The ecotrain Magazine! Packed with amazing people and posts. This week's topics include Medicinal & Vegan Cooking, Healing, Moving Home, New Life Off-Grid, Travel Muscat , Breath, Sound Healing,Rage, Crafts, Gardening, and more!

in #ecotrain6 years ago

These are powerful times of transition, healing and growth. That which is no longer useful to us is being burned and torn from our lives, and new paths are being revealed. This month we have seen the longest lunar eclipse for a VERY long time, which has signaled a time where we bring out what lay in the shadows into the light. If you are having a difficult time right now and are faced with very difficult challenges and situations our hearts go out to you. I know that most of us on the ecotrain can honestly say this is an intense time, so please feel free to say Hi and share with us as we are are here to support each other. Sometimes that is all we need is a little support and a caring ear to listen.

Have a beautiful week, and I hope you find blessings and comfort in knowing that you are not alone, and that these hard times can give rise to great new opportunities! You'll also find that many of our posts can be of so much use and in so many ways, so please enjoy this weeks selection!

This Weeks Photo Pile


GRANOLA-LAVENDER CUPCAKES / Gluten Free & Simple Vegan Recipe with a secret ingredient

Hi dear friends! It's time to dig into a new obsession of mine, essential lavender oil! It a true miracle oil that you can use for everything! To calm down hyperactive kids, to sleep easier, for sensitive skin and irritations, for hair and as perfume, but also in food and treats! So that is what I have for you today, a raw granola treat with lavender taste and dark chocolate, sounds like heaven (but weird), it is! But I also love it a lot!

Summer Treat - easy made with 5 min prep time! Vegan, raw, gluten free and sugar free recipe!

Hi friends! Today I am back with a rescue & last minute treat that satisfies every sweet craving during summer time! I am right nowin Berlin, and had an amazing day with other food bloggers. It is so important and appriciate the possibility to connect through social media with likeminded people and enjoy same face to face time sometimes! But now to the treat (I dont know if I should call it a recipe, as it is more just a crazy idea I had when I wanted something sweet, yet healthy a few days agao, back in Sweden. But here we go!

Instagram Growth Tips - Part 2

Hi guys! Here is the second part of my Instagram series, if you have missed the first one, you can find it here.

Today I am going to write about Stories, Live Stream, Hashtags, and Captions.
Let me know if you have any questions, I will answer them in the comments below!

As you know, Instagram offers many features that you can use. And the more features you use, the better your content and profile get promoted through the algorithm. Here are some more tips and tricks to be successful on Instagram.


The Booklover's Guide To Saving Trees

I love to read and I know many of you here on steemit do too.

There's nothing quite like the feeling of settling down after a long day, relaxing in bed or your favourite comfy spot and opening the pages of that book that screamed "read me". I often wonder what impact the production of new books has on the environment though. For that reason, most of my book collection is on Kindle. If I can't get it on Kindle I will try to find it used. Amazon is a really good source for this. You can pretty much find a used version of any book there. Particularly handy when you live in another country and can't find books in your native language. There are also other online used book sellers.

A Lesson From My Son

Home education, unschooling or learning all the time. Whatever you want to call it, children learn when they are ready to. My 5 year old son has given me many reminders of this and today was no exception. From the discovery of my pregnancy with my 3rd child (pictured above), my partner and I decided that we wanted to home educate our children. After a disastrous attempt at traditional homeschooling my daughter when we moved to Mexico, I was determined to learn from my mistakes and not try to recreate school at home.

Heading Toward Our New Life Offgrid : Minimizing and Sorting

Since we arrived back home almost 2 weeks ago it has been all systems go towards moving off-grid. This post is all about packing up and shedding excess.I'm super excited about this move and have been enthusiastically sorting through three years of accumulated clutter. We are selling and giving away most of our bulky furniture. We don't need it. Downsizing toys and clothing. The strangest thing that most of us don't really consider is the electrical items. I'm literally going through the various appliances and tech that we have, looking at the watt consumption.


The Vibrant and Dazzling Muttrah Souk of Muscat

It's been quite sometime since I put up a post on Travel, so here today I bring to you this colorful and vibrant Muttrah Souk (Market) of Muscat.....

This is one place no visitor would want to miss when they travel to Muscat. Even if you don't end up buying anything it's a delightful place to be because of it's location. It is located at the Corniche so after some shopping you can either enjoy a walk a the Corniche or settle down for some local grub at the Corniche where the local Shawrma is something one should not miss.

At the market one gets to see a lot of Omani traditional stuff along with other Arabian stuff. The market is big with lot of by-lanes and one can easily get lost inside.

This is the main path in the Souk.

The sweet and sour tastes of life

Life is always giving us different experiences, and we are living these experiences with all sorts of reactions. Some days are pleasant and some are not and our mood and reactions all vary as per our experiences... But what happens when we are going through the most beautiful and simultaneously the most unpleasant experiences of life. How would one react then?

Control Breadth; Control Mind

Our Breathing is responsible for all the vital functions happening within our body.... Our Body needs a continuous flow of energy to sustain and survive. There are ways to survive without food for a longer duration but there is no way we can survive without the oxygen flow in our body which we take in through our breathing, hence we can decide by our self how important our breadth is for us. Our Breadth is the continuous flow of Energy even known as the CHI that keeps the very life force going.

