[SteemGC] DragonBalls Fighter Z - Save Yamcha From Death ( Billingual ) #21

in #gaming7 years ago


Hi friend steemians all her, back again with me @thespecialone which is where the weather today in my city is very hot and there is no slight breeze passing by hehe, and on this day you still meet again with me where i will complete the mission again in the games I love is "Dragonballs Fighter Z" which is where in my game writing article today I will finish all the missions yesterday that I have discussed and now its time I will finish the mission !!!

After yesterday we have fought against Clone team from clon krillin and after team goku won the battle and goku with krillin headed straight back to capsule plane which brought by bulma, and i go straight back to the map to continue the latest mission and once it is located in the map and goku with krillin directly to the desert again and look for "yamcha" and after arriving in the goku desert with krillin meet with "yamcha" which yamcha condition is stranded on a building floor and yamcha like it is weak and limp not powerless and goku with krillin directly down toward the floor of the building to immediately see the condition of "yamcha"

And once it's down and on the floor goku talk to krillin by saying "whoa! We found yamcha! "And after that krillin also spoke" He seems to be okay ", it turns out Yamcha is alive and he is very strong can still live and defend his self with such helpless condition and yamcha directly talk to goku with krillin he says" Goku ... krillin ... on you come to rescue me? "As he spoke, krillin with a very sad expression face immediately said" Yamcha! You were not even knocked out! ".

After that yamcha with a very limp expression immediately saw krillin and he immediately spoke "Yeah, well I can speak but only just barely" and yamcha immediately lowered his head again to the floor for holding his pain and krillin directly speak "when goku found me, I was out cold you're actually in pretty good shape. Imagine that "after krillin speak yamcha look straight back to krillin by saying" you do not say ... what happened to me, anyway? Feels like I got hit by a truck .. "and without silence krillin immediately cut off the conversation from yamcha by talking" where to begin ..? "

And while talking to yamcha, suddenly someone clone from yamcha with the clone shows a very angry face to goku, krillin and yamcha. And krillin immediately startled when clone yamcha come and krillin directly talk "crap! Another clone's appeared !! "And when the krillin was talking goku immediately cut off the conversation from the krillin, and at that time the face of the goku directly look at clone yamcha with very angry goku directly said" krillin, save it for later let's deal with this guy first "

Without silence, it turns out clone yamcha brings another clone troop that he brings "clone goku" to get revenge yesterday when clone yamcha bring their lost krillin clone and now they bring "clone goku" to be able to fight and beat the team from goku, without see who or see yamcha is helpless they directly fight clone yamcha and clone goku, and the first fight goku against clone yamcha where clone yamcha stronger and goku little to trouble against yamcha, and it turns out at that moment krillin directly help goku to beat clone yamcha and it turns clone yamcha directly lost.

After the clone yamcha has been lost, and the team player automatically changed automatically and now the second battle directly krillin against clone goku that I wonder here seems unbalanced when krillin fight clone goku because that already seen before clone goku very strong and tough when fight clone goku wherever clone goku little to trouble against clone goku, but different from krillin which where he is very passionate against clone goku by directly pulling its mainstay and krillin hit clone goku when clone goku blood already live a little krillin ask for help goku to finish off the clone goku and the end of his clone goku also die no difference they still can not fight the team from goku with krillin.

After finishing against the team from clone yamcha and clone goku at the end of the game as usual in this game me and you while playing this game can see the description of "result" in this game which where the result is result:

1. Earned Zeni: 155

2. Figth EXP: 880

3. Victory EXP: 3530

4. Total EXP: 4565

5. Game description: Victory Player Team

After finishing against them and at that time yamcha woke up and he was able to stand alone despite being with the pain that he felt when it directly goku with krillin bring yamcha home and go from the desert to cure yamcha in the plane and when already in the plane goku, bulma, and krillin instantly heal yamcha in the plane and the end of his yamcha can be healed again and have recovered he was immediately very happy to be recovered from the state he had experienced before.

When it's back healed and do not feel any more pain experienced by yamcha, yamcha directly talking on the plane "Ughh .. at least I can move a bit more freely now, anyway I think I get the picture, so it was thoe waves from that thing bulma made that paralyzed me all of a sudden huh? I do not exactly like having my power sealed, but I'm sure you'll work it out "after yamcha talked very long and krillin instantly replied to the conversation from yamcha by saying" no, yamcha .. you're as good as a good fighters to join us "and yamcha suddenly does not believe when krillin speaks.

