[ Game review with computer ] Crash Time II - introductions to these games and tutorial games ( Billingual )

in #gaming6 years ago


Hello  steemians all of them, back again with me @thespecialone which is where  my previous post is about "Top 10 games free on android" games and this  week I will give you another game review where I have played these  games yesterday and games this  time that I will discuss is the games that I download for free in the  application "STEAM" which is where the game is arcade or sports genre is  a racing game where we will be given missions - missions that are very  difficult to solve and I think games this  is very good because it is almost the same as the game "need for speed"  which where the game is a lot of his mission and this game he can open  world too loh !! So we just choose whether to play open world or play directly with the  mission set at the beginning of the menu, and if you are curious about  this game just see the review I made below !!!!

Before  you play this game you first download this game in the application  "STEAM" to be able to play this game and if you guys open his games and  before entering into game this game we will first to set your screen  setting in its setup because when  you want to play it must be setup first so that you comfortable play it  on your laptop or on your computer and because I use the laptop asus  rog so this full screen measuring 1920 x 1080 (16: 9) and when we change  to its window size to 1920 x 1440 so it looks full on the screen while playing it and some of the setup that is in this setup are:

1. Resolution

2. Window size

3. Texture resolution

4. View distance

5. 3D car shadow

6. Shadow detail level

7. Fullscreen

8. Minimal version

9. Motionblur

10. Enable sound

11. 4 channel surround sound

12. Defaults

13. Envmap refresh rate

14. Grass detail level

15. Antialias

16. Center window

17. Widewindow (16: 9)

18. Advanced

19. Enable music

And after you setup all of it as you wish and according to the  specifications of your laptop or computer just click play to go straight  into the games.

And if it has entered into this game we will get some menus that exist in this game and the menus that exist in this game are:

1. Load profile

2. New profile

3. Credits

4. Language

5. Video settings

6. Music manager

7. Quit the game

And  immediately I started it by pressing the menu named menu "New profile"  to create a new profile because here I just play this game so I press  the menu. And  when it presses the menu we will go in to create a profile name and  here I make his profile name is "ASUS ROG" because when pressing the  menu these games directly detect the name of the user our laptop or user  on our computer and if you want to change the name of his profile can also stay just delete and make the profile name according to your wishes.

If you've made a profile name as you wish, and if it has hit enter on  your keyboard and we have entered into the main menu and on the main  menu is also there are other menus are:

1. Career

2. Split screen

3. Options

4. Game controls

5. Profile

6. Quit

And  if you already know the menu - the menu on the main menu is just I  chose the career menu to find out like this game and when we press the  menu "Career" we get a notice on this game is "Would you like to play  the tutorial now? "And  its options da" YES "," NO "and" Back "we are told to whether we want  to follow the tutorial if you are bored by following the tutorial you  can press the option" No "and if you are curious about how to play this  game can pressing "YES" and if you do not want to play this game you can press "Back".

And  because I am penasarand with the tutorial I immediately press "YES" and  the moment before entering into the tutorial we get a notice on this  game that is "Tutorial Welcome | Ramp jumps 2 x | Reach location 1 | Waypoints will direct you to the goal in many races. You can drive through blue waypoints but you'll have to stop at red ones. "And  after entering into the tutorial we listen first from this game he will  give directions - directions that he will give and the first command in  katakana is" Semir, ben welcome to the job. Once again it's time for your annual driving and maneuver training, you already know how to drive a car. But we will be accompanied by our friend in the car and we will drive the car and our friend just directs it.

And  after that we also get the command again and its command is "Let's  start with a maneuver test: there will often be situatins where you are  forced to jump with your car. The speed you need to reach for is indicated by a mark in your speedometer. Let's give it a try !! "And  we just take the car and get out of the building because we stopped at  the parking lot to find out the command on this game and if you already  know the command we immediately get out of the car park and follow the  directions in the game and we follow the direction of the colored arrows  gold and blue and we have to go through blue circles and blue arrows.

