Astounding Steemit Stories Volume 8steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

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Astounding Steemit Stories

Volume 8

October 15th 2017

Last week we saw two issues Volume 6 & 7, where I had slightly more in depth reviews of the Authors mentioned in Volume's 1-5. In this issue we have more new Authors to be met and shared.

Welcome @jedau

A new writer and a new story courtesy of a link from @dreemit. Welcome @jedau and his story A day in the Clouds.I have not yet had a chance to start reading his story yet, but he is doing something a little bit different than most. It is a two-fer. You get the Story A day in the Clouds but also Silver linings.

Here is the Author @jedau idea - Silver Lining would serve as my commentary for the week's chapter of A Day in the Clouds, so that it would have no unnecessary commentary from me. It would be pure, unadulterated literature. You can still leave comments and well-wishes in every chapter, and we could discuss specific points in the story there as well. Think of Silver Lining as a side note of the ongoing story. I'm excited to see what types of topics I would write here, as there's really no concrete roadmap yet. Inspiring stories, interviews, jokes — the possibilities are endless!

It is going to be interest to me to see what kinds of remarks he gets on each.
@jcedwards, Here is a link to her The Littlest Fairy story.
She left a comment on one of post mentioning she was an aspiring Author. Well I do hunt for new reading material, so I found her and here she is. I have started reading "The littlest Fairy", and it is a very fun story to read. Even has a mean Little Fairy, and a mean Moth. I think you will enjoy her story. Here is a comment that she left on Volume 7 issue:

Thanks so much for the link, @bashadow! (I'm a "her", lol.) is a dear friend of mine, and introduced me to Steemit last year. Her writing is absolutely fabulous! If anyone is into science-fiction, another author you may want to check out is @alienbutt; you'll probably enjoy his stories as well.

And with that we have our next new Author to visit.

I do like it when Authors or readers leave suggested reading comments, it really helps find that something special to read. I really enjoyed her story, and @alienbutt's story. Thank you @jcedwards for the suggestion.

You should look at this posting first, it provides a little bit of needed background. Book 1 of the Alienbutt Saga, War of the Coffee Bean, the first posting of it began back in Jan 2017, I found it hard to scroll back beyond 4 months on steemit, so used steemd to track down all the chapter parts. That took about 2 hours then acouple more hours to build a table of contents for it. *(I asked if the Author would mind, he did not)*. That link will take you to his story, and it is truly worth the read, a very well written funny space opera. It really is quite funny, with out over stepping the funny boundary into completely idiotic zone like Mel Brooks movie "Space Balls" what a waste of time I thought that was. *(hope I did not offend anyone with my very short review of that wasted time of a movie)*

I have not gotten around to starting Alienbutt Saga Book 2 - The rise of Mr. Fluffy That link will take you to the first 50 chapters.

I believe it was @giantbear who intoduced me to @bdmomuae, via a resteem of her story:
"The Mistake of Jack". This reads and feels like a "Lifetime Channel" movie. Jack is having some troubles at work, it would appear that his Secretary may have taking a strong liking to him and is trying to take him from his wife, or is Jack really playing the field behind his wife's back. This is a high Drama story. It has a lot of twist and turns and well it is hard to know what the truth is until the Author @bdmomuae reveals what is really going on, and she is real good at making you think one thing, then all of a sudden it is something else. A very well written dramatic type story.

@mudcat36, is a very eclectic person, but also a new author. Currently he is working on Problems Clarity, what I guess most people would term as a physco drama, ala "Silence of the lambs" kind of story so far. He is looking for some helpful advice, from one of his comments to me:

The bearded chap (that would be Mr @everittdmickey) who rights the kinda soldier driven, masculine, or highly descriptive fantasy stuff. I know who you're on about as I think he's in your magazine. Will go back and take a look in bit. I've been thinking about approaching guys like him for help or pointers as their writing style has a toughness to it that indicates they wouldn't be squeamish with my work. I admire his ability to be beautifully descriptive yet to the point. I'd approach folks like that but don't want to be suspected of begging for votes when really I want advice. The vote beggars on steemit have made that part hard for those of us who value input over the vote. (bold) (I added so you would know who he is talking about).

So if you have any helpful advice please let him know. I know how he feels about trying to ask for advice without sounding like a vote begger.