When after listening to the krillin speak, yamcha immediately spoke "seriously? "And my goku was relaxed and while listening to the krillin with yamcha talking, Goku casually answered and replied to all the talk from them by saying" Yeah, yamcha !! So what do you say? You feel like fighting side by side with us again? "After goku talk just a little yamcha directly say Just" wow uh ... I do not know, I kind of retired a while bacl ... my martial arts skills are gonna be kinda rusty, are you sure you even want me to fight? "

Finish yamcha talk only briefly goku with a very cheerful face directly speak "huh? Of course we do, yamcha! I mean, you're already wearing you Gi !! And krillin also immediately raised his hand with a smile krillin said "course we want you to! "After that goku talk again with yamcha with krillin by saying" see? Even krillin's gonna be fighting. So the more merrier do not worry. You'll be fine! "When the goku finished talking suddenly krillin immediately lethargic while looking at the goku and he said" even, huh? You've really got a way with words, goku ... "

After goku and krillin rescue Yamcha from his death as he bends limply over the desert whose building floor he ends up saved by goku with krillin and directly healed by them on the plane, and if you are still curious about the continuation of goku, krillin and yamcha in the following mission do not ever get bored to always see my article in writing about this game and never get bored also to follow my account that has not follow can follow @thespecialone and do not forget comments and restem writing this article my games to be read by people else, so much from my cover gaming greetings to all of you !!!


Hai sahabat steemians semua nya , kembali lagi dengan saya @thespecialone yang di mana cuaca hari ini di kota saya sangat panas dan tidak ada angin sedikit pun yang lewat hehe , dan pada hari ini kalian masih berjumpa lagi dengan saya yang di mana saya akan menyelesaikan mission lagi di games yang saya cintai yaitu “ Dragonballs Fighter Z “ yang di mana pada artikel penulisan games saya hari ini saya akan menyelesaikan semua mission yang kemarin yang sudah saya bahas dan sekarang saat nya saya akan menyelesaikan mission tersebut!!!

Setelah kemarin kita sudah bertarung melawan Clone team dari clone krillin dan setelah team goku memenangkan pertarungan tersebut dan goku bersama krillin langsung menuju kembali ke dalam pesawat capsule yang di bawa oleh bulma , dan saya langsung kembali ke map untuk melanjutkan mission yang terbaru dan setelah sudah berada di dalam map dan goku bersama krillin langsung ke arah gurun lagi dan mencari “ yamcha “ dan setelah sampai  di gurun goku bersama krillin langsung ketemu dengan “ yamcha “ yang di mana kondisi yamcha terdampar di sebuah lantai gedung dan yamcha seperti nya sudah lemah dan lemas tidak berdaya dan goku bersama krillin langsung turun ke arah lantai gedung untuk langsung melihat kondisi “ yamcha “

Dan setelah sudah turun dan di lantai goku berbicara dengan krillin dengan mengatakan “ whoa! We found yamcha! “ dan setelah itu krillin juga berbicara “ He seems to be okay “ , ternyata Yamcha masih hidup dan dia sangat kuat masih bisa hidup dan mempertahankan diri nya dengan kondisi sudah tidak berdaya seperti itu dan yamcha langsung berbicara dengan goku bersama krillin dia mengatakan “ Goku… krillin… di you come to rescue me? “ saat sudah berbicara , krillin dengan wajah ekpresi yang sangat sedih langsung mengatakan “ Yamcha! You weren’t even knocked out! “.

Setelah itu yamcha dengan ekpresi yang sangat lemas langsung melihat krillin dan dia langsung berbicara “ Yeah, well I can speak but only just barely “ dan yamcha langsung menundukkan kepala nya lagi ke lantai karena menahan sakit nya dan krillin langsung berbicara “ when goku found me , I was out cold you’re actually in pretty good shape. Imagine that “ setelah krillin berbicara yamcha langsung melihat lagi ke arah krillin dengan mengatakan “ you don’t say… what happened to me, anyway? Feels like I got hit by a truck.. “ dan tanpa diam krillin langsung memotong pembicaraan dari yamcha dengan berbicara “ where to begin..? “

Dan saat sedang berbicara dengan yamcha , tiba – tiba datang seseorang clone dari yamcha dengan clone tersebut memperlihatkan wajah yang sangat marah terhadap goku , krillin dan yamcha. Dan krillin langsung kaget saat clone yamcha datang dan krillin langsung berbicara “ crap! Another clone’s appeared!! “ dan saat krillin sedang berbicara goku langsung memotong lagi pembicaraan dari krillin , dan saat itu wajah dari goku langsung melihat ke arah clone yamcha dengan sangat marah goku langsung mengatakan “ krillin , save it for later let’s deal with this guy first “ 

Tanpa diam lagi ternyata clone yamcha membawa pasukan clone yang lain yaitu dia membawa “ clone goku “ untuk bisa membalas dendam yang kemarin saat clone yamcha membawa clone krillin mereka kalah dan sekarang mereka membawa “ clone goku “ untuk bisa melawan dan mengalahkan team dari goku , tanpa melihat yang atau melihat yamcha sudah tidak berdaya mereka langsung melawan clone yamcha dan clone goku , dan pertarungan pertama goku melawan clone yamcha yang di mana clone yamcha semakin kuat dan goku sedikit ke susahan melawan yamcha , dan ternyata saat itu juga krillin langsung membantu goku untuk mengalahkan clone yamcha dan ternyata clone yamcha langsung kalah.