And  immediately we add the speed of the car and follow the blue direction,  when it passes through the blue and blue circle and we immediately met  the right turn and when we passed the blue circle and it turns the other  blue circle is above and we must back down first to be able to press our gas to fly and so can get the blue circle.
After  we jump up through the board that is there and we just follow the  directives again and this is the last direction because when we have  seen our map last circle is a red circle and we follow again the blue  circle first because the blue circle it's  not far from our jump before, and after we pass the blue circle we  press a little nitro NOS to accelerate to the red circle and the end we  have reached the red circle and finished our tutorial in this tutorial  and after reaching the red circle we  get notice that "Of curse crime does not happen in the street your  opponents will try to escape through rear yards and alleys, industrial  sites and warehouse even fences and other obstacles will not stop them  so for starters try to drive through that fence over there never fear your car is built to take that !. "

And  after we finished in the tutorial we back again to the main menu that  is the main menu and when it is in the main menu I immediately choose  the menu "single race" to try on the menu and when I press the menu  before we go into the game on the menu "Single race" we look first and setup the game and its menus are:

1. Nitro booster

2. Vehicle damage

3. Trafiic

4. Track type

5. Number of laps

6. Number of opponents

7. Opponents vehicle

8. Oppenents strength

And if you have setup according to your wishes just hit enter to enter into the match. And while waiting for loading in this game we are shown notification  on the game is "you can increase or decrease the traffic on the roads  for every race, the more traffic the harder it will be for you and your  ooponents".

And  after entering the game we turn out to have to race with other people  as well and his race on the highway and I am very happy here is the  highway is another rame car and open like other racing games we race  with a lonely road and not too crowded and here we race on the highway that many other cars  running and in this game we are given 3 laps and we should be able to  finish the race with 3 laps.

And  immediately we press the gas to be able to speed up our race and when  it has been pressing our gas the deepest we have to meet with a turn  right and that I do not like it here is for gas control and his brake  control is still less comfortable because when I turn I've pressed  the brakes and turned his car and his car did not want to veer as if  its hard to carry and because his track is not far and I speed up his  review and I hit another car and my car crashed ahead of him at the  finish and I finished this race at position 1 with time I traveled 2: 13.96 with damage 77%.

And if you are curious to see his games like what I will put his trailer video below !!!!

Source Video

And  so many of my games reviews are in the games "crash time II" and if you  like this article you can upvote and comment below for you who are  curious about what other reviews I made for the future can you follow my  steemit account @ thespecialone  and so many of my articles today, and if there is a mistake writing and  errors in my writing language, sorry for the amount and greetings  gamers and congratulations on the activity of this holiday may be your  holiday can be utilized as well as his - thank you! See you again in the next article !!!! SALAM GAMERS !!!


Hello steemians semua nya , kembali lagi dengan saya @thespecialone yang di mana postingan saya sebelum nya yaitu tentang games “ Top 10 games free on android “ dan hari minggu ini saya akan memberikan review games lagi yang di mana saya sudah memainkan games ini kemarin dan games kali ini yang saya akan bahas adalah games yang saya download secara gratis di aplikasi “ STEAM “ yang di mana games ini bergenre arcade atau sport yaitu games balap yang di mana kita akan di berikan misi – misi yang sangat sulit untuk kita selesaikan dan menurut saya games ini sangat bagus karena hampir sama seperti games “ need for speed “ yang di mana games tersebut banyak misi nya dan games ini dia bisa open world juga loh!! Jadi tinggal kita pilih aja apakah mau bermain open world atau bermain langsung dengan misi yang di tentukan pada awal menu , dan jika kalian penasaran dengan games ini langsung saja lihat review yang saya buat di bawah ini!!!!

Sebelum kalian memainkan games ini kalian terlebih dahulu download games nya ini di aplikasi “ STEAM “ untuk bisa memainkan games ini dan jika sudah kalian buka games nya dan sebelum masuk ke dalam permainan games ini kita akan terlebih dahulu untuk mengatur pengaturan layar kalian di setup nya karena saat ingin mainkan nya harus setup terlebih dahulu supaya nyaman kalian memainkan nya di laptop atau di computer kalian dan karena saya menggunakan laptop asus rog jadi layar full ini berukuran 1920 x 1080 ( 16:9) dan saat kita mengubah ke window size nya menjadi 1920 x 1440 jadi kelihatan full di layar saat memainkan nya dan beberapa setup yang ada di setup ini yaitu :


2.Window size

3.Texture resolution

4.View distance

5.3D car shadow

6.Shadow detail level


8.Minimal version


10.Enable sound

11.4 channel surround sound


13.Envmap refresh rate

14.Grass detail level


16.Center window

17.Widewindow ( 16:9 )


19.Enable music

Dan setelah kalian setup semua nya sesuai keinginan kalian dan sesuai spesifikasi laptop atau computer kalian langsung saja klik play untuk langsung masuk ke dalam games tersebut.

