
What a wonderful thing to do releasing guppies. We have done this a few times locally as well. Water temperature is key. Thanks for sharing your adventure.

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Woooo Hooooo.... Much gratitude! Enjoy the stimulus and learning from other sharp minds, and love the sense of shared values. :)

The pools of stagnant water and guppies are an amazing idea if you consider them as a natural feedback system. More mosquitoes, more guppies, and soon disproportionately fewer mosquitoes, and slightly fewer guppies. :thumbsup:

It's working already. Noticeably fewer mosquitoes. Going to open another hotel branch round the back of the house this weekend. :)

Absolutely perfect opening line, babe. YOu sure know how to hook'em. (bit of a stretch, yeah I know) ...

Haha... a stretch but it worked. :)

Ahhhhhh the good old mosquito fiesta has started!

Okay, so guppies?? Thats a good one for if you have standing water in places where you actually want to maintain the water. So old cartires, bamboo leftover pieces, and normal scrap is not wthat is around your house?

Ow maybe thay is only caribbean crap then ;))))

Yes, I have to be SUPER diligent and repurpose a couple of old tires at the back - turning them into a little potato farm. :) Another post, another day. Much the same issues as the Caribbean - and all loose stuff attracts snakes too, which is a super great motivator for cleanup!! :D

Same as the Caribbean - 2 old car tires will be repurposed to be a little potato farm. :) Another post, another day. :) It's a HUGE issue, as well you know!

No jokes on mosquitos there. Luckily Ive always managed to get away from the dengue and the chickungunya but I had Zika two years ago and that was no fun at all!

wooooww, I love fish... I have a guppy at home.. oohh just the sight of fish makes me so happy.. More success with your hotel.. and hopefully no more mosquitos..

"hotel" business is expanding - the mosquitoes at the front already noticeably less. :) Thanks for the support - following you from Northern Thailand. :)

Thanks, I will try this! It looks like a great idea.

It's easy and you just have to make sure they have enough sludge at the bottom for breeding and a little shade-privacy. The lotus is ideal cos it has such lovely big leaves. :)

I may have to go to lilly pads here, we're not as tropical, LOL! BUT, I will look for lotus, because I would like that myself!

My Father used to breed guppies for LONG tails!

Yes, they have those super pretty ones here too. Gorgeous. I have just regular pretty ones. :)

Dad enjoyed them for years! I will try this out on the new land I just bought. This should help reduce their population, which will help, since I am close to a large lake.


well WHAT do you know! ive never heard of this before.. sounds like a TOP TIP .. and hard to believe mosquitoes are so lazy.. glad i read the whole post as your click bait was very effective!

<3 wishing you a fever free year !!!

A fever free year?? Yes please - I'll have one of those!! I'm slightly in awe of explaining an eco-trick to such an eco-pro as yourself.. Wow. :)

This is a great and natural way to get rid of those annoying mosquitoes! Really nice to know there are these type of solutions to the mosquito problem, in my case when mosquitoes are bothering me I use a mosquito repellent.

This could be useful for my house, but I would have to really look for a place that have guppies.

Grateful for the support @dedicatedguy Crypto, freedom, philosophy and being an eternal learner?? Needs a follow in my world. :) I actually produce a natural insect repellent as part of my herbal business, but keeping the critter numbers DOWN makes the most sense. :)

Hahahaha! Top hack @artemislives. :') Never knew such a thing existed before. I guess, I still have to explore a lot. Good luck with your hotel chain. ;) I hope you get more customer inflow there rather than having them inside of your house.

Starting to feel like a property magnate. :) Already noticably fewer mosquitoes with the first 'hotel' completed.

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