Setelah clone yamcha sudah kalah , dan team player langsung terganti secara otomatis dan sekarang pertarungan kedua langsung krillin melawan clone goku yang saya heran nya di sini sepertinya tidak seimbang saat krillin melawan clone goku karena yang sudah di lihat sebelumnya clone goku sangat kuat dan tangguh saat melawan clone goku yang di mana pun clone goku sedikit ke susahan melawan clone goku , tetapi beda dengan krillin yang di mana dia sangat bersemangat melawan clone goku dengan langsung mengeluarkan jurus andalan nya dan krillin memukul clone goku saat sudah darah clone goku tinggal sedikit krillin meminta bantuan goku untuk menghabisi clone goku dan akhir nya clone goku juga mati tak bedaya mereka masih belum bisa melawan team dari goku bersama krillin.

Setelah selesai melawan team dari clone yamcha dan clone goku di akhir pertandingan seperti biasa di games ini saya dan kalian saat bermain games ini bisa melihat keterangan “ result “ pada games ini yang di mana keterangan result yaitu :

1.Zeni Earned : 155

2.Figth EXP : 880

3.Victory EXP : 3530

4.Total EXP : 4565

5.Keterangan pertandingan : Victory Player Team

Setelah selesai melawan mereka dan saat itu yamcha langsung bangun dan dia sudah bisa berdiri sendiri walaupun sedang menahan rasa sakit yang dia rasakan saat itu langsung goku bersama krillin membawa yamcha pulang dan pergi dari gurun tersebut untuk menyembuhlan yamcha di dalam pesawat dan saat sudah di dalam pesawat goku , bulma , dan krillin langsung menyembuhkan yamcha di dalam pesawat dan akhir nya yamcha bisa di sembuhkan kembali dan sudah pulih kembali dia langsung sangat senang bisa kembali pulih dari keadaan yang dia alami sebelumnya.

Saat sudah kembali sembuh dan tidak merasakan sakit lagi yang di alami oleh yamcha , yamcha langsung berbicara di dalam pesawat “ Ughh.. at least I can move a bit more freely now , anyway I think I get the picture , so it was thoe waves from that thing bulma made that paralyzed me all of a sudden huh? I don’t exactly like having my power sealed , but I guess our enemies are in the same boat but I’m sure you’ll work it out “ setelah yamcha berbicara sangat panjang dan krillin langsung membalas pembicaraan dari yamcha dengan mengatakan “ no , yamcha.. you’re as much a part of this as we are in fact we really need more good fighters to join us “ dan yamcha tiba – tiba tidak percaya saat krillin berbicara.

Saat setelah mendengarkan krillin berbicara , yamcha langsung berbicara “ seriously? “ dan goku saat itu sedang santai dan saat mendengarkan krillin bersama yamcha berbicara , goku dengan santai menjawab dan membalas semua pembicaraan dari mereka dengan mengatakan “ Yeah, yamcha!! So what do you say? You feel like fighting side by side with us again? “ setelah goku berbicara hanya sedikit yamcha langsung mengatakan Cuma “ wow uh… I don’t know, I kinds retired a while bacl… my martial arts skills are gonna be kinda rusty , are you sure you even want me to fight? “ 

Selesai yamcha berbicara hanya sebentar goku dengan wajah yang sangat ceria langsung berbicara “ huh? Of course we do , yamcha! I mean , you’re already wearing you Gi!! Dan krillin juga langsung mengangkatkan tangan nya dengan sambil tersenyum krillin mengatakan “ course we want you to! “ setelah itu goku berbicara lagi dengan yamcha bersama krillin dengan mengatakan “ see? Even krillin’s gonna be fighting. So the more merrier don’t worry. You’ll be fine! “ saat goku selesai berbicara tiba – tiba krillin langsung lesu sambil melihat ke arah goku dan dia berkata “ even, huh? You’ve really got a way with words, goku… “

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Setelah goku dan krillin menyelamatkan Yamcha dari kematian nya saat tertunduk lemas di atas gurun yang lantai gedung dia akhir nya di selamatkan oleh goku bersama krillin dan langsung di sembuhkan oleh mereka di dalam pesawat , dan jika kalian masih penasaran dengan kelanjutan dari goku , krillin dan yamcha di mission berikut nya jangan pernah bosan untuk selalu melihat artikel saya dalam penulisan tentang games ini dan jangan pernah bosan juga untuk follow akun saya yang belum follow bisa follow @thespecialone dan jangan lupa comment dan restem penulisan artikel games saya ini untuk bisa di baca oleh orang lain , sekian dari penutup saya salam gaming untuk kalian semua!!!

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