Dan jika sudah masuk ke dalam games ini kita akan mendapatkan beberapa menu yang ada di dalam games ini dan menu yang ada di dalam games ini yaitu :

1.Load profile

2.New profile



5.Video settings

6.Music manager

7.Quit game

Dan langsung saja saya memulai nya dengan menekan menu yang bernama menu “ New profile “ untuk membuat profile baru karena di sini saya baru memainkan games ini jadi saya menekan menu tersebut. Dan saat sudah menekan menu tersebut kita akan masuk untuk membuat nama profile dan di sini saya membuat nama profile nya adalah “ ASUS ROG “ karena saat menekan menu tersebut games ini langsung mendeteksi nama dari user laptop kita atau user pada computer kita dan jika kalian ingin mengubah nama profile nya juga bisa tinggal hapus saja dan buat nama profile tersebut sesuai keinginan kalian.

Jika sudah membuat nama profile sesuai keinginan kalian , dan jika sudah menekan enter pada keyboard kalian dan kita sudah masuk ke dalam menu main dan pada menu main ini juga terdapat menu – menu lain nya yaitu :


2.Split screen


4.Game controls



Dan jika sudah mengetahui menu – menu pada menu main ini langsung saja saya memilih menu career untuk mengetahui seperti game ini dan saat kita menekan menu “ Career “ kita mendapatkan pemberitahuan pada games ini yaitu “ Would you like to play the tutorial now? “ dan pilihan nya da “ YES “ , “ NO “ dan “ Back “ kita di beritahukan untuk apakah kita ingin mengikuti tutorial tersebut jika kalian bosan dengan mengikuti tutorial tersebut kalian bisa menekan pilihan  “ No “ dan jika kalian penasaran dengan cara bermain games ini bisa menekan “ YES “ dan jika kalian tidak ingin memainkan games ini bisa kalian menekan “ Back “.

Dan karena saya penasarand dengan tutorial tersebut saya langsung menekan “ YES “ dan saat sebelum masuk ke dalam tutorial tersebut kita mendapatkan sebuah pemberitahuan pada games ini yaitu “ Tutorial Welcome | Ramp jumps 2 x | Reach location 1 | Waypoints will direct you to the goal in many races. You can drive through blue waypoints but you’ll have to stop at red ones. “ Dan setelah masuk  ke dalam tutorial kita mendengarkan terlebih dahulu dari games ini dia akan memberikan arahan – arahan yang dia akan berikan dan perintah pertama yang di katakana adalah “ Semir , ben welcome to the job. Once again it’s time for your annual driving and maneuver training , you already know how to drive a car. But when you’re on duty you will have to deal with many other situations as well “ dan kita akan di temani oleh teman kita di dalam mobil tersebut dan kita yang akan mengendarai mobil tersebut dan teman kita hanya mengarahkan nya.

Dan setelah itu kita juga mendapatkan perintah lagi dan perintah nya yaitu “ Let’s start with a maneuver test : there will often be situatins where you are forced to jump with your car. The speed you need to reach for that is indicated by a mark in your speedometer. Let’s give it a try!! “ dan langsung saja kita membawa mobil tersebut dan keluar dari gedung karena tadi kita berhenti di parkiran gedung untuk mengetahui perintah pada games ini dan jika sudah mengetahui perintah tersebut kita langsung keluar dari parkiran gedung tersebut dan mengikuti arahan pada  games in dan kita ikut arah panah berwarna emas dan warna biru dan kita harus melewati lingkaran biru dan panah berwarna biru.

Dan langsung saja kita menambahkan kecepatan mobil dan mengikuti arah yang berwarna biru , saat sudah melewati arah biru dan lingkaran biru tersebut dan kita langsung berjumpa dengan belokan kanan dan saat kita melewati lingkaran berwarna biru dan ternyata lingkaran biru yang satu nya lagi ada di atas dan kita harus mundur terlebih dahulu untuk bisa menekan gas kita untuk bisa terbang dan supaya bisa mendapatkan lingkaran biru tersebut.

Setelah kita lompat ke atas melalui papan yang ada di situ dan langsung saja kita ikuti arahan lagi dan ini adalah arahan yang terakhir karena saat sudah kita melihat peta kita lingkaran terakhir adalah lingkaran berwarna merah dan kita ikuti lagi lingkaran yang berwarna biru terlebih dahulu karena lingkaran biru nya tidak jauh dari lompatan kita tadi , dan setelah kita melewati lingkaran biru tersebut kita sedikit menekan nitro NOS untuk mempercepat ke lingkaran merah tersebut dan akhir nya kita sudah sampai di lingkaran merah tersebut dan selesai lah tutorial kita di tutorial ini dan setelah sampai di lingkaran merah tersebut kita mendapatkan pemberitahuan yaitu “ Of curse crime does not only happen in the street your opponents will try to escape through rear yards and alleys , industrial sites and warehouse even fences and other obstacles won’t stop them so for starters try to drive through that fence over there never fear your car is built to take that!.”

