  3. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The end has been completed on the first mission ( Billingual ) #3

Articles about Games Monster Hunter World Playstation 4 :

  1. [ Game Review with Playstation 4 ] Monster Hunter World - The first introduction to this game ( Billingual ) #1
  2. [ Game Review with Playstation 4 ] Monster Hunter World - Has completed the first mission ( Billingual ) #2

Dan sekian dari artikel saya tentang games “ Metal Gear Solid V - Mission Ground Zeroes “ dan saya akan melanjutkan misi ini di artikel selanjutnya dan saya tidak akan membahas terlalu panjang karena jika saya bahas misi ini sampai selesai misi pertama dan saya yakin tidak akan muat saya bahas nya di sini dan  saya akan membuat nya sebagai artikel part jadi sekian dari artikel saya tentang games ini dan jangan lupa follow akun saya @thespecialone dan jangan lupa comment dan resteem artikel ini jika menurut kalian bagus dan baik , dan sampai jumpa kembali , SALAM GAMERS!!!

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