Yoga teaches a lot of Breathing practices that can alter all the defects within the physical body. The Practice also known as Pranayama where;
Prana means breathing and
Yama means the conscious manipulation.


The Medicinal Cooking Collective Recipe Book #4: Cooking with the Metal Element for the Lungs and Large Intestine

This fourth week draws to close with 10 of us cooking for the lungs and large intestine (colon). The lungs can be associated with the feelings of sadness or sorrow, the colour white and a spicy flavour! We're not very used to eating white foods, and we all used our imagination to bring some great dishes to the table! I think the star of the show this week is the cauliflower, which is a wonderful food for the lungs and overall health. It also happens to taste amazing, especially when combined with just the right ingredients or cooked in a certain way. So thank you to all who took part this week, I will be trying a few of these out, starting with @lenasveganliving's scrumptious looking breaded and baked cauliflower. I don't actually have an oven so let's see how I improvise!


Big Change, Big Difference: The Dirtiest of the Dirty Dogs

This is my new series. After focusing for quite some time on the small changes we can make to make a big collective difference, I decided I wanted to spend some time focusing on some of the bigger sources of our ecological crises. Oddly enough, it was plastic straws that made me want to do this. Perhaps you are unfamiliar with this crisis, so I'll give a brief version. I'm guessing you're aware there is a movement to rid the world of single use plastic straws. However, there are certain disabilities that make plastic straws necessary. People with these disabilities have tried paper, metal, and bamboo straws, and for one reason or another they don't work. So, with all the other things on their plate, they now have to fight Eco warriors just to get a straw at a restaurant.

Finding Something to Like About Moving

We are pretty set up, but there's still a pile of boxes. It's mostly stuff I don't know what to do with, but there's almost certainly stuff in there I will soon realize I need. I'm having a bit of a time motivating myself to finish it up, so I'm trying to psych myself up by finding things I really like about moving. I'm 43, and this move took a toll on me physically. By no means am I old, but packing, moving, unpacking, shit. I was just beat for days and days. I was sore and totally exhausted. Now I seem to have picked up some kind of virus. Shocking, I know.


The Sounds We Make and How They Can Heal Us

We are constantly surrounded by sounds, by noise. It is with us all the time, from our heartbeat to the voices of those around us. It really is very hard to get away and experience silence. Our bodies are constantly making noises, informing us of what is going on within ourselves. Nature itself is full of sound, such glorious sounds that remind us that we are never truly alone. Sound has a huge affect on our bodies, there have been numerous studies done about the affect of sound on water, seeing as we are made up of 70 per cent water it is understandable that the sounds we create and the sounds we surround ourselves with, affect our well being.

Allowing My Rage To Guide Me

Life takes us on many journeys, it leads us on many different paths, some we walk, fully conscious, fully aware of everything that is happening and other times we walk blindly into the unknown. Each is as important and as educational as the other. Each way helps us to grow, to learn and to become more aware. And then we have those paths that are in-between, where we walk with our eyes and hearts wide open, until we come to an unexpected bend and then we are plunged into the darkness, into the unknown.

It Is Time To Heal

Pain comes in so many forms in so many different ways, but it comes to us for a reason. When we neglect to listen to our body, when we neglect to pay attention to how we are living our lives, it will always find ways to manifest. It is important to acknowledge how Amazing Our bodies are, how complex they are and how they are all very unique. We spend years being educated on how to think away from ourselves. To focus our attention on what is happening externally, to look for answers to all the mysteries happening around us. Yet so many have little or no knowledge of the amazing capabilities that happen on the inside of each and everyone of us. The power that our minds and our bodies hold.


Conscious Soup Making: Pot Dilemmas

Does anyone else have massive dilemmas when making lunch? Whilst throwing a load of vegies in a pot with some stock sounds so easy, as I made it today my thoughts went to bigger problems as I assessed exactly what went into the pot. Maybe it's the weather, or the eclipse, but nothing seems straightforward at the moment. J is just pleased I'm cooking - last week I'd cry at the thought. I am too - it's nice pottering and providing a meal for us, especially as he's in the freezing shed working on Buttercup.

FireBath Dreaming: Warding off the Winter Chill & Finding Togetherness

The bath heating up, with rosemary for muscle aches and pains.When we tell people we have a firebath in our garden, they usually shriek with excitement, and then wonder: 'isn't it cold?'. Well, we've had baths outside in the middle of winter when the temperature has hit 2 degrees (it doesn't get a lot colder than that here) and it's been so warm the dash naked to the house afterwards wasn't chilly at all.


The Magic and Beauty of Corn | "They tried to bury us, but they didn't know we were seeds"

Corn has been an iconic part of human culture for thousands of years, and for good reason. Estimates put the domestication of corn over 5000 years ago in Mesoamerica. Its ancestor (a wild grass called teosinte) is barely recognizable compared to varieties most of us are familiar with. The temples that have been erected, the songs and diets that pay homage to and today's commercialized obsession with this unique grass are all testaments to the power of corn.

