[SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Super Warrior ( Billingual ) #16

in #gaming7 years ago


Hello  steemians all her back again with me @thespecialone and apologies in  advance which where I post this article a bit old and too late I post my  article on because there is an event in my work office, where there is a  turnover event head of finance in my office, and so its me a little late post my article on my blog this. And  so I will not talk too long in my work, which is where I will today  continue the story that was in my games yesterday and here I will  proceed to the next story that is "Super Warrior Arc Chapter 2 | Come to, warriors! Earth needs you! "And that is the title of the story in my writing today !!!

After  yesterday goku fight with android 16 which is where android 16 lost  against goku, after finishing the fight which is where android 16 told  goku "Though but moments after the link, your strength has already  matured" and when android 16 is talking with goku suddenly comes "whis" he speaks "salutations, bulma. What exotic cuisines have you prepared for us today? "And the" beerus "went straight to speak as he said" Well worth it might possibly be, it had better be worth the trip! Oh? Who's the bruiser? He's certainly not human, from what I can tell. "

And  when "whis" and "beerus" talked right then android 16 also replied to  their conversation by saying "Threat detected, recommended course of  action: abort, goku just know this ... I will return. "And  after the android 16 spoke and he immediately left the goku and whis  along with bearing, he immediately flew quickly and went far and goku  also did not know where the android 16 was gone and fly. And  the bulm that was just silent and hid while goku fight with android 16  he came out and showed himself directly talking to goku he spoke "so ..  he's gone? Just like that? "

And  after that goku, bulma, whis and beerus directly gathered in front and  we immediately have gathered together after that who spoke first bearing  him talking "hmmph!? .. just like that, huh? Hey, you inside goku !! The  jig is up ... It's not possible to fool a god ... "and when he was  talking, the bulma also wanted to talk to him saying" so, you mean to  say he's not gooku after all? "And  whis also talks he immediately talks" My, my this is intriguing it is  boku, physically speaking, but his power is awfully weak .. what is over  someone else's power, if i was to put it simply, there is another  person in his body "

And  suddenly the bulma looked at my goku and his expression was very sad  and he immediately spoke by saying "no way ... he's ... possessed ?! You hear me in there, you squatte ?! Get out - now !!! Goku's got his work cut out !! He does not need to be playing host to you! "And  when the bulma expression is sad and suddenly in a moment he speaks the  expression of the bulma's face back into anger and points his hand to  the face of my goku and whis immediately directs the bulma by saying"  bulma, please mind your temper .. you see ... this predicament is not our poor friend's going .. ahem .. you - hoo .. you in there !! Can you hear me? Can. Your. Hear. Me? Goku is in there somewhere .. mind getting him for us? He's sleeping of course. But since you share the same body, you should be able to wake him "

And  suddenly the goku immediately settles and puts his hand near his chest  and he is in the direction of it to stay and imagine the previous story  by the whis, and when he had imagined the previous story goku directly  speak to himself by saying "urrghh .. hm ? Who's you? And .. where am i? ... that's odd ... I can not move a muscle. Hey .... What the heck is going on? Yo .... Do you know anything? It'd be real great if you could fill me in .. what ?! Hold on! You're in control of my body? "

And when goku again imagine the previous story why he can amnesia !! And when he was imagining his bearing talking "let me ask you, whis ... do these waves appear to be acting strangely? "And  bearing a query to whis, and when he is giving a whis question, and  whis immediately answers the question from the bearing by speaking" so  you've felt them too, lord beerus .. indeed, they seem to be man-made  "and bulma suddenly come to speak also by talking "waves? What waves? "And bulma questioned what it waves? And immediately replied to the words of the bulma by saying "now, there. You're telling me you can not feel that? How dense are you? "

And when it has answered the question from the bulma, and the bulma suddenly startled and spoke "as dense as any other human! How rude are you? "And  who answered the question from the bulma again that whis he immediately  spoke" hm .. then you rang us up for another reason .. I take it? Because I thought you were wining and dining us for info about theses waves. "And the bulma immediately speaks with an irritated expression he says" ... wait a sec, that's right !! I totally forgot! The world is in absolute peril !! "