Take a look at some of his writing it is pretty good, even though he is asking for pointers, he just wants to put the best possible writing out that he can.

"photo credits on authors pages"

Storytellers and Authors from previous entries. They keep writing, and I keep reading.

@ezzy --------------- @macksby
@wgmartin ------- @everittdmickey
@richq11 ---------- @cecicastor
@wolfeblog ------- @lyxng
@greenrun ........ @aksounder
@pibara ............ @josephlwiess
@stevescoins ...... @cizzo

@giantbear ............. @johnjgeddes

Improvements and or suggestions, feel free to make them in the comments section; and a great big thank you to all the authors out there, for providing me with reading enjoyment.

I also use the comment section to leave post of Authors I find, and the occasional writing contest, or when someone ask for help. And feel free to just leave a general I need to contact you kind of post if you want.

Also story Link's are not spam so feel free to drop a link you find, or your own when you have a new story out. Remember as an Author/Storyteller, you need to let people know you are out there.

Astounding Steemit Stories ...... Volume 1 ......... September 5th 2017

Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 2 ........ September 10th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 3 ........ September 17th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 4 ........ September 22nd 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 5 .........September 29th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 6 ...............October 6th 2017
Astounding Steemit Stories ..... Volume 7 ...............October 7th 2017


Two more Authors:
@meesterboom , try out his "Thursdays With Uncle Boom" (hilarious!), that was from @jcedwards I did, and it was.

@lindahas, now she was found via @cizzo, who had a resteem of OCD 100th post, where she was featured. I read her Two Swords Two Vultures and an Elephant story, and it was very good. These two Authors/Storytellers will be featured in the next issue.

I write fantasy stories, but mostly I enjoy reding SF&F written by others. To me, it is not just the technology or magic or other weirdness that traps me so that I become an avid reader. It helps, but what I really require is that the author brings the characters to life. I want to care about them and feel anxious when they are hurting or in danger.

I am glad to have found this site and have resteemed it - mostly so that I can find it whenever I'm short of a good story to read.

I think you will find these Storytellers do a great job at bringing their characters to life. When I would have to buy books I mostly stayed in the SF&F section myself, on steemit here, I have found that some of the more dramatic stories and horror stories are very pleasant reads.

About @jcedwards, I wanted to include this in the write up about her but forgot. So please take a look at her story, and help a little guy out:

My first short story, serialized and published for the first time on Steemit. I'm hoping to raise some money to pay Vet bills for Thomas Cat, who was attacked by a dog a few weeks ago. Read about Thomas

Thank you, soft heart for any small critter.

Okay now, not fair, you made me cry. Yes, I'm a bit of a mushpot - and I can't thank you enough for including me in your selection of storytellers; I'm really honoured to be a part of that.

Just to update you on Thomas Cat - he is healing very well, so that second round of antibiotics really helped. The anti-inflamatories the Vet prescribed have also helped with the arthritis in his back end, which I'm very grateful for. Right now we're really rationing the supply I have left, as the medications are very expensive. And no, the dog's owner has not done the right thing - to pay for the Vet bill, which is really frustrating. I filed in Small Claims Court for the costs ... and to date, she has ignored the Registered Mail I sent with the documents. I still have 3 more days to wait until I can go back to the Claims Tribunal and request further direction from them. Sigh. This is so difficult and stressful, especially on the Disability income I have to live on - but we're both hanging in there.

Again, thank you so much for your interest in, and support of, my writing! xox

You need to do an update on Thomas, just a short one like you gave me. The other Thomas post is 14 days old so no more payouts on it, plus some of the cat lovers may be readers also and upvote your stories, put cats as your first tag item, there are more cat people than dog people, then I would suggest pets, animals, community, dogs. those are the five tags i would use on Thomas's story. I hope you get more views and votes, I wish I had a bigger audience to call on, but still very much a newbie on steemit, growing, but still very new. I hope everything works out for you and Thomas, and you are a very talented writer.

What a awesome list of stories @bashadow
I really like how handy and nicely listed they
all are, thank you for doing this it makes it easier
to find good things to read :-)

Thank you, I was just going down my list and saw you resteemed me, voted me up, and commented. Thank you for your nice comment.

Thanks for the mention @bashadow. ;)

Okay, not a story link but these seed pods you have just got to go and see. Courtesy of @alienbutt

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