Midsummer Beauty

"Always press your bare feet to the ground and listen to what the earth says and what it has to give you for the day. She always has something, but you have to listen to receive it" from Radiance of Tomorrow a book I just finished last night by Ishmael Beah. I started off my day today well rested. The energies from the Full Moon and eclipse seemed to be clearing and I mean literally, as I felt a desire to clean and move energy around today! My day started off with some flower art that you see above, relating to this wonderful quote I came across in the book I finished yesterday (which was a very good book, I cried plenty of times and it touched my spirit.)


🍅Tomatoes Tomatoes Tomatoes... They're Finnally Here😂!!!

I love tomatoes. If you asked me what my favorite food is, I'd tell you fresh, raw tomatoes without thinking twice!

I'm not really sure what it is... could be the amzing salad dressing my maternal grand-mother use to make or just the explosive juicy goodness that happens when you eat a tomato like a whole apple.

Either way, now I have the space to grow as many tomatoes as I want. That makes me really happy!!!


Lady Lotus Drops Her Final Gifts

If Lady Lotus was a person, she would no doubt be labeled as a pathological over-giver and in need of therapy. This morning, as I spent time wandering in the garden, I saw she had dropped yet more gifts, literally right at my feet. Lotus seeds.


Behind the scenes during lombok earthquake

Meet a village elder speaking about the earthquake on Sunday morning, the only day children don't go to school. So most of the village was peacefully asleep until we were shaken violently out of our slumber.

I'd had a restless night and was up at the crack of dawn, I was considering to go watch the sunrise but it wasn't for another hour, I decided to go back to sleep where I started having some bad dreams which ended abruptly. I knew straight away what was happening and coincidently I had been talking about the possibility of an earthquake just the day before because I was in the process of designing some structures to build on Adi's land. Adi had assured time and again. No earthquake, no tsunami but never say never I guess when you live on the foothills of a volcano on the Ring of fire.


Earth Rangers are making the News!

Earth Rangers feature in The Guardian Post News Paper.

When the journalist interviewed us, we thought it was just for the news on radio. On Friday, I got a call from the journalist saying our initiative had been published in one of the most renowned English daily newspapers in Cameroon. What a surprise! This is really great news for us because we are now very sure that more than 500,000 people are going to read our story and get inspired to take action to make their communities and the world a better place.


Surviving a Scorcher - Food Forest Ideas

has been a scorcher recently with temperatures over 100 degrees for several days in a row. The blaring sun never eased up. To make matters worse, we have had no rain whatsoever. It's starting to look like Fall around here because the trees are turning colors and losing their leaves prematurely. Even the huge native trees are starting to suffer, showing signs of heat stress. It has not been an easy year to grow food.

The Summers in our area have always been kind of unpredictable. Some years we are lucky with temperatures never getting above 100 degrees with plenty of rain. Other years we have over 100 degrees temperature more than 25 days and no rain. The unpredictability makes it more difficult to garden.


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Contest: Win SBD by sharing your Natural Medicine Story!!

We're super excited this week to offer our first challenge as @naturalmedicine. We've been so thrilled with the use of this tag over the last few days, and have really got the sense that natural remedies and healings are important to so many of you.


Permaculture Radio Show: Catch & Store Energy

Last week we kicked off our hosting of a live radio shows through the Global Homestead Collective (@ghscollective) every Tuesday from 4-5pm CST and are digging into each of the 12 permaculture principles. Check it out here on the Global Homesteading Collective, but if you can't make it, do not fear for we will reord the posts each week.


The Medicinal Cooking Collective Week 5 Finale Guidelines: Cooking For The Kidney / Bladder / The Water Element

Welcome to this fifth and final week of the medicinal cooking collective challenge! We are cooking according to the Chinese 5 Elements, and this week we focus on the Water element which is associated with the Kidneys and Bladder and resonates with the energy of the winter, wisdom and contemplation and the vastness of the ocean. The Water element is associated with the colour blue and black, a salty flavour, and the feelings of fear. When the kidneys are out of balance they can be helped by eating foods that embody these traits, and help you to restore balance to the body. These days many people are dehydrated and have stressed kidneys due to excessive sugary, caffeine, and alcoholic drinks. Most people also don't drink enough water during the day.



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Beautiful compilation, Alex!! I literally have no needs for books anymore - just spend my later evenings and coffee breaks enjoying the ecotrain-offerings! :) Resteemed and shared to our FB Steemit Mastermind Group too (to encourage others). Sending one-armed hugs. x

i know just what u mean! we are the best!!! ha! thanks for sharing!!

Wow amazing job you are doing here and helping so many!! Thanks for all you are and all you do...

wow, another week and another selection of great posts by everyone on the EcoTrain, so much food for the soul within this magazine, I always feel so honoured to be amongst such wonderful people, Thanks so much @eco-alex for all you do, much love xxx

thank u dear one!

They are great posts, thank you for put it together for us...
Good luck!

1st one is the best one!!
its too good!!

Not being on steemit for a week really made me miss some great stuff, I have so much to catch up on and these look amazing 💚

So many great posts to read, going to be busy reading these...

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