And  while talking about bulma, it shows you goku first as he talks "first,  goku clones start popping up all around the world, making a mess .. and  if that was not enough, frieza and cell are back. It's utter chaos, I tell you! "And  when the bulma talks like what used to be goku and suddenly the  expression of the face from the bulma is instantly like a lethargic  person already talking about it bearing just saying" oh "and after the  bearing just say it like that and the bulma is instantly angry and  talking again by saying" oh ? How about "Oh no !! The earth is doomed "? but now that you're here, you can thrash 'em for us! "

And  immediately direct the bulma by saying "it really is not my business,  you know please go and get those tasty tidbits you prepared earlier."  And the bulm went lethargic and spoke "great. We're on our own "and whis instantly told the bulma" I must say, though .. these waves do illicit some concern .. what's this? Goku's energy just got a tad stronger. It seems our new friend was able to get in touch with goku? Hellooo? Goku ?? Are you able to move in there yet? "

and  goku immediately opened his eyes again and immediately saw "whis,  beerus and bulma" and goku talk "it's the funniest thing ... I want to  wake up - mostly because I'm super starving - but I just can not seem to  do it ! There's no exit here either, and smashing my way out does not seem to be an option man, this is super weird. Am I dreaming or something? "And  after the goku speaks the whis immediately says" hmmm .. since there's  no reponse from goku, it's safe to assume he can not move "and goku  immediately talks back saying" huh? Wait, whis .. you can not hear me either? Hello ?? But I can hear whis just fine. Man, I'm in a bit of a pickle, are not i? "

and  after the goku speak whis also directly answer the words from goku by  talking "this is the second consciousness to the power of hibernation  it's the only explanation "And  also went on to say" then other fighter with strong energy are likely  to experience the same results "when they both talked to the bulim  directly to speak as well as saying" but how are you two able to bicker  about food unaffected? "

and then immediately interrupted the bulma conversation by saying "please, we're gods. To  use these kinds of waves are completely harmless .. "and also whis  directly talk" we need to come up with a solution or goku be out to  lunch indefinitely "and direct bulma sadly he immediately talk" then we  better come up with one fast !! Oh, hold on !! The rest of the gang went out to scope the damage across the world, then I guess that means ... "

And  that's all I told you about where the goku amnesia and will be healed  later and I deliberately cut from this game and not everything I explain  in this article and I make you all so curious about this game  "dragonball fighter Z" and if  you still want to read about goku then you can read and continue this  article you can follow my account @thespecialone and do not forget to  comment below !! See you later and greetings gamers !!!


Hello steemians semua nya kembali lagi dengan saya @thespecialone dan mohon maaf sebelumnya yang di mana saya memposting artikel ini sedikit lama dan terlalu malam saya memposting artikel saya di karena ada sebuah acara di kantor pekerjaan saya , yang di mana ada sebuah acara pergantian kepala bagian keuangan di kantor saya , dan jadi nya saya sedikit terlambat memposting artikel saya di blog saya ini. Dan supaya tidak terlalu lama saya berbicara dalam perkerjaan saya , yang di mana saya hari ini akan melanjutkan cerita yang ada di games saya kemarin dan di sini saya akan melanjutkan nya ke cerita selanjutnya yaitu “ Super Warrior Arc Chapter 2 | Come to , warriors! Earth needs you! “ dan itu adalah judul cerita dalam penulisan saya hari ini!!!

Setelah kemarin goku bertarung dengan android 16 yang di mana android 16 kalah melawan goku , setelah selesai bertarung yang di mana android 16 mengatakan kepada goku yaitu “ Though but moments after the link, your strength has already matured “ dan saat android 16 sedang berbicara dengan goku tiba – tiba datang “ whis “ dia berbicara “ salutations, bulma. What exotic cuisines have you prepared for us today? “ dan si “ beerus “ langsung ikut juga berbicara dia mengatakan “ well whatever it might possibly be, it had better be worth the trip! Oh? Who’s the bruiser? He’s certainly not human, from what I can tell.”