Dan setelah selesai kita di tutorial tersebut kita balik lagi ke menu utama yaitu menu main dan saat sudah di menu main saya langsung memilih menu “ single race “ untuk mencoba pada menu tersebut dan saat sudah saya menekan menu tersebut sebelum kita masuk ke dalam permainan pada menu “ Single race “ kita melihat dulu dan setup pertandingan tersebut dan menu – menu nya yaitu :

1.Nitro booster

2.Vehicle damage


4.Track type

5.Number of laps

6.Number of opponents

7.Opponents vehicle

8.Oppenents strength

Dan jika kalian sudah setup sesuai keinginan kalian langsung saja tekan enter untuk masuk ke dalam pertandingan tersebut. Dan sambil menunggu loading pada games ini kita di perlihatkan pemberitahuan pada games tersebut adalah “ you can increase or decrease the traffic on the roads for every race , the more traffic the harder it will be for you and your ooponents “.

Dan setelah masuk ke dalam pertandingan tersebut kita ternyata harus membalap dengan orang lain juga dan balapanj nya di jalan raya dan yang saya sangat senang di sini adalah jalan raya tersebut rame mobil lain dan buka seperti games balap yang lain kita membalap dengan tempat jalan yang sepi dan tidak terlalu ramai dan di sini kita membalap nya di jalan raya yang banyak mobil yang lain berjalan dan pada pertandingan kali ini kita di berikan 3 lap dan kita harus bisa menyelesaikan balapan dengan 3 laps tersebut.

Dan langsung saja kita menekan gas untuk bisa mempercepat balapan kita dan saat sudah menekan gas kita paling dalam kita harus berjumpa dengan belok kan dan yang saya tidak suka nya di sini adalah untuk control gas dan control rem nya masih kurang nyaman karena saat saya belok saya sudah menekan rem dan membelok kan mobil nya dan mobil nya tidak mau membelok seakan susah di bawa nya dan karena lintasan nya tidak jauh dan saya mempercepat review nya dan saya menabrak mobil lain dan mobil saya hancur depan nya saat finish dan saya menyelesaikan balapan ini di posisi 1 dengan waktu yang saya tempuh 2:13.96 dengan damage 77%.

Dan jika kalian penasaran untuk melihat games nya seperti apa saya akan menaruhkan video trailer nya di bawah ini!!!!

Source Video

For those who have not read my article before it can be seen below :

  1. [ Game technology ] who wins between playstation 1 vs playstation 2? [ENG - IND ] #1
  2. [ Game technology ] You choose which one between playstation 3 and XBOX 360? #2 (Billingual)
  3. [ Game technology ] Choose which one of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One X are the champions? ( Billingual ) #3
  5. [SteemGC] TOP 10 GAMES FREE ON ANDROID ( Billingual )

And this is my article about games on " Narutto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 " :

  1. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The fight against Masked Man ( Billingual ) #1
  2. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - Battle against monsters " Nine Tail's " ( Billingual ) #2
  3. [ Game Review with Computer ] Naruto Shippuden Ninja Strom 3 - The end has been completed on the first mission ( Billingual ) #3

Articles about Games Monster Hunter World Playstation 4 :

  1. [ Game Review with Playstation 4 ] Monster Hunter World - The first introduction to this game ( Billingual ) #1
  2. [ Game Review with Playstation 4 ] Monster Hunter World - Has completed the first mission ( Billingual ) #2

Dan sekian dari review games saya ini di games “ crash time II “ dan jika kalian menyukai artikel ini bisa kalian upvote dan comment di bawah ini untuk kalian yang penasaran dengan review apa lagi yang saya buat untuk ke depan nya bisa kalian follow akun steemit saya @thespecialone dan sekian dari artikel saya hari ini , dan jika terjadi kesalahan menulis dan kesalahan dalam bahasa penulisan saya , mohon maaf sebesarnya dan salam gamers dan selamat beraktifitas di hari libur ini semoga hari libur kalian bisa di manfaatkan sebaik – baik nya terima kasih!!! Sampai jumpa lagi di artikel selanjutnya!!!! SALAM GAMERS!!!

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