Dan saat “ whis “ dan “ beerus “ berbicara saat itu juga android 16 juga membalas percakapan mereka dengan mengatakan “ Threat detected , recommended course of action : abort , goku just know this… I will return. “ dan setelah android 16 berbicara dan dia langsung pergi meninggalkan goku dan whis beserta beerus , dia langsung terbang dengan cepat dan pergi jauh dan goku juga tidak tau kemana android 16 itu pergi dan terbang. Dan bulma yang tadi nya hanya diam dan bersembunyi saat goku bertarung dengan android 16 dia langsung keluar dan menampakan diri langsung berbicara dengan goku dia berbicara “ so.. he’s gone? Just like that? “

Dan setalah itu goku , bulma , whis dan beerus langsung berkumpul di depan dan kami langsung sudah berkumpul bersamaan setelah itu yang duluan berbicara yaitu beerus dia berbicara “ hmmph!?.. just like that, huh? Hey , you inside goku!! The jig is up… It’s not possible to fool a god… “ dan saat beerus sedang berbicara , bulma juga ingin ikut berbicara dia mengatakan “ so, you mean to say he’s not gooku after all? “ dan whis juga berbicara dia langsung berbicara “ My , my this is intriguing it is boku, physically speaking , but his power is awfully weak.. what left over has someone else’s power , if I were to put it simply, there is another person in his body “

Dan tiba – tiba bulma melihat ke arah goku dan ekpresi nya sangat sedih dan dia langsung berbicara dengan mengatakan “ no way… he’s… possessed?! You hear me in there, you squatte?! Get out – now!!! Goku’s got his work cut out!! He doesn’t need to be playing host to you! “ dan saat ekpresi bulma sedih dan tiba – tiba dalam sebentar dia berbicara ekpresi wajah bulma kembali menjadi marah dan menunjuk tangan nya ke arah muka goku dan saat itu whis langsung memberikan pengarahan kepada bulma dengan mengatakan “ bulma, please mind your temper.. you see… this predicament isn’t our poor friend’s going.. ahem.. you – hoo .. you in there!! Can you hear me? Can. Your. Hear. Me? Goku is in there somewhere.. mind getting him for us? He’s sleeping of course. But since you share the same body, you should be able to wake him “ 

Dan tiba – tiba goku langsung berdiam dan menaruh tangan nya di dekat dada nya dan dia di arah kan untuk berdiam dan membayangkan kisah yang terjadi sebelumnya oleh si whis tersebut , dan saat sudah membayangkan kisah sebelumnya goku langsung berbicara sendiri dengan mengatakan “ urrghh.. hm? Who’re you? And.. where am i? … that’s odd… I can’t move a muscle. Hey…. What the heck is going on? Yo…. Do you know anything? It’d be real great if you could fill me in.. what?! Hold on! You’re in control of my body? “

Dan saat goku lagi membayangkan kisah sebelumnya kenapa dia bisa amnesia!! Dan saat dia sedang membayangkan nya beerus berbicara “ let me ask you, whis… do these waves appear to be acting strangely? “ dan beerus memberikan pertanyaan kepada whis , dan saat beerus sedang memberikan pertanyaan kepada whis , dan whis langsung menjawab pertanyaan dari beerus dengan berbicara “ so you’ve felt them too, lord beerus.. indeed, they seem to be man – made “ dan bulma tiba – tiba ikut berbicara juga dengan berbicara “ waves? What waves? “ dan bulma mempertanyakan apa itu waves? Dan beerus langsung menjawab perkataan dari bulma dengan mengatakan “ now, there. You’re telling me you can’t feel that? How dense are you? “

Dan saat beerus sudah menjawab pertanyaan dari bulma , dan bulma tiba – tiba langsung kaget dan berbicara “ as dense as any other human! How rude are you? “ dan yang menjawab pertanyaan dari bulma lagi yaitu si whis dia langsung berbicara “ hm.. then you rang us up for another reason.. I take it? Because I thought you were wining and dining us for info about theses waves. “ dan bulma langsung berbicara dengan ekpresi yang kesal dia mengatakan “… wait a sec, that’s right!!  I totally forgot! The world is in absolute peril!! “

Dan saat sedang berbicara bulma langsung memperlihatkan goku dahulu sambil dia berbicara “ first , goku clones start popping up all around the world , making a mess.. and if that wasn’t enough , frieza and cell are back. It’s utter chaos , I tell you! “ dan saat bulma berbicara seperti apa dulu goku dan tiba – tiba ekpresi wajah dari bulma langsung seperti orang lesu saat sudah berbicara tentang itu beerus hanya mengatakan “ oh “ dan setelah beerus hanya mengatakan seperti itu dan bulma langsung marah dan berbicara lagi dengan mengatakan “ oh? How about “ Oh no!! The earth is doomed” ? but now that you’re here, you can thrash ‘em for us! “

Dan beerus langsung memarahkan bulma dengan mengatakan “ it really is no of my business, you know please go and get those tasty tidbits you prepared earlier.” Dan bulma langsung lesu dan berbicara “ great. We’re on our own “ dan whis langsung mengatakan kepada bulma “ I must say , though.. these waves do illicit some concern.. what’s this? Goku’s energy just got a tad stronger. It seems our new friend was able to get in touch with goku? Hellooo? Goku?? Are you able to move in there yet? “

dan goku langsung membuka mata nya lagi dan langsung melihat “ whis , beerus dan bulma “ dan goku berbicara “ it’s the funniest thing… I want to wake up – mostly because I’m super starving – but I just can’t seems to do it! There’s no exit here either, and smashing my way out doesn’t seem to be an option man , this is super weird. Am I dreaming or something? “ dan setelah goku berbicara si whis langsung mengatakan “ hmmm.. since there’s no reponse from goku , it’s safe to assume he can’t move “ dan goku langsung berbicara kembali dengan mengatakan “ huh? Wait, whis.. you can’t hear me either? Hello?? But I can hear whis just fine. Man , I am in a bit of a pickle, aren’t i?” 

dan setelah goku berbicara whis juga langsung menjawab perkataan dari goku dengan berbicara “ perhaps these bothersome waves have something to do with goku’s current condition I would surmise they are suppressing his power, forcing our saiyan, friend’s consciousness into a state of hibernation it’s the only explanation “ dan beerus juga ikut berbicara dengan mengatakan “ then other fighter with strong energy are likely experiencing the same results “ saat mereka berdua berbicara bulma langsung ikut berbicara juga dengan mengatakan “ but how are you two able to bicker about food unaffected? “

saat itu juga beerus langsung memotong percakapan bulma dengan mengatakan “ please, we’re gods. To use these kinds of waves are completely harmless.. “ dan juga whis langsung berbicara “ we need to come up with a solution or goku be out to lunch indefinitely “ dan bulma langsung sedih dia langsung berbicara “ then we better come up with one fast!! Oh , hold on!! The rest of the gang went out to scope the damage across the world , but if these waves affect the strong , then I guess that means… “

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  15. [SteemGC] Snowboard Party World Tour / Party 2 - First Tutorial " NOX Application " ( Billingual ) #9
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  21. [SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - " Goku ( Super Saiya ) VS Android 16 " First Battle in Game ( Billingual ) #15

And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 " :

  1. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The fight against Masked Man ( Billingual ) #1
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Articles about Games Monster Hunter World Playstation 4 :

  1. [ Game Review with Playstation 4 ] Monster Hunter World - The first introduction to this game ( Billingual ) #1
  2. [ Game Review with Playstation 4 ] Monster Hunter World - Has completed the first mission ( Billingual ) #2

Dan baru segitu lah saya menceritakan tentang yang di mana goku amnesia dan akan di sembuhkan nanti nya dan saya sengaja memotong dari games ini dan tidak semuanya saya jelaskan di artikel ini dan saya membuat kalian semua nya jadi penasaran tentang games “ dragonball fighter Z  “ ini dan jika kalian masih ingin membaca tentang goku selanjutnya untuk kalian bisa membaca dan melanjutkan artikel ini bisa kalian follow akun saya @thespecialone dan jangan lupa untuk comment di bawah ini!! Sampai jumpa di lain waktu dan salam gamers!!!

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